-kelseys pov-
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| thursday october 14 4:03 PM |

"you guys ready?" tyler asks jack, sahar, johnson and i. we were all going to drive to his old house and help him move all of his stuff into his new one. It took a lot of begging our parents to let tyler be in charge or at least watch over us for a few days but somehow it worked. we all stand up and grab our bags that we had packed and begin to head out to our cars. we took three cars, each holding two people so we could get more down to his new house and make less trips.

"were going to stop at a hotel around eleven if that's okay with you guys" tyler says to us and we all agree with him and get into our cars as we start following him. "this is going to be the longest drive of my life" i groan. "at least you've got me" jack smirks. "once again this is going to be the longest drive of my life" i tease and he laughs. "shut up you get to sleep i get to drive" he says as i reach for the radio to turn it up some. "we could switch out" i suggest and he laughs as he shakes his head. "you will not dive my car" he says raising his eyebrows.

one thing i've learned about jack over the past few months is his car is his baby. he takes so much pride in it. it's a nice car and really expensive so i'd see why. "i'll have you know i'm actually a great driver" i protest as i cross my arms over my chest. "kelsey i can't even tell you how many times you've nearly wrecked us the past three months" he says and i sigh.

"damn it's really been three months already?" i ask and he lets out a small chuckle. "i know it's crazy to think about" he says as if he was trying to grasp the thought of how long it's been as well.

"i've enjoyed it though" i admit. "yikes.wish i could say the same" he says sarcastically and i laugh and playfully punch his shoulder. "drunk you states otherwise" i retort and he laughs as i remember that night. the night we kissed. "yeah right but whatever makes you happy" he teases causing me to roll my eyes at him. "i'm just playing i've actually enjoyed it all too" he finally admits making me smile. "best fake couple ever" i say and he smiles along with me and nods.


"i got two rooms. one for me and audrey and the other is for you shits" tyler laughs throwing the room key me making me laugh at what he had called us. he hasn't even hung out with all of us for over two hours and he's already tired of us from laughing so much at the restaurant, audrey on the other hand thought it was hilarious. "we're on different floors though. you guys have room 301 and we have room 117" he adds as we all stand up with our bags and begin to walk to our rooms. tyler sighs and grabs johnson and jack by the collars of their shirts making them turn around and face them and sahar and i to stop and see what he was doing.

"if you guys do anything with my sisters i will literally beat your asses" tyler threatens making sahar smile at how he had called her sister. she practically grew up at my house so when we were ten tyler just started calling her his other sister, she fit in with the family perfectly. jack salutes tyler making him shake his head and let out a small chuckle. "leave" he laughs making jack smile as they begin walking with us and up to our room.

"well your brother is...sweet" johnson says throwing himself on one of the beds next to sahar. "he's just protective over us" i explain .he nods and begins taking off his shoes. "i'm so tired" johnson says laying back down by sahar who was already passed out. they are so much alike it's weird. "already?" jack and i say at the same time making him give us a weird look. "yes already" he laughs at us and gets under the covers and cuddles up with sahar making me smile at them and how cute they were.

"well i'm going to shower" i say looking over at jack and he nods and starts to get comfortable on the bed after he tossed his shoes at me taking me off guard but i catch them and he shrugs. "too quick" i say holding his shoes up making him laugh.

"kelsey are you almost done? i need to piss" i hear jack say after about seven minutes of me being in the bathroom. I literally just got in the shower about three minutes ago. "i just got in" i say over the running water but not super loud so i don't have as great of a chance at waking up johnson and sahar. "well can i come in and pee" he asks through the door as i fall silent. the curtains weren't see through so it wouldn't be bad.

"i guess, but be quick please" i say pulling the ends of the curtain so it touches both ends of the shower. perfect.

"finally" he says followed by a loud sound of him peeing. i laugh a little to myself wondering how we even got this close. "what" he asks. you could hear the smile in his voice. "nothing just thinking" i say as i grab my shampoo and begin to work it through out my hair. "you care if i stay in here? it's kind of awkward in there with them being asleep" he asks. "i don't care" i say trusting him.

"good cause i was going to stay in here anyways" he laughs and i shake my head as if he could see it. "I wouldn't doubt it" i tell him.
after i rinsed out my shampoo and continue with my conditioner. "hey can you give me my razor off the counter" i ask him and hear him shuffle over. he puts his arm through the curtain and i just use the conditioner as shaving cream. "you take long ass showers, mine are always quick" he tells me "well unless someone's in there with me" he corrects himself making my face heat up.

"mine are always just long showers" i say and he sighs. "damn i can only imagine how long your shower is if it's with someone" he says and i shake my head again. "wouldn't you love to know" i tease. "i mean i wouldn't mind" he admits making me stop shaving my legs and stare at the wall. i hear him shuffle some more and i peer my head out of the curtains to see him taking his shirt off. "what are you doing?" i ask him as i furrow my eyes, nervous of what he was about to say. "taking my shirt off. it's hot as fuck in here" he laughs as he motions to the fog like air and the mist on the mirror. my heart beat slows back down and i go back to shaving my legs.

"hey kelsey look" he says like he was trying to hold a laugh back. i look back through the curtains and my eyes widen when i see he had my bra on. he couldn't clip it in the back because he was bigger than me so he just had the straps on. "you're an idiot" i smile. "Not going to lie, i bet this looks good on you" he says looking down at the royal blue bra. my cheeks start to heat up again and i laugh to hide it. "not even. obviously it does you better" i say going back to my shower and finishing off my last leg.

"no this isn't my color, actually i think a red would look good on you" he changes his mind. "oh gosh yes red would look good on you" he laughs and i shake my head and finish washing my body. "can you hand me my towel?" i ask as i shut off the water. he tosses my towel over the top of the curtains and i catch it right before it his the floor of the shower. "was that necessary?" i ask and start to dry off and then wrap the towel around my body before stepping out.

he looks over at me and raises his eyebrows before skimming his eyes over me. Usually i would be self conscious but right now i feel confident. "i need to change"i say quietly and he nods and slowly walks out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

"okay i'm done" i say after i finish getting dressed the door opens and he walks in and looks at him self in the mirror like i was. "you're so short" he laughs resting his arm on the top of my head as i reach over to grab my toner. "do you want some?" i ask and he furrows his eyebrows. "did you seriously bring drinks" he whisper yells in disbelief making me laugh. "what the hell jack, no it's for your face... definitely not a drink" i tell him and he nods. "squat down some" i say as i pour some of the toner on a cotton pad.

"oh it cold" he smiles as i start to rub it on his face. "really cold wow" he says again and i take it off. "now we wait for this to dry and then we moisturize" i explain and he looks at me weird for a split second and nods. i reach over for my moisturizer and put some on my face. "do you want me or you to put it on you" i ask him. "you" he tells me and squats down again making me laugh a little bit.

as i rub it in on his face he keeps his eyes on mine making me blush a little bit. "you're beautiful" he blurts out quickly and i raise my eyebrows and smile. "far from it but thank you" i say and pull away from him. "no seriously" he says standing up all the way to his full height. "why don't you think you're beautiful, i don't get it" he sighs looking down at me. i just shrug not knowing what to say since he's sober this time and is fully aware of what he's telling me.

"kelsey calamine you are beautiful" he says grabbing my cheeks and shaking my head a little bit at every word causing me to laugh as he does it "i promise" he adds and i smile some. "thank you" i say as he continues to hold my cheeks and eye contact. slowly he leans down and connects his lips to mine. it took me by surprise because i had expected him to stop himself but he didn't. he kissed me softly, it wasn't much but it was perfect.

it was different than our other kisses. i think this one was my favorite, he was sweet and delicate with it. when the kiss was over we just stay there. "maybe we should go lay down..." he says awkwardly as he scratches the back of his neck, looking away. it made me think he regretted doing it and it was a mistake. "yeah" i say nodding slowly. "i just have to clean up my mess" i say and he nods and walks out of the bathroom as an awkward tension began to brew between us.


thank u for all the reads!!

keep voting and commenting guys! i love all the feedback!

hope you guys are liking how the book is going!!

u guys are amazing!
