Today, Dunk has a class at school. It is now afternoon class, and he is walking down the hallway of the central building. Looking out into the distance, he saw a familiar figure standing and looking back and forth. Dunk slowly approached

"Phuwin, why aren't you going to class at this hour and still standing here?"

Dunk asked. Phuwin was in the Kim class and should have been in the east building studying, but now he was standing alone in the middle of this central hallway.

"I wanted to see Pond for a bit. I heard he was accidentally injured while training this morning."

Dunk looked at Phuwin and answered, knowing full well that Phuwin came here to use his ability to treat him. Seeing Phuwin so worried, Dunk could only shake his head, he had never experienced love, did not know what feelings people would have when they love each other, but now he felt that Phuwin was living in the feeling of love.
someone like Dunk is also very happy.

"Phuwin, as a Metal type person, you should also know that Metal type people can only heal others, not themselves. You should not use your abilities too much, it will affect your health. "

Dunk reminded that the healing system of the person carrying the metal system only affects other people, and does not have the effect of self-healing for the person carrying the ability system. That means that when treating injured people, Metal people will lose some of their energy. Phuwin listened to Dunk and knew he was worried about him, so he also smiled

"I understand, teacher. I won't use my abilities indiscriminately, don't worry."

Phuwin spoke and waved his hand when he saw Pond coming out.

"Okay, let's meet Pond, I'll go first."

"Yes teacher"

Phuwin politely said and then ran away, leaving Dunk to stand and watch for a while before leaving. The phone rang in his pocket. Dunk picked it up because it was the call Mr. Amin's call, he called Dunk to the council room for something.

Dunk decided to stop by the lobby on the first floor of the courthouse to make a cup of coffee. After tasting the suitable taste, he walked to the council room with a smile. He was still very happy until he went around a corner. Because he wasn't paying attention, he accidentally bumped into someone, spilling a cup of coffee all over that person's shirt.

"Sorry, I was so careless, are you okay?"

Dunk looked at the person in front of him whose shirt was wet so he spoke in worry. I'm the one who caused this incident, so I feel very guilty. The person in front of him looked at his shirt, lightly brushed it a few times to reduce the heat of the water on his shirt, then raised his face to look.

"It's okay, let me go to the bathroom."

Dunk saw the other person go into the nearest bathroom and quickly followed. If this matter is not handled promptly, Dunk will feel very tormented. He opened his bag, fortunately this morning he brought a shirt to change into when he left because he was afraid he would sweat after teaching. Dunk stood and watched the person in front of him rinse the stain on his shirt with water.

"Hey, change this shirt, anyway, the shirt is wet and dirty, you can't wear it anymore"

Dunk handed his shirt to the person in front of him. Upon receiving that person's expressionless eyes, he reluctantly smiled.

"It's okay, I have extra clothes, I'll just say I'm sorry, I was rude earlier."

Dunk's smile successfully made the other person pause for a moment, his eyes could not take his eyes off the brightness on his face, looking very gentle and also very elegant. Reaching out to turn off the faucet, the other person took the shirt from Dunk's hand and said

"Okay, if you're busy, just go."

Dunk nodded, saw that person entering the locker room and then left the bathroom with peace of mind. Looking at the time it was quite late, Dunk quickly went to the elevator and pressed the button to meet Mr. Amin


The door opened, Dunk saw Mr. Amin sitting at the desk, bowing his head to greet him, Dunk spoke.

"Did you call me up here for something?"

Teacher Amin raised his eyes to look at Dunk and smiled

"Sir, take a look at this application, accept him into the fire class, the class you are in charge of, this student seems to be a special talent."

Dunk picked up the file and looked at the name Joong Archen and suddenly wondered for a moment. Is there no last name, or is this student's last name Archen? Brushing away this thought, Dunk looked at Mr. Amin

"When will this student enroll?"

"Later, sit down and wait, it's probably almost here."

Dunk nodded slightly. Before he could sit down on the chair, there was a knock on the door. Coincidentally, the person who opened the door was the person Dunk bumped into earlier. He had changed Dunk's shirt, and was still walking towards him. Dunk's side and Mr. Amin's side.

"Teacher, I'm here to enroll."

The person who spoke was Joong Archen, a level five fire element ability. He had bumped into Dunk and was a little late because he was changing clothes. He had just received Dunk's shirt and went in to change. When he came back and didn't see anyone anywhere, he looked around to look for it. Now that he saw him right here, he probably just gave a slight smile with no clear meaning.

Joong's words made Dunk stand still, it turned out that the person he bumped into was younger than him, and was also his student. Because Dunk was surprised, he could not adapt in time. He stood still for a long time, unconsciously looking at the person in front of him and thinking. This student, in Dunk's eyes, looked mature, so he didn't think he was three years younger than him.

"Joong, right? This is Mr. Dunk Natachai, your homeroom teacher. If you have any questions, just ask him."

"Yes sir"

Joong seemed to have found a delicious bait, so he quickly smiled and turned to look at Dunk

"Hello teacher, I'm a new student, Mr. Natachai, please help me."

Joong put his hand out in front of Dunk, offering to shake hands with his teacher.
The meaning in his deep words was something that Dunk could not see. His eyes were glued to Dunk's body, his hand still outstretched, waiting for Dunk to respond

"Okay, I'll follow you to class later."

Dunk reached out to shake Joong's hand. He smiled, before leaving his hand, he still felt a little regret at the tip of Dunk's index finger. Joong thanked him, then followed Dunk to receive his uniform. He turned around and bowed to Teacher Amin, looking at Teacher Amin and smiling. Teacher Amin was also silent, shaking his head slightly as he watched Joong follow Dunk and return to his desk.
