The darkest look in his eyes was probably Pond, his lover was hugging Fourth, and was very close, saying it was impossible not to be jealous, even though Fourth was not dangerous to him. As for Gemini, when he saw this scene, an indescribable emotion arose in his heart. Suddenly he wanted to separate the two people in front of him immediately.

Pond gently approached the bed and gently shook Phuwin's body. Phuwin woke up dreamily, saw Pond sitting in front of him and immediately cried

"P' Pond don't be angry at Phuwin, Fourth suddenly held me so I couldn't sleep in my own bed"

As soon as Phuwin opened his eyes, he saw Pond silently looking at him. He was afraid that he wouldn't like him, so he quickly explained. Just now, after covering Fourth with a blanket, he was suddenly held tightly by Fourth's hand. Moreover, Fourth's hand and he were also surrounded by a red aura. Phuwin couldn't get it off and he was starting to feel sleepy so he climbed into Fourth's bed and slept with him. Before going to sleep, he also took a look at the airflow wrapped around the other two people's hands. He tried to remove it but couldn't, it just kept wrapping around the two people's hands. Phuwin didn't wonder too much anymore, he just slept like that with Fourth until now.

After hearing Phuwin's tone, Pond simply smiled and patted his head

"I'm not angry, Phuwin don't cry"

Gemini stood behind Pond, looking at the scene of love between two people in front of him, he couldn't help but despise for a while. His eyes were caught by Phuwin, Phuwin immediately sat up and spoke

"Gemini! , you dared to bully Fourth this afternoon."

Phuwin stretched out his arms and accidentally bumped Fourth's body, causing him to wake up in surprise. He raised his hand to his head and gently rubbed his temple, then suddenly looked at everyone in the room, why were they all here.

Gemini discovered Fourth's behavior and probably knew it was due to losing control of his energy in the afternoon. Looking at Fourth's bewildered eyes, he remained silent for a while, Phuwin's majestic voice still ringing in his ears.

"There it is, Fourth has woken up. Fourth, tell me, did Gemini bully you this afternoon?"

Phuwin turned sharply to Fourth, grabbed Fourth's arm and asked. Fourth couldn't adapt to the present, so after a while he spoke

" no "

A word no from Fourth made Phuwin silent for a while, but in his mind he was still convinced that Gemini had done something to Fourth. Fourth silently looked at his arm, still wrapped in red gas, and secretly took it back. He did not dare tell Phuwin what he had done to him, because he knew his secret. Fourth sat on the bed like that, feeling that this atmosphere really made him uncomfortable so he spoke up

"Why is he here, go home, I want privacy"

Fourth bluntly intended to send Gemini back to his room. He then left, feeling that it was ridiculous to stand here just to receive two curses from Phuwin. He was thinking about whether or not he should increase Pond's work, because lately he must have had too much free time to pay attention to his lover, and also had free time to make him do useless things like this.


The space became quiet again after Gemini and Pond left the room one by one. Fourth is now awake, and feels that he is no longer as tired as he was in the afternoon. Guessing that Phuwin helped him a little, he looked at Phuwin.

"Fourth, let's go take a shower, I've got food in the fridge, if you're hungry, you can eat it"

Phuwin turned to talk to Fourth. Just now, Fourth pulled him to sleep together so he didn't have time to shower. Fourth nodded, watched Phuwin prepare his things and go into the bathroom, then remained silent for a while. Fourth went to the back of the kitchen and secretly opened the device to connect with a person, his family member

(Phuwin has an older brother, have you found his whereabouts?)

The voice on the other end of the line rang out, and Fourth quickly responded after hearing it

"I haven't found it yet, I'm currently living with Phuwin, I just heard him say that his family is gone"

(Now we need to find Phuwin's brother, we must protect the Tangsakyuen brothers at all costs)

"Yes, but dad and uncle sent you here, is that all? Don't you want me to investigate Kool's whereabouts?"

(No need, do it when you have found both brothers)

Another voice rang out into Fourth's ears, it was his uncle, three days after Fourth, he had moved in to live with him.

"Fourth, who are you talking to?"

Before Fourth could ask more, a voice came from behind him. Startled, he immediately turned off the communication. He turned around and saw Pond looking at him.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just talking to my parents."

"Your family is quiet. It's been a while since I've heard much about Jirochtikul."

Fourth smiled slightly, he just gave a smile to let it go

"You just went to your room, what are you doing back now?"

"Um Phuwin, are you going to take a bath?"

Pond looked into the bathroom and spoke

"I'll give this to Phuwin later, Phuwin forgot it in my pocket."

" Yes"

Fourth saw the item Pond gave him and agreed twice. Seeing him walk out of the room, I picked it up to look at it. A necklace with golden-colored marble, yet it looked like it was only a quarter of a finished piece. Fourth knew this was Tangsakyuen's token, he had also seen Phuwin wearing it around his neck a few times. Fourth created an illusion that copied the image of the necklace and quietly sent it to his father. Phuwin came out of the shower, saw Fourth silently looking at his necklace, and quickly ran over

"Hey Fourth, why is my necklace with you?"

"Pond brought it to you, you forgot it"

"Ah I remember"

Phuwin reached out to take the necklace and looked at it. He smiled slightly and put it back on his neck. Fourth sat looking at Phuwin for a while, then finally spoke for some reason

" Phuwin, does that necklace have four pieces?"

"That's right, the remaining three pieces belong to my family."

"Is it gone?"

Phuwin smiled slightly, he shook his head, the three pieces did not disappear, they were just in his hand, but he did not take them with him.

"No, I still keep it as my souvenir"

After listening, Fourth didn't say anything more He looked into Phuwin's slightly sad eyes, knowing that he had asked things that made Phuwin sad. A bitter feeling arose in Fourth's heart. Fourth told himself, before finding Phuwin's brother, he had to protect this friend of his with all his might, for his parents and for the friendship between the two of them.


In the middle of the night, Phuwin woke up startled. He looked at the bed next to him. Fourth was fast asleep, and the clock was already past two in the morning. He secretly got out of bed, opened the door and walked out, his hand pressing the button to connect the signal to someone. As soon as the other end of the line received the signal, Phuwin spoke softly, his eyes still silently observing the surroundings, making sure no one could hear.

" Older brother..."

(Phuwin, how's your hand?)

"It's better, but it takes a long time to heal, it will take a few days for the wound to go away."

Phuwin answered while looking at his injured finger.

(He already knows you're alive, maybe even doubts that I'm alive, you should be a little careful)

"You're the careful one. If you're discovered, won't he come back immediately?"

(At that point, I'm just afraid of the past repeating itself. As for me, I'm ready to find him)

Phuwin silently listened to his brother speak. Since returning from that virtual world, he chose not to tell anyone about his blood being taken by a stranger. That purple aura, he also knew, was from the person who caused the massacre fifteen years ago, Kool, who also killed his parents. Phuwin told this story to his brother. He hid all the contact he had with his brother, and the two were investigating the massacre in the past with the intention of revenge.

"Brother, I still have something to say."

( Say)

Phuwin looked around, in the dim space there was a faint light shining along the hallway. After making sure no one was watching, he spoke.

"When I'm near Fourth, I feel very familiar"

The space once again fell into silence, Phuwin silently listened to his brother say a few more words, and finally disconnected. Phuwin went into the room, returned to his bed and slept, as if nothing had happened.

In a small room filled with documents, only one screen light lit up, clearly recording every detail about Fourth Nattawat. Here appears an image of a boy sitting on a chair. He stared at the screen, which displayed Fourth's information. That person is none other than Phuwin's brother.
