After the chaos in the virtual world, Teacher Amin summoned all the teachers in the school and held an emergency meeting. Dunk was also present, everyone wanted to know where that purple aura came from.

Currently, the meeting room was filled with a tense atmosphere. For the senior people, their faces had somewhat darkened. Teacher Amin was probably the most nervous person, looking at everyone

"If you've heard of this purple aura, you probably know who it might be related to."

Everyone in the meeting room was silent, everyone was silent as if remembering something

" Fifteen years ago, during the massacre in the Disaster forest, this purple aura also appeared. It is an aura that causes all people with ability systems to lose their main abilities."

Dunk sat below, listening to everything Mr. Amin said and partly understanding it. His eyes seemed to darken, Dunk's hand had since curled up on his file, his nails were imprinted in his skin, Dunk just sat silently for a while.

Every action of Dunk was caught in the eyes of one person, that person was not sitting at the conference table, just standing in a hidden corner of the wall but enough to hear everything going on in the room.

Joong stood from that dark corner and looked out, observing all the people present in this room. He was the only one who clearly saw Dunk's mood, because from the very beginning, his eyes were glued to that person.

Joong looked thoughtfully at Dunk like that, no one knew what he was thinking, they only knew he was watching everything, from beginning to end.

The stressful meeting finally ended, everyone returned to their normal work. Dunk packed up his documents and put them in his briefcase, planning to get up and leave

"Master Dunk"

Teacher Amin called out to Dunk, making him stay a bit, his face clearly wondering why Teacher Amin called him.

"Did you call me for something?"

"The problem with the system error is that Mr. Topan has contacted the system guardian to make repairs. I want him to take this time to teach students more about self-protection skills, especially reaction skills. Fast before any attack"

"Yes sir"

"And also, soon our school will have a group of students from another school coming to exchange for a month. Hopefully, the teacher will guide this group of students."

" Yes"

"Okay, you can go back and rest."

Teacher Amin spoke, Dunk bowed to him, then left the meeting room. Teacher Amin's eyes watched Dunk's back disappear for a long time. He turned around, used his power to turn off the room's surveillance system, and then raised his voice

"Archen come out"

As soon as the sentence ended, Joong stood up straight from the dark corner and walked step by step towards teacher Amin. Waiting until he was standing in front of the teacher, Teacher Amin shook his head slightly, looking like he didn't know what to do in front of this person.

"Joong, dad didn't tell you to go to school so you could just hang around Dunk Natachai."

Teacher Amin's words clearly define the relationship between the two, teacher Amin and Joong are father and son. Joong sat down on the chair, his expression was natural, he hummed

"Dad...I didn't come here to study, I know what you're afraid of."

Joong spoke, he came here to help his father secretly observe the situation of the school, and at the same time investigate the whereabouts of the person who created the massacre in the past. Fifteen years have passed, and that massacre still haunts the mind of a teacher like him, so when Joong offered to help, teacher Amin started taking him into the class as a new student.

Joong Archen, twenty-two years old, has achieved fifth level qualifications in both divisions. He does not need to study at school, because he should have his own team of advisors. However, that was really boring for him, which is why he offered to help his father get to the academy.

Teacher Amin could only sigh, right from the first day of school, he saw that his son had his eyes set on Dunk, that's why when he saw Joong walking behind Dunk on the first day of school, his eyes were revealed. clearly frustrated that his son was expressing himself so clearly. Giving a slight smile, Mr. Amin had no intention of stopping his son, but first he needed to complete his work.

On the day of the aptitude test, Joong didn't want to participate so he didn't come. He skipped the test and went to observe the school's situation. In the end, because Teacher Topan reminded him of the attendance, Teacher Amin secretly called Joong. That's when he showed his face.

"I'm old, I have eyes and ears everywhere, everything depends on you"

Teacher Amin said softly that if he could not find the person responsible for the massacre in the past, he would die without a second thought. This is a school built from the sweat and tears of many people, yet in just one day someone cruelly threatened its safety. Joong is his hidden son, everyone only knows that teacher Amin has a son, but no one knows his identity. Taking advantage of this, Mr. Amin allowed his son to appear.

"Dad, Phuwin's family was murdered, but Phuwin also had another brother, was he also killed in that massacre?"

Joong spoke, he was investigating Phuwin's family, about the death of his parents, because teacher Amin was the one who taught Phuwin's parents, and was also his excellent student. In the past, Phuwin's parents were murdered. Teacher Amin arrived too late to save him. Their bodies disappeared, leaving Phuwin sitting cowering in a dark corner. Amin knew that Phuwin's family had four people, but the whereabouts of Phuwin's older brother were unknown, and no one knew. When arriving at the scene of the massacre, there were only Phuwin left and three pieces of golden-colored jade buried in blood. Those were Phuwin's family's tokens. The other three pieces of jade belonged to his parents and brother, and the fourth piece belonged to Phuwin. currently located on Phuwin's neck.

"I suspect his brother is still alive, but Phuwin still thinks his family is all dead. I don't want to discuss it with Phuwin because I'm afraid he will be sad."

Joong listened quietly to his father talking. He had never cared about outside things, but when he was 10 years old, on a random visit to the academy, he saw Phuwin sitting alone in the academy, not knowing what to do. Anyone who played with him did not laugh and talk happily like now. He must have been impressed with Phuwin at that time, looking at Phuwin like a little brother that he wanted to protect, even though Phuwin was unaware of his presence. Until he heard his father talk about him, Joong also felt a little bit of wanting to investigate the massacre, what he was curious about and what he wanted to know, he would definitely find out.

"That forbidden library I want to use, can you tell me how to get in?"

"Okay, remember not to let anyone find out"

Joong nodded, probably now feeling that he had stood here long enough, he left the room, leaving the working space to his father.
