
Minna screamed loudly when she smelled burning at her hairline. Fortunately, she has water-type abilities so she quickly used water to extinguish it. Everyone in the room was equally panicked. Suddenly, Minna's hair caught fire, not naturally.

Minna looked around the classroom, trying to see who dared to use her fire-type ability to burn her hair

"Who! Who dares to burn my hair!"

Minna shouted loudly, seeing Fourth looking at her with quiet eyes also aroused suspicion. However, in her mind, she currently thinks that Fourth has water-type abilities, so it wasn't him who did it.

Dunk walked in from outside the door and just happened to see the scene where Minna's hair began to burn until she extinguished the fire. Looking at Fourth's back for a while, Dunk spoke

"Fourth, come back here for me"

Hearing Dunk's call, Fourth stopped looking at Minna and turned back to look at Dunk

"You have a fire-type ability, why didn't you report it on your admission application?"

Dunk's question made the whole class noisy, everyone was surprised because Fourth had two ability systems. Minna clenched her fists, thinking that it wasn't Fourth's fault, now she's sure it was him who caused this.

Fourth didn't care, he was insulted just now, so he secretly used his ability to teach Minna. Using his eyes to stare at Minna's hair, his hand lightly drew a few lines, Minna's hair immediately caught fire. Luckily for her, someone found out, so it was only burned to the roots of her hair.

"Teacher, he dared to burn my hair. This is a violation of student ethics. I hope you will take disciplinary action."

Minna angrily denounced Dunk, but Dunk looked at it and understood who this story started with. Fourth heard this, his mouth slightly curled up

"If you don't cause trouble first, why would I do that? If you blame me, I blame you for not thinking and daring to touch me."

Fourth spoke sharply, his eyes once again staring as if they wanted to pierce Minna's body. Faced with Fourth's cold voice, Minna also shivered a bit.

"Okay, let Gemini handle this matter, now I just need to know Fourth why you didn't clearly state your abilities in your profile"

Dunk's responsibility for these disorderly matters is left to the student council to handle. This time too, Gemini was here more fully than he was, so Dunk knew Gemini would be able to distinguish who was right and who was wrong. Now, discovering a student with two new abilities was important, so Dunk turned to question Fourth.

"Sorry teacher, I think just writing down the main ability is enough, my other abilities develop naturally, I don't have any need to learn more"

Fourth spoke, his family all have a characteristic, those with two abilities only reveal the main ability, and the second ability or the ability discovered later is allowed to develop naturally, leveling up. Much depends on each person's ability. Jirocktikul rarely learns more about this second generation ability.

After listening, Dunk did not say anything. He himself was a teacher and he also knew a little about this Jirochtikul family. Most people of this family have two abilities, but they all live in hiding, rarely allowing people to come to the academy for training, but only find ways to develop their abilities. Initially, when reading Fourth's file, Dunk also suspected that the file was incomplete. Now Dunk's suspicions were clear. Fourth indeed has two abilities, but it is not uncommon for a person to have two sets of abilities. Opposing forces like Fourth are very rare, controlling it must be very difficult.

"Okay, what level is your fire ability now?"

After hearing Dunk's question, Fourth remained silent for a while without responding, only raising his hand towards the black planet. A stream of cold air flooded into the room, beginning to surround the planet, causing it to freeze. The black air was trapped in that sealed block of ice. Fourth's eyes flashed light blue, then suddenly tinged with red. The planet immediately burned, burning away the ice slabs and disappearing the black gas. The planet glowed, like when Dunk broke the spell, Fourth Nattawat alone successfully destroyed the black aura surrounding the planet. People around were noisy, everyone was talking excitedly

"Level five fire element ability, how could he do that?"

"Two abilities, no wonder he's so calm"

"Minna lost this time, she's only in high school, it's difficult to even solve the combination"

"How can Minna now compare to someone with two level 5 ability systems?"

Fourth ignored everyone's gossip, his eyes returned to their usual light brown color, however his body began to show symptoms of dizziness and was unable to stand. Luckily, Phuwin was standing next to him to support him.

Phuwin immediately knew at a glance that Fourth could not completely control both of these opposing ability systems at the same time. The energy used to use the ability was doubled, causing dizziness. Phuwin placed his hand behind Fourth's back, a beam of light appeared in his hand and then passed into Fourth's body, he was using his healing power to treat Fourth.

Dunk stood on the podium and witnessed everything. He also realized that Fourth could not control his abilities. Fourth's fire ability is quite powerful, even trying to invade the water element in his body.

Dunk walked up to Fourth, watching Phuwin heal Fourth and felt a little reassured.

"Even though your fire-type ability is level five, you can't really fully control it, so it's best not to use it arbitrarily. Here, the person who best understands all the principles of fire-type operation is Gemini." . Gemini, you will now instruct Fourth on how to control this fire-type ability, I trust you."

Dunk said to Fourth and at the same time turned to Gemini. Here, the only people with level five fire abilities are Gemini and Pond. If they give it to Pond, Phuwin will definitely not accept it. It's better to let Gemini be in charge of this. Dunk trusts him and will also stand aside.

After hearing this, Gemini could only nod. Even though he didn't want to, it was Mr. Dunk's arrangement after all. Furthermore, he also knows that letting students in the school use uncontrollable abilities will be very dangerous, affecting both himself and those around him. He needs to control Fourth's behavior, leaving him free with two opposing ability systems is very dangerous.

"If you tell me, I will do it. Fourth Nattawat, I hope you will absorb what I say, and come to see me on time."

Gemini spoke up, he is a principled person, so his demands are very high. If Fourth cannot meet them, he is ready to refuse to guide him. Even though Fourth didn't want to, because of the forced situation, he had to accept it. Before I could think for a few seconds, I heard another sentence from him

"At the end of class, Minna and Fourth go to the student council room to receive discipline."
