Today Tawin went to school early for the fire class, so Prim went to the water class alone. Since entering school, Prim has attracted the attention of many people because of her beauty and cuteness. Many people discuss that if Prim had studied at GMM, the title of queen might have belonged to her.

These rumors easily reached Minna's ears. Since she was injured and returned from the day of the inspection, she disappeared without a trace, as if living silently through the day, even Phuwin did not bother to cause trouble anymore.

Minna went to school today as usual, still hearing a few more words of comparison ringing in her ears because Prim was walking not far from her. Angry, Minna aggressively went to block Prim's way.

Prim was going to school when a group of people blocked her path. Looking at her, she could see that they were a group of famous girls here. She had heard of Minna's reputation. When she was with Tawin, she also heard that she often caused trouble with Phuwin, Pond's lover.

Prim's eyes were calm, looking at Minna's arrogant attitude, she spoke

"What do you want? It seems like you and I don't know each other"

After Minna heard, the hate was clearly shown on her face. Everyone who passed by and saw this scene stopped to watch, including a few people who were the eyes and ears of the student association. The news that Minna was blocking Prim's way quickly reached Gemini's ears, and Pond was also there. Prim is Tawin's friend, and also came to GMM as an exchange student. If Minna causes the trouble, Gemini will definitely not let it go.

Since returning from the test, Minna suddenly promoted to water level 5, probably because this test reclassified everyone's ranks, and Minna was promoted at that moment. Thanks to this rank, she is even more arrogant at school. Now when she hears that she is being compared, she makes trouble.

Minna knew that Prim was from MAGIC so she didn't want to move too much, she just stood close to Prim and grabbed her collar.

"Prim, if you're reasonable, don't seduce students from my school."

"What are you talking about? I came here just to study."

Minna doesn't believe it, for someone like her, she can only think with her subjectivity. Jealous eyes clearly appeared on her face, Minna raised her hand to slap Prim's cheek.

A hand stopped Minna's arm, Phuwin grabbed her wrist and squeezed it hard. Minna winced in pain, seeing Phuwin in front of her, making her even more upset.

Phuwin pushed Minna's hand away, pushing her back a few steps. Just now, seeing her dare to bully Prim, Phuwin was very angry.

"This devil you got loose again?"

Phuwin spoke sharply, looking at Minna with sharp eyes. Phuwin's words made Minna even angrier. She took advantage of her ability, which was one level higher than Phuwin's, and used a spell to hit Phuwin, causing him to step back. Luckily, Prim stopped him from falling.

Phuwin refused to yield, she was level five and he was not afraid. He used his power to form several arrow-shaped rays of light that rushed towards Minna. Minna curled her lips and used her water power to create a shield, blocking those arrows, slowing them down and turning them back to attack Phuwin.

Phuwin and Prim widened their eyes, looking at the arrows flying straight at them at maximum speed, for a few seconds, they couldn't react and used their hands to shield their faces.

Closing his eyes for a while, Phuwin was surprised because his body didn't feel any pain at all. Gently opening his eyes, he saw two figures blocking in front of him, one was Fourth, the other was Joong. He saw two people defeat those arrows of light.

Phuwin stood up straight and looked at both of them, his eyes filled with surprise because Fourth and Joong appeared here, and it was also very timely, thanks to both of them, Phuwin and Prim were able to escape.

Joong and Fourth were also surprised because they both rushed to help Phuwin. Fourth raised his cold eyes to look at Minna for a few seconds, successfully causing her to glow coldly. He walked closer to Minna, his face still cold.

"Do you know who you're touching?"

Fourth's voice was cold, if he didn't want to cause big trouble and if Minna wasn't a girl, he would have beaten Minna right now. Fourth is silently protecting Phuwin, so anyone who dares to touch Phuwin is like touching Fourth. He entered this school not for the purpose of improving his abilities but for the purpose of relating to Phuwin. Until he finds Phuwin's brother, no one is allowed to touch him.

"Why are you worrying about him so much? Don't think that if you play in Gemini and Pond's group, you can show up."

Minna still hadn't given up, and still tried to scold her in a harsh voice against Fourth's overwhelming aura. She crossed her arms and looked at Fourth, intentionally saying that Fourth was someone who only knew how to rely on the president, which she hated the most.

"I'm the one who doesn't need to depend on those group of presidents. If you want, go ahead, don't call me a stalker."

Fourth spoke up. He didn't notice that his words had reached Gemini's ears, who had just run over to control the fight. He was silent, sitting silently looking at Fourth's cold face looking towards Minna.

Fourth finished speaking, not paying attention to Minna anymore but turned around to look for Phuwin, his eyes immediately fell on the image of Joong holding Phuwin's shoulder and turning back and forth to check the situation. Phuwin was equally surprised, he had never been very close to this person before, only met him a few times if he was with Pond, now seeing Joong like that made him a bit surprised.

"Okay, I'm fine, she hasn't even touched my nails yet."

After a while, Phuwin had to stop Joong. This action of his not only caught Fourth's eyes but also especially caught the eyes of two people, Pond and Dunk.

If we talk about Joong's appearance here, every morning, as usual, he will wait for Dunk in the hallway to go to school together. If Dunk doesn't have his class, he will obviously skip class. Joong and Dunk were going to the central area when they encountered a noisy crowd. When they looked, they discovered that it was Minna and Phuwin's group. As soon as Joong saw Phuwin being attacked, he didn't think and rushed to block it. Coincidentally, Fourth was the same as him.

Dunk silently watched everything going on around him. When he saw Joong showing concern for Phuwin, he was not very satisfied. Seeing Fourth also come and stand close to him, also looking at Phuwin with those eyes made Dunk even more suspicious.

Pond witnessed such a chaotic scene and told himself not to be upset. Joong is definitely considered a friend, but isn't it strange to act so overly concerned? He silently walked closer to Phuwin, deliberately pulling him to turn around and look at him

"P' Pond she hit me"

As soon as Phuwin saw Pond, he immediately taunted him, pointed his finger at Minna and pursed his lips. However, Pond's attitude was very strange. He didn't care about what he said. He just looked at Phuwin and saw that he was okay before speaking.

"Do you know who would be worried if you went to fight?"

Pond raised his voice, since when he heard that Phuwin was fighting with Minna from inside the student council room, he quickly ran away to find him. Phuwin saw that look in his eyes, a feeling of guilt quickly crept into his heart

"P'Pond I'm sorry, but it's because she bullied Prim."

Phuwin looked at Pond, he was just protecting Prim, a cute girl like this couldn't be beaten by Minna.

"P' Pond don't blame Phuwin, it's because he protected me"

Prim spoke up to defend Phuwin, trying to explain to him. Pond knew Phuwin's personality, if no one caused trouble with him, he would not cause trouble. He sighed, then just nodded slightly, looking at Joong who was still listening to everyone's conversation.

"Look what I'm doing, look how Gemini is doing over there"

Joong spoke, he saw Dunk walking next to Gemini, his eyes were still staring at Dunk who was talking to Gemini. Gemini finally summoned Minna, Phuwin and Prim to the meeting room. In the case of Minna hitting the exchange student, Mr. Amin will be the one to directly resolve it.
