Dunk still clearly remembered Joong's words in the morning. It was now the middle of the night, and he was gradually walking towards the forbidden room in the library. Opening the door and entering, Dunk saw Joong sitting at the table in the distance. The light was dim enough for him to see the way. Dunk gradually approached Joong.

"Teacher, you're here. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Joong spoke, the usual smile still on his lips. Today Dunk wore a thin outfit, because it wasn't class time so he wore it more comfortably. This attracted his attention, making him keep paying attention.

"Why do you want to investigate that massacre?"

Dunk raised his hand to find some books on the shelf and asked, this was an opportunity to narrow his suspicions towards him.

"My father wants me to investigate for my family. My family is also involved in that massacre."

Dunk stopped, he turned back to look at Joong, he was still diligently turning the pages of the book.

"You're hiding your identity? There's no last name in the file"

Dunk questioned, he found out that that year many large families were destroyed by Kool, but the most tragic was Tangsakyuen, and the other families seemed to have no loss of rulers, only tragically killed. family employee. Briefly speaking, that year Mr. Amin was also present, as well as Jirochtikul. Jirochtikul immediately after that massacre began to live in hiding, no one knew his whereabouts nor did any more Jirochtikul students come to the academy.

"There will come a day when I will let you know, but now I can't"

Joong stood up, left the table and walked towards Dunk. He pulled Dunk down to the table and placed a few documents in front of him

"You are close to Phuwin, right?"

Joong spoke, what he just brought in front of Dunk were documents related to Phuwin. The year Phuwin entered the academy, Dunk was the closest person to Phuwin, that was also what he noticed. Joong knew Phuwin since he was young, but because he lived separately from the outside world, he didn't care much. Only when his father asked him to investigate did did he have the opportunity to step out into the world. From then on, if he notices Phuwin, he will also know Dunk. The meetings between him and me were not by chance but were arranged by his hand.

Dunk heard Joong ask about Phuwin so he was extremely surprised, his eyes looked up at him in confusion, why did he ask about Phuwin.

"Phuwin is the person most involved in that massacre, but right now he is not moving at all"

"Joong, don't judge Phuwin, Phuwin didn't investigate because the teacher told him to forget the past"

"Do you think Phuwin will listen?"

Joong spoke up, he knew Phuwin's personality, and with a little investigation, he could understand that Phuwin was a person who did not easily let himself suffer disadvantages. Other people destroy his family's happiness, he will not let go easily. Phuwin looks so smiling on the outside, but maybe inside he is secretly doing something dangerous, this is what Joong is most worried about.

"Are you investigating Phuwin?"

"That's right, I heard that Phuwin also has an older brother, did you know?"

Dunk's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard Joong mention this. Phuwin has an older brother, almost only young lecturers or people from the older generation know this, but Joong investigated.

"What are you going to do, find your brother Phuwin?"

"Yes, he is the key, we must find him before Kool finds out himself."

Dunk was silent for a while, what Joong told him was beyond his expectations. Dunk didn't think Joong would investigate so deeply. Dunk's hand curled slightly, his eyes unconsciously looking at Phuwin's file.

"Joong, you should give up looking for Phuwin's brother"

Dunk advised that this is a big matter and cannot be rash. After listening, Joong's eyes sparkled with displeasure. He approached Dunk, bringing his face close to Dunk's face. He smiled and spoke in a loving voice.

"What, are you worried about me?"

Dunk stiffened, his sudden actions made him uncomfortable. His face is very close to yours, just like this is enough to make him smell the scent of agarwood on his body. Dunk looked away and pushed him away with both hands 

"No, don't overthink it."

Joong saw Dunk's expression, he felt like he should tease this person more, just looking at it was enough to know that he had never known anyone in his life, he just leaned a little closer and his face turned rosy.

Joong stood up, stopped teasing Dunk, he looked at Dunk with serious eyes

"Teacher, do you want to help me find Phuwin's brother's whereabouts?"

Dunk was quiet, he didn't react for a while, like he was thinking about something. Dunk's eyes lowered, glued to the pages of the book he was turning.

"Why do you want to find him?"

"I think you know the reason too."

Joong said, he still had a slight smile on his lips. The room continued for a period of silence until Dunk left the room first. Joong silently watched Dunk leave. The clock struck three in the morning, he also returned to the bedroom.


The next day, Joong went to see his father. Since Mr. Amin learned that Dunk also secretly visited Moon, he was very wary. He didn't know what purpose Dunk was investigating the massacre for. He was also thinking about whether to call Dunk on his side or not. These decisions require careful thought and further investigation.

"Joong, did you know that our people at MAGIC are also investigating the other side?"

"Dad, do you have someone at MAGIC?"

"That's right, but it's been a long investigation but MAGIC still hasn't moved, I've called them back"

Teacher Amin spoke up,
he thought that Kool would arrange people at MAGIC, but it had been a long time since he could investigate. It wasn't until the day of the exam that an intruder appeared that he understood that Kool was not targeting MAGIC but only GMM, where Phuwin was studying. More than anyone else, he knows the reason why the massacre happened, but right now he doesn't have the courage to tell it all. Until he finds Phuwin's brother, he will speak to both of them alone

"Dad has called them back, have you arranged for me to meet them?"

"I can meet you now"

As soon as Teacher Amin finished speaking, he pressed the signal button. From behind the secret door, two cold-faced boys appeared. Joong was a bit surprised, because his father's eyes and ears were at MAGIC, but they were two people named First. and Khaotung, two people with the strongest level five abilities in MAGIC.

FirstKhaotung bowed to teacher Amin, then bowed to Joong

"There's no need to greet me, it's fine to address me by age."

Joong spoke, the other two also understood and nodded

"Teacher Amin, I have something to report"

First spoke, receiving a nod from teacher Amin before speaking

"Fourth Nattawat intended to get to know Disaster, but has now been brought to the student council room"

Teacher Amin's eyes widened, he raised his hand to push his round glasses back to straighten them, and suddenly looked in the direction First had just reported. Isn't one Dunk Natachai enough, but now there's also a Fourth Nattawat

"Watch him closely. If there is any movement, report it immediately. If Gemini doesn't report this incident today, it means he helped Fourth hide it. When that happens, bring the other two to me."


FirstKhaotung nodded, then listened to a few instructions and left through the other door. There were only two people left in the room, quiet and thoughtful. Joong stood and thought for a while, it turned out that when he met Fourth this morning, he was so worried about Phuwin because he was related to Phuwin, why did he approach Phuwin, was he in the same boat or not?
