Fourth silently looked at the two people in front of him for a while. He did not ask why these two people appeared here. What he was worried about now was that he had been discovered.

"Who are you? Why did you appear here?"

First spoke up, he knew that this forest had been told by the student union that it was forbidden to enter, and was also related to the massacre fifteen years ago, and was the place where the tragedy occurred. First and Khaotung walked through the school's back garden and accidentally saw Fourth enter here, that's how the two of them met Fourth.


The door to the academy's guild room opened, revealing Fourth alone being bound by vines made by Khaotung's wood system. He was in front of Disaster alone and couldn't defeat two people with level five abilities, that's why he was now tied up and brought to the student council.

Gemini was sitting looking at the books, looked up to see First Khaotung dragging the tied Fourth inside. He stopped everything he was doing and looked at Fourth who had just been brought in front of him

"What is up?"

Gemini asked in a loud voice, looking at Fourth who was looking at First Khaotung with cold eyes. He broke free of First's arm that was holding him.

"I caught him intending to enter Disaster"

Gemini, who was originally calm, immediately turned serious when he heard this sentence. He slammed the table, stood up and looked straight into Fourth's eyes


His voice made Fourth shiver. He knew that things were within the scope of the student council's management. If he did wrong, he would certainly receive a very expensive punishment.
The fact that he was discovered standing in the Disaster forest may have made Gemini even scarier, showing that he now saw his face darken, his eyes staring at him.

"It's up to the people of the student union to handle it, we have work to do first."

First spoke, Khaotung then retrieved the rope tied to Fourth's body. The two left the room, leaving Fourth alone to face the murderous Gemini.

Fourth silently swallowed his saliva, he motionlessly looked at Gemini whose eyes were fixed on him, he could really give him goosebumps, looking at his current state was truly SCARY.

"Fourth Nattawat"

Silently listening to Gemini call his name, Fourth did not dare to move

"You know it's a restricted area, so why are you standing there? Tell me your intentions early before I use a special form to interrogate you."

Gemini's voice now made Fourth not dare to move even a little bit. He curled his hands tightly, trying to find a way out but didn't know what reason to say.

"I'm just curious"

Another sound of pounding on the table rang out, this time even louder than the last time, making Fourth's heart skip a beat, a tense atmosphere surrounded the room, this stuffy atmosphere made Fourth uncomfortable, he neither wanted nor could adapt. Facing such an angry Gemini, even a cold person like Fourth had to tremble slightly

"Curious? Your liver is so big, isn't it?"

"I'm just curious, I haven't had time to go in yet. Why are you so loud? Is it okay to not come in next time?"

Fourth suddenly spoke up angrily at his words. He always says this and that to me, in his eyes I am such a troublemaker. After hearing Fourth's words and his attitude, Gemini, without saying a word, used a spell to bind his body. Fourth struggled, angrily looking at Gemini who was turning around to rummage for something.

Gemini returned, bringing a piece of paper in front of him

"Look closely at the punishment noted in the school's rules. Now please go receive your punishment."

After Gemini finished speaking, he pulled Fourth to a room. Looking around, it was no different than a normal classroom, but when Gemini used a bracelet to wrap around his wrist,
Fourth felt his powers gradually disappear. The bracelet took away his powers.

Fourth had just read the punishment, he couldn't use his ability, he had to use his own strength to copy the school's rule book ten times, after completing it, he had to stay in his room and endure detention. Fourth is not afraid of this, but what he is afraid of is that Gemini is currently forcing him to confess, he still hasn't stopped questioning him for what purpose he came to that forest.

Fourth refused to speak, he just sat silently and copied, GMM did not punish physically but mentally, forcing a student to sit in the room and copy Ten times is a torture for Fourth. It would be more interesting for Fourth to drop him into a certain area and let him fight to overcome the challenge.

Gemini looked at Fourth who was still so stubborn, he went to a corner of the cabinet, took out another bracelet, this bracelet had the effect of reading what the wearer was thinking. After putting it on Fourth, he looked closely at his expression, looking straight at Fourth

"Fourth Nattwat, for what purpose did you come to Disaster?"

Fourth shivered, feeling the bracelet he had just put on his hand light up. It made his body feel a little different,
giving him a headache. This bracelet forces him to tell the truth, but Fourth is still stubbornly refusing to say it. Seeing that he was so stubborn, Gemini knew that he wouldn't say anything, so he put his hand on Fourth's head, looked straight into his eyes, and forced him to look up at him.

Gemini was silent. He read his mind through the hand placed on his head. He immediately knew that Fourth wanted to go to Disaster to investigate the massacre, and it was also related to Phuwin

"Say, why are you targeting Phuwin?"

Fourth gritted his teeth and used his strength to push him away from him, but his oppression was too terrifying, Fourth could not escape. Fourth avoided his eyes, not allowing him to read his thoughts. What exactly was the bracelet that GMM could use to interrogate the students?

Gemini used his other hand to push Fourth's face once more to look straight into his eyes. Fourth felt his body continue to be forced, but if Gemini read what he was approaching Phuwin for, he would be in danger. Thinking of this, Fourth tried to pull the bracelet off his wrist, then stood up.

Gemini looked at Fourth's resistance, he used his ability to tie him up. Fourth had no power and could not resist, so he could only stand still and let him tie him up.

"Gemini, don't be too harsh"

"I'm just doing the work of the student council, right now you're lying, I can't help but take action"

Fourth was rebuked by him, he couldn't maintain his calm state anymore, his eyes sparkled with tears of pain, Gemini really didn't know how to hold back, his body was tightened by his ability.

"I didn't harm Phuwin, I just wanted to help Phuwin investigate the massacre"

Gemini silently looked at Fourth's watery eyes. It was the first time he saw this struggling expression of his that he stiffened for a few seconds. Fourth's words were probably the truth, so he couldn't read any lies from his eyes. He bent down to pick up the bracelet Fourth dropped to the ground, calmly looking at Fourth

"Have you told Phuwin yet?"

Fourth shook his head, the more he lied now, the more he was forced to confess, so he had to say everything he could say.

"Gemini, I can't tell Phuwin. You just need to know that I don't harm Phuwin, I want to help him, the less people know about this, the better, otherwise Phuwin's life will be in danger."

Fourth looked at Gemini with pleading eyes for the first time, and after hearing it, he only let out one sentence

"On one condition, you must tell me all your goals."


Fourth accepted, since he entered this room, everything had surrendered to him. Now agreeing to tell him everything like this could carry both positive and negative risks, now he had to take the risk, if Gemini would think about Phuwin's safety, he hoped he will help him keep it a secret.
