Dunk suddenly woke up early in the morning, opened his eyes and looked around. It was starting to get a little sunny outside. Dunk sat quietly on the bed, thinking back to everything he had just encountered yesterday like a fantasy. Yesterday Joong appeared with him in that room, and coincidentally, he also wanted to investigate the massacre.

Dunk wondered what kind of person Joong really was, where he came from, what his true background was, unanswered questions kept surrounding his thoughts. Thinking of this, Dunk couldn't help but groan in pain, thinking about this problem was a real headache. Dunk now not only has to be wary of being discovered, but he also has to be wary of Joong.

Putting aside his thoughts, Dunk stood up and prepared to go to class. As soon as he reached the corridor in the central area, his body stopped when he saw Joong's figure with his arms crossed leaning against the wall. He stood silently, looking at him walking step by step next to him and smiling

"Mr. Dunk, good morning"

Joong spoke, his joking voice and his smile looked scary, making Dunk wary

"Why don't you go to class? Why are you standing here?"

"I just want to go to school with you, is that okay?"

Dunk knew that his request was very simple, but if Dunk did not comply, he could reveal the secret between them at any time. Dunk was silent, he went first, and Joong crossed his arms and quietly followed. They both entered the classroom together, causing everyone to talk for a while, since when did Joong become so close to Dunk.

Joong didn't make things difficult for Dunk anymore, he brought his half-hearted smile to the position next to Pond. Looking around, Gemini and Fourth were still as cold as ever, he didn't say anything, his eyes began to fixate on the person on the podium.

Dunk returned to his seat, saw Tawin standing outside the door, and waved to come in. Tawin stood outside the classroom happily and entered, first bowing to Dunk, then smiling at everyone.

This was the first time the students in the class saw Pond's younger brother. They had long heard of MAGIC's Tawin. Level 4 ability is not a weak ability, it is also a very formidable ability. Now that I can see with my own eyes, I can see that the two Lertratkosum brothers are indeed very attractive, attracted by their friendly smiles and gentle and comfortable temperament.

At the end of class, Pond invited everyone to eat but Gemini said no, he even forced Fourth to follow him to control his powers. So there is a scene where Fourth uses cold eyes to look behind him at Gemini to the training room. Fourth followed Gemini, he felt that he was increasingly worried about his affairs, what did his abilities have to do with him, but since he discovered his secret, he often took him for tests. Fourth didn't like it, but because he was afraid of revealing that his fire-type ability was unorthodox, he agreed to obey.

GeminiFourth walked into the training room together for the second time, this time like last time, the image of the two of them walking together still made the students in the room gasp. Knowing that Gemini is responsible for monitoring Fourth, everyone thinks that Fourth's abilities are opposite each other so it is difficult to control, but no one thinks that those abilities are transmitted from
another person.

The students were not kicked out this time, but no one dared to come close to the two, everyone moved aside to give half of the room to GeminiFourth.

Gemini entered, once again asking Fourth to use both abilities at the same time. Fourth is very stable at first, but the more you use it, the more energy it drains, it's still difficult to control as usual.

Everyone in the room was surprised, everyone knew that Fourth had two ability systems, but being able to block Gemini's attacks was very rare. Gemini's cold eyes swept around the room, now everyone didn't dare to stand and watch anymore but went back to practicing.

"Fourth, come here"

Gemini called out to Fourth. For his request, Fourth said nothing but quietly approached. Gemini looked at Fourth, then gently touched Fourth's chest. Fourth was surprised and withdrew his foot

" Stand still!"

Gemini shouted when he saw Fourth intending to push his hand away. Fourth heard the shout and could only stay silent and let him hold his hand and pull him back. Gemini put his hand on Fourth's chest, he now used his Metal-type ability to treat him.

Fourth stood still and watched his hand glow, and the energy in his body gradually felt restored. Fourth remained silent, gently looking at Gemini's attentive face, he was concentrating on helping him. Where his hand touched, Fourth felt his chest suddenly beat faster, a strange emotion that couldn't be named crept into his mind when he looked at his face, until Gemini finished healing. For you, Fourth was startled out of that frozen position.

Gemini looked at Fourth, seeing Fourth's expression like that was difficult to understand. He was about to tell him to go to the library with him this afternoon when suddenly there was a loud scream

"Aah everyone be careful!"

The scream attracted Fourth's attention. He turned around to see what was happening and discovered that a student had accidentally cast the spell wrong. A beam of attack rushed towards him. Although Fourth's reaction was quick, he still could not dodge. A quick hand quickly grabbed Fourth's arm and pulled him back. Fourth lost his momentum and fell with it.

Gemini was the one who reacted the fastest. At the moment of danger, he quickly reached out to pull Fourth away from that attack. What he didn't expect was that Fourth's foot caught on him and he fell down completely. They both fell to the floor, their eyes stunned as their lips touched.
