Chapter 84: Something's Not Right

"Get ready to hold on." Fives mentioned.

"That's why he's the ARC trooper." Rex stated.

As the ship made its way out of the hangars towards us, Rex and Fives fired their grappling guns. Once they secured the ship, we climbed on carefully to not give ourselves away just yet. As soon as we entered the ship, we made our way to where Tup was being held. Once the doors opened, we saw Tup standing up against the wall on his stretcher, unconscious with several commando droids and clankers with blasters.

"Scrap 'em!" Anakin shouted.

We wasted no time in fighting off the droids. As Fives, Rex, and Maya fought off the droids towards the entrance of the room, Anakin and I pushed forth, slicing the droids in half, making our way towards Tup. The tactical droid from the cockpit made his way towards us, he managed to dodge some of our blows, punching me in my stomach along the way. I groaned as I fought on. I refused to back down. With one hand clutched around my stomach and the other on my lightsaber, I sliced on of robotic his arms off. Anakin used the Force, pulling the tactical droid towards him until he grabbed his neck. At that moment, we heard one of the piloting the ship, speak up. "Hey, now we're experiencing turbul-"

Rex shot down the two droids in charge of flying the ship. He then made his way into the cockpit, taking over the controls. Anakin kept his grip on the droid with his lightsaber on the droid's neck. I raised my lightsaber, keeping it pointed at the droid.

"What's going on? What do you know about this clone?" Anakin questioned.

"I am programmed to resist intimidation." The tactical droid retorted.

"Well, can your programming resist destruction to your mechanical body?" I shot back.

Before the droid had a chance to respond, I decapitated his head, destroying the droid. Well, so much for getting answers. We then made our way to Tup, who didn't look so good.

"How's he doing?" Maya asked.

"Not well. Not well at all." Fives mentioned. "I think he's dying, sir."

"We have to get him to Kamino." Anakin advised.

With that, Anakin and I took over the ship. We quickly flew us back to our fleet, where we quickly requested another shuttle to transport Tup back to Kamino. This time, Rex would be heading out with the shuttle.

"I'll want a full report from Kamino." Anakin ordered.

"If Tup is the victim of some Separatist plot, then we have no idea of how widespread it already is." I added.

Anakin then left to check in with Admiral Yularen. Once Anakin was gone, Fives turned towards Rex. "Permission to come with you, sir. He's my best friend. You may need help."

"But everything must be done by the book." Rex reminded him.

Fives nodded. "Understood, sir."

"You're to stay by his side at all times. I don't want any more slipups." Rex informed him.

"Yes, sir." Fives assured him.

"Good." Rex said.

At that moment, Maya blurted out. "I'm coming as well."

This surprised all three of us, especially Fives. Fives placed a hand on Maya's shoulder. "General, as much as I'd appreciate you coming along, I believe you're needed here."

I saw Maya's face fall. I felt my heart hurt upon seeing my sister's face. With this in mind, I spoke up. "You may go, Maya. Vi na'wat ta cá ta y'ai tuvorsh. Once you return, of course."

Maya seemed to know what I was insinuating our talk would be about as her face hardened. Nevertheless, she forced a smile as she slightly bowed her head. "Îy, sisalo."

I then turned towards Rex and Fives with a smile. "Good luck men. I hope you get to the bottom of this."

"Don't worry, General. We'll find the people who are behind this." Fives assured me.

With that I returned to the front of the ship where Anakin was along with O-Mer. They were both confused as they didn't see Maya anywhere.

"Where's my Master?" O-Mer asked.

"She wanted to go with Fives and Rex." I explained.

Anakin noticed my behavior as he replied. "But something's bothering you."

I hesitated before speaking. "...It's nothing. I'm just worried about Tup. If this is the Separatists are behind this, then how many more troopers have they reached?"

"Don't worry, Storm. Fives, Rex, and Maya will do their best to make sure no more troopers are vulnerable to this." Anakin assured me.

At that moment, we heard one of the troopers speak up through the comms. "Medical frigate 517, you are cleared for departure."

"Good luck, boys." Anakin said.

"May the Force be with you." I added.

We then watched as their shuttle flew off, taking its course to Kamino. At that moment, Jace approached me. "General Ca'ana, the Jedi Council wishes to speak to you."

"Of course." I replied.

With that, I made my way to the holoprojector in the command room. As soon as I approached the holoprojector, I saw holograms of the Jedi Council. I bowed before them. "Masters, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, a mission for you we have." Master Yoda began.

"Gida, Tarom, Nova, and you will escort the senators, Lorea and Orlamax Kryze, Jeren Organa, and Veda Ca'ana to Manaan." Master Allie informed me.

Things didn't work out so well the time Koltav, R3, and I went to Manaan. Before Koltav, R3, and I were forced to leave Manaan, Shazzi and Ruko assured us that they'd do everything they could to convince the other judges in the High Court to join Republic, but unfortunately my little stunt was too much. But I hope my cousins and mom could convince them to join.

"They will be expecting you at the spaceport on Coruscant." Kina chimed in.

"I'll be there right away." I assured them.

I gave them a bow, which they returned. The hologram then vanished.


Once we landed in the Coruscant spaceport, Anakin, O-Mer, and I parted ways. Anakin and O-Mer returned to the Jedi Temple, while I waited in one of the hangars in front of a shuttle. I along with Gida, Nova, Tarom, my cousins, and my mom would take a T-6 shuttle to Manaan. It wasn't long until Nova, Gida, Tarom, my cousins, and my mom approached me. As soon as I saw my mom, I rushed over, giving her a hug. "Mom!"

Once we pulled away from the hug, she gave me a smile. "It's good to see you smiling again."

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you were rather distant with us all." Nova pointed out.

I knew they were referring to the time when Koltav died. I was devastated. And the truth is I'm still hurting, but I'm doing a little better than the day he died. I couldn't tell them though, so instead I let out a nervous laugh. "...Uh, yeah. I'm better now."

I glanced over at my mom, who gave me a suspicious look. Not wanting her to say anything in front of the others, I spoke up. "Why don't we get going?"

"Storm's right. The quicker we get to Manaan, the faster we can convince the Selkath to join the Republic." Orlamax mentioned.

With that, we all headed inside the shuttle. Once we reached the cockpit, I climbed into the pilot's chair, while Nova was my co-pilot. Things went smoothly...until we reached Pyrshak system, which is where Manaan resided. I felt something strange, feeling a  pricking sensation in the back of my head.

"Something's not right." I mentioned.

"What do you mean?" Gida inquired.

I then felt a familiar presence, one that was quite cold and filled with pain. And I realized that that presence belonged to Dooku. However before I could say anything, a Separatist destroyer appeared above us.

"I think, and this is just a thought, that Storm may be referring to the destroyer above us." Tarom retorted.

"You don't say." Gida shot back.

"What are we gonna do?" Nova questioned.

"I'm going to get us out of here before we get caught in a tractor beam." I mentioned.

I quickly moved the shuttle, doing my best to get us away from the destroyer. However, before we could get away, we ended up struck in a tractor beam. I sighed. "Great...Are the others in the cargo hold?"

Gida nodded. "What do you have in mind?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure, but we can't get caught."

"But we can't go anywhere." Tarom protested.

I tried to think of something to get us out of this mess before something bad happens. I know Dooku is here on this destroyer, and if he discovers I'm here, then he won't hesitate to find me. With this in mind, I spoke up. "I know Dooku's on this destroyer. I know him, he won't deny the chance of fighting me."

Nova's eyes widened. "Are you insane?"

"I'll be fine. Besides, someone needs to distract Dooku." I mentioned.

"And I'll go with you." Gida offered.

"No, you need to stay with the senators and my mom. They need to get Manaan." I protested.

"But we can't just leave. We won't get past the tractor beam." Tarom pointed out.

"So while I provide the distraction, someone would need to go to the room where the main reactor. If I'm not mistaken, the tractor beam is attached to the main reactor, which means if the connection is broken then the tractor beam would be disabled." I explained.

"And if you're wrong?" Nova inquired.

"Then we think of something else. But no matter what, do not return for me." I informed them.

"But if something bad happens to you-" Tarom began.

"That won't happen. I'll find a way back to you guys." I assured them.

"I'll go to where the main reactor is." Gida informed us.

At once, I saw a worried look on Tarom's face. He gently placed a hand on Gida's arm. "Are you sure? I could go instead."

Nova and I both exchanged a knowing look. It was clear that Tarom and Gida are into one another, but it seemed as though they were both oblivious. As much as I wanted to blurt out that they were into each other, we have bigger burra fish to fry.

"Sorry to break this up, but we've got to move now." I mentioned.

Once we reached the cargo hold, Lorea, Orlamax, Jeren, and mom all turned to face us. They all looked confused upon seeing us all.

"What's going on?" Orlamax asked.

"Have we arrived at Manaan?" Lorea inquired.

"Not quite. We got caught in a tractor beam, so now we're on a Separatist destroyer." I explained.

At my words, Lorea, Orlamax, Jeren, and mom all looked at me, rather horrified. "WHAT?!"

"I know it sounds bad, but Storm's got a plan." Nova mentioned.

Orlamax groaned. "Oh we're doomed."

"Hey, not all my plans are bad!" I retorted.

Tarom hesitated. "...I don't know, your plans can be very reckless."

I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah, well my plan is going to get us out of this mess."

"So what is your plan?" Jeren questioned.

"Mom, Lorea, Orlamax, and Jeren, you'll all stay here. Gida will head to the main reactor to break the connection of the tractor beam and the main reactor." I informed them.

"And what will you be doing?" Mom asked.

I hesitated, carefully choosing my words as I knew mom would be worried. "I'll provide a distraction."

I could tell mom was already against it by the look on her face. She crinkled her nose, but before she could open her mouth to protest, I beat her to it. "Mom, I'll be all right. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

Mom let out a sigh. "Very well, I trust you."

I gave her a nod along with a smile. With that, I made my way out of the shuttle. As soon as I walked out from the shuttle, I saw the hangar filled with many clanker battle droids. As soon as they saw me, several shouted out. "Look! A Jedi!"

"Blast her!"

In a heartbeat, I took out my lightsaber before igniting it, revealing its yellow blade. The clankers began firing blasts in my direction. I quickly deflected their attacks, sending some of the blasts back at the droids. I glanced over at the shuttle to see Gida was still inside. No doubt she was waiting for me to get the droids away from the shuttle. I had to get these droids away from the hangar. With this in mind, I lunged towards the droids, swinging my lightsaber. I sliced several of the droids in half, while the rest I pushed back with the Force.

I then rushed into the hallway. In a matter of seconds, the remaining droids from the hangar trailed behind me. I scurried into another hallway, looking back to see the droids getting closer to me. I was paying attention to the droids that I didn't realize what lied ahead of me. In a matter of seconds, I hit something hard. I collapsed onto the ground. When I climbed up on my feet, I looked up to find Dooku standing just a foot away from me with his lightsaber in his hand.

"If it isn't my granddaughter, Storm." Dooku mentioned.

"Are you gonna say that every time you see me?" I retorted.

"Well, you are my granddaughter, are you not?" He shot back before stepping closer towards me. "Have you considered my words from last time? You know that the Republic isn't what you once thought it to be."

"And you know I won't join the Separatists or you, especially after what you've done to me." I rebuked.

"That's a pity." He stated.

Dooku then ignited his lightsaber before lunging towards me. I quickly raised my lightsaber, deflecting his attacks that were quite rapid. He then lifted his other hand towards me. I noticed lightning emerging from his hand. I quickly deflected the lightning with my lightsaber, leaving me exposed. Dooku took this as an opportunity to strike, raising his lightsaber. I hastily took out my second lightsaber, igniting the green blade. His red lightsaber clashed against my green lightsaber, while my yellow lightsaber fought off Dooku's Force lightning.

"Why must you constantly deny the truth? Have I not done what is right for you and your sisters? I know you read my journal. You cannot deny that I didn't think about you." Dooku stated before lowering his lightsaber. He then extended a hand out towards me. "Why do you continue to serve the Chancellor when you know who he truly is?"

Upon hearing his words, I was taken back. Dooku did think about me, but he choose the wrong path. For the moment, I lowered my lightsabers. Dooku's face softened at once. He must think I'm contemplating on his offer.

"You're right, you never stopped thinking about me. But you've gone down a path that I refuse to take part in. And you want to know why I continue to serve him? Well thanks to you, he threatened to kill all those I love and care for if I even dare to tell anyone the truth about him." I retorted.

I then lunged towards him at once. Dooku quickly raised his lightsaber, clashing it against mine. As I pushed against his lightsaber with all my strength, I could feel my anger rising from within me. I did my best to push it down, but it was growing difficult. A grin grew on Dooku's face. "Yes, give into your rage, let it all out."

"Never!" I spat.

As we fought, we somehow ended up in the room where the main reactor was. The main reactor was filled with several catwalks around the reactor and the other components in the room. I glanced around to see Gida was no where in sight, which made me relieved. Gida must've disabled the connection and returned to the shuttle...I hope. However, as I turned back around to face Dooku, he used the Force, pushing me back. I stumbled back before falling off the catwalk. Before I could fall to my death, I felt a hand grab my arm. I looked up to find my mom standing on the catwalk. My stomach dropped upon seeing her. What was she doing here? My mom glanced over at Dooku, who was baffled to see her as well.

"Don't you dare hurt my daughter." Mom warned.

Once my mom pulled me back onto the catwalk beside her, she gave me a stern look. "You'll be all right, huh?"

I winced. "Well, you're here now."

"You forget Storm's my granddaughter." Dooku reminded us.

"Really? Well it sure doesn't seem like it. You nearly killed her!" Mom exclaimed.

"That would not have happened if Storm took up my offer to join me." Dooku replied, narrowing his eyes. "What a surprise to see you here, daughter."

"The pleasure's all mine, father." My mom retorted as she took out her Echani vibrosword.

"Can't we talk without the use of our weapons?" Dooku inquired.

"The time for talking is over, father. You have already done enough to my family and me." Mom rebuked.

Dooku's face hardened as he raised his lightsaber. "So be it."

With that, my mom and I lunged towards Dooku, clashing our weapons against his. Dooku was quick to retaliate, but mom and I were swift enough to deflect his attacks.

"You know, your fool of a husband, Tâtsâ has been captured by one of our destroyers." Dooku taunted.

My heart dropped. I exchanged a look of horror with my mom. No, that can't be. He must be lying. My dad can't have gotten himself captured. I know my dad, he's smarter than that.

"You're lying, Dooku! You just want to mess with us!" I spat.

Dooku raised an eyebrow. "Am I?"

I glanced over at my mom to see her looking devastated. Was he telling the truth? I turned back towards Dooku. I could feel my rage rising within me. Without thinking twice, I extended out a hand towards Dooku. I reached out to the Force, and in a few seconds, I lifted Dooku in the air. I then threw him back against the wall, causing him to collapse onto one of the catwalks below us.

"Storm!" Mom exclaimed.

I glanced down to see Dooku knocked out on one of the catwalks. I grimaced. "...Yeah, well at least he's still alive...I think."

"Let's not stick around to find out." Mom advised.

I nodded. "You're right, let's get out of here."


Vi na'wat ta cá ta y'ai tuvorsh.----I want to speak to you in private. (Echani)

Îy, sisalo---Yes, sister (Echani)
