Chapter 22: Fighting The Krayt Dragon

As soon as I landed, I ignited my yellow lightsaber. I scanned the area as I reached out to the Force, trying to find the dragon before it could find me. However it wasn't long until I found the giant Krayt dragon with gray scales with huge spikes on his back, huge fangs, and long claws and horns on its head. It was asleep by a small pond. I slowly made my way towards the dragon. However as I walked towards him, he began moving around. It wasn't long until he opened his eyes, spotting me right away. He let out a screech before getting up. 

I kept my ground as the dragon charged towards me. I raised my hand, using the Force to calm him down. However that didn't seem to work. Before his jaws could reach me, I leaped up onto his back. Before I could strike with my lightsaber, he flapped his wings, breaking out of his cave. I held on for dear life as we got out of the caves and back to the valley. I fell, landing in the river, but I unfortunately managed to hit some rocks, earning some scars wounds. I quickly climbed to my feet as the dragon let out a roar. I placed my hand on my belt, in search of my lightsaber, but it was not there.

I began to panic as I tried to search for it. The dragon began to charge towards me. I used the Force to bring my lightsaber back to me. Right before the dragon could release a ball of fire, I ran under his legs, grabbing my lightsaber, and slicing one of his legs. It let out a screech of pain as it turned around, limping on the leg I sliced.

Before I could move out of the way, one of its long claws managed to strike my right arm, cutting it. I yelled out in pain as I saw the horrible slash mark on my robes cut through into my skin. I stumbled back, nearly falling to the ground. The dragon returned, coming back at full speed. I quickly used the Force to push me off the ground and onto the dragon. I held on for dear life as I raised my lightsaber and struck his back. As the dragon moved around, I let my lightsaber cut his entire back, cutting through the scales. Once I landed back on the ground by the river, the dragon let out one last roar before collapsing to the ground, surrounded by his own blood. I let out a sigh as I stumbled back onto the ground. Once I fell to my knees, Nova, Mocax, and Areria rushed towards me with worried looks. The natives along with Vikor approached us. They wore looks of awe upon seeing the dragon.

"Are you all right?" Nova asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I assured her, wincing as I slowly climbed to my feet.

Areria gasped as soon as she saw the slash mark on my arm. "Master! You're bleeding."

I waved it off. "It's just a small cut, Areria. I'll be fine."

"With all due respect General, that wound needs to be tend right away." Mocax advised.

"We have healers in village who will be more than happy to help." Vikor informed us.

"Does this mean you trust us?" Nova inquired.

"That beast had terrorized the lower parts of our underground caves where the Blue Moon-herbs are found." Vikor explained. "Those were the only herbs on this planet that we use to heal our people, and unfortunately they grew underground. You have our thanks, Storm Ca'ana. We are eternally grateful. And most importantly we recognize your trust."

At his words, I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Chief Vikor. You will not regret this decision."

"I know I won't, my friend." He replied. "Now come. Let's get that arm of yours patched up."

With that we returned underground to the village, where we were greeted with cheers. As the healers patched up my wound, Mocax and Nova informed Kina, Gida, Tarom, and Thox what had happened. They were shocked and surprised to hear what had happened, but nevertheless asked the Republic for a rescue team to come in and escort the villagers out of the planet and onto another planet under Republic watch. They were happy though to use the shortcut of the valley, which would give us the upper hand to strike the Separatists, and retake the Capital.


After the healers patched me up along with the Blue Moon-herb, Vikor, Areria, Mocax, Nova, and I all walked out into the valley to meet Kina, Thox, Gida, and Tarom, who had brought a rescue team for Vikor and his people. As soon as they reached us, Kina, Thox, Gida, and Tarom gave us hugs, relieved to see us.

"You look great for someone who just defeated a dragon." Kina teased.

I chuckled. "Thanks Kina, it's great to see you guys."

"It amazes me to see the trouble you seem to get yourself into." Thox mentioned.

"Oh trust me, it amazes us all." Tarom added with a grin.

Areria raised an eyebrow. "You've been through worse situations?"

Nova snickered. "You have no idea."

I laughed. "Hey, but I've managed to somehow escape those dangerous situations."

"Somehow is definitely the word I'd use." Kina commented.

Gida then turned to Vikor with a kind smile. "I'm Gida, this is Kina, Tarom, and Thox, we're Jedi and friends of Storm."

Vikor gave her a slight bow. "Storm said you were coming."

"We ready to take you and your people off the planet." Tarom added.

"Then I shall gather my people." Vikor informed them before turning to me. "It's been an honor to meet you Storm Ca'ana, Jedi...and dragon slayer."

I smiled. "It was an honor to meet you as well, Chief Vikor."

He then gave me a bow, which I returned. Vikor gave me one last smile before leaving to gather his people and their Akk dogs.

~One Month Later~

"Push on!" I ordered upon noticing the Separatists droids retreating back.

The droids were backing way from the Capital. We had outnumbered them significantly, and after a month, we were finally about to reclaim the Capital from Separatist control.

"You heard General Ca'ana, all forces push forward!" Mocax exclaimed.

The troops pushed on, successfully reclaiming the Capital. They cheered as the surviving droids fled back. I let out a relieved sigh. "We did it, we finally managed to reclaim the Capital."

"Yes, but I'm afraid that's only the beginning." Kina commented with a grim look. "We still have to fight for the rest of Atraken."

"Then we'll need a plan to decide how to attack them again." I advised.

"Leave that to us."

I turned around to see both Maya and Jinx making their way towards us. Their troops made their way towards ours. I furrowed my brows. "Maya? Jinx?"

"Hey sissy!" Maya exclaimed, giving me a side hug. 

"Did you miss us?" Jinx teased.

"You have no idea." I replied. "It's good to see you both."

At that moment, Areria approached me. "Master, who are they?"

"Master?" Maya repeated. "You got a padawan?"

I nodded. "Areria, these are my sisters, Jinx and Maya Ca'ana. Jinx, Maya, this is my padawan Areria Skikea."

"Pleasure to meet you!" Areria exclaimed as she bowed.

Jinx was baffled by this. "You have a padawan...and before all of us?"

Maya gently patted her back. "There, there I'm sure you can talk to the Council if you want to take one on."

Jinx scoffed. "No thanks...they'll only slow me down."

I chuckled. "Whatever you say, Jinx. But just so you know, Anakin also has a padawan."

This shocked both Maya and Jinx, who knew that Anakin could be quite reckless. Before they could protest, Kina chimed in. "I hate to break up this little reunion, but did the Council sent you and your troops as reinforcements?"

Jinx nodded. "Yeah, we're here to take Storm's place along with her troops and Areria."

"Master Yoda requested that Storm and her padawan help Master Koon with reinforcements. They are currently battling against Grievous's warship, The Malevolence." Maya added.

"Then we must go at once." I mentioned.

Kina nodded. "Yes, indeed. Take your troops, I'll inform Nova and the others."

"May the Force be with you, Kina, Maya, Jinx." I replied.

"May the Force be with you, Storm." The three of them responded.

Once I gathered Mocax and the rest of my troops, we took off on a Republic ship, which took us off the planet and onto a Republic warship. A man in his fifties approached me. He had short light gray brown hair with blue eyes. He wore the uniform of a Republic Admiral.

"Jace Vikar Shan, Fleet Admiral of the Republic Navy." He greeted me.

"Storm Ca'ana, Jedi Knight." I greeted back as I shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine, General Ca'ana." Jace replied with a kind smile. "We're prepared to make our way to the coordinates General Yoda gave us."

"Then let's get going. Master Koon may be in trouble." I urged.

Jace nodded. "Right away, General."

And with that, we made our way to where Master Koon's warship was.
