Chapter 16: Room of a Thousand Fountains

A/N: The picture above is what Nova looks like. Enjoy the chapter!

Once we returned to the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and I were taken to the Halls of Healing to recover. We were currently laying side by side on the beds in the one of the rooms. I opened my eyes to see the entire room bathed in warm sunlight coming from the high windows, which were on the other side of the room. I glanced over to see Anakin and Obi-Wan both awake. Anakin had a robotic arm where his right arm use to be. I then looked down at my leg to see my burns healed.

"You're awake." Anakin said, causing me to turn back around to see Anakin and Obi-Wan both sitting up on their beds.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?" I inquired.

"I'm quite fine, just had a few burns." Obi-Wan assured me.

Obi-Wan and I looked over at Anakin who wore a hesitant look as he stared at his robotic arm. "...My right arm's gone, Dooku cut it off..."

"Ani, I'm terribly sorry...if only Vorlega wasn't there then I could've helped...I could've stopped from you getting hurt-" I began but was cut off by Anakin.

"Storm, it's alright. It wasn't your fault." Anakin assured me.

"Anakin's right, Storm. Don't blame yourself for something that you didn't do nor could control." Obi-Wan added. "You did your best."

"And your best was enough." I heard Master Windu's from behind us.

I turned around to see both Master Windu and Master Yoda. My face fell upon seeing them. I was afraid that Master Allie told them how irrational I was. However instead they both gave me smiles, shocking me.

"Master Allie has informed us of how you've been of great help on helping protect the Diktat and his brother." Master Windu informed me. "Thanks to your help the Republic has captured Blazvic Lakbor, but be careful of your emotions they can lead you to do reckless things."

"Remember Storm, no emotion there is, peace, there is. Nevertheless, ready you may be for a padawan." Master Yoda chimed in.

My smile widened. "Really?! I'd be honored to take on a padawan."

"The Council will get together to decide if you are ready." Master Windu explained.

I bowed my head. "Thank you masters...and about my mission with Master Allie, I was wondering if I could return to Corellia to help the Diktat and his brother."

"No, you will go not. Rest and mediate instead, you should." Master Yoda advised me.

"But I'm all better...I just had a few bruises and burns, that's all. Please Masters, let me help Master Allie." I insisted.

"And you can by mediating, Storm. Master Allie informed us that through the Force you saw the Drall Patriots in alignment with the Separatists. Visions from the Force are rare, and not all Jedi gain them." Master Windu explained. "But you managed to see a vision at a young age."

Master Yoda nodded. "Rare and powerful aspects of the Force visions are. Succeed to obtain these visions only a few Jedi would. Of great importance to the Force, they are, and acted on them as best we can, we must."

I looked at them in awe. I had a vision from the Force?

"However beware, always in motion, the future is. Only possibilities, the events you see unfold are. Very dangerous, interpreting a vision by yourself is." Master Yoda warned.

"Of course but how do I try to obtain more visions?" I inquired.

"By mediating. And I find it helpful by mediating in the Room of a Thousand Fountains." Master Windu suggested.

"Helpful indeed that room is." Master Yoda agreed. "Sticked to the path of a Sentinel should you have."

"I'm grateful to your wisdom, but I believe the path of a Jedi Guardian is better for me. Now I shall mediate in that room right away." I replied before getting up from the bed. "I shall see you later Anakin and Obi-Wan."

"Bye Storm. May the Force be with you." Anakin and Obi-Wan both said.

"Doubt you, I do not, for choosing the path of a Guardian, Storm. I know, do great things, you will." Master Yoda informed me.

"We all know you'll impress us with whatever path you choose within the Jedi. May the Force be with you, Storm." Master Windu added.

"Thank you, Masters. May the Force be with you both." I replied with a bow before leaving the Halls of Healing.

I then made my way to the Room of a Thousand Fountains. The room was filled with such beautiful scenery consisting of waterfalls and vases amounts of flora such as Hylaian marsh bamboo, Assari trees, and a Bhansgrek bush grove. There were also benches, bridges, fountains, antique pots, and several stone walkways.  

I walked past the giant wooden doors, which lead me into the Room of a Thousand Fountains, and onto a stone walkway, leading me over a bridge with a pristine and small stream underneath. I reached a bench, which was right underneath an Assari tree and next to a small stream. Before I began to mediate, Maya, Jinx, and Nova found me.

"Where's Kina, Thox, Gida, and Tarom?" I inquired.

"They've all been sent out on a mission to Hissrich." Jinx informed me.

"We won't have time to hang out anymore." Maya sighed.

"We'll still be close to one another. And besides wars don't last forever, right?" I pointed out.

"Grandma Sincra is safe here on Coruscant." Jinx commented. "Padmé informed us that she would keep an eye on her."

I nodded. "While on Geonosis, Padmé offered to help."

I looked over at Nova, who had been awfully quiet since she arrived. I remembered what Dooku told me while in Geonosis. His words echoed in my head: Stop defending your family, Storm. They don't deserve it. Especially when I tell you that your mother has two younger half siblings: Raskta Organa and Yusanis Kryze. They are your aunt and uncle, and not to mention that you have cousins as well, Nova and Jeren Organa, and Lorea, Vorlega and Orlamax Kryze.

"You've been awfully quiet, Nova." I observed.

Nova immediately looked up at me. She looked nervous. "...I've been distracted lately." 

"I came across Vorlega...Vorlega Kryze while I was on Geonosis." I commented, noticing how Nova's eyes lit up at the mention of Vorlega. "...She's now with the Sith along with Dooku...Do you happen to know her?"

Nova hesitated. "Well...of course I do. She was a Jedi Shadow like us...I mean Vorlega had no team, she always preferred to go solo."

I raised an eyebrow. "And did you know that Vorlega is not just your cousin...but ours as well! Did you know that we're cousins!"

Nova hung her head. "...I wanted to tell you, but..."

"What?!" Jinx and Maya were both dumbfounded. "We have cousins?!"

"But what Nova? Did you not give a Psadan's patoot to tell us? Is that what it was?!" I exclaimed, completely irate. "Why Nova? We're best friends...we fought together, while we were Jedi Shadows we were on the same team, so what was the need to hide this from me? Were you ashamed to be related to us?"

Nova violently shook her head. "No, I'm not ashamed...on the contrary, I'm honored to be related to you three. However I was told by our grandma to not say anything..."

I was left distraught at her words. Jinx raised an eyebrow. "Grandma Sincra? Yeah nice try, she would never keep secrets from us."

I lowered my head. "...I wouldn't be so sure about that, Jinx."

"Why? What do you know, Storm?" Maya inquired.

I hesitated. "...While on Geonosis, I discovered a secret that's's something I wish wasn't true. However grandma confirmed it herself."

"And what was this secret?" Jinx asked.

"Count Dooku...the former Jedi Master who turned to the dark side, is our grandfather. Grandma had an affair with him while he was a Jedi, and our mom was born." I explained.

Jinx, Maya, and Nova all looked at me with horrified looks. I grimaced. "...Yeah that was my reaction as well."

"...Why? Why would grandma keep this from us?" Maya questioned.

"She claimed she was doing it to protect us. Grandma thought it was better we didn't know." I informed them. "She didn't want us to think so badly of her."

"Well she's done just that." Jinx grumbled.

"Are you kidding? We would never think badly of her." Maya intervened, giving Jinx a long look. 

Jinx remained silent as she looked over at us before getting up, and storming off. No doubt she needed to be by herself...I know it's a lot to take in. Maya sighed. "I'll take to her."

I nodded. "I'll see you around."

Once Maya left, Nova gave me a look of regret. "Storm, I'm truly sorry for not telling you before...I should've said something."

I released a sigh, not wanting to argue anymore as I wished to conserve my energy on mediating. I lowered my head. "Grandma Sincra must have her reasons for this...It's not your fault, Nova."

I could sense the hesitation in Nova before she spoke. "...I can tell you wish to mediate. I'll leave you to it then."

Once she was gone, I closed my eyes before reaching out to the Force, I allowed myself to hear the sound of trickling water from all around me along with a roar of water coming from a waterfall, which I located to be in the center of the room. I then felt the cold water of the streams and of the waterfall. It reminded me of the hot springs at the Crystal swamps. Pretty soon I could see all of Tyrena, feeling everything under my fingertips. I then moved out, trying to sense Corellia's other cities. I then sensed a disturbance in a city located near Corellia's northern Nomad Mountains. The city was close to pristine forests. I then saw a cave deep in the forest where I saw Drall walking into the cave, and amongst the Drall I saw Garthhar as well. I gasped as I opened my eyes. I know this's Doaba Guerfel, also known as Nomad's Retreat.

I rushed out of the room and towards the council room to find all council members present, except for Kina, Master Allie, and Master Windu. All the Masters, except for Master Yoda, looked at me in utter confusion. Master Yoda's eyes lit up as I made my way towards the middle of the room.

"Seen something have you, Storm?" Master Yoda inquired.

I nodded. "I know where the Drall Patriots headquarters are. They're located in a city called Doaba Guerfel. I saw the Drall, including Garthhar there."

"We get word to Master Allie right away." Master Mundi commented.

"I can go and inform her. Allow me to finish my mission on Corellia with Master Allie." I urged.

The Masters then exchanged looks, indicating that something was troubling them. I raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong, Masters? It looks like you're all troubled."

Finally after a few moments, Master Fisto spoke up. "While on Geonosis, we heard a disturbing rumor."

"A rumor?" I repeated. "And what was this rumor about?"

What could they have possibly heard on Geonosis that troubled them? My blood then froze as an idea popped into my head. It couldn't be...could it? My worst fear was confirmed by Master Ti.

"It involves you, Storm. There is a rumor of you being related to the Sith Lord and Separatist leader, Count Dooku." Master Ti explained.

Master Koon leaned forth in his seat. "Is this true, Storm?"

My shoulders slumped as I hung my head, afraid to see their reactions. "...Yes, Jinx, Maya, and I are granddaughters of Dooku."

I heard murmurs and whispers amongst the council. This is it...this is where they'll kick my sisters and me out of the Jedi Temple, and strip us of our title. I slowly raised my head, fighting back the fear I felt.

"Please Masters, don't kick us out. I can assure you that my sisters and I are nothing like Dooku. Despite sharing his blood, we will remain loyal to the Jedi Council, to the Republic, and most importantly remain on the light side of the Force." I said, trying to assure them. I then got down on my knees. "Please Masters, the path of the Jedi is all I know. I beg of you to all reconsider..."

"From the ground rise, my child." Master Yoda ordered.

I slowly rose from the ground before hesitantly looking up to the Masters.

"We are not kicking you or your sisters out of the Jedi Order." Master Tiin informed me.

Thank the Force! I sighed in relief. "Thank you, Masters! You won't regret this."

Master Yoda chuckled in amusement. "Too hard on yourself you've become, Storm."

Master Secura nodded. "Discipline is good, but you need to know when enough is enough."

"We see you struggling with your emotions and with discipline, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll go to the dark side." Master Kolar added. "Everyone struggles, however learning from your mistakes is crucial...and vital."

"Which is why we'll let you return to Corellia to complete your mission. However please be more careful with your emotions." Master Ti warned. "And do not let your emotions control you."

"We understand Dooku was your first Master, the connection between you two is strong. But we know that doesn't define you." Master Gallia informed me. 

"Although we'll keep a close eye on you, just in case Dooku tries to do anything." Master Windu added. "Also, considering the rumor, I believe it's best we keep it concealed...for now."

Master Yoda nodded. "Keep this a secret we must."

A huge grin appeared on my face as I nodded. "Understood. Thank you very much, Masters. I'll go at once."

With that I left the council room, and made my way to the hangars where R3 was waiting for me by our ship. He began beeping rather angrily at me, snapping at me. I was taken back by this. "Whoa! Who pissed in your power supply?"

He calmed down, informing me he wasn't mad at me, but rather worried that I almost died. My face softened up at once. He truly was the best droid friend I could ever have. I affectionally patted his head. "I'm not going anywhere for a long time, R3. It's going to take someone or something powerful in the galaxy to kill me."

With that R3 and I hopped on the ship, making our way to Corellia.
