Chapter 108: Sister Vs. Sister

I had to leave before I endanger the lives of Mira, Ephraim, Ezra, Milo, and Lina. And it was better that I leave now in the night. I quickly changed into my Jedi clothing before gathering my things as fast as I possibly could. Ani and Nova flew over to my shoulders. Once I had everything, I made my way towards the front door. Before I reached the door, I heard a familiar voice whisper out. "Are you leaving?"

I turned around to see both Mira and Ephraim standing not far from me, dressed in their pajamas. I felt a pang of guilt for thinking of leaving without saying goodbye. I owed them an explanation.

"I'm sorry, but I must leave. If I stay, I'll put all of you in danger." I mentioned.

"Did the Empire find you?" Mira asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid they may have found me." I confirmed.

Mira and Ephraim exchanged grim looks before turning back to face me. They knew that I had to leave. It was the only way to keep them safe. I gave them both hugs for the last time. As we pulled away from the hugs, Mira offered a smile. "Good luck."

"And be safe, Storm Ca'ana." Ephraim advised.

My eyes widened at his words. How did he know my name? I never told anyone on Lothal what my real name was in case someone has seen my wanted poster. And no doubt that's how Mira and Ephraim knew my name, they've seen my wanted poster.

"We've seen your wanted poster." Mira explained.

"But don't worry, your secret is safe with us." Ephraim assured me.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, I wish you the best of luck as well. And take care of Milo, Lina, and Ezra, especially your son. He's more special than you think."

"He's capable of becoming a Jedi, isn't he." Mira commented. 

A sad smile crept on my face. "Yes, he was..."

But now with the Jedi Order gone, there was no longer a chance for him to become a Jedi. He was in danger from the Empire. If they discovered that he's Force-sensitive, then who knows what they'd do to him.

"We'll keep him safe." Mira mentioned.

I gave them one last smile before leaving their home. Once I left the Bridger household, I threw the hood of my cloak over my face. Fortunately, they weren't many people roaming around the city. But they were still stormtroopers around out on the streets. I did my best, sneaking my way throughout the city. The two moons were high up in the sky. Once I reached the grasslands, I glanced over at my shoulders, where Ani and Nova were.

"All right, Ani, Nova. Go on and be free." I urged.

Ani and Nova looked at me as they let out chirps. They then nuzzled my neck before flying off of my shoulders. As they flew up into the sky, Allie and several Loth-wolves appeared before me. I bowed my head before the Loth-wolves. In a matter of seconds, they surrounded me. I extended out my hand, placing a hand on Allie's fur.

"I must leave." I informed her.

"And you shall leave. But do not worry, we'll see each other again." Allie assured me.

"I'm glad, I'm not ready to say goodbye." I confessed.

"You do not have to, Storm." Allie mentioned.

Allie lowered her head, allowing me to placed my head against hers. Once Allie raised her head, she turned to leave. All the Loth-wolves around me began to follow her, making their way deeper into the fields. As soon as the Loth-wolves left, I turned around to see Jinx and Dibs, standing in one of the fields surrounded by large stone slabs. Around us in the golden fields were a couple of Loth-cats, watching us with intrigued looks. Behind Jinx and Dibs was my starfighter, which was now engulfed in flames.

Well...there goes my ride off of this planet. I glanced back at Jinx to see that she still looked the same, white hair, fair skin, but her eyes are glowing yellow, with dark robes, and a red lightsaber. I was baffled to find her standing not too far from me.

"Storm, there's nowhere for you to run." Jinx informed me.

"Jinx..." I trailed off.

Jinx clenched her fists as her anger rose. "It's not Jinx, it's Ucra!"

Tears filled my eyes. I can't believe my sister has turned to the dark side. She had to be brainwashed, right? There was no way that Jinx had willingly turned to the dark side. My sister was one of the strongest people in the family.

"Please don't do this, sister. You're better than this." I begged.

Jinx scoffed. "Am I?"

"Why are you doing this?" I inquired.

"Because the dark side has offered me something that the Jedi could never give me." Jinx rebuked.

I furrowed my brows. "So you haven't been brainwashed?"

Jinx let out a laugh. "Brainwashed? Oh no, Storm, I'm fully in control. And I'm far more powerful than you or any Jedi."

My heart dropped at her words. A wicked grin appeared on her face. "Looks like it's my turn to embrace the dark side."

"I was brainwashed, Jinx. I didn't want any part of it." I retorted. "I stand for the Republic and the Jedi Order."

"Your precious Jedi Order and the Republic is gone!" Dibs snapped. "The Empire has taken over. It's a new day, Ca'ana."

Jinx raised an eyebrow. "Did you really stand for the Republic and the Jedi Order? The Storm I know would've done her best to fight it. But you couldn't, and do you know why? Because you cared for Dooku. Despite never saying it aloud, I know you loved him."

My heart clenched at her words. I never mentioned it to anyone, but she was right...I loved Dooku like I loved my other grandparents. Part of me believed that there was some good in Dooku, even in the last moments he was alive.

"He was your first Master, and you viewed him as your grandfather before you even knew the truth. You two were very close. He saw as the daughter he could never have, the daughter that was taken away from him." She continued. "If you got the chance, you could never kill him. You're weak, Storm. And you know what? I'll never forgive you for what you've done."

"What did I do, Jinx?!" I exclaimed.

"You did so many things, and you don't even know." She rebuked. "And now, you're going to pay."

Jinx ignited her red lightsaber, while Dibs turned on his two red bladed shoto lightsabers. I ignited my dual bladed lightsaber, revealing two yellow blades. They then both lunged towards me. Our lightsabers clashed at once. I used all my strength, pushing them back. Jinx and Dibs both stumbled back, but Jinx quickly recovered. She rushed towards me, swinging her lightsaber towards me.  I was quicker, deflecting her attacks with ease. It wasn't long until Jinx grew frustrated, angry that she couldn't hurt me. Jinx raised a leg, hitting my stomach, causing me to stumble back as I let out a grunt of pain.

Jinx and Dibs leaped towards me, but I managed to dodge their blades in time. My face missed their blades by mere centimeters. I then spun around, slicing a side of one of Dibs' legs. Dibs let out a cry as he collapsed onto the ground. I then hastily extended out a hand, using the Force, pushing back Jinx with all my strength. Jinx fell back onto the grass, scaring off a couple of Loth-cats.  I whipped around turning to face Dibs, who was climbing back onto his feet. I could feel Dibs' anger growing as he raised his head to face me. Dibs then lunged towards me with his blades raised in the air. I swung my dual lightsaber, deflecting Dibs' attacks. Dibs grew even more furious as his attacks grew faster. However, I retaliated with grace much like my grandfather and with the defense and strength of Master Allie. 

I forced Dibs to back up and as soon as I caught him off guard, I struck Dibs' chest. Dibs let out a gasp before he collapsed onto the ground beside me, where he perished. Jinx let out a battle cry as she ran towards me. Our lightsabers clashed at once. We struggled as we both used all our strength to push one another back. Jinx and I each extended out a hand, using the Force to push each other back. After several moments of struggling, we were both thrown back into different directions, hitting the grass with a thud. I let out a groan as I slowly climbed back onto my feet, my arms covered in scrapes. Master Jinn's voice echoed in my head. "Storm, don't forget...concentrate on this moment. Feel, don't think. Trust your instincts. They will not lead you astray.

As Jinx jumped up from the ground, I closed my eyes, reaching out to the Force, feeling everything around me. Just before Jinx's lightsaber could strike me, I spun around, missing Jinx's blade. As I whipped around to face Jinx, one of my blades sliced her side before gracefully slashing her other side with the edge of my lightsaber blades. Jinx let a howl of agony before stumbling onto the ground. Once she hit the ground, she shouted out. "I hate you! You're no longer my sister!"

I flinched at her words, which were laced with venom, pain, and so much hate. My heart dropped as Jinx's head collapsed onto the field. I then gave her one last look before running off. I quickly rushed back into the city. By the time I reached the Capital City, morning had arrived, and the streets were filled with people. I threw my hood over my head as I made my way to spaceport. I need to leave now. 

I ran through the docking bays in search of a smuggler to get me off of this planet. And fortunately, I found a smuggler. I reached one of the last docking bays, finding a tall female Xexto. She had pale white skin, black eyes, and long brown hair that ended below her long neck. The Xexto had the clothing of a smuggler, wearing a brown jacket, a simple tunic, gloves on all four of her hands, and black boots. Behind her was a light freighter ship, a typical smuggling ship.

"Are you a smuggler?" I inquired.

She shrugged. "That depends, you looking to ship some goods?"

"I need to get off this planet. I'll pay you handsomely." I assured her as I took out a bag of credits.

I had another bag of credits that I got from my banking account from Corellia. I grabbed some money during my time on Atollon. My parents set up a banking account for me when I first became a pilot. I watched as the Xexto's eyes lit up. She extended out a hand to grab the bag, but I pulled the bag towards me. 

"Oh no. Not until we get off this planet and you take me to my destination." I mentioned. 

"Right, well, I understand. You can't be too careful. Name's Miah." The Xexto informed me as she extended out a hand.

"Sincra Nightshade." I lied as I shook her hand.

 Once we were inside her ship, we made our way to the cockpit. As soon as we reached her cockpit, Miah plopped down on the pilot's chair. Her four hands quickly reached the control panel, taking us out of Lothal and into space.

"So where do you want to go?" Miah asked.

"What planet is the farthest away from the grasp of the Empire?" I questioned. "Somewhere at the edge of the galaxy."

"Batuu it is then." Miah said. She then motioned one of her hands towards the co-pilot's chair beside her. "Go on and sit down, Sincra. It'll take some time to get there."

Reluctantly, I sat down on the co-pilot's chair. Miah then punched a jump, taking us into hyperspace. As we made our way, Miah spoke up. "You're going to love it there."

As Miah went on about Batuu, my mind wandered off. I thought about my grandparents being killed by the Grand Inquisitor and how my last sibling I had lied dead in the fields of Lothal. I killed older sister. Now there was only one Ca'ana My heart clenched. All my siblings were gone, my only grandparents were slaughtered, and I wasn't sure what happened to my parents. Now it was only me. I was the last Ca'ana alive. 
