Chapter 59: Star of Coruscant

Once we landed in the hangars of the Jedi Temple, R3 and I were greeted by Mocax, Nova, and Gida. Mocax immediately gave me a salute. "General, I'm glad to see you alive and well."

"Glad to see you too, Mocax." I replied. "It's good to be back."

I gave him a hug, which surprised him yet he returned the hug. I then embraced Nova and Gida, who were relieved to see me. 

"Glad you're back from your final Sentinel mission." Nova commented.

I then furrowed my brows. "You knew I took one last job as a Jedi Shadow?"

"Yeah, Master Yoda mentioned it to Kina and she told us." Gida explained.

"Of course she did. I wouldn't expect anything less from her." I replied.

"Well, the Jedi Council is waiting." Nova reminded me.

"Of course. R3, go to my room." I advised.

R3 let out a few low beeps, making me feel bad. I wanted him to come, but the Jedi Council only wished to see me. Despite R3 being one of my best friends, they didn't want any droids in a private meeting. They were worried of another droid falling into Separatists' hands like the incident with R2-D2. Fortunately, Ahsoka and Anakin were able to get him back.

"I'm sorry R3, but you can't come with me." I mentioned. "The Jedi Council wishes to only see me, R3."

R3 lowered his head but let out a beep, saying he understood. He left the hangars. I then made my way to the Jedi Council chambers. As soon as I entered the room, I bowed before greeting them. "I'm back, Masters."

"It's good to see you alive and well, Storm." Master Koon commented.

"Yes and we are glad that you have disposed of the holocron." Master Windu mentioned.

"And in awe of how you befriended the Talids." Master Tiin chimed in.

"We believe you have come far, Storm. And we know you have not failed us." Obi-Wan added.

"Yes, you've endured more trials than most your age. But you have proven your loyalty to both the Jedi Order and the Republic." Master Ti stated.

"It seems you were right, Storm. You were truly brainwashed." Master Kcaj said.

"Soon the Republic will believe you like we do." Master Rancisis assured me.

"You think so?" I inquired.

"Give it time, Storm. Things will not change right away, but they will get better." Kina commented.

"Right Master Ha is. Be patience and wait, we must." Master Yoda confirmed.

"This meeting is dismissed." Master Windu concluded.

I then turned to leave, when Master Mundi stopped me. He approached me with a gentle look on his face. Ever since I had freed of the brainwashing Dooku did, I couldn't look Master Mundi in the eyes. I still couldn't forget the screams of his family.

"Master Mundi." I greeted with a bow, keeping my eyes towards the ground.

"Storm, I wish to talk to you. Why don't we go out to the gardens?" Master Mundi offered.

I nodded. "Of course, Master Mundi."

With that, Master Mundi and I left making our way out to the gardens. I followed Master Mundi until he stopped by a garden with a sandpit of white sand. Above the sandpit stood a giant assari tree filled with pink stones which were neatly stacked up one another. A small pond lied near us. Master Mundi sat in the sandpit before closing his eyes. I couldn't understand why he wished to speak to me or bring me here. But I knew that I should try to apologize. I knew nothing I could say could bring them come back, but he had to know how terrible I felt.

"I'm sorry for your family, Master Mundi. I can't tell you how awful I feel. I swear to you, I didn't mean to kill them. I'm truly sorry." I informed him.

Master Mundi opened his eyes. "You needn't feel trouble yourself any more, Storm. I know you weren't in control of yourself. You have proven that to us all. Now you must move on, Storm. Just like I am doing with the help of the Force. Clear your mind from these memories."

I couldn't believe how calm he was. There was no anger towards me, which made me feel even more guilty than before.

"But I can't, I still hear the screams and see all those I killed...including Master Norcuna." I explained.

"We are all mourning the lost of Master Norcuna, especially Jinx." He informed me.

I furrowed my brows. "Jinx knew Master Norcuna?"  

"Yes, they were close to one another, especially in these few past years. Of course Master Norcuna and Jinx knew that attachments were not allowed." Master Mundi explained. "They were only friends, though sometimes it seemed like they were more than that..."

He then shook his head. "Don't listen to me. Sometimes I overlook into simple things."  

My stomach dropped. But what if Master Mundi was right? What if Jinx and Master Norcuna were secretly dating? And now I killed him, which would devastate her. I thought about what would happen if someone I knew murdered Koltav. A shiver ran up my spine and I immediately pushed the thought aside. I don't think I could live if someone killed him.

"And how is she taking it?" I inquired.

"Jinx refuses to speak to anyone of the matter. She has kept herself busy by training or helping out others in battles. We all have different ways to cope with the pain, but I believe Jinx will overcome this." Master Mundi assured me. "We all will overcome these trials."

At that moment, Maya approached me. "Storm!"

At once, she gave me a tight hug, which I returned. Once we pulled away from the hug, she gave me a wide smile. "Thank the Force, you're all right! When Kina mentioned you went on a secret mission, I tried to contact you but you didn't answer."

"I'm sorry, Maya. I couldn't respond. I was afraid of the missioning being compromised." I explained.

"Well what matters is you're here now. Oh I almost forgot why I came! Chancellor Palpatine wishes to see you." Maya informed me.

My heart dropped at her words. Why in the blazes would he want to see me? I tried to hide my emotions as I knew I wasn't alone.

"Why does he wish to see me?" I inquired.

Maya shrugged. "Don't know. Probably has something to do with your mission."

"Go ahead Storm, I wouldn't want you to keep the Chancellor waiting." Master Mundi urged.

I nodded. He had a point, I'd hate to make Palpatine impatient. With that, we walked inside the temple. As we walked towards the entrance of the temple, Maya spoke up. "Echo's outside waiting for you by the way. He wanted to escort you to the Senate Building."

A grin then appeared on her face. I shook my head. "Oh no, Echo and I are just friends."

Maya chuckled. "Right, you're just friends. Don't worry, sister, your secret is safe with me."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever...One day, I'll find something on you, Maya. And then I'll get you back."

Maya let out a laugh, sounding a bit nervous. I had my suspicions, but then again it might have been nothing. We then walked out of the Jedi Temple. I saw Echo outside by the steps, just like Maya mentioned.

"I'll see you later." Maya said.

She gave me one last teasing smile before heading inside the Jedi Temple. I then made my way to Echo, who was in his trooper armor. Echo's eyes lit up as soon as he saw me. "Storm!"

"Echo." I greeted.

I then gave him a hug, which he returned. Once pulled away from the hug, Echo spoke up. "How are you?"

"Better than before. How have you been?" I inquired.

"Busy. Ever since we brought you back to Coruscant, the 501st was sent back to Duro to reclaim it from the Seppies." Echo explained. 

"And how did it go?" I questioned. 

"We eventually won the planet, although it took some time and reinforcements." Echo mentioned.

"That's great, it makes me feel somewhat better...since I helped the Separatists take the planet." I reminded him.

"Storm, don't do this to yourself. You know that it wasn't your fault. You were brainwashed. You" Echo replied. "Please do it for yourself. And if not...for me then."

My smile widened. "Thank you, Echo. You always know what to say."

Echo returned my smile as his cheeks turned bright pink. "...We should be heading to the Senate building. Wouldn't want to keep the Chancellor waiting."

I nodded. "You're right."

That's the last thing I wanted. With that, Echo and I made our way to the Senate building. We walked through the long hallways. Once we reached Palpatine's office, I saw Palpatine, my mom, Koltav, Lorea, Orlamax, Jeren, Riyo, Bail, Mon Mothma, and Padmé. As soon as they saw me, Palpatine greeted me. "Ah there she is. The brave Jedi."

I bowed before him. "You wished to see me, your excellency?"

"Yes, I've been informed that you went on a mission, destroyed a Sith Holocron, and killed one of Dooku's acolytes." Palpatine mentioned.

"Yes, I did what I felt was necessary to prove that I'm still loyal to the Republic and the Jedi." I explained.

"And you did a marvelous job, Storm." Mom praised.

"Indeed. I don't know what you said to the Talids, but Ten-Abu was insistent on joining the Republic." Mothma added.

"Storm must've used her famous Ca'ana charm." Riyo commented, giving me a teasing smile.

I chuckled. "I don't know if I would go that far."

"Well whatever you did do helped the Republic out. We've brought this to the Senate." Koltav informed me. "And we mentioned to the Republic that it was you who made this all possible."

"We are sending troops to Ando Prime as we speak." Palpatine informed me.

My eyes widened. "You did what now?"

"We let the entire Republic know that you have paved the way for Ando Prime to become part of the Republic." Lorea clarified.

"Which is why Chancellor Palpatine wished to see you." Orlamax mentioned.

"He has a special surprise for you." Bail added.

"Storm Ca'ana, you have shown determination, courage, and loyalty to the Republic. What you have done has not gone unnoticed, my child. And on behalf of the entire Republic, I would like to give you the Star of Coruscant combat medal in the Senate building." Palpatine informed me.

My jaw dropped. That was one of the most famous awards and highest honor that would could gain in the Galactic Republic for combat. A huge smile grew on my face.

"I would be honored, Chancellor." I replied.

Echo smiled. "You deserve it, Storm."

I stood in Senate Building's Senate Chamber. I sat beside Palpatine in his podium along with the Vice Chair, Mas Amedda and Palpatine's senior administrative aide, Sly Moore. I wore a long white dress with a crown red roses on my head. My hair was down, showing the beads that the Talids gave me.

I then glanced around the room seeing thousands of hoverpods filled with representatives of different planets. I spotted my mom, Lorea, Orlamax, Padmé, Riyo, Koltav, and many of my other family and friends with in the senate all scattered throughout the room. I also spotted Echo, Rex, Areria, Maya, Obi-Wan, and other several familiar faces. Many holojournalists and holographers from news channels such as Nova Network, TriNebulon News, and even HoloNet News were here as well. I felt nervous, unsure of whether this would make the Republic realize I'm on their side. Palpatine and my mom reassured me that the Republic would see the truth soon. I hope they're right. It wasn't long until Palpatine began.

"We are here today to honor Jedi Knight Storm Ca'ana and her accomplishments on Ando Prime." Palpatine began. "She has shown courage, determination, and most importantly unconditional loyalty to the Republic. On behalf of the entire Senate and Republic, I give you the Star of Coruscant combat medal."

Palpatine then raised the golden medal with the symbol of the Republic attached to a blue ribbon before hanging it around my neck. He extended out his hand, which I shook. The entire audience erupted into applauds. A smile grew on my face. 

Palpatine then whispered in my ear. "You see what happens when you remain quiet? Things will get much better for you if you don't say a word, my child."

I did my best to keep my smile as I knew all eyes were on us. I couldn't believe what he was saying. I felt torn, angry, and devastated. Not only was he blackmailing me, but he was using bribery as well to keep me quiet. I felt guilty for remaining quiet. But what could I do? He would kill off everyone I knew and then destroy the reputation that I had just rebuilt. I was stuck. I remained silent as I kept my smile and waved to the audience.
