Chapter 55: The Restoration of Storm

I continued to hear Naxele's voice in my head. "You cannot undo all that you have done, Storm. You are me and I am you."

Everything I had done, all the people I had killed had bombarded my mind all at once, overwhelming me. I shook my head, trying to ignore her words. What am I going to do? An idea then popped into my head. All the Jedi who are on this mission can help me. Only they can fix this. I quickly turned towards Echo, doing my best to remain in control.

"Echo, get all the Jedi that are here on the mission now." I urged.

Echo turned the comlink on his wrist on. "This is Echo, General Kenobi I believe you and the rest of the Jedi should come here this instant. I'll send my coordinates."

I groaned. Echo kept his hand laced around mine. I heard Naexle's voice getting louder in my head and soon it was accompanied by Dooku's voice. "You will be continue the legacy of the Sith. You are a Dooku."

I shook my head as I tried, fighting off the voices. Tears filled my eyes as they continued to torment me. After what felt like hours, I heard Obi-Wan's voice. "Echo, what's so important..."

I forced myself to glance up to see Obi-Wan's face. He looked at me, rather baffled. "Storm?"

I glanced over to see Vinor, Kina, and Nova standing alongside him. They stared at me, looking perplexed. No doubt they knew all the horrible things I had done. I quickly pushed those thoughts away before I croaked out. "Help me...please. Dooku's trying to take control of me again."

"There's only one thing that will fix this." Obi-Wan mentioned.

Kina nodded. "The Wall of Light."

"Echo, you're going to have to move. We need Storm to not be around anyone or you may also be affected." Vinor warned.

"No, I'm staying here with Storm." Echo argued.

"Echo, it's okay. I'll be all right." I assured him.

Echo hesitated before letting go of my hand. He then made his way towards Obi-Wan and the others. Echo wore a worried look as he kept his gaze on me. I knew the Wall of Light brought great torment to the victim. I remembered using this ability against countless nightsisters, and others who refused to turn over the Sith artifacts. I only knew it caused pain by hearing their screams. Their voices now echoed in my head.

"You're afraid...Good, you should be."

Dooku's voice still taunted me. His voice getting much louder. "You cannot return to the Jedi, you will never be the same."

"Get out of my head!" I yelled as I placed my hands over my ears, trying to ignore them.

"Don't worry, Storm. We'll do everything we can to fix you." Nova mentioned.

"This will hurt, so we will do our best to hurry." Obi-Wan mentioned.

Obi-Wan, Kina, Nova, and Vinor then raised their hands towards me. In an instant, a Wall of Light surrounded me. I then felt immense pain surge throughout my body. It felt as though I was submerged in the rivers of lava from Mustafar. Echo took a step towards me, but was held back by Rex and a couple of other clone troopers, who had just arrived. Feeling my power leave me, I felt weak. My eyes grew heavy, I tried fighting it until I finally no longer had any strength. The last thing I saw was Echo's horrified face before darkness surrounded me.

~Maya's P.O.V.~

I stared at my computer screen, going through several files. I glanced over at the mess of holobooks I had all over the table. I had spent too much time in the Jedi Archives, trying to find out more about Force bonds and some useful information to free Storm.

"You still here?"

I looked up to see Ahsoka, Thox, and Anakin standing in front of the table. They wore worried looks. I spent all my free time in here, searching for a way to free my twin sister. I refused to believe she willingly fell to the dark side. I know her, she is not capable of doing that.

"I must find answers. I don't care what anyone else says, I know my sister. And I believe Dooku did something to her." I protested, defending Storm.

"Maya, we all want to believe that, but Master Yoda said to be open to the idea that she may have choose this path herself." Anakin commented.

"No, don't say that Anakin. Storm's one of your best friends, she's like your sister. You know very well that she wouldn't fall willingly. She's being brainwashed...I just don't have evidence to prove it." I commented.

I then saw Thox, Ahsoka, and Anakin exchange a look. They definitely knew something that I didn't.

"Well we may be able to interrogate one of the Dark Acolytes if we capture them." Ahsoka suggested.

Anakin nodded. "That's the plan. We found one of the Dark Acolytes in Tatooine."

I furrowed brows. "What are they doing on Tatooine?"

"Not sure, but that's where Raala Ponchar, one of the Republic spies was last seen." Anakin mentioned.

"I'm coming with you." I said.

A smile formed on Ahsoka's face. "We were hoping you'd say that."

"Great, now let's get going." Anakin urged.


Once we reached Tatooine, we landed in Mos Eisley spaceport. As soon as we were out of the spaceport, we walked down the streets filled with Dugs, Jawas, Eopies and other species and speeders. I glanced over at Anakin, who looked rather tense. I knew this was his home planet, but he refused to speak of his past. The only people that knew of his entire past were Storm, Padmé, and Obi-Wan. I learned from Storm that Anakin was a slave and that he's still sensitive about his past, holding grudges against slavers. But I knew that Anakin was willingly to return here for Storm and for the Republic.

"We should head into the cantina. Maybe the bartender has some information about the spy and the Dark Acolyte." I suggested.

"Good idea." Anakin commented.

We then made our way into the cantina filled with different species such as Duros, Dugs, Er'Kit, Nikto, Rodians, Weequays, Twi'leks, and many others. A band of Bith musicians playing Jizz. The four of us approached the bartender, a male human.

"Excuse me, we're wondering if a Dark Acolyte, a Separatist was here in the cantina." I mentioned.

He furrowed his brows, looking around at the cantina for a few moments before he responded. "I saw one here earlier. It was a woman with pale skin, black markings with red eyes, and black robes with a Separatist emblem."

"That sounds a lot like a Dathomirian female." I mentioned.

Especially like Saato. She was known for going on counter-intelligence missions. That definitely confirms a correlation between our spy and Saato.

"I didn't know Dooku had recruited another." Thox said. "I thought Ventress was the only Dathomirian."

"So did I." Ahsoka chimed in.

"Dooku must be recruiting more acolytes than we can keep up with." Anakin commented before turning back to the bartender. "When did she leave?"

"Not too long ago." He replied. "She left right after a woman left."

"What woman?" Anakin asked.

The bartender shrugged. "Don't know. She had brown hair and eyes, fair skin."

"Could it be the Republic spy?" Thox asked.

"It could be. We won't know for sure until we find them." Anakin pointed out.

"Thank you, sir." I said as I tossed the bartender some credits.

We then wasted no time in running out of the cantina. The streets were once again packed with people, making it impossible to see any tracks on the ground.

"Where could they have gone?" Ahsoka inquired.

I scanned the area, finding a necklace with the Republic emblem on the ground not too far from me. I wondered if it belonged to Raala Ponchar. Well, there was only one way to find out. I closed my eyes, focusing on the necklace.

In a heartbeat, I saw Raala Ponchar running away from the cantina. Trailing behind her was the Dathomirian, Saato. Before Saato could reach Raala, I saw a blast hit Raala's leg, causing her to stumble onto the sand. I glanced over to see the infamous Bounty Hunter, Aurra Sing. She carried a rifle blaster with her.

"I had it all under control, Sing!" Saato spat.

Aurra narrowed her eyes. "I'm sure you did, Saato. What's the plan?"

"You mentioned a repair shop?" Saato inquired.

Aurra nodded. "There's an abandoned repair shop near the Western Dune Sea."

"Good, then we take her there." Saato replied.


Upon hearing Anakin's voice, I broke my connection with the object. Anakin, Ahsoka, and Thox had approached me.

"I know where Raala is. She was captured by Saato, Dooku's Dark Acolytye, and she had help from Aurra Sing." I informed them. "They've imprisoned Raala in an abandoned repair shop near the Western Dune Sea."

"How did you know all that?" Ahsoka asked, rather baffled.

"It's called Psychometry. It's a rare ability used to get information about people or certain events that are linked with an object merely by touching that object." I explained.

"I didn't know you could do that." Anakin mentioned.

I shrugged. "You never asked, so I never mentioned it."

"Can Storm and Jinx do that?" Thox inquired.

"No, only me. Jinx tried, but this isn't a power you can simply learn. You must be born with this power in order to use this skill." I clarified.

"So what's the plan?" Thox asked.

"Anakin and I will lure Saato away from the shop, which means Ahsoka and Thox will have to deal with Sing and get Ponchar." I advised.

I sensed Anakin's conflicting emotions. I placed a hand on Anakin's shoulder. "Don't worry, Anakin. I have confidence that Ahsoka and Thox can do this."

"Maya's right, Master. We got this." Ahsoka assured him.

"Yeah, besides we're doing this for Storm." Thox added.

Anakin nodded. "You're right, for Storm."

With that, we made our way towards the Western Dune Sea. We found the abandoned repair shop near the Jundland Wastes. Ahsoka and Thox hid a giant rock not too far from the repair shop. As soon Saato saw us, she emerged from shop and lunged towards Anakin and me. We fought Saato, leading her away from the abandoned repair shop and towards the Great Pit of Carkoon, where the vicious sarlacc lied. Saato was a vicious fighter, using her two red bladed lightsaber shotos, swinging them around as she fought us. Anakin's and my lightsabers clashed against hers. We pushed forth with all her strength. She jumped high in the air before spinning behind us. We were very close to the Sarlacc and its pit.

"She's trying to gain the high ground." Anakin mentioned.

"We can't let that happen." I urged.

Saato then spun towards us with her lightsabers in the air. Anakin and I dodged in time, rolling to the side. Anakin managed to slice her leg, making her fall onto the sand behind us. Once we climbed up, Saato had her back to the pit. She was back up on her feet, but she was now limping. Anakin narrowed his eyes as he shouted at her. "Where is Storm, Dathomirian witch?!"

"And what have you done to her, Saato?!" I added.

Saato chuckled. Before she spoke, I subtly turned on my comlink recorder without Saato noticing. 

"She's been enlightened. And I did nothing. Dooku used the bond he has with his granddaughter to change her. All her memories have been altered by him. Now she cannot tell what's right and what's wrong." Saato explained.

I knew it. I knew Storm wouldn't fall willingly, it was Dooku's doing. I have to tell the Council this. Anakin's eyes then fell on Saato's belt and I followed his gaze to see Storm's lightsaber. Without saying a word, I used the Force, sending the lightsaber flying towards me. Once I grabbed the lightsaber, Anakin used the Force to push Saato into the pit. She tried to grab onto the edge, but I helped Anakin push her into the sarlacc's mouth. Once she fell, Anakin and I began our journey back to the repair shop. As we made our back, Ahsoka contacted us through our comlinks.

"Master, Maya, Ponchar's safe with us." She informed us.

"And Aurra Sing?" Anakin asked.

"She got away." Thox replied.

At that moment, I felt immense pain surge through my head. I focused on the Force, taking deep breaths. Once the pain had dulled down, I then concentrated on who that pain belonged to. My eyes widened as I realized the pain was coming from Storm. But I pressed on, I felt the darkness around Storm diminish. A smile formed on my face as I realized Storm was all right. She was in pain, but she'll be be fine.

~Storm's P.O.V.~

My eyes fluttered open, finding Echo beside me on the ground. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan, Vinor, Kina, and Nova stood in front of me. I could feel immense pain throughout my entire body. I groaned as I tried getting up. My body felt awfully tired. Echo immediately helped me up. Once I got up, all my memories came flooding back to me. Dooku's voice was no longer in my head, making me relieved.

"Storm, are you all right?" Echo inquired.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I assured him before giving him a smile. "Thank you, Echo."

Echo wore a sheepish smile. "Oh it's nothing. You would have done the same for me." 

"How do you feel?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Like I've been hit by speeder bus." I groaned.

"Yeah, Storm's back." Kina commented.

"Thanks for saving me." I said.

"You would've done the same for any of us." Nova mentioned.

At that moment, I heard Sev'rance's voice through my comlink. "Naexle? Where are you? Vorlega and I are at the rendezvous point."

I glanced down to see I was still wearing a long black cloak, a red tunic, gray pants, a belt, black leather gloves, a mouth cloth cover, and black boots. Obi-Wan, Nova, Kina, Vinor, and Echo all looked over at me, waiting for my response. Sev'rance and Vorlega still assume I was Naexle, which could be an advantage to us. With that in mind, I replied. "I'll be there at once."

"The minute they see your silver eyes, they will know you're Storm." Obi-Wan pointed out.

"Then I've got one shot." I stated.

"What are you insinuating?" Kina questioned. 

"I can get close enough to take out one of them, but not the other." I explained.

"And you're planning on going alone?" Vinor inquired.

"I must if this plan is to work." I insisted.

"We will won't be far behind you." Obi-Wan informed me.

I nodded. "Thank you. Now I must do this, I owe you guys this."

Echo smiled. "We're counting on you, General Ca'ana."

"Now go out there and get us one of the Dark Acolytes." Kina suggested.

I gave them one last smile before leaving to meet up with Sev'rance and Vorlega. I placed my hood up so they wouldn't see my face. I found my troops of droids not too far from me, and I lead them to where Sev'rance and Vorlega were. By the time I approached them, they were fighting against clone troopers.

"I'm here. Xochra, take your troops to the north. There's heavy laserfire and Jedi there." I ordered. "I think you'll be up for the challenge."

A grin appeared on Vorlega's face. "You can count on me, Naexle."

With that, Vorlega ordered her troops to move north. Sev'rance, however noticed that I wasn't Naexle. Once Vorlega was out of sight, I ignited the double bladed lightsaber before swinging over to Sev'rance. Her lightsaber clashed with mine.

"So you're back to Storm Ca'ana, huh?" She asked.

"What gave it away?" I inquired.

"You never called Vorlega by her Sith name. And not to mention your eyes aren't yellow anymore. Well, it will do you no good to return to the Republic now." She retorted as she pushed her lightsaber forth.

"I think I'll take my chances." I shot back.

I spun out of the way as I lowered my lightsaber, causing Sev'rance to lunge forth. I whipped around, jumping towards Sev'rance, slicing the side of her neck. She cried out as she stumbled back, but I knew she was far from done. I felt her anger and hatred radiating off of her. Sev'rance pounced towards me with her lightsaber raised. I dodged, moving to the side before she could hurt me. Sev'rance then saw the wound on my right arm and swung her lightsaber, slicing the cloth and skin above the blast wound on my right arm. I let out a cry as pain surged throughout my arm. I fell back onto the hard ground. My lightsaber fell beside me.

"You're weak as Storm Ca'ana. When you were Naexle, you were strong. You had unlimited power, now you're being held back." She taunted me.

A voice that sounded like Grandma Sincra, whispered out to me. "You know that's not true, Storm. Be the light of the Republic."

At her words, I climbed back up on my feet. I remembered the Code, allowing it to support me: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.

I then used the Force to retrieve the double bladed lightsaber. I narrowed my eyes at her. "The only one who's hold back is you, Tann. You're a slave of the dark side, while I live freely in the light."

I used my left arm to reach out the Force, pulling Sev'rance towards me with all strength. Once she was close enough, I swung my lightsaber, slashing the side her torso. She let out a yelp as she collapsed to the ground. A pool of blood quickly surrounded her. I knelt beside her, feeling the blood soak up my gray pants.

"I can help you, Tann. If you agree to surrender." I advised.

She scoffed. "I'd rather die than surrender to you, Ca'ana."

With that, she laid back in her pool of blood for a few moments before suffocating. I watched as the light left her eyes. It was then when I felt rather dizzy. I had lost of my strength. I heard voices yelling out my name in the distance. I turned to see Echo, Kina, Vinor, Nova, and Obi-Wan along with a troop of clone troopers. A smile appeared on my face. But it vanished as my knees gave out. Darkness quickly surrounded me.
