Nightmare Gets Therapy

Thank you muffins101906 for this idea ^^

Brush your teeth before you cross the road

"Brother, are you alright?" Dream asked, curiously leaning forwards on the couch to analyse the other guardian's expression. 

Nightmare sighed heavily in response, sinking into the couch and folding his arms. He glanced sideways at the other, revealing the dark circles around his eye-sockets. Dream hadn't noticed how exhausted his brother was. He frowned and gently rested a gloved hand on the other's shoulder.

"Maybe you should go and get some sleep." He suggested.

Nightmare stared at Dream with half-lidded eyes, slowly shifting his gaze towards the open window for a few seconds before looking back at his brother, somehow looking even more dead than before.

"It's still early morning, we woke up ten minutes ago Dream."

"That's irrelevant, it doesn't matter when we woke up- you're clearly sleep deprived!" Dream huffed, voice laced with concern.

His brother sighed once more, glancing down at his hands and twiddling his thumbs.

"I'll be alright." He eventually said after a few seconds of silence. "I just... I keep having nightmares- and they feel so real." 

Dream felt a pang of pity as he listened to the way his brother's voice trembled. He hated to see him look so vulnerable and stressed. Nightmare didn't deserve this, he's already been through so much. How much more punishment did the universe have left in store for him? He didn't even do anything wrong!

He took a deep breath, suppressing the anger that had began to bubble within him. He knew the universe wasn't to blame, nor was fate. It's all just a twisted coincidence that his brother continues to suffer. It's not fair, yet he'll try his best to comfort the other. To make him feel safe when no one else can.

Tentatively, Dream scooted over towards the dishevelled guardian and hugged him. Nightmare stiffened for a moment before relaxing and leaning slightly into the hug.

"Maybe you should get therapy, Night."

Nightmare blinked, moving away from the hug and staring blankly at his bright-eyed brother.

"Hey- don't give me that look." Dream huffed, folding his arms. "It is a good suggestion, therapy is very eh... therapeutic!"

"Well, you're not wrong but-"

"Exactly!" Dream interrupted, grinning. "Hey, how about I be your therapist?"

Nightmare rolled is eyes, resisting the urge to smile back at the other guardian.

"Dream, no offense, but I don't think you'd be a very good therapist." He mumbled, snickering as his excited expression morphed into a look of betrayal.

Dream let out a 'hmph' and folded his arms, refusing to look at his brother. 

"I would be a great therapist." He pouted.

Nightmare chuckled, shuffling slightly so he was facing the other and flicking his forehead. 

"Whatever you say, Day."

"That is not my name." Dream grunted, thwacking Nightmare's arm away.

"It rhymed though."

"But it's not my name!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms up dramatically.

The guardian of negativity cackled, finding great amusement in his brother's antics. Dream huffed as if he was annoyed, yet he couldn't prevent a small smile from appearing. Nightmare seemed a little more at ease than he had a few minutes ago; he was happy for that. 

Rays of sunlight flitting through the open window caught Dream's attention. He glanced at the golden beams dancing across the carpet and walls as the sun steadily rose, then turned back to once again face his brother who seemed just as mesmerized by the spectacle. This was a good time to talk about feelings, Dream decided.

"So, your nightmares." Dream started, gaining his brother's attention. "What are they about?"

Nightmare's little smile fell, replaced with a frown and a troubled look. He didn't want to put all this madness on Dream; this was his own battle, his alone. It would be selfish to involve his dear brother with his own conflict. Though as he locked eyes with the worried guardian, he realised that maybe talking with the other might not only help him, but also lift a weight off his brother's shoulders. Dream wanted to know what was wrong, he just wanted to help. Pushing him away is only going to make things considerably worse. Nightmare sighed, defeated by his own train of thoughts.

"I see myself hurting the villagers and hurting you." He said quietly.

It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the complete truth. He didn't want to mention how he'd bite into the apples swarmed with negativity, how he'd consume them all, how he'd completely tear this world apart. No, Dream didn't need to worry himself with this. They were just nightmares- it's not like he'd actually allow himself to become this monster. 

Dream tilted his head, urging him to continue.

"That's it." Nightmare mumbled, his lilac eye-lights drifting down to the ground.

Dream didn't seem too certain, in fact he knew his brother was hiding something. Even so, he didn't want to push him. Nightmare would tell him eventually, he just needs some time. The guardian of positivity placed a comforting hand on the other guardian's shoulder, offering a reassuring smile.

"Well, I know you'd never intentionally hurt me." Dream said gently. "These nightmares are just trying to scare you."

Nightmare hummed, a distant look in his eyes. "Yeah."

A moment of silence passed between the two.

"So, how is your relationship with your family?" Dream suddenly asked, crossing his legs and bringing over a notepad and pen with his telekinesis. 

Nightmare snorted, the tension from their previous talk completely diminishing and being replaced with something more light-hearted.

"Well, my mother is a tree, my father never existed and my brother is the weirdest guy I've ever known." Nightmare answered, quickly interrupting Dream as he stopped writing in the notepad and opened his mouth to retort. "But I love him."

Dream closed his mouth, then opened it again, then closed it as if he were a goldfish.

"I don't know if I should be offended or say that I love you too."

Nightmare chuckled, leaning back into the couch and closing his eyes.

"That's for you to decide." He murmured, letting out a loud yawn.

Dream rolled his eyes playfully, tossing the pen and book onto the coffee table in front of them. He remained quiet, gazing back out through the window. The sun had risen significantly as the world slowly awoke. Birds were chirruping from within their nests, peeking their little heads out from within the leaves. The sky was a glorious mix of pink, yellow and blue with not a cloud in sight. There was hardly a breeze either, everything was pleasantly still.

The sound of soft snoring brought Dream back out of his trance. He faced his brother, smiling contently as he saw him finally sleeping. For once, he looked peaceful. No sign of fear, no sign of discomfort. The awake guardian decided to stay there on the couch with the other, intent with keeping him safe from any bad dreams that dared to terrorise his brother's much needed sleep.

There were no nightmares, though. With Dream by Nightmare's side, he was safe.

