Dream destroys all the windows

God dammit, Dream. This is going to be a looooong oneshot. It should've probably been called "Hide and Seek gone wrong" or "Dream destroys all the windows in a game of hide and seek" but no.

I changed the name of the pet rock, its name is now either Lenny, Keith or Jeff because the brothers (Literally just Dream) can't remember the actual name of the rock and keep calling it different names lol.

Remember to brush your teeth before you cross the road.

"Nightmare!" Dream whined, stamping his foot as he stood in front of his brother.

"...What?" Nightmare replied, slightly confused and annoyed. He literally just sat down and now he's being interrogated by his brother. What a great way to start the day.

"What have you done with our pet rock?" Dream questioned, glaring in accusation towards him. Nightmare rolled his eyes, leaning into the couch before gesturing towards a conveniently placed trash can.

"Last time I saw the pet rock, you had launched it at my skull- centimetres away from hitting me- and it fell into the trash can."

"Why didn't you get it out?"

"Couldn't reach it."

Dream stared in disbelief at his lazy brother.

"Wha- but the trash can is right besides you! You could reach in and get the rock out now!"

Nightmare glanced down at the trash can, made an effortless attempt to get the pet rock, couldn't reach it, stayed in that position for a little longer then pulled his arm back and leaned back into the couch.

"Can't reach it." he mumbled.

Dream stamped his foot again, ranting about how lazy his brother was. Nightmare watched him with a tinge of amusement before an idea formed in his mind.

"Poor Rocky-"

"His name is Lenny."

"Poor Lenny, if only there was a brave, strong skeleton who would be willing to save you from the dark depths of the trash can!" He declared dramatically.

Dream raised a non-existant eyebrow before taking a breath and grinning determinedly. 

"Keith has nothing to fear, for I, Dream, will rescue him!"

"...I thought his name was Lenny?"

"Who's Lenny?"

Nightmare sighed in defeat and shrugged.

"Okay,  go save Keith then."

Dream nodded firmly, bravely approaching the trash can and taking a deep breath before reaching in and retrieving Keith the pet rock.

"Look Night, I rescued Keith!" Dream cheered, smiling delightedly.

Nightmare smiled at Dream and clapped, pretending to be extremely proud of him for doing such a difficult task. Dream giggled happily, feeling appreciated.

"Night, will you play hide and seek with me and Jeff?" He asked hopefully with starry eyes.

Nightmare blushed slightly then furrowed his non-existant eyebrows.

"Jeff..? Who's Jeff?" He asked dumbfounded.

"...Our pet rock." Dream answered. "Duh."

"Why does his name keep changing? First it was Lenny, then it was Keith and now Jeff?" 

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Nightmare. His name was always Lenny."

"You just said he was called Jeff!" Nightmare exclaimed.

"No I didn't, why would I call our pet rock Jeff when his name is Keith?"

Nightmare released an overwhelmed breath, deciding to just go with whatever Dream calls the rock.

"Okay, let's play hide and seek with Keith." He mumbled, standing up and adjusting his crown so it sat nicely on the top of his skull. Dream cheered happily, his pupils once again shifting into stars.

"Okay, you count to twenty and me and Keith will hide!" He directed, receiving a nod from his brother. Dream gave Nightmare one last smile before turning away and rushing off with their pet rock firmly grasped in his hand. Nightmare chuckled softly before covering his eye-sockets with his hands and beginning to count to twenty.

Dream quietly tiptoed up the staircase so as not to alert Nightmare he was going upstairs to hide. On his way up the stairs, he placed down Keith and said "You're on your own now, Keith." In a serious tone before climbing the stairs and scanning the area for a good hiding spot. Ahead of him was a conveniently shaped lamp besides a window that was still miraculously intact. Dream nodded to himself, deciding to hide behind the lamp. He then took off his crown and decided to place it on the lamp. Nightmare will never guess he's hiding there now!

"Seventeen... Eighteen... Nineteen... Twenty..!" Nightmare counted, removing his hands from over his eye-sockets. "I'm coming to find you, Dream!"

"And Keith!" A voice yelled from presumably upstairs causing Nightmare to chuckle and roll his eyes. He just gave away his hiding spot, after all.

Nightmare began to approach the stairs and tread up them slowly, however he halted his movements when he noticed Keith upside down on one of the stairs. 

"I found Keith." He mumbled to himself, amused. Nightmare reached down and plucked the rock from off the floor, once again beginning to tread up the stairs.

When he got up there, he straight away noticed that the conveniently shaped lamp nearby a window seemed to have a crown on - Dream's crown, to be precise. 

"Why did you put your crown on the lamp, you just gave away your hiding spot, Dream." Nightmare stated.

Dream stayed silent for five seconds before suddenly jumping out from behind the lamp and pointing at his brother as he exclaimed "You'll never take me alive!" then proceeded to jump out of the window, shattering it.

"wha- DREAM!" Nightmare cried out, startled. He quickly teleported himself outside underneath the window, managing to barely catch Dream.


Dream stared up at Nightmare and chuckled nervously. 

"I guess I wasn't thinking, heh..." He answered sheepishly. Nightmare exhaled, gently placing Dream down on the ground away from the glass shards that scattered the area. He then glanced upwards at the window frame.

"Dream. We are now missing four windows, we only have three left!" 

"No, we still hav-"

"I will not play hide and seek with you anymore if you finish that god damn sentence." Nightmare growled, making Dream shrink back in subtle fear and remain silent. The two brothers held eye-contact for a good five seconds before Nightmare eventually sighed and turned away. "It's your turn to count."

"Okay." Dream replied, covering his eye-sockets with his gloved hands and starting to count to twenty. Once Dream had began to count, Nightmare walked away, heading back inside the house to hide. He wandered around for a good spot, choosing to hide somewhere in the kitchen. He decided to hide Keith in the sink and to hide himself under their dining table (Which left him to be rather easily found).

"Twenty! Here I come to find you, brother!" Dream announced, smiling excitedly as he ran towards their house. 'He's probably hiding in here...' He thought to himself, feeling confident. The joyful skeleton entered the house and checked the living room for any signs of Nightmare, but to no avail.

"Aww, he's not in here..." He pouted, folding his arms before brightening up. "I know! He'll be in the kitchen!" He decided determinedly. Dream exited the living room and ventured into the kitchen, surveying the area.

"Hmmm... Maybe he's behind the fridge!" He inwardly suggested. Dream checked behind the fridge and frowned when he saw no Nightmare.

"God dammit." He muttered. Nightmare heard this and gasped. "Dream! Watch your language!" 

Startled, Dream turned around and crouched down to look under the table, coming face to face with his brother.

"I found you!" He cheered, booping Nightmare's nose.

Nightmare blushed slightly and batted Dream's hand away, gesturing for him to move backwards so he could get out from underneath the table. Dream did as told and stood up, taking a step back. Nightmare casually crawled out from under the table and stood up, stretching his arms as he did so.

"Did you find Keith?" Nightmare asked, tilting his head slightly. Dream remembered about their pet rock and shook his head. 

"He's in the sink." Nightmare stated.

"Brother, why is our pet rock in the sink?"

"He's having a bath."

"But we're playing hide and seek! That is no time for Lenny to take a bath!"

"I see you changed his name again."

Dream simply ignored (or possibly didn't hear) his brother and approached the sink, reaching in and grabbing Lenny, taking him out of the sink.

"Eww, he has something weird and gross on him!" Dream cried out in surprise, launching Lenny out of the window in front of him without a second thought.

"DREAM!" Nightmare yelled.

"I, uh... Sorry?" Dream smiled nervously, taking a step back as Nightmare took a step towards him. Dream continued to step backwards until he was against the sink and Nightmare was face to face with him.

"Dream. You have nearly destroyed all of our windows. We have TWO left!"

"I-I didn't destroy it, Lenny did!" 

Nightmare groaned in irritation.

"Let's just go get Lenny and resume hide and seek- and no more breaking windows!" He instructed forcefully. Dream gulped and nodded, and the two teleported outside, searching through the overgrown grass for their pet rock that was probably feeling rather insulted.

They both searched for a while before Nightmare eventually spotted him.

"Dream, I found Lenny!" He called out, awaiting a response. 

"Yay!" a voice chimed from somewhere nearby. Nightmare grabbed the rock, looking it over before going off to find his brother.

"Hey Dream, what weird and gross thing was on him? Cause It's not on him anymore..." Nightmare questioned as he neared his brother.

Dream took the rock from out of Nightmare's grasp and scanned it over before laughing lightly.

"Oh, It was probably just washing up liquid."

Nightmare stared at Dream with an expression that said 'I want to kill you but I'm not going to'. Instead, he ended up face-palming before suggesting they start the next round of hide and seek. Dream agreed and handed the rock back to Nightmare before proceeding to count to twenty with his eye-sockets covered.

Nightmare watched Dream for a moment before turning away to head back inside the house to hide. Why hide inside the house? Because Dream would probably look everywhere inside and not find his brother and end up crying, which Nightmare didn't want.

Nightmare stepped inside and entered the living room, placing Lenny on the couch besides the television remote and hiding himself behind the door that led into the kitchen.

"Twenty! I'm going to find you!" Dream declared, even thought Nightmare probably couldn't hear him. He ran towards the house and entered, going straight into the living room and noticed Lenny sat on the couch.

"Lenny! Are you watching television instead of playing hide and seek with me and Night?" He exclaimed, despite the television not even being switched on. Of course, Dream received no answer.

Dream left the rock sat on the couch, deciding to search for his brother instead. He checked behind the couch (even though no one could possibly fit behind it) and checked behind the long, draping, star-filled curtains that hung nicely around the window- which was amazingly not shattered yet. When Dream didn't find his brother he frowned. 

"Maybe he's not in this room..." He mumbled to himself. Dream stepped back over towards the couch and collected the pet rock, then proceeded to head towards the kitchen. Nightmare waited for the perfect moment before kicking the door shut that he was hiding behind and jumping out at Dream yelling "Boo!"

Dream squealed, falling backwards in surprise. Nightmare chuckled at his brothers reaction and held out his hand for him so he could pull him up. Dream grabbed Nightmare's hand and stood up to his feet with the help of his brother. He then began to laugh softly. 

"That was pretty funny, though it did startle me." Dream stated after he had stopped laughing. Nightmare grinned. "Well, my intention was to scare you."

"Can I count again? I like searching for you and Jeff!"

"Have you once again changed the name of our pet rock?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. So, can I please count again?" Dream pleaded, handing Nightmare the rock.

Nightmare took the rock and rolled his eyes playfully, nodding.

"Yay! I'm going to count outside!" Dream announced, turning away and running at the window, jumping through it without a single care.

Nightmare watched as the glass pane shattered, inwardly groaning.

"You can be a real pane sometimes." He mumbled. Honestly, he wasn't even surprised at this point. They had one window left, which was upstairs in Nightmare's bedroom, and he was quite positive that Dream was going to find a way to destroy it. 

'I guess I just won't hide in my bedroom, then.' He thought to himself, wandering upstairs with Jeff the pet rock in his hand. Once he reached the top of the staircase, he contemplated where a good place to hide would be.

'I could hide in Dream's bedroom...' he mused, 'Or I could hide in my bedroom, but that just seems like a terrible idea. Besides, I said I wouldn't hide in there.' 

Eventually, Nightmare came to the conclusion to hide in Dream's bedroom. When he entered he stared dumbfounded around the room. It was... beautiful.

Dream's bedroom had pale, yellow walls and a white ceiling. There were star-shaped fairy lights that hung around in multiple places and golden flowers in teal blue vases. The carpet was soft and a dull teal colour that contrasted nicely with the walls. There were semi transparent yellow curtains dotted with stars covering a window that Nightmare didn't think twice about. His bedsheets were yellow with golden sun patterns imprinted on them and his wardrobe/closet was white with fairy lights strung around it.

 Nightmare took a step towards the closet, noticing a photo stuck on it. Once he could see it, he smiled softly. It was a photo of him and Dream sat in front of the Tree Of Feelings- with Nightmare wearing a pink flower crown that Dream had made him. He smiled fondly at the memory, forgetting that he was in the middle of a game of hide and seek. Nightmare suddenly jumped and squeaked in surprise when he heard the door being kicked open. He rapidly turned his skull so that he was staring at his brother.

"I found you! That was a bad hiding place, Night." Dream huffed, "Wait, were you staring at the photo?" He then asked, striding towards his brother and glancing at the photo with a smile. Nightmare nodded, turning back to look at the photo as well.

"Yeah, it's... a nice photo." He answered softly.

"Yep, it sure is!" Dream chimed, turning away to look at the curtains that covered his window.

"Oh, I forgot to open the curtains." He said to himself, separating the curtains and opening his window, letting in fresh air.

"Wait- you have a window in here?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. Didn't you just see me open it?" Dream replied.

"...Please don't tell me you're going to shatter it." 

"Night, Why would I shatter my own window? I like my window very much, though there is already a crack on it."

"Where?" Nightmare asked.

"Here!" Dream replied, pulling the window shut again so that he could point at it. There was a giant crack ranging from one corner of the window the the other, with loads of little cracks in the middle. It looked like it could shatter any minute.

"Dream, that window is dangerous." 

"What? It's not going to stab me Night, I don't think it's very dangerous." Dream mumbled, confused as he traced the crevice with his finger.

"Wait Dream don't-" Nightmare started before closing his eye-sockets and wincing as he heard the glass completely crack and shatter.

Dream stared at where the window once was, being rendered speechless.

"...I genuinely didn't mean to break the window." He mumbled, flabbergasted.

Nightmare internally sighed, leaving the room. Dream watched him before following after him.

"Night, where are you going?"

"To commit defenestration."

"What's that?"

"It's when you throw yourself, someone or something out of a window. In this case, I'm going to throw myself out of a window."

"Don't do that." Dream huffed, folding his arms.

Nightmare stopped walking and turned around to face Dream, who had accidentally bumped into him. Dream stared at his brother, still with folded arms.

"Dream. There is ONE window left in this entire house. You have single-handedly destroyed SEVEN windows!"


Nightmare pulled the same expression as before- the 'I want to kill you but I'm not going to' expression.

"We are no longer playing hide and seek."

Dream whined in distress. "Please can we play one more round! Please..!" He begged.

Nightmare glared at him for a good five seconds before ultimately sighing and beginning to count to twenty, covering his eye-sockets. Dream's pupils shifted to stars and he cheered, running off to go and hide, completely forgetting about Jeff the pet rock, who was left in Dream's bedroom.

He entered Nightmare's bedroom, glancing around momentarily before deciding to hide under the bed. Dream liked Nightmare's room, it consisted of cold and dark colours (Mainly blue and purple) and there was always the phantom smell of lavender whenever he went into the room. He waited patiently for Nightmare to come searching for him, feeling like he had the best hiding spot ever.

"Eighteen... Nineteen... Twenty." Nightmare counted, uncovering his eye sockets and heading straight for his bedroom. 'He's most likely going to be in here since it's the only room that has a window that is still intact and it's the only room he hasn't hidden in yet.' He thought to himself.

 Plus he heard Dream open the bedroom door.

Nightmare slowly opened his bedroom door, glancing around and immediately noticing the yellow cape peaking out from under the bed. Nightmare, however, pretended he hadn't seen it and looked around the room.

"Hmmm, where's Dream? I can't find him anywhere..!" Nightmare exaggerated, looking inside his closet, beside the closet, on top of the closet and behind his draping purple curtains that covered the window, not letting any light into the room. He only had his curtains open when it was Night time.

Dream covered his mouth to stifle a giggle, watching Nightmare's feet move around the room from underneath the bed.

Nightmare perked up at the sound and edged towards his bed.

"What was that noise? Is Dream hiding over here somewhere?" He wondered out loud, lifting the bed cover to see if Dream was under it. Dream giggled again, this time a little louder. Nightmare smirked, crouching down to look under the bed.

"I found you!" He exclaimed, staring at his brother who's eyes were still stars.

"You found me! I hid well! You spent ages looking for me!" He boasted proudly, crawling out from under the bed. Nightmare chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, you hid very well, Dream." He replied.

"Wait, where's Jeff, did you hide him?" Nightmare asked, tilting his head. Dream's eyes widened and he gasped dramatically. "Oh no, I completely forgot about our pet rock's existence!" He exclaimed. "I'll go get him, he's still in my bedroom!" 

Dream ran out of Nightmare's bedroom and into his own, retrieving Jeff and rushing back to Nightmare's room. Nightmare was nearby the window, peaking through the curtains to look outside.

"Brother! Catch Jeff!" Dream ordered, throwing the rock towards Nightmare. Nightmare turned around and barely had time to register the throw before it went straight through the small gap between the curtains and into the window, shattering the glass pane. 

"...You were supposed to catch it, Night." Dream muttered, looking down at the carpet to avoid the glare Nightmare was giving him.

"Congratulations, Dream. You have successfully destroyed all the windows."

Dream pouted and met Nightmare's glare sheepishly.

"Sorry..." He mumbled, twiddling his thumbs.

Nightmare once again gave Dream the glare that said 'I want to kill you but I'm not going to' and released a long, exasperated sigh when he saw Dream with wide, sorrowful eyes.

"...It's okay, Dream. We'll get them all fixed. We just need to contact Ink and everything will be fine." He stated. Dream smiled slightly.

"Does this mean you're not mad with me?"

"I am infuriated with you, but I'm trying to be nice."

"...I didn't mean to destroy all the windows."

"I know."

"Do you forgive me?" Dream asked hopefully, his pupils shifting into stars.

"Nah." Nightmare answered.

The stars faded from Dream's eye-sockets and he frowned sadly.

"I'm just kidding, of course I forgive you, silly." Nightmare chuckled, patting Dream on the skull.

Dream smiled brightly and cheered, his pupils reforming stars once again.

"Thank you, brother! I'll go contact Ink and ask him to fix the windows!" He exclaimed with determination. Nightmare nodded. "Okay, but you must promise that when we get them fixed you won't destroy them again."

"No promises!" Dream chimed.

Nightmare folded his arms and playfully glared at Dream.

"Okay, okay. I'll try not to break them this time." He giggled.

Nightmare smiled at his brother, once again patting him on the head. "Good."

The two brothers smiled happily at each other before Dream clicked his fingers and teleported away to wherever Ink was. 

When Dream arrived, he was in the anti-void besides a spooked Ink Sans.

"Woah, Dream! I didn't expect to see you, what's up buddy?" Ink asked curiously.

"I destroyed all the windows in mine and Nightmare's house!" He informed quite proudly. "...And now I need you to fix them all." He added sheepishly.

"Wait, why are you in the anti-void?" He then asked, confused.

"Oh, I was looking for someone." Ink mumbled, frowning slightly before smiling again. "Okay, let's go back to your house and fix those windows." He stated, receiving a nod from Dream. Both skeletons teleported to the house, Ink chuckling when he saw some of the shattered windows.

"What were you guys doing?" He asked. Dream shrugged, grinning. "Oh y'know, playing hide and seek."

"Must've been an intense game of hide and seek."

"It was." Dream confirmed.

Ink rolled his eyes in amusement, grabbing his paintbrush and beginning to repaint all the windows back into the house.

"There, all done!" He called out to Dream.

"Thanks, Ink!" Dream replied, waving at him. "Good luck finding whoever you're looking for in the anti-void!"

"Thanks, buddy!" Ink gave one last goodbye, teleporting away back into the anti-void.

"Wow, what a great guy." Dream praised before running into the house to meet Nightmare.

"Brother! The windows are all fixed!" He exclaimed. Nightmare looked up from where he was sat at the dining table drinking coffee. "I noticed." He replied, going back to drinking his coffee.

"Can I have some?" Dream asked hopefully.

"Absolutely not." Nightmare answered bluntly. Dream whined but didn't argue. "I'm going to go outside and play in the tall grass, bye!" He exclaimed, jumping through the window.

"DREAM!" Nightmare yelled.

Somewhere within the tall grass, a mischievous laugh could be heard.


thIS IS THE MOST I'VE EVER WROTE- IT'S 3767 WORDS LONG (not including this part)
