No Time to Regret

It's mine and my girlfriend's 1 year anniversary today :3c Much happy

Also this oneshot is pretty short ;v;

Remember to brush your teeth before you cross the road

Error stuffed his hands into his jacket's pockets and solemnly trailed after his corrupted friend. He didn't want to have any part in this but he couldn't just leave his best friend by himself, even if he is completely different now. He raised his line of sight from the ground towards Nightmare, studying his new form. 

He really was a whole other monster. Nightmare was coated with a viscous, inky-black goo that seemed to ooze out from every gap in his bones- not to mention he can sprout tentacles out of his back, that's definitely different. Error narrowed his mismatched eyes and sighed. He knew he was partly to blame for this. He knew he should've tried harder to help Nightmare and get past Ink.

He hated that cunning, deceiving artist. No one ever believes him when he says Ink's not good, Ink's bad, Ink's using you all- well take a look at the damned artist now! Error twitched, involuntarily causing the 'ERROR' signs around him to spasm. He'd make Ink pay for what he's done- he just hopes he'll be able to convince Dream and Blueberry to help him. He hated relying on others but those two probably know the most about the artist- plus, if he didn't tell them then they'd probably continue to hang out with Ink, completely oblivious to his true intentions. Error still didn't know exactly why Ink wanted this to happen though what he does know is that it's certainly not for a good reason.

"I can hear you thinking from over here." Nightmare grumbled, glancing over his shoulder at the destroyer. "Stop that."

Error rolled his eyes, averting his gaze away from the corrupted guardian and instead focusing on the dampened ground.

The onslaught of rain didn't seem like it would stop anytime soon. Each raindrop felt like a rubber bullet- at first they'd stung but now Error had become used to it. The wind had become a strong, ruthless gale, whooshing by the two skeletons and bombarding the trees relentlessly. The leaves rattled and shivered from the force- some of them were even plucked from the spindly branches they desperately clung on to and carried away with the gale. Error stumbled in the wind and narrowly avoided tripping over a few upturned roots. Nightmare continued on, un-phased by the chaotic weather. 

"Is this really what you want to do?" Error eventually asked after a few minutes of walking in silence. 

"Yes." Nightmare bluntly answered.

"But what will Dream think?" Error asked, hoping to somehow change the corrupted guardian's mind on going through with this. "What will you do once they're all gone?"

Nightmare growled lowly.

"I don't care what Dream thinks." He snarled, all the while continuing forwards. "Once I've killed them all, I'll kill my brother."

Error swallowed thickly.

"Just like that?" He whispered. "You're going to kill Dream without a motive?"

"I have a motive." Nightmare seethed. "He ate the last apple I needed to become immortal- plus he couldn't save me."

Error faltered before narrowing his mismatched eyes and baring his teeth.

"Maybe he wasn't able to save you, but damn did he try!" Error barked, making Nightmare pause in his tracks. "Dream loves you. He tried so hard to keep you by his side and not let this happen- none of this is his fault!"

Nightmare remained stoic. Error clenched his trembling hands into fists.

"What you're doing isn't going to fix anything- you're just going to be filled with regrets!"

Nightmare slowly turned around to face Error, his cyan eye blazing with rage. He stalked towards Error and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up into the air. Error gasped, hopelessly trying to pry Nightmare's hands off of his throat.

"It's too late for me to regret, reality is just cruelly moving forwards." Nightmare spoke with an eerily calm tone. "Maybe Dream did try, but he didn't try hard enough. I'm completely swarmed with negative emotions, Error. I feel nothing but hatred and resentment for the world."

Error fidgeted in the grip, before using all of his strength to spit at the corrupted guardian. Nightmare sneered however dropped the other skeleton, folding his arms and glaring down at him. Error sat up and greedily gasped for air, panting heavily and rubbing his sore neck.

"Negative emotions?" Error managed to breathlessly choke out. "So you feel sadness too?"

Nightmare stared down at the other, completely disregarding his question and instead grabbing Error's arm and yanking him up. Error cried out, jumping away from the physical contact fearfully. The 'ERROR' signs around him frantically spasmed and grew in number. He's had way too much physical contact today. 

Nightmare grinned wickedly, finding a sick amusement in watching the other freak out. He turned away from Error and resumed his walk towards the village. Error contemplated following the other or just running away. He winced slightly from the pain in his neck and was about to teleport away before recalling his promise to stay by Nightmare's side no matter what. 

"I hate myself." Error whined, stuffing his hands into his pockets and hurriedly catching up to Nightmare.

After another quiet ten minutes of trudging forwards in the rain, the village eventually started to come into view. Error swallowed, mentally preparing himself for the next part and silently hoping for Dream to show up out of nowhere.


Do you want Dream to show up? 
