Easter Festival

It's not Easter but it's Easter in Dreamtale happy Easter in Dreamtale

Thank you justundertaleuwu for this sweet suggestion :) I hope you all enjoy and remember to brush the teeth before you cross your road

Dream yawned and blinked groggily, rolling over onto his side to stare at the calendar he had hung up on his wall. He squinted, trying to focus on what day it was.

"Sunday, twelfth of April."  He mumbled, trying to think why that day was important. He hummed thoughtfully, rubbing the sleep out of his eye-sockets and continuing to ponder.

"Something happens today." He concluded, though he couldn't think what. Unsatisfied, he rolled over in the opposite direction and fell off the bed. He remained where he was on the floor, smothered by the bed cover until realisation dawned on him. 

"It's Easter!" Dream exclaimed, jumping up and throwing the blanket messily onto the bed. A large smile found it's way onto Dream's face and he wasted no time in clicking his fingers, instantly changing into his regular clothes. He scanned the room in search for his crown- though not his usual one. His eyes locked onto a pretty golden-yellow flower crown that his brother had got him for Christmas. The flowers were fake, but it was still beautiful and Dream treasured it. He treasured anything Nightmare gave him. He stepped towards it, running a gloved hand along the almost real petals before gently scooping it up and placing it on his head. He glanced at his appearance in the mirror beside him, nodding in approval.

"Time to wake up Night." He told himself, giving his room one last glance. Realising he left his curtains closed, he skipped over to them and swung them open. He took the time to admire the view; it was still early in the morning so the sky was painted a pastel yellow and blue. The colours blended together perfectly and fluffy, white clouds were dotted around, framing the beauty. He let out a sigh of content, closing his eyes momentarily before turning around and bounding out of the bedroom towards Nightmare's room. 

Once he was in front of the door he knocked repeatedly, getting louder each time until it was swung open by a tired Nightmare. Dream stumbled back before regaining composure and smiling cheerfully at his brother.

"Night, it's Easter!" He exclaimed a little too loudly. Nightmare winced at the intensity of Dream's voice, feeling a headache forming. He mused over what Dream had said, his eyes widening slightly. He liked Easter (though he never really understood where the concept of bunnies and chocolate eggs came from) however every year when it happened the two brothers had to go into the village to celebrate with the villagers. He recalled how the villagers glared at him last Easter and refused to acknowledge him. Sure, it was better than them physically attacking him and calling him names but that didn't mean it hurt any less. 

Dream frowned, noticing the sudden increase of negativity. He placed a comforting hand on Nightmare's shoulder and offered him a reassuring smile.

"Hey, I know what you're thinking- I promise I won't let the villagers harm you." Dream vowed.

Nightmare met his brother's bright eyes. It's not that he didn't trust Dream- he did, Dream's the only one he trusts- but Dream couldn't stop the way the villagers look at him. He knew it was silly to be so affected by something as small as that yet he couldn't help it. The way they looked at him, those damn eyes, they pierced through him like blades of hatred and resentment. Yet as he stared into his brother's eyes, he started to feel less tense and the negative thoughts began to fade. He smiled slightly at Dream and nodded, earning a cheery smile in response.

"We still have an hour or so before we have to go- let's play outside!"


The hour flew by quicker than Nightmare would've liked and soon enough it was time for them to start making their way to the village. The two hopped down from the random tree they had climbed, Nightmare almost falling.

"Hey- be careful!" Dream cried out, ready to catch his brother if he fell. Nightmare remained quiet, carefully descending from the tree and onto the grass. Dream let out a breath of relief and smiled, holding his hand out for the guardian of negativity. Nightmare gave him a small smile and interlocked their hands together and the two slowly began their journey to the village.

It took quite a while to get there. Dream would point out literally anything he saw in order to distract his brother from the villagers. Nightmare always assumed it was because his brother had child-like wonder and found enjoyment in everything. The village soon came into sight and Nightmare subconsciously moved closer to Dream, avoiding the harsh gazes of the monsters.

This didn't go unnoticed. Dream frowned, turning sharply to glare back at the villagers. Startled and somewhat guilty, they all turned away from the two guardians. Dream turned back around and squeezed Nightmare's hand, giving him a small smile. 

They continued to walk through the village at a steady pace. There was a certain place they had to be; it was near the border of the village to the right where there was a vast park with a gazebo in the centre. Every Easter they went there and talked to the villagers (well, Dream talked to the villagers) and held an easter egg hunt. It was fun- especially since the two of them got to participate as well. 

The park in question gradually came into view. There were many different monsters there with their children, all chatting about how their Easter was going and what they had planned. The two brothers trekked through the grass, Dream waving politely at some of them though there was a glint in his eyes. Nightmare briefly glanced at a few of the monsters, trying to avoid their eyes.

They arrived at the gazebo and treaded up the steps, turning simultaneously to face the crowd of villagers that had gathered. There were always lots that attended the Easter festival and it made Dream happy to see so many excited faces. Nightmare avoided their gaze.

"Hello everyone!" Dream greeted, making sure his voice was loud and clear. 

The chattering amongst the villagers quickly subsided, eyes locking onto the guardian of positivity.

"It's nice to see so many people here- I hope you're all having a great Easter today!" 

Nightmare stayed silent, allowing Dream to talk. It amazed him how confident he was with public speaking- then again, it's Dream. He talks non stop. A white bird monster stepped towards the stage, informing the two guardians that all of the chocolate eggs have been hidden. Dream beamed and nodded, turning back to face the crowd.

"The easter egg hunt is about to start!" He exclaimed, his golden-yellow eyes glowing with eagerness. 

There was a chorus of cheers amongst the crowd from the children and as soon as Dream counted down from five to zero, they all took off running with their parents to search for the eggs. Dream giggled, grabbing Nightmare's hand and leading him down the gazebo.

"Come on, let's go find some easter eggs!" He urged, grinning widely. Nightmare smiled slightly and nodded, mumbling an "okay". They began to wander in a random direction before Nightmare felt something tug at his sleeve. He jumped in surprise, turning around and meeting familiar ruby-red eyes.

"Nightmare!" Bonnie cheered, hopping excitedly. Dream smiled warmly as he watched his brother smile softly and talk with the small, purple rabbit. He half listened to the two, distracted by a few lingering villagers. He overheard a few walk by him and mutter something distasteful about his brother. Dream glowered, glaring daggers at the backs of the monsters. How dare they say such awful things.

"Where's your mom?" The question caught Dream's attention and he turned back to observe his brother and Bonnie.

"She said she had something else to do and told me I could go to the egg hunt by myself." The purple rabbit replied, his ears drooping slightly. "Mommy doesn't have much time for me anymore and it's lonely."

Nightmare's heart stung as he heard the words. Bonnie was only nine- he was too young to know what loneliness feels like. He frowned, crouching down somewhat and hugging the purple rabbit comfortingly. Bonnie's ears drooped more and he let out a sniffle, returning the hug. Dream felt a bubble of sadness within him, though it was quickly turned to anger when he heard the same monsters from before snickering and mumbling nasty things about his brother.

"Might want to stay away from the purple rabbit as well if he's friends with that guardian." The dog-like monster muttered.

"Yeah, he'll only grow up to be a nuisance if he hangs around with trash like Nightmare." The frog monster sneered, eyeing Nightmare.

Dream turned around with empty eye-sockets, giving the two monsters an empty yet threatening glare. He edged towards them and grabbed the collar of the dog-like monster, yanking him down so they were eye-level. The dog whimpered, surprised by the sudden aggression from the usually cheerful skeleton.

"I will not stand by and listen to you talk like that about my brother and his friend." Dream snarled, seeping with rage. 

The frog monster backed away nervously. Dream released the dog and stalked towards the frog monster, summoning a bone and pointing it at his back. The frog held his breath.

"I don't want to hear you call my brother trash ever again." He seethed, sparing his oblivious brother a glance. "My brother is going to have lots of fun today and I won't let scum like you ruin that for him."

The frog monster trembled in bewilderment.

"I'm sure you don't want to annoy me, right?" Dream hissed. "Leave him alone."

The guardian made the bone vanish and closed his eyes. When he reopened them, his golden-yellow eyes were back and he beamed brightly at the frog and the dog.

"Well, I'm glad we had this chat- have fun with the egg hunt!" He said, turning around and approaching his brother and Bonnie.

The frog and the dog shared a look of unease.

Nightmare turned slightly when he sensed his brother approaching and gave him a curious look.

"Where did you go?"

Dream smiled. "I was just talking with some lovely monsters." He answered, chuckling to himself.

Nightmare hummed, turning back to Bonnie. 'They both seemed happier than before' Dream mused.

"I told Bonnie he could join us in the egg hunt, is that okay?" Nightmare asked, tilting his head.

Dream grinned widely and nodded.

"Of course it is!"

Bonnie cheered, hopping around the two excitedly before stopping beside Nightmare and tugging on his sleeve again.

"Let's go!"

The trio spent just over half an hour searching for easter eggs. By the end of the event, they had a basket full of 12 small chocolate eggs, four chocolate bunnies and one big chocolate egg. Bonnie giggled happily- he had whined about his feet aching so Nightmare gave him a piggy back. Dream carried the basket, smiling warmly as he watched the two interact and share jokes. Nightmare seemed happy and so did Bonnie- that's all that mattered to Dream. 

They all decided to stop at a bench so they could share the chocolate out. Nightmare carefully lowered Bonnie down and sat on the bench, Bonnie instantly hopping on beside him. Dream sat to the other side of his brother, placing the basket down next to him and sorting through the chocolate.

"We can all have four small chocolate eggs between us and one chocolate bunny though there is one left."

Nightmare hummed before gesturing towards the giggling purple rabbit beside him.

"Give Bonnie the extra one."

Dream smiled and nodded and Bonnie cheered, giving Nightmare a side hug.

"There's one large chocolate egg."

"Bonnie found it so he can have it." Nightmare declared, chuckling as Bonnie cheered again.

Dream laughed softly, handing out the chocolate goodies. He gave the basket to the purple rabbit with the chocolate inside so he wouldn't have any trouble carrying it all.

"Thank you!" Bonnie thanked happily, smiling brightly at the two brothers.

"You are both really nice- we're going to be friends forever!" He proclaimed.

"And we are best friends!" He spoke again, hugging Nightmare. Nightmare felt all warm and fuzzy, overwhelmed with happiness. He didn't think anyone beside Dream would think of him as a friend- especially not a best friend. He laughed, hugging Bonnie back.

Dream let out a sigh of content, shifting his gaze to look at the festival. After the egg hunt they usually spend time going round each stand and seeing what they had to purchase and then there would be a story time hour. He grinned, shuffling off the bench and holding his hand out for Nightmare.

"Come on, there's still lots more for us all to do."

Nightmare smiled and nodded, grabbing Dream's hand and being pulled up. Bonnie hopped up after them, reaching out and tugging on Nightmare's sleeve. The guardian of negativity chuckled. offering his hand for Bonnie who gladly took it.

They spent the rest of the festival together and Nightmare doesn't think he's ever felt this happy.

