Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone, brush your teeth before you open your presents.

Also I use the term 'Jack Frost' which is a personification of frost, not the guardian Jack Frost, as cool as he is. So don't think the trees are having an epic battle with the guardian, Jack Frost. They're just fighting off frost.

Ah, Christmas. A day for spending time with your family and opening presents underneath the Christmas tree. A wonderful holiday, if you ask me. Just like us, the inhabitants of Dreamtale also celebrate this special day in the same way. So let's take a look and see what the two brothers of Dreamtale are up to, shall we?


Dreamtale looked like a wintry wonderland. The sky was a frosty white and there was a thin layer of mist surrounding the land. The towering trees were absent of leaves, instead, pristine icicles dotted the twisting branches with sprinkles of snow and frost decorating them. The land was covered in a thick sheet of snow and a cool breeze passed by, causing the tree branches to sway and battle with Jack Frost. Somewhere within this wintry wonderland was a quaint house that belonged to the two prince's of Dreamtale: Dream and Nightmare. Their home had teal, yellow and purple fairy lights trimmed around, all switched on and glowing softly. The windows (which were not broken) adorned small, icy patterns on the glass panes and neatly positioned in the center of the door was a beautiful pine wreath, a red bow atop of it with little golden bells scattered around. The house was truly a wondrous sight. Somewhere from within the home, a cheerful voice could be heard.

"It's Christmas!" Dream announced, sitting up out of bed and grinning widely with starry eyes. He loved Christmas. Giggling excitedly, Dream pushed himself out of bed and ran towards the window, drawing the curtains open and gazing outside with awe momentarily before turning away. 

"I must wake up Nightmare!" Dream decided, stepping towards his bed and quickly putting on his slippers, rushing out of the room and towards his dear brother's room.

"Nightmare! Wakey wakey!" Dream exclaimed, kicking open the bedroom door and rushing inside, tearing the blanket off of Nightmare's sleeping form. Nightmare groaned, curling up and mumbling something incoherent. Dream huffed, patting Nightmare's face. 

"Wake up." He mumbled, gently shaking his shoulder. 

Nightmare slightly opened one eye, peering up at Dream who giggled softly.

"It's Christmas, Night! Time to wake up and see if Santa left any presents under the Christmas tree!" 

Nightmare yawned and groggily sat up, stretching his arms and opening his eyes.

"Okay, okay I'm up.." He mumbled, yawning again before slowly getting out of his bed and shuffling into his slippers.

"Let's go open our presents, Night!" Dream insisted, grabbing Nightmare's hand and dragging him out of his room and down the stairs towards the living room where their Christmas tree sat.

Dream grinned widely at the sight of many presents and giggled happily, approaching the tree and sitting down,  pulling out a present that was wrapped with yellow wrapping paper. Nightmare smiled slightly at the sight of his brother's happy demeanor. He may have sacrificed many hours of sleep getting everything ready, but the result of seeing his beloved brother happy was rewarding enough. Besides, Dream didn't have to know about that.

"I wonder what's inside!" Dream giggled, shaking the present gently before tearing it open enthusiastically. Nightmare chuckled, taking a seat on the ground besides Dream and watching him open it.

"Wow, it's a toy gun!" Dream exclaimed, pulling out the fake gun and carefully placing a foam bullet inside.

"Wow, just make sure you don't break anything with it- hey!" Nightmare suddenly cried out and Dream shot his arm. Dream burst into a fit of giggles, making Nightmare roll his eyes in amusement. 

"Okay, let's see what else you got." Nightmare mumbled, reaching out and grabbing another present, gently handing it over to his energetic brother. Dream put the gun down (probably a good idea) and took the present from Nightmare's hands, quickly unwrapping it and seeing what's inside. Nightmare watched him with a soft smile.

"Look, it's a giant lolly pop!" Dream squealed in delight, quickly unwrapping the lolly pop and shoving it in his mouth.

"Don't have too much sugar, I don't want you running around and breaking windows again." Nightmare mumbled, recalling past events of when Dream had sugar. Dream tried to reply however it came out muffled due to the lolly pop in his mouth.

"And don't talk with your mouth full." he added with an amused expression. Dream nodded, not removing the lolly pop from his mouth as he once again reached under the tree and pulled out a third present. Though before he opened it, he shifted his gaze back to the presents, scanning them all. They all had yellow wrapping paper- Nightmare's presents usually had purple wrapping paper. Dream frowned. Maybe Santa had run out of purple wrapping paper?

Dream frowned and put the unopened present down, moving forwards to check the other presents.

"Uh, Dream? What are you doing?" Nightmare asked, tilting his head.

Dream didn't reply. Instead, he took the lolly pop out of his mouth and checked the label of all the presents to see who they were addressed to. They were all... addressed to him.

"Nightmare!" Dream cried out, turning to look at his brother with wide eyes.


"Santa didn't leave you any presents! He must have forgotten!"

"Oh no."

"This is terrible! We must file a complaint to Santa Claus!" Dream huffed.

Nightmare glanced sideways, contemplating how to respond.

"How about we don't do that.. I don't mind-" Nightmare started before being interrupted by Dream rudely shoving the lolly pop in his mouth.

"Nonsense! How dare Santa forget to give you presents!"

Nightmare took the lolly pop out of his mouth and made a disgusted expression. "Ew gross, you had this in your mouth-"

"We must file a complaint right away!"

"No, Dream. Just... just open the rest of your presents." Nightmare mumbled, handing Dream the present he had discarded earlier. Dream sighed in defeat, taking the lolly pop and the present from Nightmare. Dream opened the present and smiled at what was inside. He carefully retrieved what was inside, holding up a stunning golden and yellow flower crown. The flowers were fake, of course, but nevertheless they looked just as pretty and alluring as real flowers. The flowers had patterns of golden glitter embedded on their petals and there were multiple different shades of yellow beads sown into the center of each one. The leaves that dotted the crown were golden and glittery, adding to the aesthetic. 

"Wow this is... beautiful." Dream mumbled in awe, gently placing the flower crown atop of his skull. His pupils shifted into stars and he grinned, turning to look at Nightmare. 

"Look! It fits perfectly and looks really pretty!" Dream declared. Nightmare grinned and nodded.

"Yup, it looks nice on you as well." Nightmare complimented. "Everyone will think you look stunning."

Dream giggled happily and blushed at the compliment, lightly batting Nightmare's arm causing him to chuckle.

"Open the rest of your presents." Nightmare stated, gesturing towards the last three presents. Dream smiled and nodded. "Okay."

Dream opened the last three presents, content with what each one held. 

"So let's see, what did you get for Christmas?" Nightmare mused.

"I got a toy gun, a GIANT lolly pop, a pretty flower crown, some apple juice, an outfit for our pet rock Keith and a dapper teddy bear that I have named 'Sir Lasagna'."

"Why have you named him Sir Lasagna?"

"Don't question me."

"My apologies." Nightmare mumbled, releasing a breath of amusement.

"Santa didn't get you anything..." Dream muttered, his smile fading. Why had Santa Claus not given Nightmare any presents? Nightmare had been a good boy this year!

... And that's true. Nightmare had been nothing but good this year like he is any other year. He does everything he can to make Dream smile, even if it means losing sleep or doing things he wasn't very comfortable with- like going into the village with Dream.

"Nah, I must've been bad this year, Dream. You never know, I might have set fire to some water. That's bad."

"...How do you set fire to water?"

"Determination." Nightmare mumbled. "And magic." He added.

Dream rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Well, Santa might not have gotten you anything, but I have gotten you something." He stated, grinning again. Nightmare raised a brow curiously. "Oh?"

"I'll go get it for you! I left it in my room." Dream announced, hastily leaving the living room and running up the stairs into his bedroom to retrieve the present.

Nightmare smiled softly to himself. He was happy that Dream had gotten him something, but the best Christmas present Nightmare could ask for was his brother, as cliche as it sounds. Nightmare was content as long as he had his brother by his side. Without him Nightmare would be lost. He'd have no one to reassure him that he was loved, he'd have no one to calm him when he gets mad, he'd have no one to talk to... Dream is the best present Nightmare could ask for.

Nightmare was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Dream bounce back into the room towards him.

"Night? Night?" Dream called out, waving a hand in front of him. Nightmare hummed, snapping out of his thoughts and smiled slightly at Dream.

"Here's your present!" Dream declared, handing the small, neatly wrapped present to his brother. Nightmare hesitantly took the present. It was enclosed with purple wrapping paper and had a lilac ribbon tidily wrapped around it. Nightmare carefully opened it.

"I'm sorry it's not much but I hope you like it..!" Dream nervously said.

Nightmare glanced at Dream before looking inside, eyes widening ever so slightly. There was a golden necklace inside. Decorating the necklace was numerous stars on the chain and in the very center was a golden crescent moon pendant with intricate patterns delicately engraved on it's surface.

Nightmare smiled widely and held the necklace up, admiring it.

"Dream this is amazing, thank you so much.." Nightmare mumbled softly, putting the necklace on and shyly glimpsed at Dream.

"It looks great on you!" Dream praised, smiling encouragingly at Nightmare.

A violet hue spread across Nightmare's face and he looked downwards, embarrassed. He wasn't used to compliments.

"T-Thanks.." He stammered awkwardly. Dream smiled and giggled softly.

"Merry Christmas, Nightmare!" He cheered, hugging Nightmare tightly.

Nightmare tensed before relaxing slightly, gently hugging Dream back.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Dream."

