Bonnie Joins The Party

Brush your teeth before you cross the road

The four stumbled into the centre of the village, the portal closing behind them as soon as they were through. They each glanced around, examining the area with uneasy eyes.

There was a thick layer of mist blanketing the village, completely obscuring the ground beneath. The sky had darkened into a dull, eerie grey and the sun was smothered by sooty clouds, allowing no light to pass through. It hadn't stopped raining. The droplets beat down on the skeletons and drummed on the windows of buildings- but it wasn't pleasant. No, it was strange- a twisted melody of frantic tapping that put them on edge. Blue subconsciously moved closer to Ink, clutching the artist's scarf nervously.

"Come on guys, we need to search for survivors." Dream voiced, attempting to take a step forward.

Ink's eyes widened slightly as he eyed the guardian, shoving his arm out in front of him as Dream tripped and stumbled.

"Dream, you can't walk by yourself." He protested, helping the guardian stand upright. "I'll help you walk."

Dream sighed however allowed the artist to help him walk. Ink carefully lifted the guardian's arm and securely wrapped it around his shoulder, taking his hand and placing it on Dream's side for further support. He spared a glance at the guardian, noting the gloomy, discouraged expression and felt a sharp stab of shame.

"Let's get moving." Error voiced, a grim look in his mismatched eyes as he took the lead and began wandering down one of the streets. Blue tilted his head.

"I think it'd be better if we split up into two groups- that way we cover more ground and find more survivors." He suggested, adding a "mweh heh heh" at the end.

Error paused, shifting back to face the trio. His eyes flickered over Ink and creased down into a glare, silently daring the artist to mess things up further.

"Ink and Dream go together." He eventually spoke. "Blue, as much as it pains me to say, you're coming with me."

"Wowzers- You and me sure are becoming the best of friends!" Blue cheered, his eyes becoming stars as he scurried over towards Error.

The destroyer shuddered at the horrendous thought. They were definitely not. 

"Meet back here at the centre of the village in an hour." He instructed, stuffing his hands into the comforting pockets of his jacket.

"Okay." Dream replied, Ink nodding along.

Error's glare lingered on Ink for a moment, eventually turning away and waving his hand for Blue to follow. The smaller skeleton hurried after him, falling into step with the destroyer.

They wandered through the streets in silence for a while, peeking through the windows of shops and calling out for anyone. The whole place was deathly silent save for the raindrops pouring down from the heavens above. There was no breeze, nor was there any life in sight. Nobody answering their calls, nobody approaching them for help. There was nothing, just a daunting stillness in the air.

Then, out of no where, a scruffy-looking crow flew down onto a nearby roof and peered down at the wary skeletons with it's beady eyes.

Error and Blue paused in their steps, staring back at the bird with slight unease.

"That means bad luck." Blue murmured under his breath.

Error opened his mouth to retort however was cut off by the sound of a loud caw, another crow fluttering down and perching beside the other. Then another, and another, and another until there were five crows all dotted along the same rooftop.

Error didn't want to admit it, but even he was freaked out by the uncanny spectacle. 

"What the hell?" He whispered, taking a step back.

The flock of crows kept their eyes trained on the two, occasionally cawing and flapping their wings as if they were trying to ward them off.

"What if they're trying to tell us something?" Blue spoke up, examining the birds. "Maybe there are survivors in there."

Error furrowed his non-existent eyebrows, a sudden feeling of dread washing over him.

"Wait here." He ordered, tentatively approaching the hazy window of the shop. He swallowed thickly, raising a hand and rubbing the window to clear away the condensation. Error felt his blood run cold; his suspicions were right.

He backed away from the window, shoving his hands back into his pockets as he came to stand beside Blue.

"Is there anyone in there?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Dead." was all Error said, turning away from the skeleton and beginning to walk further down the street.

Blue's breath hitched, sparing a fearful glance at the crows before scampering after the destroyer.


Ink and Dream travelled down the streets in an uncomfortable silence. Dream didn't seem to want to talk to the artist and Ink understood why. 

It still hurt, though.

They hadn't come across any survivors yet, the whole place seemed deserted- like a ghost village. It was weird and put the two on edge. Dream was becoming more distressed by the minute; he couldn't sense any positivity around him. There was nothing, only a heavy tension that seemed to suffocate the skeletons.

"Maybe Core Frisk already came and took the villagers?" Ink suggested, desperate to break the quietness.

Dream frowned, shaking his head though didn't utter a word. Ink sighed however immediately perked up at the sound of a call.

"Did you hear that?" The artist whispered, gently nudging Dream.

The guardian nodded, a strange sense of familiarity washing over him. He recognised that voice. Dream tried to push himself away from Ink, taking a few steps forward in the direction of the call.

"Dream- you can't walk by yourself!" Ink exclaimed for what felt like the hundredth time. 

He wasted no time in catching up to the guardian and preventing him from moving by himself. Dream let out a frustrated grunt, fighting against Ink's hold.

"Hello?" The voice called out again, making the two skeletons freeze.

"Bonnie?" Dream asked, staring wide eyed at the purple bunny. 

Bonnie's ear perked up, the wounded one staying limp. He hopped through the fog towards the voice, smiling widely when he realised it was Dream.

"Dream!" He cheered, darting over to the two skeleton with a smile.

Bonnie had a makeshift sword constructed from sticks in his hand and a long, red sheet fastened around his neck which Dream assumed to be a cape. The rabbit's grin fell when he noticed the guardian seemed to be hurt. 

"Are you okay?" The kid asked, ear drooping and worry laced in his ruby red eyes.

Dream smiled weakly, giving a feeble thumbs up to the bunny.

"I've been better." He chuckled. "Are you okay-? Where's your mom?"

Bonnie turned, pointing towards the village Inn.

"Mommy and some others are hiding in there. I volunteered to go out and try find other monsters that needed help!"

Dream's mind flashed back to the gory sight of mangled bodies and felt a vile taste in the back of his mouth. He was thankful the rabbit hadn't seen any of that- at least, he hoped he hadn't.

"Did you find anyone?" He mumbled, voice barely audible.

Bonnie shook his head and Dream felt relief wash over him.

"There's tons of crows though- they keep herding together on top of random rooftops." He exclaimed, hopping. "I was too scared to enter the buildings they were on."

Dream hummed thoughtfully. How strange.

"Hey- uh, I think we should get those villagers out of the Inn and take them back to the centre of the village." Ink spoke up, gaining the duo's attention.

"Yeah, we should." Dream agreed. "Bonnie, can you tell the villagers to come out of hiding and follow me and Ink?"

The rabbit saluted, almost whacking himself in the face with his wooden sword.

"Sir, yes sir!" He exclaimed, turning away and marching off towards the inn.

Dream chuckled, feeling a bubble of joy knowing the bunny was alright. He decided to examine the area while he waited, noting how after Bonnie had mentioned the crows he could suddenly see them. They seemed to stare at him with hallow, empty eyes, causing the guardian the involuntarily shiver.

Bonnie soon returned with twenty five other monsters, including his mom. Dream greeted them all and Ink remained quiet. He was surprised that none of them seemed to be blaming Nightmare for this mess- or maybe they were too afraid to do that now. The two led the party of survivors towards the centre of the village, each one talking about their horrific experience. Bonnie was ahead of them all, leading the way with his sword held up to the sky. Ink's eyes flickered between shapes as he analysed the rabbit, feeling even more terrible for causing this mess.

Error and Blue were already there waiting. They had returned with only two survivors- the witch and an elderly fox monster.

"Is that all you could find?" Dream asked, voice cracking. The village had been home to over a hundred monsters- how had they only rescued twenty eight? 

Error and Blue nodded solemnly and Dream felt his eye-sockets burn with tears. Ink rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Let's call Core Frisk here." The artist said softly.

Dream sniffled and nodded yet before he even had the chance to communicate with the child, they appeared all by themself in front of them all. Core Frisk waved, creating a portal that led to the Omega Timeline without delay.

"Everyone go through the portal- you'll be safe there." Ink instructed, watching as they began to step through.

Bonnie frowned, grabbing Dream's gloved hand and shaking his head.

"No- I don't want to go, I want to help save Nightmare!" He cried out.

His mother stood beside the portal, scowling at the silly little rabbit.

"Don't be silly- let's go, Bonnie."

Bonnie once again shook his head defiantly.

"I'm going to help save Nightmare!"

Dream sighed softly.

"Let Bonnie stay with us- we'll keep him safe."

Error, Blue, Ink, Core Frisk and the blue rabbit all turned to face Dream incredulously.

"I think he might be able to help us." Dream stated, patting the rabbit on the head gently. "Give him a chance- we'll keep him safe."

"Nightmare will kill him!" Error yelled, voice drastically shifting tone.

"No, I don't think Nightmare would do that- he had the chance earlier and he didn't."

Everyone fell silent. 

The mother rabbit's ears drooped and she let out a breath of defeat.

"Alright, but please keep my little Bonnie safe."

Dream nodded, offering her a smile.

"I will, I promise."

She nodded, faintly returning the smile before stepping through the doorway. The portal quickly vanished from sight and Core Frisk waved once again before also disappearing. Error glanced between the party.

"So now what?"

"Now, we face Nightmare." Dream said, eyes narrowed and glowing with determination.

