Chapter 81


】Ah! I can take a holiday after my work today, and I can finally sleep in. My black circle will become semi-permanent if I don't take a good rest. ]

[Who said no, I'm going to make a rice worm during the Chinese New Year, but if there is a chance to see a male worm, then I'm still happy to go out. 】

【Laugh to death, you can't see the shadow of the male at all. ]

[Don't say it, don't say it, I'll get off work in ten minutes, and I feel extremely excited at this moment! ]

[Then you stay and continue to work overtime? ]

[Are you polite...]


Everyone is full of joy, today is a one-month vacation after work, and everyone is very excited. During this time, they are really busy fighting a war, and they are all spinning like a top. nonstop.

Here, Hughes thought that his father would go home today, and he was looking forward to it. He was too busy to chat with Zhenli during this time. He was so excited when he learned that he was coming back a few days ago.

It was just two days before the New Year. He thought that Zhenli would be back the day before the new year, but he didn't expect it to be a day earlier. Unexpected joy always made insects happy.



[Wow! It's off work! It's a holiday! ]

[This ringtone was originally called the Sound of Heaven...]

[What are you waiting for, rush! 】

【Go! Didn't move, let me rush out first. ]

[Who cares about you, everyone rushes to see who rushes out of the building first! 】

For a while, the office building ushered in the annual rushing ceremony...

Anwen and Arthur in the office were already ready to move, and when they heard the bell, they were so moved that they were about to cry on the spot. This month has been so busy. .

According to the past, they would definitely lose some weight, but this year, Hughes was pregnant with Eggs, and Feng Zao also fed the two of them when he delivered meals to Hughes every day. The two are not thin, but they have both gained a few pounds.

Seeing that Hughes hadn't moved, the two worms pretended to be busy, but in reality those little eyes slanted towards Hughes and couldn't turn back.

Hughes stopped what he was doing, and he had already felt the two slanted eyes. He said, "Your female father will come back today, why don't you leave?" Anwen and Arthur's female father also often talks to Jane now. Travel away from everywhere.

Everyone found that they often walked outdoors, their health was much better, and they looked more energetic. The most important thing is their happy mood during the journey, which is impossible to ask for.

An Wen said with a smile: "Major General, you don't know that my female father sent his travel experience to the family group every now and then, which made the elders in the family jealous, and everyone said that I was filial.

Now I am in We are the most caring new generation of bugs in our family, hehe~"

An Wen was a little embarrassed, after all, he didn't want to listen to his female father's nagging before letting him go on a trip, but during this time he often thinks about his female Father, when I saw the landscape photos my father sent him, he thought it was very good-looking, and he praised him specially. I didn't expect that the female father was more energetic and sent him all kinds of interesting local features every few seconds.

A few days ago, he knew that his female father was coming back, and he became excited a long time ago.

Hughes raised the corners of his mouth, "Then why don't you go back soon." He waved his right hand and told them to go home quickly.

Arthur pulled Anwen up quickly and started running wildly with Hughes in the early years, and the posture almost spread his wings and flew.

Hughes shook his head and looked at his two stupid subordinates. After tidying up his desk, he helped the desks of the two idiots who could not see a shadow for a long time. After pressing the dust-proof button, he went downstairs.


in the car.

"My father just sent me a message saying that she and Gao Gao were playing in the community's worm paradise." Feng Zao thought of the video of Gao Gao playing by Zhen Lifa and thought it was very cute.

All three-headed cubs play happily together.

Although Zhenli and Gaigu Liangzong often have video chats, this is the first time they meet each other. I didn't expect to have such a good time, so the blood relationship is really mysterious.

"I deliberately didn't bring Kao Gao here today, so that my mother would have time to spend alone when she got home early." Feng Zao was not sure that Gao Gao was at home, but Hughes felt that there was a little black in the house. They can all check the surveillance at home at any time.

I think it's better to keep him at home, and after the rice cakes, I will go to the federal school for education. There are ten days of school and two days off. They can't take him everywhere, so now they can Begin to gradually develop his training to be a worm.

Feng Zao: "The Chinese New Year will be over in two days. We will also prepare a pair of bowls and chopsticks for Eggy during the New Year's Eve dinner."

Hugh touched his bulging belly. Eggy will be born in about a month, and the family will also No need to buy anything, just wait for this little guy to be born now.


When the car drove past the place where the cubs often play, Feng Zao took a special look, and if he didn't see the figures of Gao Gao and Zhen Li, he knew that they should know that he and Hughes would leave work early today, so they went home and waited. They are.


As soon as I opened the door, I heard the singer from the TV and the clear little milk voice singing along.

Jane's laughter was also non-stop.

Feng Zao and Hughes couldn't help laughing when they saw this happy scene.

Hearing the movement, Gu Gao saw his male father and female father happily running over.

"My father and my father, my father-in-law gave me a New Year's gift today. It's a little red cloak. It's beautiful!" When she saw Zhenli today, she was so happy, especially the one that Zhenli gave. A small cloak.

He decided to go to the community to show off his super bug cloak in the last few days of the new year.

Hughes touched the little face that was blushing because of happiness, "Father, why don't you take a break when you come back."

While in the car, Hughes heard Feng Zao say that Zhenli would take the cake to the community as soon as he got home. I played there, and I didn't take a break.

Zhenli laughed and said, "I'm not too tired, I don't feel tired when I see the cake with my own eyes."

Feng Zao picked up the fluffy cake and pinched his nose, "The weather forecast said that there will be a new year's day. When it snows, you can put on your little cloak and have a snowball fight with Xiao Hei in the yard."

Gao Gao Du Feng Zao pinched his little nose happily, and Feng Zao let him down and let him go and play by himself.

The three adult worms were sitting and talking. Zhenli told about the wonderful scenery and adventures she had seen outside. Hughes and Fengzao listened carefully, interjecting a few words from time to time.

Hughes watched Zhenli who danced and told more and more that the decision to let him go out was the right one. Not only did he make good friends, but he also gradually realized his dream.

Feng Zao: "When will the female father set off again."

Speaking of the interesting story that Zhenli stopped talking about, he looked at Hughes' bulging belly, "I still don't go out, after the school starts, repair Si is going to give birth to eggs.

I will stay and bring the eggs, otherwise it will be too hard for you to take care of the two little bug cubs."

Hughes touched his belly and met Feng Zao with a smile, "We are not hard, There will still be holidays, but I'm very happy with Dandan."

They could all see that when Zhenli was talking about what happened outside, the whole worm was excited, and the light in his eyes couldn't deceive them. of.

They know that Jane is very happy and happy.

Feng Zao also said on the side: "Yes, mother, we all have vacations. We have no problem taking care of the eggs. Cake is also very obedient, and we don't need to watch it all the time."

Cake, who was playing on the side, heard His name immediately put down the things in his hand and ran over with his short legs and patted his chest, "I'm very good, I can take care of myself."

Zhenli looked at Hughes and the others, and his heart stopped. Unstoppable warmth, since the children have said so, he doesn't have much to say, so let's continue as he is now.

Gao Gao walked over and hugged Zhen Li's leg and said coquettishly, "But my mother-in-law will always come home to see me in the future. Oh

~ don't forget to bring me a small gift!"


"My father has also worked hard. I went home with cakes and went out. I went to take a hot bath and relax. Hughes and I bought you home pajamas. During this time, our family stayed together in the house. ."

Feng Zao saw that Zhenli was still wearing the clothes he wore in the video with him yesterday, and knew that he had been rushing home on the starship.

Zhenli knew that Feng Zao had always been careful, and immediately went into the bathroom with her clothes happily.

Zhenli looked at the neat and tidy furniture in the room and knew that Hughes and the others must have cleaned it in advance and prepared a lot of things that he might use.

Looking at these Zhenli's eyes were a little wet.


Gao Gao: "Father, I'm hungry! Shall we prepare dinner together, so that the female father can have a good time."

Feng Zao also had this intention, just to celebrate the next family's first meal together .

Hughes was also visibly happy, "Then you and Xiao Hei go and peel the beans." After that, he gave him a basket of snow peas for him to peel.

Hughes turned around and wanted to go into the kitchen to help Feng Zao to do something, but Feng Zao took the things in his hand directly, "Just stay here and chat with me." He

glanced at Hughes' stomach and took it again. "Of course, I'll let you taste the food later." Hughes wasn't as picky as Huai Gao, but he ate a lot more.

Hughes also touched his stomach gently, glanced at the cakes that were peeling beans with Xiao Hei outside, and looked at Feng Zao who was busy in front of him, he felt really happy!
