Chapter 61 Cubs are here

Feng Zao and Hughes were very nervous these days, because Eggy was about to break the shell in these few days, so they didn't dare to relax a little, and kept a worm to keep an eye on Eggy.

Eggy also wanted to come out in a hurry. In recent days, she has not been out with Xiaohei. Every day is quiet and quiet. Hughes consulted the doctor and said that it was Eggy's situation to save enough money on the day the shell was broken. The strength is good to break through the eggshell.

Generally, the normal egg may not rest until the day before the shell is broken, but for the high-level situation of egg, the egg shell will be very strong, so it is normal for several days in advance.

What should be noted now is that the high-grade eggs will be relatively fragile after a month of lactation after their shells are broken, but after this month, the physique of the cubs will be greatly improved. In short, the body is very good.


Hughes stared at Eggy with wide eyes and said dumbfoundedly: "Master, the doctor said that Eggy will break the shell today, right?"

Feng Zao also stared roundly. With tired eyes, he returned, "That's right."

"It's been all morning, why haven't there been any movement at all. It seems that the balls haven't moved at all since last night."

Feng Zao didn't know, but the Male Bug Association brought it at noon yesterday. A professional insect breeding expert came to check and said that the shell will be broken today.

At the time, he was still a little confused about the behavior of the Male Insect Association, but Hughes knew that they would come sooner or later, but any records of male insects in the hospital would be forwarded to the Male Insect Protection Association.

Originally, the Male Insect Association wanted to come to witness the SS-class worm cub's shell-breaking scene on this day, so as to record it, but Hughes refused. At this moment, he just wanted to be with his family, but the worms of the male worm association insisted on recording the broken shell.

Helplessly, under the dispute between the two sides, Feng Zao proposed the broken shell scene of the live broadcast of Dandan. Anyway, the Male Bug Association has already announced that Dandan is SS-level, and everyone's eyes are on their own homes. Insects are annoying.

"I'll turn on the live broadcast of Guangnao first." Feng Zao found a place to aim the live broadcast area of ​​Guangnao at Eggy and sat back next to Hughes.

【Wow! It's eggs. 】

【Is the egg about to break its shell? ]


The worms in the live broadcast room are going crazy. They have been babbling for an hour and still haven't moved. Feng Zao sees that it's almost lunch time. When he wants to get up to cook, the eggs suddenly shake.

Feng Zao and Hughes were so frightened that they sat up straight, and the live broadcast room also quieted down for fear that they would make a noise.

From time to time, there was a crashing sound from inside Eggy, and Hughes held Feng Zao's hand nervously. The two insects didn't dare to breathe, they were as motionless as two puppets.

After about five minutes, the sound of the impact began to become rhythmic. After three hits by gravity, it was lightly hit, and after another five minutes, the balls that had been shaking began to move.

Just when everyone was wondering, a small crack appeared on the surface of the egg, and the small fine lines became bigger and bigger. The egg shell on the top shattered and fell down with a "click" sound, and a pair of small white tender hands fell from the egg shell. stretched out.

Feng Zao, Hughes, and the bugs in the live broadcast room all screamed when they saw the fluffy little chubby hand. It was really cute.

The little chubby hand grabbed the air twice in the air and only heard a whistle, and the balls turned from vertical to horizontal with a snap.

The sideways egg remained motionless for about five seconds, and then there was a bang, and a cute, soft cub crawled out of the egg. The little curly hair is even more playful.

Feng Zao and Hughes sat blankly in front of the little bug cub, staring at each other, but neither of them said anything.

The little bug cub spread out his two fat legs, and his eyes revealed a feeling that was difficult to express in words.

At this time, a comment in the live broadcast room, which had been quiet for a long time, floated by and countless bugs liked it.

[Yes, yes, this is the feeling. ]

[Hahaha~ I also thought about that comment for a long time before I realized it. 】

【Help, I really want to take a bite of this little custard-like face. ]


Hughes and Feng had also discovered that comment and thought it was really appropriate.

The little worm looks cute and cute, but the expression is expressionless, which really answers the top screen: the expression of the little worm looks very aggressive.

Seeing the comment, Xiusi was a little ashamed and smiled, "Little Bug, this is the female father." Feng Zao pointed at Xius and continued: "I am your male father."

Little Bug The cub hummed and said that he knew.

[Ah, help, the cub is really good at attacking. ]

[With this "uh", I declare that I am a fan of the female father, even though I am unmarried. 】

【What kind of little attacker in the world is this, the serious face of the little face is really milky and aggressive. ]


Feng Zao was still staring at the little cub, and Hughes said, "Cub, my father and I originally gave you a nickname called Xiaozhuo, but now you look unsuitable. How about we change it to cake?"

Although the little bug looked like a three-year-old human child, Hughes knew that the little bug, as a high-level IQ, would definitely be able to roughly understand what he said, so he discussed with him. name.

Sure enough, the little bug cub clutched his head for a while and nodded expressionlessly.

Feng Zao saw that the little bug cub had been naked and asked Hughes to go upstairs to get him some small clothes.

"Qiao Gao, your name is Mu Xiu, which means that the male father loves the female father. It was originally called Mu Si, but I was afraid that you would be hungry when you heard your name, so I changed it to Mu Si. Xiu, doesn't it sound good!" Feng Zao picked up the little bug cub and made a face-to-face sticker with him.

[This sticker looks like an ass. ]

[The comment upstairs died of laughter, it really looks like a fart. ]

[Hahaha, the collision of two fat babies turned out to be such a spectacle. ]

[Hahaha, I have learned a lot of knowledge~]

[Hey, am I the only one who found that the name of the little bug cub is full of pink bubbles? ]

[I also found out, I'm full before lunch, hehe~]

... It

just so happened that Hughes took his clothes and went downstairs. After dressing the insect cubs, he was so cute that his nose bleeds. The cute bunny jumpsuit with two bunny ears and the expressionless face of the little bug cub is a contrasting cuteness.

[Insect God is above, I also want such a cute little cub. 】

【If I didn't know that I couldn't beat the major general, or I would have to steal the little bug cub. 】

【Upstairs is very self-aware, although this idea has just appeared in my mind. ]

[Add one upstairs, and two upstairs plus one. ]


At this time, the belly of the little bug rumbling, Feng Zao knew that the little bug was hungry, and turned to the camera, "I'm very happy to witness the moment of Eggy's shell breaking with everyone, now we are going to close the live broadcast, Next time we will meet in the live broadcast room, bye everyone~"

Feng Zao turned off the live broadcast room and turned around to see Hughes who was at a loss.

"Let's sit on the sofa, Kugao needs milk when he's hungry." Feng Zao looked at the two little cuties, one big and one small, with a warm heart.

Hughes took off his clothes and gave Gao Quo a gentle look on his face. When Gao Gao was drinking milk, the flesh on his little face shrugged, not to mention how cute it was.

Feng Zao sat on the side and looked at the sweet cake, and couldn't help swallowing. Xu Shi's voice was a little loud, and cake stopped to look at Feng Zao, frowning and staring at himself nervously. The rations, the little hand pointed at Fengzao, "Father, shy, shy."

Hughes gave Fengzao a displeased look, and Fengzao scratched his head innocently and embarrassedly, because it tasted very good before, so I couldn't hold back this time.

Gao Gao continued to cook seriously, she was full after a while, and her little belly was round and round like a small leather ball.

Hughes patted the back of the cake lightly, and the cake burped two small burps in a milky voice and fell into a dizzy sleep. Hughes lightly placed the cakes in the cradle of the cubs in the living room, "Master, I'm so hungry right now, I feel like I don't have any strength under my feet."

"I'll cook right away, you can rest on the sofa." Because these days, Hughes was very nervous about the broken eggs, so he didn't rest much, and he didn't eat much because of his anxiety. Now that he was completely relaxed, the hunger and tiredness hit him instantly.

Hughes nodded and rested on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Feng Zao took a small blanket and put it on Hughes and went to look at the sweetly slept cake before cooking.


About half an hour later, Hughes woke up, got up and saw that Cake was still sleeping.

At this time, Feng Zao came out with the food, and saw Hughes tenderly half-squatting by the bed, looking at the cakes, "Hughes has eaten, you must be starving."

Hughes: "I just woke up from hunger, but I took a nap for a while. My mental state has improved a lot."

Feng Zao put down the food and went to see the cake, and suddenly a small bubble blew in the mouth of the cake.

Hughes quickly took out his brain and took a picture, "This little guy doesn't know what a good dream he had."

Feng Zao was also so cute by the cake, "I guess he was eating sweet things in his dreams.

Okay . Alright, let's go to dinner first, let the cake go on, the newly born cubs are more lethargic."

It just so happened that the two worms were too hungry to eat, and as soon as they arrived at the dinner table, they ate a lot, and it was rare that they didn't communicate with each other throughout the whole process and just wanted to cook.

After eating, they all leaned back on the chair and finally filled their stomachs.

Feng Zao: "There is still a bowl of crucian carp soup in the pot. I'll give you an extra meal in the afternoon."

Hughes nodded, the crucian carp soup was milked, and just now Hughes found that the cakes were quite edible, so he still had to eat more. Milk stuff.

Hughes: "Master, let's cook pig's trotters tomorrow, I heard that you drink this milk."

Feng Zao nodded, "I think the cakes are quite edible. The experts brought by the male insect association last time said that the high-grade worms are cubs. You can also eat some fruit puree during the one-month period of breaking the shell.

We prepare some fruit puree for him to eat every day, so that the nutrition is more balanced."

"Then let's go to the forest we went to last time. We will not camp when Gao Gao is young. Just a picnic." Hughes thought that there were many wild sweet berries in the forest, and Cake would definitely like it.

Feng Zao: "This is good, let's do a good job of protecting the cakes, and it's better for the little bugs to get closer to nature."

Hughes also nodded, thinking that he had seen it before, and it could be appropriate to let the little bugs get closer to nature. Nature, "I have also seen before that the little bug cubs will improve their intelligence if they are close to nature."

Feng Zao waved his hand indifferently, "Our cake is smart enough, and just said I was ashamed. "

Hughes:" Who made you swallow so loudly. Speaking of this Hughes, he was speechless. His own hero has become a hero and he is still so out of tune.

Feng Zao changed the topic uncomfortably, "You said that cakes were so lively when they were still eggs, and they couldn't be used up all day long. The strength, now that the shell is broken, is so quiet. "

Hughes immediately thought of the comment in the live broadcast room," Indeed, maybe it's because he's too smart? "

Fengzao: ...have been hit.

"By the way, why hasn't the Male Insect Association come to collect blood and put it into the stockpile." Feng Zao was a little strange, he didn't think that the guys from the Male Insect Association would talk so well.

After the online live broadcast was announced that day, although everyone took a step back and agreed, they still looked very bad and left.

Hughes also wondered why they didn't come, "If they don't come today, they will come tomorrow."

... The

other side of the male insect association.

Everyone is holding their own brains and sucking the cubs in excitement. Of course, the cubs are cute and soft cakes.

It turns out that everyone just recorded the whole process of cake breaking in Fengzao's live broadcast room, and took screenshots of many photos of cake. Everyone was immersed in the world of cake and couldn't help themselves. They completely forgot that they still went to see cake in person. The opportunity...
