Chapter 10 Registration

The sunlight outside spilled into the room in the early morning, and the breeze gently blew the tulle curtains in the room. When the wind woke up, he looked at Hughes who was still sleeping beside him, and his heart was soft.

This was the first time he woke up with other insects beside him. He thought he would not be used to it, but when he opened it and saw that it was Hughes, his heart was sweet and sweet. He couldn't figure out why, and finally concluded that this was love, and he couldn't think of anything else.

Feng Zao felt a little hot when he thought of the beautiful appearance of Hughes in bed last night. Hughes' youthful appearance was so tempting that he couldn't help asking him again and again, until Hughes was too tired and fell asleep. , At this time, a dry heat came, but the wind soon calmed down the fire.

He looked at Hughes next to him, and thought that the female worm's body should be strong in this regard, but he didn't expect that on the contrary, the female worm is very sensitive in this regard, and it is easy to be emotional.

He gently kissed Hughes on the forehead, brushed his hair aside and patted his slippery face before going downstairs to make breakfast. Hughes was so tired last night that he would be hungry when he got up.

Feng Zao, who had finished washing up happily, went downstairs lightly, and Feng Zao, who made breakfast, was visibly satisfied. It turns out that getting up in the morning to make breakfast for your partner is such a happy thing! At this time, his heart was peaceful, and in his heart, he truly had a home.


Wake up from his sleep, Hughes' head was still a little dazed, and after his thoughts slowly returned to the cage, he thought of the gentle wind early last night, and his face flushed.

He didn't have any knowledge in this area. He was a little scared at the beginning, afraid that he would disappoint the male worm if he couldn't do it well, but his male lord also told himself that it was the first time for him, so he was very gentle in Feng Zao. In the words and actions, he slowly opened himself up, and Feng Zao also took care of himself every step of the way, and then the two insects fell into it like this...

I stopped thinking about it, and the more I thought about it, the more embarrassed it became. After finishing down the stairs, Hughes saw the male humming a song and walked over embarrassedly.

"Hughes, you're up! Come and have breakfast." Seeing the bright male worm, the corners of Hughes' mouth twitched slightly, and he took his place.

He can now get used to sitting by himself when the male is standing. They don't have the same distinction as other husbands and wives. Feng has long been a husband and wife.

But last night, he clearly begged for mercy, and Feng Zao also agreed to him, but he didn't remember the action at all, and he kept talking about his wife and wife. At that time, Hughes thought for a while before he remembered that this was the name of the ancient earth.

The name of the ancient earth, it's so romantic...

He was giving Hughes the morning of milk: "You're hungry, you must have been exhausted last night. Eat more in the morning."

Hearing the male worm's words, Hughes' ears immediately turned red. Immediately replied: "Not tired, you were very, very, very gentle last night. I'm not tired at all."

"Really? Hey, do you like it!" Seeing the giggling male insect, Hughes knew It's doing bad things, like a little worm.

"Do you like it, Hughes~"

"Hi, I like it, I like it very much." Hughes couldn't stand the coquettish male.

"Then let's go to register after we finish eating." Feng Zao said in a good mood when he saw that Hughes blushed.

Hughes nodded shyly and agreed.


Male Society.

The two worms holding hands, looked at each other with a smile, and walked into the male worm association sticky.

As soon as you enter the door, it attracts the attention of a lot of insects. After all, the male worm will not come in person for registration, the female worm will run up and down and finally sign the male worm. So seeing the male worm here at this moment, I can't help but envy the female worm next to it.

This is how much I like it to accompany it in person. That female insect should be the female king, I am really envious of the insect!

[Insect shit, isn't this female the major general who was broadcast live yesterday, why is his life so good. woooooo~]

[Wow, not only proposed marriage, but also brought females to register in person, hey, I don't even want to get married when I see my males. ]

[At least you still have males, I'm all here to register lesbians~]


The staff who helped handle the business also watched the live broadcast yesterday. Although they were very jealous of Hughes, they could see such a good male. Worm, he suddenly had renewed expectations for love and starting a family.

After working in the male insect association for a long time, I have seen a lot of male insects' attitude towards female insects. He had already given up, but now he thinks it may just be his fate that has not yet arrived.

"Hello, two, may I ask what identity the male Highness came to register." The staff asked with a smile.

"Hello, I'm here to register the female monarch for my female worm." Although Hughes knew early on that he would have the position of the female monarch, when this moment really came, Hughes suddenly wanted to cry, feeling how good and how good he was. .

Noticing what was wrong with Hughes, the wind already knew that his stupid worm must be thinking about something else, "Baby, sign it, so that we will be legal.

Don't feel that you are not worthy of the position of the queen, in my heart, you can be me. You are the only female worm, and you are very good, very good, don't always feel that you are not worthy, I really, really love you." Feng Zao said while gently stroking Hughes' head.

Hughes couldn't help leaning on Feng Zao and sobbing softly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, or you won't look good if your eyes are swollen." Feng Zao fondly touched the fool who was leaning on his shoulder and shedding tears.

Hearing the male worm said it was not good-looking, Hughes immediately stopped crying. He was not good-looking in the first place, and now he can't be ugly.

Hughes sniffed, "Master, let's sign."

After the two insects who solemnly signed their names received the stamped certificate, they both looked at each other foolishly and smiled, and put the certificate on their chests and read it again. again.

Xu Shi's sweet atmosphere infected everyone, and the insects who came to register were all looking forward to the family they were about to form. In such a happy atmosphere, the efficiency of handling business has improved a lot.

"Xius, let's post the documents on the Internet, hehe, I'm so happy."

Hughes sighed sweetly. After all, no male worm would do such a thing as showing affection, and his male master could do this, no doubt. Like all bugs declare how much he pampers himself.

Feng Zao: "Come here, Hughes, let's take a photo and send it together with the registration certificate."

Hughes responded happily.

嚓嚓~ The picture freezes at that happy second.

Today's network traffic fluctuates greatly, and the regulators don't know what's going on, so they hurried to see if there was any big news.

I opened my brain and looked at the news that was reprinted by frantically reading: a pair of male and female worms with wedding rings in their hands, holding a registration form, with a sweet and happy smile on their faces...
