Chapter 45 Little Hughes is gone

After work, the two insects returned home with a happy face.

"Come on, Hughes, sit down and I'll cook dinner." Before Hughes could respond, Feng Zao plunged into the kitchen to cook something delicious for Hughes.

Feng Zao, who is constantly busy in the kitchen, can be said to be doing his best to exert his cooking skills.

Hughes is pregnant now, but he needs to make up for it. Then when excited, he cooked eight dishes.

Hughes, who sat down to eat, didn't know what to say when he saw a large table full of dishes.

On the contrary, Feng Zao grinned and said, "In the future, you should pay special attention to your diet, and let me know if you want to eat it."

Hughes smiled helplessly. In fact, for female worms, it is not difficult for them to conceive eggs. , and the eggs are very strong.

But Hughes didn't plan to say anything more, he liked the feeling that Feng Zao always put himself in his heart.

"Master, let's not cook so many dishes next time. It's very hard for you to come back from work, and we can't eat so much." Hughes was a little embarrassed when he saw these dishes. It was too much, and he was eating it. Can't eat either.

Feng Zao was a little embarrassed when he saw the dishes on the table, scratched his head and said, "I made a few more dishes when I was excited, hehe, just listen to your next time."

"Come here, drink a bowl of soup first . ." Feng Zao numbly filled a bowl of soup and then went to get a small plate for Hughes to serve.

"This table doesn't have a turntable. I'll put some out for you, so it's more convenient."

Hughes also took a chopstick and put it in Fengzao's bowl, "You can eat it too."

Hughes likes this kind of life very much, President Fengzao It was the fact that he was able to notice all the details of himself, which made him feel very at ease. He touched his stomach and smiled softly.

"Ah, by the way, we have to go to get the maternity examination report tomorrow.

I think it would be better for us to see it at the military doctor's place, and it would be more convenient for us to travel wherever we go to work." Feng Zao thought that he and Hughes had to go there. Going to work is simply guarded by the military doctor.

"Alright, Eggy is only two months old now, and when it's five months old, you can take a month's leave to be at home with peace of mind." Hughes said after thinking for a while.

Zerg cubs are six months old when their mothers are full-term, and it takes a month to break their shells after giving birth to eggs. Feng Zao had to digest this for a long time before accepting the fact that his cubs were eggs when they were born.

"I don't know who the little worm will look like when it's born." Feng Zao said with a laugh, his mind is full of a miniature version of the little female worm Hughes calling himself a male father, hehe, it's so cute ah!

Hughes touched his stomach and his head was full of a shrunken version of the wind that was acting like a spoiled child.

"By the way, Lord, I heard that the pharmacy has been busy recently?" Hughes suddenly remembered that after the meeting, the female soldiers were talking about how busy the worms in the pharmacy have been recently.

Fengzao: "Oh, I have been researching new drugs, and other insects are also very motivated by my influence.

Now the work efficiency of the drug room is very high, and the work can be completed in advance every day, so there is no need to work overtime at all." This Feng Zao was a little funny, and the other insects said that Feng Zao had aroused their former momentum, as if they had returned to their stunned state when they just went to work. Hughes nodded involuntarily

, "This is good, orderly work not only saves time but also makes me feel very fulfilled."

They are all very motivated, but many military females are also affected, and each one is particularly brave during training.

Feng Zao was also quite speechless. Could this be the butterfly effect?

"Later, you will be active in the yard after eating, take a good bath and rest.

I will formulate a recipe for your pregnancy later, and tomorrow we will go to the military doctor to get a report before going to work." Feng Zaochi Speaking of a meal.

Hughes: "I don't need to make recipes, I can eat everything without being picky." Although I am glad that my male master is so concerned about him, the female Zerg's body is strong, even if she is pregnant, she is the same as usual.

Feng Zao waved his hand and said, "That's different. We don't care about other insects. Eggs must be nourished when they grow up in your belly. If you don't have nourishment, your body won't be able to bear it."

Feng Zao knew that she was pregnant on Earth. Diet is very important, he has to take good care of Xiusi's chubby.

"Okay, okay, listen to me, go for a slow walk in the yard for a while." After speaking, the wind gently pushed Hughes towards the yard.

Hughes reluctantly went to the yard to tell his mother about his pregnancy.

When Hughes hung up the phone, he showed a big smile. He looked at the lights in the direction of the kitchen and felt soft in his heart.


the next day.

Feng Zao and Hughes' friends in the army found out that Hughes was pregnant with Dandan and went to the military doctor to read the report together. Everyone wanted to see the photo of Dandan in his stomach.

A large group of worms came to the military doctor's office, which frightened the military doctor, thinking that there was some tragic 'worm' training that caused everyone to be injured early in the morning.

"Oh, the report, wait. I just sent some reports and I'll look for it." The military doctor who learned the truth silently wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead, alas, scared to death, thought it would start early in the morning Busy.

"Huh? I found it, let me take a look." The military doctor carefully checked the indicators after finding Hughes' report. "Fortunately, the eggs are very healthy. It's a little small but it's not in the way. Just eat more."

After looking at the last indicator, the military doctor suddenly widened his eyes, male!

"Major General, Eggy is a little male worm." The military doctor shouted excitedly.

Male insects, how rare, the insects present looked at Hughes with envy.

Although Feng Zao loved Hughes very much, but now there is a precious little male, I am afraid that Major General Hughes will be more favored in the future.

Hughes couldn't hide his excitement at this time. When he learned that he was pregnant, he hoped to be a little male. After all, all insects like males.

All the insects looked at Feng Zao excitedly with their own thoughts, but there was no happy expression on his face and even some grievances.

"Wow, my little Hughes is gone, obviously, obviously last night I dreamed that there was a little female worm who looked exactly like Hughes calling me my father." Feng Zao was lost when he heard the military doctor's words, Woohoo~ Little Hughes is gone.

These remarks shocked the insects present, what? My ears heard right, a male worm in Feng Zao would actually wish he had a female cub?

But after everyone was shocked, they were full of envy. Major General Hughes, what kind of shit luck did he have to find such a good male worm, it really made the worm envy and hate it.

Hughes was very happy, and he couldn't hide his happiness. It turned out that his hero loved him so much, and suddenly tears could not be stopped from his eyes.

This disadvantage has long been panicked, "Don't cry, don't cry, I don't despise the little male, but I thought it would be a little female exactly like you.

I also like the little male, as long as it is born by you. I like everything." Feng Zao paused, "Of course, the one I like the most is you, they can only be at the back." These

words made Hughes laugh, "The hero is also number one in my heart. "

The rest of the worms saw this affectionate scene and slipped away like oil on the soles of their feet, they were too bullying, woo woo woo ~ why show affection in front of the single worm, woo woo woo, the worm's heart hurts so much.
