Chapter 40

"Hugh, we are such a perfect match, it's a natural pair." After breakfast, Feng Zao took Hughes upstairs to change clothes for the red carpet. The two of them looked so handsome when they looked in the mirror. And also very suitable.

Comfortable casual wear is paired in blue and white, and simple orchids are embroidered on the cuffs and collar for added sophistication. Perfect for today's occasion.

Feng had already bought this couple's outfit after seeing this orchid pattern. Now it seems like a wise move. The two of them look great in it, especially Hughes. In addition to the clothes prescribed at work, he usually wears it. The clothes are black and white.

Putting on this set today is really bright, and it looks like a fresh graduate.

Hughes also thought it was a good match, "What time does the company send the car over?"

"It will be at the door at nine o'clock." Feng Zao raised his head and glanced at the clock.

"That's fast, let's turn off the automatic spraying in the yard first, otherwise the bees won't be able to absorb the nectar later." Hughes said.

"Yes, yes, let's hurry down."

The bees at home have been bought for a few days, and they look furry and cute because they are domestic bees.

Feng Zao went downstairs and turned off the rotating sprinklers. The air in the garden wet with water in the early morning was unusually fresh, full of grass and flowers.

Afterwards, Hughes, who went downstairs, walked to the garden and saw Feng Zao slightly raised his head and enjoyed breathing the air.

Looking at such a good male insect, Hughes thought to himself, if he hadn't met Feng Zao, his life would have been just ordinary two points and one line, and there would have been no laughter in life, and everything would have been dull and boring days. .

It would be even better if there was a little bug in the house, Hughes raised his hand to touch his stomach. Why can't I get pregnant?


The horn of a car came from outside the door, interrupting Hughes who was wandering.

"Come and pick us up, let's go, Hughes." Feng Zao turned his head and stretched out his hand to Hughes.

"Okay." Hughes walked over, and a gust of wind brought Huth's long golden hair.

With the flowers in the garden as the background, the female worm walked towards her with a smile on her face, and the hair that was slightly impulsive by the breeze made Feng Zao feel as if she had seen an angel for a while.

The two fingers interlocked suddenly have a hand to pull each other into his arms, and a affectionate and lingering kiss appears like fireworks.

It's so romantic and beautiful.

"Baby, you are so beautiful. If it wasn't for the wrong time, we should have appeared on the bed now, and it's the kind of me who pressed you." Feng Zao left Hughes' lips and came to his red lips. Gently rubbing his teeth with his ears, he said.

The kissed legs were a little weak, and Seuss pulled the clothes on Feng Zao's chest, ashamed like a plump and plump red persimmon.

Feng Zao was in a good mood and scratched the bridge of Hughes' tall nose, "Let's go baby."

... When I

went out, I saw a car parked in front of the house, the door opened automatically and two worms got in.

Feng had looked at these two cars early. It turned out that in order to protect the privacy and space of the insects participating in the conference, all the vehicles dispatched were self-driving, and even the windows were affixed with anti-peep films.

"It's pretty good." Feng Zao said.

"What's good?" Hughes didn't know why his hero kept looking at these two self-driving cars.

"Hehe~ It's convenient for me to do bad things, so it's not bad." As soon as the voice fell, Feng Zao's restless worm claw got into Hughes' clothes, and took the opportunity to touch two abdominal muscles. Then continue with the lips that I wanted to continue tasting just now.

The scenery inside the car is infinite for a while.


to the hotel.

After the two red-lipped bugs got out of the car, Feng Zao took out the admission ticket.

At this time, there were already many worms in the venue, and everyone lined up to walk the red carpet one after another, and they had to watch the show after the walk. In front of Kazuya Kazuya, there is only a lively and talkative female.

"Hello, my name is Suo Suo, I'm a young actor who just debuted. Your Excellency Feng Zao, I often watch your live broadcasts and learn several dishes." Xiao Ya female named Suo Suo turned around and looked when she noticed a bug behind her. It turns out that Feng Zao, who is now well-known in the live broadcast industry, is very happy.

"Hello, this is my female monarch Hughes." Feng Zao returned politely.

Seeing the wind early to introduce her partner, Ya female looked at Hughes with admiration. Major General Hughes and the others must know it. After all, who doesn't know how good the civilian major general who has risen step by step with full military merit is.

"I just signed the company for more than a year, and I'm still in the middle of the game." Suso knew that the two bugs in front of him were excellent, and scratched his head embarrassedly when he said this.

"The field nurse you played in the movie "Rescue Team" played very well. You can see that you are trying to figure out this role." Hughes suddenly said.

The army sometimes organizes movies to watch, and I just thought that Soso was very familiar and suddenly remembered that he was in the movie I had seen.

Hearing Hughes say that he knew him and watched the movies he acted, the most important thing was to praise him. Excited, Suo Suo wanted to go home and tell the male and female fathers that Major General Hughes praised himself!

Feng Zao looked at Suosuo with stars in his eyes and looked at Hughes excitedly, and suddenly said, "It's almost our turn, let's talk later."

Feng Zao: This Suosuo looked at Hughes with admiration. Wouldn't he like Hughes, huh! I want to smother all emerging feelings in the cradle.


"Following us are the new star Feng Zao and his partner Hughes." As soon as the host finished speaking, Feng Zao and Hugh came out with their fingers intertwined.

Even if the wind arrived early, it would be better to raise his hand and wave it on the way, and Hughes would not move at all like a walking machine.

"Come here, Your Excellency Feng Zao and Major General Hughes sign here."

The two worms who signed their names in a dashing manner stood there and waited for the reporter to take pictures.

Suddenly Feng Zao kissed Hughes on the cheek, and he softened and even laughed when he was kissed. The cameraman present frantically filmed the scene, and the flash lit up the entire red carpet for a while.

Because the red carpet and the upcoming shows are all broadcast live.

For a while the network was paralyzed.

[Ah, ah, ah, it's so sweet, it's really killing a worm]

[I originally watched it for my idol, but now I'm going to climb the wall]

[This worm is in urgent need of a heart-saving pill]


We were even more at the scene. Need a heart pill, okay?

Insects at the scene: It's so annoying, but you still have to keep smiling.
