Chapter 75 As expected of me three

"You... your preferences are quite special

", your preferences are quite special. "Kodak came to Hughes to do some year-end reports, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw the little yellow chicken blanket on Hughes' lap. He involuntarily twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, rubbed his eyes, and blinked a few times. The next thing to do is to tell myself that he was right.

This is really the heroic and ruthless Hughes on the battlefield? How can Kodak connect Hughes and the little yellow chicken, it's too weird.

He I really feel awkward. It's so outrageous that this cold face of Hughes is matched with this blanket. It makes him embarrassed to have cancer.

Of course Hughes knew what was going on in Kodak's head, he even had some Think carefully, if Kodak knew that his belly was also the pattern of a little yellow chicken, the expression on his face would be even more funny than now.

Anwen did not know when he came quietly behind Kodak, and lowered his face. He said in a cheap tone: "That was bought by Xiongzi for the major general, saying that it is cold now and you should pay attention to keep warm.

Anwen pouted. He thought this blanket was cute, and after asking Feng Zao for the link, he decided to place the order. He also generously bought Arthur a pattern of a little yellow duck. Kodak

just wanted to hear it. Rolling his eyes, is the heating in the office a decoration?

"Okay, here are the documents, I'll go to Adonel first, this guy got engaged recently, and I used to tease him. Kodak looked at Hughes' expressionless face and the little yellow chicken blanket and didn't want to talk to him.

He felt that Hughes at the moment was like a worm pretending to be tender. Not only was he not cute, but he was very awkward. Decided to tease Hanhan's A Donger to wash his "contaminated" eyes.

Sure enough, Hughes didn't say a word the whole time, obviously he didn't want to pay attention to him. In fact, it wasn't that Hughes didn't want to pay attention to him, but that he saw Kodak's funny expression, and he was afraid that he wouldn't help but laugh.

In order to avoid this scene even more embarrassing, Hughes decided to ignore this kind of boss who is a little funny in everything he does.

On the contrary, the chatter An Wen scratched his head and asked, "Is Lieutenant General not busy? Why do you still have time to walk around.

And why do you want to tease Major General Adonger? Is this a custom after engagement? It's strange. Oh, where is this custom?"

Kodak coughed awkwardly, why did Anwen have a brain?

But looking at Anwen's big eyes that were asking for help, Kodak unnaturally twisted his body to the direction of the door, "I used to talk about work issues, cough~ I'll go first." Kodak left as if fleeing.

That Anwen, every time he said three words to him, he would be embarrassed at first, and if he said more than ten words, he would be mad at the same place. I really don't know how Hughes would have wanted such a brainless worm as a subordinate in the first place.

Looking at Kodak's disappearing back, Anwen poked his head with a pen. He really couldn't figure out why Lieutenant General Kodak didn't want to talk to him every time.

"Hey, Arthur Arthur, why do you think the lieutenant general looks like he wants to run away every time he sees me? Is it because my current temperament is getting taller and more powerful?

It doesn't seem right, if it is If so, then I should be promoted!" An Wen was puzzled, considering the capacity of his brain, he really couldn't figure it out.

Arthur stared at him for a while, and after a long time he just sighed. He originally thought that Anwen was still saved, but today he bought himself a little yellow duck blanket, and he knew that Anwen's emotional intelligence was no different. That's it.

Seeing Arthur ignoring himself, Anwen wanted to ask Hughes, but unfortunately he was scared back by Hughes' look as soon as he stood up.

Anwen's mouth is flat, let's continue to work, work makes him happy...

Hughes touched the small blanket on his lap and raised the corners of his mouth. This blanket is really warm, and so is the belly.

When they went out this morning, it was obvious that the temperature had dropped a lot, but he felt warm in his stomach and warm in his heart.

After sighing, Hughes opened the document sent by Kodak and saw that there was a bonus report in it. It seemed that Kodak deliberately put it on the first page. Hughes nodded with satisfaction at the amount on it.

He knew that Feng Zao was a small money fan, and if he knew that there would be a bonus at the end of the year, he would probably have squinted his eyes.


On the other hand, the worms in the pharmacy room were surrounded by them, and the director of the pharmacy brought out the bonus report when he saw that they had all worked hard, but it made everyone happy, especially Feng Zao, who laughed stupidly when he saw his bonus.

Because he went on a mission this year to the Far East Star, and later developed a new medicine, this time his bonus was higher. The reward for the mission is very small, but the potion is high. At this time, he is a little fortune fan, and he laughed more and more stupidly when he touched these two lists.

Just when he took out his light brain and wanted to share this joy with Hughes, Lulu Live's account sent him a year-end dividend table, and he was even happier when he saw the amount of money that was finally calculated by the dense labels on it.

The upward curvature of the corners of the mouth seems to have to go to the sky before he is willing to give up. If the wind just now just smiled a little silly, now this look can only be said to be stupid, usually we call this the second fool.



Both Anwen and Arthur went to the cafeteria to eat, but Hughes was still working in the office.

It turned out that Feng Zao said that the weather was too cold and he was pregnant with Dandan again. He sent him a message just before the lunch bell rang, and then he took lunch directly to the rest room in his office to eat.


As soon as the sticky voice sounded, Hughes looked up and saw Feng Zao smiling.

"Fortunately, you didn't come out. It's even colder outside." After speaking, he rubbed his stiff nose and walked to Hughes. The weather in this Zerg is too weird, and it's cold when you say it's cold.

"Master, let's go to the rest room." Seeing that Fengzao's nose was a little red, Hughes covered him with a small blanket.

Hughes looked up and looked out the window, the leaves were also swaying, and it was obvious that the wind was very strong.

When the two insects came to the rest room, Feng had put the blanket aside early, there was heating in the office, and the body temperature slowly recovered.

After Feng Zao brought the dish out, Hughes couldn't wait to eat it. He is too hungry now. He had eaten so much for breakfast in the morning, but he was still very hungry. He even killed a handful of nuts and a large plate two hours ago. fruit.

"You're starving!" Feng had long liked to watch Hughes eat, and he felt that raising Hughes round and round was particularly rewarding.

Hughes touched the little guy in his stomach and said with a helpless and happy expression: "It's really easy to get hungry, originally I eat more than the average worm.

Now that I'm pregnant with a little female worm, I'm going to be hungry. I think that after Eggy is born, my appetite will definitely follow me. Feng Zao swallowed the

food in his mouth and said without caring: "It's better if you can eat it, the most fearful thing is not being able to eat anything."

Besides, the rubber belly of the cake eats a lot every day, one sheep is put, and two sheep are put. Hughes also felt that Feng Zao was right ,

but he didn't quite understand why the two cubs he gave birth to were all greedy worms.

Feng Zao told Hughes not to think too much, he thought it would be good if they could eat them. If you can't eat something, your body will have nutrition. If you can't eat it, you can't eat it. If you don't get the nutrients your body needs, your physique will become weak. Once your physique is weak, you'll get sick easily, which is even worse

. , Hughes felt more and more reasonable, he picked up a bowl full of soup and quickly drank it.


Soon they finished their meal, and Hughes felt a little sleepy now that he was full. Get ready and lie down with him in the rest room.

"By the way, I told my female father about your pregnancy.

The female father didn't believe it at the time. He didn't believe it until I said many times that I couldn't get him to check on the official website of the Interstellar Hospital. He laughed excitedly until the video hung up. Feng Zao recalled the change in his face during the video with Zhenli today. It was rich.

Hughes blinked, "Why didn't I call my female father and he didn't call me back?" "

It turned out that when Hughes knew that he was pregnant with the second child, he wanted to share it with his female father. Unfortunately, he called Jane a video that night and was not connected.

At that time, Hughes thought that Zhenli might be separated . I went to that remote area where the model is unstable again, and I didn't care, thinking that when Zhenli restores the network, he will call himself back.

Feng Zao explained: "Oh, when I called the female father, they had just I came out of the rain forest and said that I just wanted to call you a video, but my video came.

By the way, the female father said that he would try to come back three days before the Chinese New Year. They recently went to a tropical interstellar place. There are many rain forests. I don't know if the female father will be able to stand the weather here when he suddenly comes back. Hughes put the

thin quilt and blanket in the rest room together to cover them. "It's okay to have the heater on all the time at home. Anyway, we will have annual leave at that time, and the cake school will also be on vacation.

We don't have any relatives either, so we will stock up on various items to spend the New Year at home. At

this time, Feng Zao suddenly remembered something and said: "My father still praised me today. He praised me after reading the announcement of the Interstellar Hospital. "Feng Zao's face is full of excitement and pride.

As long as the insects who meet him these days will say that he is very good, the parents who sent cake to school today also praised him as worthy of being the two of them.

Hearing that, Hugh's face was as red as an apple. Fortunately, he wasn't there at the time, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be his mother's father, and so were the parents he met today, so he wanted to fly away.

Feng Zao said happily after thinking that they are about to usher in the New Year and was very excited. This is their first New Year together, but they want the family to stay together.

"I've just watched a few days to test whether the cake can be tested . After that, if he passed his first new year, it would be considered a red year. Hughes thought that there were only a few days left for the exam, and he was still very worried.

Feng Zao also saw the nervousness of Hughes in the past few days, "Okay, alright, the little bug who has to take the exam. The cubs are not worried, why are you so nervous when you are all the bugs of the female father.

We have to believe in our own cubs, he will do his best, we all see the hard work during this time.

As long as we pay, the final result is good or bad, we can only say that we are worthy of ourselves. Feng Zao patted Hughes '

head leaning on his body to signal him to close his eyes and rest, otherwise, he would be struggling with a bunch of work in the afternoon.
