Chapter 68

These two days of weekend cakes are so beautiful. On Saturday, I went to my favorite candy shop to buy a lot. The whole worm went crazy and chose a lot of various candies and candy snacks. Of course, Feng had also bought some gadgets from him and Hughes in the mall.

On the weekends, a family of bugs went to the playground they had played in before. The last time they went there, a lot of entertainment equipment was under maintenance, so this time they went straight to the amusement park to have fun.

Except for those games that require long queues, they almost played all the games in the playground.

What Hughes liked most was aerial games, and he felt that the feeling of breaking through the sky was very cool.

As for Feng Zao, he was afraid of playing anything, even the most common merry-go-round was dizzy, and was laughed at by Gao Gao at the time. Finally, under the threat of Feng Zao saying that he would deduct his candy, he chose to keep his face expressionless. mouth, and then smiled secretly in a place where the wind could not see.

To say that the game suitable for a family is of course the most interesting adventure house, which is especially suitable for groups to play together.

Playing various games and then taking various adventures on the way to find the keys, and opening the treasure chests encountered on the road step by step, can be said to be exciting and brain-burning.

However, some of the adventure scenes in it are still very scary. Feng Zao was so frightened that it could be said that he was hanging on Hughes the whole time, and he didn't dare to open his eyes.

But Feng was already afraid of returning and wanted to play, so Hughes had no choice but to hold him like he usually does.

Let him close his eyes when he encounters something wrong, and then hand it over to him after finding the key. The whole process can be said to play the role of keeping the key, causing our little cake to secretly hide in a dimly lit place Silently grinned and laughed.

The small cakes made the insects look at it with admiration. The little one with three heads and body was not afraid at all, and it took three consecutive games to enjoy it.

Of course, the last two times were with Hughes, and the poor little worm Feng Zao was sitting outside eating a big bucket of ice cream and soothing the frightened little heart...

Fortunately, after the cake and cake had fun, the family went home with a tired and happy mood. After arriving home, the tiredness instantly rose, and then everyone took a shower and went to bed.

Xu Shi had so much fun today, the family of three stayed on the bed, and slept sweetly and dreamlessly until the next morning.

the next day.

Hughes, whose biological clock woke up naturally, looked at the empty space next to him and knew that Feng had already gone downstairs to make breakfast.

After finishing the work, I went to the small cake room and found that the cake, who had woken up at this time, was still sleeping.

It goes without saying that he was too tired to play yesterday. Hughes patted the little face of the cake, and the little tits who followed duang and duang were extremely cute.

"Gao Gao got up, you can't be late for school today." Hughes woke Gao Gao softly with his head down.

The awakened cake opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that it was the female father who was still clinging to the neck of Hughes, so coquettish that he didn't want to get up.

Hughes slept with his hair like a chicken coop, "Get up, the male father will deduct your candy when there is not enough time."

Cake reluctantly opened her eyes and got up with a groan. Slowly went to wash up.

Seeing this, Hughes went back to the room to change his clothes and tidy up his briefcase and Fengzao's briefcase. At this time, Gugu also finished washing and tidying up his small schoolbag.

After the two insects went downstairs, Feng Zaozai was packing a family's lunch for noon.

The Cub Academy also had meals at noon, but the cake was in his mouth, so Feng Zao simply prepared the lunch for the family of three.

"Father Xiong, did you prepare a small cake for me today?" Although the school also distributes small desserts, the cakes are still the best made by my father.

Feng Zao pampered the little nose of the cake, "You little greedy cat, you know how to make your father make small cakes every day."

Gao Gao struggled to save her little nose, rubbed her hand and pouted her mouth and said, "Every time he said to prepare me a small dessert, but the female father can get a lot of it each time, and I can get a maximum of three pieces at most. Small." After saying that, the hand was a narrow distance.

Feng Zaohao said with a smile: "It's not bad if you have to eat, as long as your little belly wants to eat more, honestly eat more to grow taller and bigger, and then you can pack a few more small cakes.

" He hummed and went to eat his own breakfast.

After setting the time for the watering and spraying device in the yard, Hughes went to set a cleaning time for Xiao Hei. After he was done, he also came to the table to have breakfast with Cake. At this time, Feng Zao saw Hughes sitting down and brought out a bowl of peanut cheese from the kitchen to Hughes, "Last time you said you like it, I soaked some peanuts

last night, and I can make it just in the morning."

The cub stood up on the chair to express his dissatisfaction, "Why don't I, I also want to eat sweet."

Hughes took the peanut butter and ate it beautifully, and deliberately smashed it.

This move can make our little cake cake angry into a little puffer fish, and the little milk prostitutes bulge.

Feng Zao knocked on the little head of Gao Gao, "What to eat, I put two small cakes in your lunch box." Gao Gao

was still dissatisfied and said: "My father also has small cakes at noon, why do I have a small cake in the morning? It's not sweet."

Hughes put down the spoon and said slowly and unhurriedly: "Because I am your mother and father, and you are still just a small worm, you can't eat so much sweetness. Food."

Cake's arrogant aura immediately collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, alas, who made himself a little worm.

Alas~ The little worm has one more trouble today, when will it grow up!

At this time, Gu Gao thought of something, raised her face and said, "I woke up with cramps in my feet last night, and I also had cramps twice in the last week." Gu Gao thought that she had cramps in her feet three times when she slept at night, and felt a little uncomfortable. normal.

"Cramps?" Hughes didn't know why he looked at Feng Zao with questioning eyes.

"Oh, that's a good thing. It means that you are growing taller. I'll buy some calcium tablets at noon. You can eat two tablets a day." Feng Zao said.

Hughes: "Is there such a claim? I don't seem to have experienced it before."

Feng Zao explained with a smile, "That's because the female monarch's genes are inherently strong, and the male worm is weaker, so it is necessary to eat more during the cubs. Some calcium tablets, I was negligent." When

she heard that she was about to grow taller, she said excitedly: "Father, I want fruit-flavored calcium tablets, preferably sweet ones." Calcium tablets did not forget to remind Feng Zao to remember to buy sweet ones.

Hughes helplessly looked at the excited Kugou Hefeng and said that he would just buy the milk-flavored one, so that this guy who eats sweets every day would not end up secretly eating one bottle in a day.


the school gate.

Feng Zao and Hughes explained the cake and let him carry his small lunch box into the school gate.

Hughes looked at Gai Gao's little back and felt that this kind of life that was repeated day by day was really simple and happy!

"Master, yesterday, two colleagues who also had little males at home were telling me how well they were treated in expensive schools. They

said we shouldn't send little males to civilian schools.

But I just watched the cake . The appearance of cake carrying a small lunch box into the school gate by himself suddenly they are really stupid to show off." At that time, Hughes was very happy when he learned that he was going to give birth to a little male, but he was worried every day.

After all, males are rare and delicate, and he once doubted whether he could raise him properly.

Unexpectedly, although the little worm cub was born a little arrogant and black-bellied, it is still a very well-behaved and well-behaved little male.

Knowing that he wears clothes and washes himself, he will finish his homework on time before going to play when he gets home, and he will obediently go to bed every time he arrives, so there is no need for them to tell bedtime stories.

There is not a trace of unreasonable male insects at all, but like a little gentleman, doing everything in an orderly manner to be loved by insects.

Feng Zao also raised the corners of his mouth, he knew how good his cub was.


When they arrived at the workplace, the two returned to their own office buildings. Every Monday, each department would have a brief regular meeting.

Isn't Kodak waiting at the door for a long time, do you think he arrived so early because he loves to go to work? Wrong, he just asked Hughes about something.

Seeing that Kodak was standing there, Hughes knew that he had something to do, but Kodak beckoned and pointed to the position inside.

Hughes understood, this is to do it next to him, but this position is in the corner.

"Why is it so mysterious?" Hughes asked his doubts before the meeting time.

I saw Kodak peeking around to see if the insects didn't care. They pressed their voices and said to Hughes: "I celebrate my birthday this Friday, and the male and female fathers told me to invite some friends home for dinner."

Hughes heard it and counted the time. Yes, Kodak is also fifty years old. Although this age is very young among the average 200-year-old Zerg, fifty-year-old is a worm in every worm's heart. Advanced point.

So on this day, even the females who don't have a birthday will prepare some items for the birthday party.

"It's normal to have a fifty-year-old birthday, why are you acting like a thief?" Hughes felt a little funny when he saw Kodak's unremarkable actions.

Just now he thought that Kodak didn't finish his work last week, so he dragged himself to the corner for fear of being named and criticized. It turned out to be about his birthday.

Unexpectedly, Kodak rolled his eyes at him, and saw that the leaders who were holding the regular meeting on the stage didn't notice that they leaned their body towards Hughes and said in a low voice, "I'm not afraid of being heard by other insects, if What if they all go to my house?

I have a bunch of treasures that I have collected at home, and I won't cry to death when they go along with them."

After hearing this, Hughes really wanted to roll his eyes, who asked Kodak to let him Every day, he shows off the treasures he has collected everywhere, and everyone knows that his rich family is full of treasures.

I know that a few worms have visited his house collectively, and they didn't forget to take some things when they left, but Kodak was very distressed. At that time, he dragged him every day to complain, saying that he was broken in this mouth.

I thought the matter was over at that time, but I didn't expect that more and more bugs were known later, and everyone went to Kodak's house.

Later, it was Hughes who gave him the idea that the elders in the family were happy and did not like to come into contact with worms and needed to be cleaned, which made these worms who wanted to make a fortune rest their minds.

In fact, it's not that Kodak is stingy. In fact, he is very rich, but he only likes to give things to the bugs he likes. Why should he want his own things if he doesn't like it or doesn't have a deep relationship? These are all collected by him. of.

Xu is afraid of what happened in the past, so now Kodak wants to invite friends to be cautious for fear of leaking.

"Ah, by the way, remember to bring the cakes with you." Thinking of the cute little milk cake Kodak, his mood instantly became happy.

He is now the godmother of Xiao Cake. Feng Zao and Hughes saw that Kodak likes his little worm so much, so they specifically asked Cake if he would like to let Kodak be the god mother.

Unexpectedly, Gao Gao agreed immediately. He likes this elder who truly loves him. Every time he sees him, he smiles and often gives him gifts.

Later, when Hughes went to work, he met Kodak and said this to him, but he was moved to death, and he secretly turned his head to the side and secretly wiped his tears.

Hehe, Kodak is still overjoyed when he thinks that he has got a worm for nothing. Last time, I also gave myself the hand-painted paintings that Cake made in school, which made Kodak very excited.

When I got home, I found an expensive frame to frame the painting and hang it in the most conspicuous place in the house.

As long as the relatives come to the house, they must introduce it as soon as possible. This is a painting given to me by the little cub that I recognize. Not to mention the proud look.

In fact, what Kodak didn't know was that he painted several pictures that day, and the best ones were given to Feng Zao and Hughes, and he didn't waste the bad ones and gave them to Kodak.

At that time, Feng Zao also said that the cake is worthy of being a black belly. Hughes was not too embarrassed to talk about it with Kodak at that time, mainly because he was too excited at the time, and he took the painting around the cafeteria and said yes at lunch. Cake was specially given to him.

The word deliberately has been emphasized many, many times...

Hughes didn't answer, because he didn't want to pay attention to Kodak who was still immersed in his own world.

It wasn't until the regular meeting was over that he hit the Kodak with his elbow, a reminder that it was over.

Unexpectedly, Kodak, who had come back to his senses, took Hughes' arms and looked at him with expectant light, "You haven't said whether you will bring cakes or not.

No, it must come, I am a relative. The people who talk big in front of them also like cakes, so please don't give me the chain."

Hugh's head was covered in black lines, "I see, I must go."

After getting the promise to go to Kodak, he was satisfied and hummed happily . The song took a happy pace back to his office.



"Kodak told me this morning that he would invite our family to his birthday party on Friday." After saying that, Hughes took a piece of pan-fried eel and savored it carefully.

Feng Zao raised his eyebrows, "Okay, we can see and give him some gifts in the past two days, preferably something practical.

He has a bunch of flashy things in his house." After that, he clicked his tongue twice.

Hughes also thinks it's reasonable, and he really wants to send some practical things, Kodak's home...

Sigh, Hughes is a little speechless when he thinks about it. He still remembers that he was stunned when he first went to Kodak's house. Resplendent four words to describe the decoration of his home, even the details reflect the atmosphere of the word rich.


This is Hughes' brain-light contact phone ringing, and when he clicked it, it turned out to be Liliwen. In an instant, Hughes felt that his breathing was about to stop. At this time, his mind was full of whether it was a cake What happened to the accident at school?

Feng Zao didn't know why Hughes suddenly changed his face. When he was about to ask, he saw Hughes stretch out a slightly trembling hand and click on it.

At this time, Li Liwen's voice sounded, "Hello! Is this Major General Hughes?"

Hughes steadied his voice and returned, "Yes."

"That's right, Gao Gao played two other classes at school. Little male worm, now their parents are here, you can see if it is convenient for you to come here now."

"What? Hit the little male worm, or two?" Feng Zao heard it too.

Before Hughes could digest Liliwen's words, Feng had already picked it up and returned, "Let's go there now, please let the teacher see if the cake is okay."

Liliwen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that they came over immediately and hurriedly said: "It's alright, GuGuo isn't hurt." The

two bugs breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that GuGuo wasn't injured. Feng Zao immediately pulled Hughes up and ran while telling Kodak, who was bragging, that GuGuo had something to do at school. The fake note that he and Hughes were temporarily out will be made up tomorrow.

All the way to the school gate, the two insects immediately flew to Liliwen's office after being put in by the security who confirmed their identity.

The door of the office was not closed, Liliwen saw them who had just arrived at the door at a glance, and immediately stood up and let them come in and close the door.

Good guy, when the two worms entered the office, they saw that the cake class included his three little male worms and a little female worm who silently dropped golden beans.

Looking at the two little males whose clothes and hair were all torn apart, Hughes asked what happened.

At this time, a male worm looked at Hughes proudly, "What do you say first, a female worm?" That tone made the worm very unhappy.

Liliwen frowned and said: "This parent, I have just said that this incident was provoked by your little male and another little male.

Now the major general just wants to know things. It's just passing by."

Feng Zao knew that the male who interrupted Hughes was the parent of another class, and said angrily, "The little bugs are all here, can you as a parent not fight? Cut off the words of other worms."

The male worm who was disgraced was so angry at this time that he could not stop his speech, and shouted loudly: "What? Isn't it a major general, or a female worm, dare you to say this to me? Do you want to find the Male Insect Association?"

Hughes clenched his fist tightly and did not speak. In Fengzao's infinite favor, he had long forgotten the dignity of the Zerg. Now, when he saw other unreasonable male insects, he suddenly remembered that in Fengzao's love Those so-called rules and regulations have long been far away from themselves.

The head teacher of the other class, Kerimu, also had a very bad face. He was not loved by the male father since he was a child. When he grew up, he had suffered many losses in the hands of the male insect. I don't know what to say to myself.

Feng Zao strode forward and pulled Seuss behind him, and said to the brash male, "Oh, you're just like that? If something happens, you need to call the Male Association to intervene, why? You're blind. Don't you think there are other males here besides you?"

This is the male and female fathers of the little males in the cake class who both stepped forward and looked at the stupid male with maddened eyes.

Feng Zao took Hughes's hand and turned around to ask what happened.

" That

's the way it is, Gao Gao took the two little male worms in the class to protect the little female worm. It's a great cub!" Li Liwen was very pleased that the cubs in the class were so united, especially when there were only three of them. Adorable little male.

It turned out that the two little males in the third shift at lunch time took a fancy to the little female's cake. If it was normal, the little female would definitely give it to them, but today's cake was given to him by the cake, saying It was a good reward for his work done today.

If the little female worm didn't give it to them, they would grab it when they got started. When the two little male worms knocked him down, they saw that he was still holding on to the little cake and pulled his hand away.

The little female worm didn't dare to fight back and cried on the spot. After she heard it, she immediately stepped forward to stop them, and did not forget to ask the other two little male worms at work to help.

In this way, they scuffled together, and it was not until the teacher heard the movement that they came to separate them. Fortunately, no one was injured.

It was the little female worm who rubbed off some skin on his hand. Although he was a small female worm, he was malnourished in the eggs. Later, his female father worked hard to bring him up with a worm, but after the shell was broken, an important one The body of the little female worm does not get good nutrition during the month, and the body that goes back and forth is even worse.

Hughes directly praised the cake standing on the side, "Well done!" Then he praised the other two little males, making the three little guys blush with joy.

After listening to the story, Feng Zao said to Li Liwen: "There are surveillance systems in the school. If there are some parents who have objections, we are not afraid. Please let the school give a fair result now."

This sentence is clearly aimed at Li Liwen. In fact, it's beating some bugs.

Under the control of iron evidence, the parents of Class 3 did not dare to say anything. Although they are males, don't forget that the other party is also males.

Unfortunately, they could only apologize to their little worms, and everyone could see that they were not sincere, but it didn't matter.

Feng Zao gently squatted down to touch the little female worm that was thinner than the little male worm, and said to his female father, "The little worm's body is too weak, so you need to make up for it and exercise." The

little female worm The female father glanced at Feng gratefully. Earlier, he thanked the three little males who helped his cubs and let the little females arrive with them one by one.

As a female worm, Hughes also saw his embarrassment. They looked very much like Zhenli, who had worked hard to raise himself in the future.

Hughes stepped forward and said to the female father of the little female insect: "I have a friend who works as a doctor at the Interstellar Hospital. I will take the little insect cub to the hospital for a good look another day. We will pay the fee. If you mind, you can pay it back slowly, but The little worm's body can't be delayed any longer." The

little female worm's mother raised her head abruptly and excitedly said thank you to Hughes all the time, guaranteeing that she would work hard to make money.

The insects present were a little moved when they saw this scene, Feng Zao said loudly in order to ease the atmosphere: "The four little cubs present today are very brave, so tomorrow I will let Gao Gao bring all kinds of delicious and delicious desserts. Come over and reward everyone.

The little females are adding one more to make up for today's, how about this reward, little guys."

The other two little males who were not afraid of birth happily rushed to the wind and hugged them on their feet.

"I like the little cakes made by my uncle. Every time I see the cakes, I drool."

"Me too, but the cakes gave me a piece last time, but they were too small to eat."

The cute little milky voice broke everyone, and the office was full of laughter for a while.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, the little guys went back to class, and Feng Zao and Hughes had to rush back to work.

After chatting with several parents at the school gate, everyone left.

On the way back, Hughes said: "The male and female fathers of the two little males are good, and they seem to be good at educating the little bugs."

Feng Zao also liked the parents just now, and they spoke well. , The little males raised are also very polite.

"We taught Gao Gao very well! Everyone praised it!" Feng Zao was very happy with Gao Gao's behavior today, and felt that he was worthy of his and Hughes' cub.

Hughes said with a smile: "Then he's going to ask for an extra piece of candy tonight."

Feng Zao laughed when he heard it, and his little bug cub likes to involve himself in everything he does. Eat one more candy.


In the office, Kerimu stared blankly at the little bugs playing in the playground, and the scenes that happened in the office just now were still in his mind.

The male father who just met a group of those little males is so reasonable and respects the females very much, and suddenly he felt relieved about something.

Life, always look good!
