Chapter 1 After crossing, I want to order a takeaway

Feng Zao, who was lying on the bed, looked dazed. After 26 years of human transmigration, I went through it. Why did I become a bug.

The only fortunate thing is that I am a male, at least the gender has not changed. Alas, it's a pity that the original owner, the solitary worm, had a fever at home for several days, and then disappeared in a daze, so he made a bargain. Go back to being 18 years old.

The original owner's family was a poor nobleman. The reason for the abjection was that the original owner's parents encountered interstellar thieves hijacking the ship on the way to travel a few years after giving birth to the original owner. In that accident, many insects lost their lives. That accident was serious, and many military females were sacrificed.

After the accident, the original owner did not accept the invitation of the male protection center. Because his parents were childhood sweethearts, there were no extra female servants or slaves in the family, so the original owner was the only one left in the family.

That's fine, the wind had thought of it earlier. Anyway, he was also raised in an orphanage.

Feng Zao, who got out of bed to wash his face and prepare to wake up a little bit, saw his face in the mirror was exactly the same as his own.

After waking up, I feel very hungry, but unfortunately there is no other food in the kitchen except nutrients. After taking a sip, it is really hard to drink!

Based on memory, I opened my brain and looked at the takeaways, um... These takeaways don't seem to taste very good. "Oh, forget it, let's go out to buy groceries, the money in the card is okay, not much, not much."

Huh? money? Feng had long thought of the money he left on the earth and felt his heart would be broken. My money on earth, which I earn by working hard every day, and my new house, which I have only lived in for a long time!

It's a pity that I was forced to go out by the hunger in my stomach before I had time to feel sad.

According to memory, it was early to go out to buy vegetables, and seeing people coming and going, no, it was a worm. The eyes are wide and round, why is everyone like this, Gao! Big!

When he had just accepted the original owner's memory and knew that his height was still the same as before he crossed over, he let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that he was the same except for his face and height.

But now seeing that everyone is so tall, my figure of 8.3 meters seems a bit unattractive.

[Oops, did you see that male worm, his round eyes are so cute. 】

【Does he have a female prince? Oh my God, she is so cute. 】

【Ah, ah, it's a male, a male. ]


Hearing the whispers around him, Feng Zao pretended to be calm, but in his heart "I'm not afraid, I'm a male, I'm a male" what the hell, I'm afraid of males.

Feng, who hurriedly bought the good things to go home, had already cooked the food while tired, and looked at his brain while eating. After getting a general understanding of the world, he was still a little fortunate.

I have always liked men, and now coming here may be a relief for myself. After all, in that world, pretending to be very tired, very tired. And what he likes is the kind of tall and powerful man.

"Ding~" At this time, a push headline appeared on the interface.

The title is: "The Triumph Return of Major General Hughes"

below is a net worm that overturned the pot.

Cute little Asian female [God, he is really ugly and tough. 】

Where is the hero? [Upstairs ~ Do you think you are beautiful when you think you are a female? 】

Catch a male adult 【Although the major general is very powerful, does

he really like a male like this? ]

Eat melons and eat melons [The major general is already 25, he is full of military exploits, I don't know if he can be a female prince. 】

I am Xiao Tiantian 【Upstairs is naive, who would like a tough military female, and those who marry military females are all looking at the military medals of military females. ]


Looking at the dense comments, looking at the major general named Hughes on the interface, this long silver-white hair, light green eyes, full of lines of facial features, and this cold temperament.

Looking at the comment area, everyone doesn't seem to like this kind of female worm, but he does! In this way, the wind couldn't help shouting: I can!

I like it, this height, this figure, this facial features, this temperament... ah! I love it! Feng Zao was scratching his head excitedly, thinking how to get in touch with this admiral.


On the other hand, Hughes's superior, Lieutenant General Kodak: "Hughes, you did a good job this time, but there is one more thing that you are 25 this year. If you don't get married again, you will be forced to match. Female servants, female slaves, look..." Getting married means that there is a high probability that they will not be able to return to the army, and males don't like their females running outside.

Hearing Kodak's words, Hughes replied expressionlessly, "I see." Then he left.

Hughes also knew that if he couldn't find the male master, he would be forced to match, but he couldn't help it. Many male insects said they wanted to marry him, but they were only interested in their own glory.

If you really agree, waiting for your final result will be like your female father sooner or later.

Alas, Kodak clenched his fist lightly as he watched the back of Hughes leaving. Whispered: "Otherwise, I'll get him a marriage proposal!"

