Twelve: Prank Gone Wrong

A clicking sound, coming from the work out machine that Matt Donovan was using, could be heard within the empty hallways of the Mystic High. Said-man finishes his exercise and gets up, stretching before stopping abruptly, thinking he heard a sound.

The blonde cautiously starts walking towards the source of the faint noise, reaching the closed door of his usual calculus class. He peeks through the small window first, and after seeing nothing but the darkness, he swings entry way open, effectively setting off hundreds of mouse traps. Later turning on the lights, he discovers all of his friends with exasperated expressions on their face.

"Aw come on, seriously!" Caroline squeaks out, her voice incredibly high pitched of frustration. "Do you know how long it took for us to set all of this up?"

"Forgot about senior prank night huh?" Tyler says.


"How could forget?" The blonde vampire exclaims incredulously. "We've been waiting for this since like freshman year!"

"Yeah Matt," Elena agrees. "If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this," he admits, scratching his head.

"Caroline's making us," Bonnie shrugs.

"We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever and—" "—if we don't create these memories now then what's the point of it all?" Elena interrupts, giggling.

"Go ahead, make fun, I don't care."

"You're all lame," Tyler announces, getting up and out of the room. "And I've got ten more classrooms to prank."

Elena also exits the class, informing them that she was going to super glue Alaric's desk shut. She smiles upon exiting, seeing all her fellow seniors plotting pranks and laughing together. She continues, beaming to herself but it's wiped off when she opens the door and comes face to face with her worst nightmare.

"There's my girl," he muses, a dangerous expression on his face.

"Klaus," she gasps in horror, attempting to run away but he harshly grips her arm.

"You were supposed to be dead, what are we going to do about that?"

He starts roughly dragging her in the hallways, growing angrier by the second. "You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that."

"If you're going to kill me just do that," Elena spits out, struggling more in his grip when he enters they enter the gym which was filled with teens setting cups on the floor and all sorts of shenanigans. 

"Attention seniors," Klaus booms out with a fake accent. "Attention seniors, you have officialy been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home."

He then notices two familiar looking people. "Oh you two, I remember you. Dana, lift your foot up. If she drops her foot Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?"

"You don't have to hurt anyone, Klaus," Elena shakes her head.

"Oh come on love, of course I do."

Dana stumbles a bit, making her scream and Klaus tut. "Keep it up."

"Where are Stefan and Gigi? What did you do to them?" The doppelganger questions.

"Stefan's on a time out and well, Rosie, I'm not sure you would like the changes that occurred in her the last couple of hours."

Bonnie and Matt choose that exact moment to enter the gym, making Elena shout, "Bonnie get out of here!"

Before she can comprehend what her friend was saying, Klaus appears behind the young witch. "I was wondering when you'd show up. Dana, why don't you relax, you and Chad sit tight." Then, he smirks down at Bonnie. "I assume you're the reason my doppelganger's still alive."

"That's right," she challenges. "If you want to blame someone, blame me."

"Oh there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference caused some undesirable side effects and since you caused the problem, you find the fix."

Suddenly, Rebekah bursts into the room, holding onto a struggling Tyler. "Let go of me," he groans only to be shushed by a familiar voice.

"Shut up with your incessant blabbing, you're bursting my brain cells," Gigi snaps, walking in behind them, a scowl on her face.

"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah," Klaus introduces, "Warning, she can be quite mean."

"Don't be an ass," she scolds dryly.

"As for my lovely other accomplice, I don't think you need an introduction but don't bother asking her for help, she only listens to me now."

Rebekah pushes Tyler towards Klaus who grips him tightly.

"Leave him alone," Elena exclaims and Gigi pinches her nose, already feeling a headache forming because of all these whiny voices.

"I'm going to make this very simple," Klaus growls. "Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die, during transition. It's quite horrible actually." Then, he bites his wrist and makes Tyler drink his blood. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids Bonnie, and for Tyler's sake, you better hurry."

Everyone gasps when the original snaps the werewolf's neck, including Gigi who later snorts in amusement at her hilarious self. "Go on then, I'll hold onto Elena for safe keeping."

"So this is the latest doppelganger," Rebekah deduces with an unimpressed look. "The original one was much prettier."

Georgia rolls her eyes and so does Klaus who orders her out, looking at Elena with a smile. "Just ignore her. Petty little thing."

"Can I go yet?" The vampire questions with a bored tone, making Klaus appear over to where she was and sit next to her.

"Not yet, darling."

Gigi flashes over to the other side of the bleachers, ignoring his amused look and putting in her earphones to pass the time. After a short while, Stefan quietly enters the room, making her look up and frown.

"Klaus," he addresses.

"Come to save your damsel mate?"

"I came to ask for your forgiveness, and pledge my loyalty."

Klaus calmly looks at the ground. "Well you broke that pledge already."

"Elena means nothing to me."

Gigi's lips purse up as she lets out a small noise, clearly not believing his bullshit. "Whatever you ask of me, I will do."

"Fair enough," the hybrid declares, climbing down the bleachers. "Let's drink on it. Kill them."

Georgia Rose joins him, a weary expression on her face. She stands next to Elena and sends her a warning look.

"Stefan no," Elena insists. "He's not going to hurt me, he said so."

Klaus sends Gigi a look, causing her to sneer. "Never said I wasn't though," he states before she backhands the doppelganger so hard her body flipped in the air, landing with a loud thud. Stefan hisses and lunges at her though Klaus grabbed him by the neck before he could come close.

"Your lies keep piling up, don't they," he sneers.

"Let her go," the Salvatore begs, "I'll do whatever you want, you have my word."

"I lived by your word all summer during which I never had to resort to this," Klaus starts. "Stop fighting.

"Don't do this," Stefan pleads, trying to fight the compulsion.

"I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance now I'm going to have to take it.

You will do exactly as I say, when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey. Now kill them, ripper."

He doesn't need to say it twice, because Stefan immediately rips into Dana's neck and moves on to the other guy, with Elena watching in shock. "You did this to him," she whispers accusingly at Klaus.

"I invited him to the party love, he's the one dancing on the table."

As if things weren't going crappy enough for Elena, Bekah bursts into the room, her voice shrieking angrily. "Where is it? Where's my necklace?"

"What are you talking about?" Klaus urges, annoyed.

"She has my necklace, look!" And so she hands him Caroline's phone which displayed a picture of Stefan and Elena who was wearing Rebekah's lost necklace apparently.

"Well well, more lies," he mutters, glaring at Stefan.

"Where is it?" Rebekah repeats.

"I don't have it," the doppelganger stutters, frowning.

"You're lying," she sneers and attacks her, taking a bite out of her neck. Gigi rolls her eyes at the blonde mess of an original.

"Stop it, Rebekah!" Nik shouts, gripping her shoulders and pushing her back.

"Make her tell me where it is, Nik!"

Klaus sighs, putting his palms together before squatting down next to Elena who was pressing her hand to her bleeding neck wound. "Where's the necklace sweetheart? Be honest."

"I'm telling the truth," she answers. "Katherine stole it."

"Katerina, of course," he takes a deep breath. "Well that's unfortunate, if we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it shall we?"

He power walks over to the desk that had a button controlling the timer. He presses it, making the board demonstrate the twenty minute deadline with a loud beep. "Twenty minutes, if Bonnie hasn't found the solution by then I want you to feed again and this time, I want you feed on Elena."

Stefan gulps, licking the blood off his lips and staring at Elena. "No one leaves, she tries to run, fracture her spine."

With that, the three exit the gym, Gigi immediately splitting off from the two others and going on her assigned mission. It doesn't take long for her to find Caroline who was laying on the ground next to Tyler. The blonde gasps when she sees her, "Gigi?"

"Friendly Gigi isn't here at the moment," is her dry saying. 

She grips the younger vampire's arm and grabs Tyler's hand, dragging him on the floor and reaching some random biology classroom in which she carelessly throws the two in, meeting up with Rebekah who was in charge of watching the two.

Aimlessly wandering around, she ends up at the cafeteria where she heard the gym buzzer sounding. Too lazy to go watch the doppelganger get murdered, she settles for putting her earphones back in, only taking them out when Stefan stumbles into the room, breathing very heavily.

She watches with a raised eyebrow as he snaps a broom in two and shoves one part in his stomach, groaning loudly. "Now this is fascinating I've never seen this before," Klaus announces, strolling in the room and dragging Elena like a rag doll. "The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl."

"Who should get over you already," Gigi subtly slips in, shrugging at the doppelganger's bewildered look.

"Why don't you turn it off?" Klaus suggests.


"Oh come on, your humanity is killing you, all the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off," the original grumbles.

"Come on Stef, It'll be just like the twenties." Gigi encourages, kicking her legs back and forth.

"No," he refuses again, backing away into the wall as Klaus pulls the piece of wood from inside him.

"You're strong, but you're not that strong. Turn, it, off."

Stefan hesitates for a moment, his eyes switching between the three before he pushes Klaus back with a strained 'no.'

The hybrid pushes him against the wall, his eyes turning golden as he screams, "Turn it off!"

"What did you do?" Elena whispers, staring at her boyfriend who was gasping in horror.

"I fixed him," is Nik's quiet reply as Georgia curiously looks at her friend, seeing the change in attitude. "But I think a test is in order don't you?

Ripper, perhaps you'd like a drink... from the doppelganger's neck."

Klaus smirks when he sees veins form under Stefan's eyes and he backs away from the girl. Elena slowly starts to panic, seeing the taunting smile that was forming on her lover's lips and can do nothing but let out an ear-piercing shriek when he lunges at her.

if you did not understand why then yes, klaus compelled gigi to do everything he says and agree to everything he does

some good shit coming ur way in the next chapter >:) 

please vote & comment, it makes my day.
