Fourteen: Surprise Visits

"So when you did the spell to send Vicki away did that get rid of Anna too?"

"I wish," Bonnie scoffs, struggling to hand a lantern on the tree. "All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki have a physical foothold here. Jeremy still has a direct line to the other side, so as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here."

"Okay you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that," Caroline scoffs, putting a hand on her hip making her brunette friend dryly walk away.

Today was the date to celebrate the Night of Illumination, started by the founders over 150 years ago as Carol Lockwood enthusiastically informed everyone in Mystic Falls. However, this day wasn't off to that great of a start for Damon who had had a confrontation with the supposed dead Mason Lockwood. 

Speaking of Damon, he had just pulled up next to the two girls, stopping his car in front of them. Spotting Inanna in the front passenger seat, they start walking towards the vehicle.

"Greetings Blondie, witchy," The vampire acknowledges. "I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."

"What do you mean why?" Bonnie asks, confused.

"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost."

"Why would you say that?" Caroline asks, sounding quite unintelligent to the two inside the car.

"Maybe because he tied me to a chair, shoved a hot poker in my chest," Damon sarcastically shrugs, "Let's just say I'm having déja-vu."

"I thought you said ghosts can't physically interact with people," the barbie vampire says in confusion.

"They can't," the other blonde responds shortly, sending a text to her dad.

"Yeah well, I don't have time for vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead." Damon pauses for a second as the witch gets out of the car. "Whatever you did, fix it."

He then drives off in a hurry, leaving the two best friends to stare shamelessly at Nina who was asking her dad for help. When she finally looks up, she awkwardly looks at them back before starting to walk away, causing Bonnie to follow her.

"Wait!" She calls out, catching up with her fellow witch who was nervously thinking of ways to nicely respond to her, afraid she was going to say the wrong thing and not make friends. "What's your name?"

"Um, Nina. Inanna Faye, actually."

"I'm Bonnie Bennett," the dark-skinned girl introduces before silence engulfs them. "So how long have you known you were a witch?"

"Um, since my brain could comprehend the word," Nina shrugs. "So when I was like, five."

"Wow, that's a long time," Bonnie trails off. "I didn't find out too long ago."

Inanna shrugs. "You're lucky, then. You at least got the taste of normal life." Making Bonnie agree with a nod. "So what's your special?"

"Sorry, my what?"

"Your special," the blonde repeats. "You know, astral projection, possession..."

When she sees the brunette looking confused, she adds, "Resurrection?"

"I've done that," the Bennett witch confirms. "How about you?"

"Well, elemental control is the family specialty but I guess my dad and I didn't get the memo. Daddy's really good at psychometry."

"What's that?"

"You know, divination," Bonnie grows red at her lack of knowledge. "The ability to divine future, past or present due to contact or to certain proximity with an object or person."

"That's amazing," she gapes. "What about you?"

"Illusion is my forte. I can make you see a false reality, an alternate one. Wanna try it?"

"Um," Bonnie shifts, unsure. "What are you going to make me see?"

"Since I don't really know your desires or your fears, I don't choose." The blonde shrugs. "All I know is that you'll see what your mind wants you to see."

The brunette pauses, tempted. She turns to Nina who looked excited and asked, "And when do I snap out of it?"

"Either when you gather enough sense that it isn't real which is almost impossible, I'm not a beginner, or when I make it stop."

"Bonnie," the two witches snap their heads towards Caroline who had approached them, wearily checking out Inanna who's excitement deflates. She shoves her phone in her purse, taking the time to snatch out her small grimoire which she was very proud about considering she had created it. 

"I'll see you later," she smiles shyly towards the dark-skinned girl before heading on her way, feeling their stares on her back.


Are you okay?

Gigi bites her tongue, looking at the text she had gotten from Damon. She ignores the sound of the feeding hybrid behind her and unbelievably smiles at her phone, happy that someone still bothered to acknowledge her existence. Even managing to let out a small giggle, the brunette locks her phone and gets up, wondering to the upstairs section of Klaus' current villa.

"Feeling giddy, are we?" 

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. 

Georgia rolls her eyes and turns around to face in all her plaid pajama glory. She raises an unimpressed eyebrow at him before attempting to walk past him, causing him to hum in refusal and grip her arm. "How's Serena?"

He was talking about the most recent hybrid he created.

"She seems to think that she's superior to everyone else besides you," is Gigi's annoyed response. "I had to set her in place."

"Explains this," the original muses, pinching the bloodied fabric of the brunette's shirt. The latter clutches his hand with a warning scowl. When his response is to mockingly interlace their fingers, she automatically breaks his wrist. 

The blonde narrows his eyes, snapping his wrist back in place and feeling it heal in a second. Georgia shrugs, following him downstairs. Klaus finds Serena in the kitchen, whimpering because of the many knives pinning her arms down on the wooden table.

"Oh sweetheart," he cooed, pulling out the sharp objects and giving his Rose a flat stare. She simply shrugs, again. "I hope you learned your lesson."

The redhead nods, a tear running down her cheek. "I did,"

"Good," he says, giving her a blood bag and ordering her to drink before yet again going after Gigi who was now in her bedroom. 

"Knock," the brunette orders with a scowl when Klaus barged in uninvited, going to her dresser.

"Get up," he commands. "We're going out."

"God no," Gigi groans, "I honestly don't think I can take another hike." 

"It's not a hike," Nik announces, holding up a salmon colored dress. "Get dressed, we're going out for dinner."

Georgia and Klaus smoothly enter the very fancy restaurant, immediately getting welcomed by a waiter who ushers them to their table. They took a strategic seat close to quite the large family, aware of their eyes on them as they settle down.

"The two young blondes and the three dudes, right?" The female vampire asks, staring at the werewolves from the corner of her eyes. Their mother was subtly, or so she thought, watching the two with an envious look on her face. "The mom's being creepy."

"Jealous of our newly wed spark, I presume," the original sarcastically says, looking at the menu while Gigi hides her scoff with a laugh.

"You need to keep your fantasies in check."

After a few minutes of contemplation, the two choose their order and lean back on their seats, intensely staring at each other. "What?" Klaus sighs out.

"Why are we here? Couldn't we have just, you know, ambushed them outside?"

"Is it so hard to believe that I want to enjoy your company?"

"Oh god, we've been in each other's company for like more than three months," the brunette groans.

"All the while you were oblivious to what happened in the twenties." 

"And what happened exactly, hm?" She muses. "All I remember is you being the most conceited guy I've ever met."

"Well apparently you liked that enough to kiss me," the blonde shrugs, making Georgia scowl. 

"That wasn't intentional," she rambles, making him roll his eyes in a 'sure' way. "Spur of the moment. Don't bring it up."

"Why not?" Nik raises his eyebrows, setting his elbow on the table and grabbing her hand, gently playing with the ring on her finger.

Gigi feels her heart beat quicken for a second before she covers it up with her usual dry comment. "Come on, Klaus, spit it out."

"Is it so hard to believe that I still fancy you?"

"I call bullshit," she declares, sipping her champagne with a determined look on her face. "Remember that sixties' dance night? Rude."

"You looked lovely," the original charmingly smiles.

"Oh shut up," Georgia rolls her eyes, pushing his hand away as their food arrives. "You snapped my neck."

"Had to set my grounds down," the blonde shrugs, taking a sip of the red liquid in his glass. "Whatever happened to your little witchy friend back in the day?"

Georgia Rose clearly tenses, her eyes narrowing into slits. "Dead. Burned alive,"

"Hm," he raises his eyebrows, not caring much. "What was her business with Elijah though?"

"Long story, some bullshit disagreement from New Orleans with Nikki's family made them bump heads. It's really none of your business is it?"

Mockingly putting a finger up to his lips, Klaus smiles in amusement before abruptly stabbing his fork into his date's hand, pinning in on the table. The brunette sharply breathes in, glaring viciously at the hybrid who was dangerously smiling.

"Know your place, Rosie. You should be glad I didn't rip your spleen out for lying to me about the doppelganger."

"It's sweet that you think I wouldn't have," is her bitter retort. "If it meant pissing you off I would do it again and again and again. Just because I had a 'thing' for you back in the day doesn't mean that I do now, jackass."

Niklaus pulls the fork out of her hand, watching the wound heal instantly before continuing to eat with the utensil, the two acting as if nothing had happened. They finish quickly and they sit blatantly watching their targets who were getting ready to go out. 

Gigi's anger was slowly rising, something that hadn't happened in quite some time. Who the hell did he think he was? She had her humanity turned off in the twenties, and even if she did feel something, it was long gone and forgotten. However, Klaus seemed to think that she was still obliged to be loyal to him. 

Guess she'd just have to show him that Gigi Duvall was no one's bitch.

The two vampires exit the restaurant, waiting for the werewolves to come out. When they do, they split into two groups, the two non-supernatural ones going into a car while the others started walking away. They took a shortcut through an alleyway —much to Nik's and Gigi's comfort— but stopped in their place when they heard the sound of a lighter. 

Georgia Rose stepped out of the shadows, dark eyes glinting dangerously. She let the slim cigarette rest between her plump, nude lips while saying a sarcastic 'hello.' The werewolves warily glanced at each other, deciding to continue walking when Klaus, clad in a fitting tuxedo stood in their way, hands in his pocket. 

"You know, your kind was hard to find at the beginning," he drawled off, making Georgia roll her eyes and silently groan as he did his usual stupid dramatic entrance. "Now, you're just popping up everywhere aren't you?" 

"Come on, Klaus, let's kill them already," she demanded impatiently, her heel tapping on the floor.

"A bit of suspense never hurts, Rose," is his reply before continuing on with his obnoxious rant while Gigi's eye twitched. Meanwhile, the scared werewolves didn't know what to do.

"You made your point," the brunette mocks. "We're terrified."

Klaus pauses, "Alright then. Bonne appétit, sweetheart." 

The women scream when the vampire moves in supernatural speed, grabbing the two humans in the group. She holds them both by the neck, ignoring their clawing hands and scowls at the others. "You annoy me, I kill them. You don't annoy me, I don't kill them, simple as that."

"Let them go," a girl, no older than 19, screams, being held back by her friends. "Let them go!"

"You better shut up, you're giving me a headache," Gigi warns.

"Let them go!" 

"Okay," she shrugs, compelling one to stay still before letting go of them, turning to face the one she hadn't compelled. It was a handsome, teenage boy who looked mortified. "Sorry pal," she mocked. "It's her fault."

With that, she hit him with such force that it slapped his head clean off his shoulders. 

The werewolves froze. Their eyes locked into the beheaded body of their friend. And they could only shriek when they realized that they were to be the next victim. 
