Six: Idiocy at its finest

Gigi felt great today.

For the first time in exactly two years, she woke up feeling like she had enough sleep which god knows is a miracle especially for vampires. Then, she dressed in an all black body suit that was as dark as her black heart, and just as she was contemplating whether or not to greet people good morning, she was interrupted by a strange scent.

The scent of burning flesh, to be precise.

In a flash, she was downstairs, investigating the source of the smell and being lead to Damon  who's arms were wide open as if he was in some stupidly cliché movie scene about to profess his love.

Just as she was about to start making fun of him, she noticed something quite unusual. Damon was reeking quite strongly of that disgusting scent that entered her nostrils first thing in the morning, because he was being barbecued by the sun.

Georgia immediately tackles him to the ground, safely away from the sun light then pins him against the wall. "Have you gone fucking insane?" She hisses incredulously, punching him in the chest.

"Let go of me," he groans.

Just then, Stefan walks in on the peculiar scene, raising his eyebrows. "What is going on here?"

"Your brother here was just, you know, trying to self combust," the brunette throws her arms in the air before picking up Damon's daylight ring and shoving it into her pocket, letting the younger Salvatore deal with his suicidal brother. "Mind explaining to me what the hell is going on?"

"You are not doing this," Stefan affirms, scowling.

"Already did," the black-haired vampire rolls his eyes. "You know what happened to Rose."

"I don't care." Then, Damon is thrown into the cellar. "You're not dying today."

"Always the hero Stefan. Just tell me goodbye, get it over with."

Stefan ignores him, going up the stairs only to be blocked by an anxious Gigi. He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "He got bit by a werewolf—"

Unfortunately for him, his words are interrupted by a harsh slap from the very bipolar brunette.

"A werewolf bite? And you're telling me now?" She cries out in disbelief. "So while I was having a goodnight's sleep he was coughing his lungs out!"

"I didn't want you to worry Gigi."

"Listen here, kid," she darkly seethes, veins forming under her eyes. "I don't care about what you want. Whatever the hell concerns that conceited douche concerns my ass, understand? So next to time you decide to keep his journey to inevitable death a secret from me, don't expect me to be this calm."

Then, she grabs her handbag and slides on her sunglasses, getting ready to go out. "Where are you going?"

"Well I'm going to try to find a solution to this shitstorm, and if I don't you'll find me drinking my body weight in whiskey."

Georgia Rose quickly realized that today was not the day to dress as some kind of shadow empress, as there was a screening of Gone with the Wind and everybody was dressed in pastel gowns and dancing with butterflies.

Too bad she didn't give a shit, though.

Strolling through the streets and making everybody clear away for her because of the death scowl on her face, the vampire pulls out her phone, dialing a certain number that she really didn't want to resolve to. The thing is, she didn't have a choice anymore.

"Elijah, so good to hear your voice again."


The two original brothers were silently walking back to Alaric's apartement when they heard the clicking of high heels behind them. Turning around, they see nothing but then when turning back around they are faced by a bored-looking Gigi.

"Gentlemen," she greets before falling into footstep with them. "How are you doing this fine day?"

"Fantastic," Klaus retorts with a sarcastic smile. "What do you want?"

"Just checking up on my favorite half-breed," she casually drawls out, before blocking the hybrid's way with a more serious tone. "I'm offering you a deal."

"A deal?" Klaus chuckles, aghast. "Love, I don't think you're in your right mind right now."

"Just hear me out, okay?" She snaps, effectively shutting him up. "A little birdie told me that your weird magical blood can cure werewolf bites."

"Let me guess, one of your little friends got bit and you came here to grovel at my feet?" Niklaus taunts, putting his hands in his pockets and slowly circling around her, a malicious look on his face.

"First of all, stop being so creepy. Second, I wouldn't beg you if it was to save everyone in this miserable little town. It's a trade, hybrid. Me for some of your fairy blood."

"Georgi—" Elijah starts but his brother shushes him, a grin on his face.

"You're offering yourself?"

Gigi makes a face at how he was phrasing it, feeling her heart beat slightly faster in fear when he gets closer and pulls at her daylight necklace. "That's what I said," she uncomfortably rolls her eyes.

"You've got a deal, sweet heart. Let's just go back home and I'll give you what you need, then we'll go."

"Great," the brunette sighs, staring at the sky. "Cheers to my new life of imprisonment."

After the three quickly vampire-speed to Alaric's home, Gigi lets the men enter while she waits outside due to not having been invited in. She yawns when she hears Katherine's voice, but freezes in alarm when she figures out what's going on.

"Well you just keep popping up, don't you?" Klaus muses, cocking his head at a certain Salvatore who had managed to screw up all of Gigi's plan without even saying a word.

"I want to make a deal," the idiot announces, "For my brother."

"Shut up," Gigi mouths from outside, leaning on the invisible barrier. "Shut up, shut up, shut up."

"Huh," Nik says in amusement. "Well I'm afraid this is gonna have to wait a tick, you see I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention."

While he slowly walks away, Elijah steps up in front of Stefan. "You understand the importance of family, or else you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own."

"And so I shall."

Abruptly, Klaus harshly stabs the dagger into his brother's heart, causing him to gasp. Elijah's face slowly turns grey and the veins pop out, a last look of betrayal displaying on his face before his body falls to the ground, motionless. Gigi's face paled, an audible gulp sounding from her.

"Now, what am I going to do with you?" Klaus contemplates, pinning Stefan against the wall. Then, just to be a dick, he shoves a stake inside his chest and holds him up straight. The Salvatore groans in pain, and Katherine watches with an unknown emotion on her face.

"Come on, Klaus," Georgia grits her teeth, her fist banging on the barrier.

"Shush now Rose," he waves her off, continuing with his little game. "Do you feel that? It's scraping against your heart. The slightest little movement and you're dead."

"He's just trying to help his brother." Kath cautiously intervenes.

"The witches said you have a cure." Stefan mutters, making Gigi's eyes widen. "Make me a deal, just give me the cure and I'll do whatev—"

"Shut up, Stefan! Just shut the hell up!" The brunette rages from outside, her eyes darkening.

Klaus boredly removes the stake from Stefan's body, going to pour himself a glass of bourbon. "Isn't this a tricky situation?"

"We had a deal, Klaus. Don't be a jackass."

"Well I'm making a slight change to it," he shrugs, taking a sip. "Problem is mate, I don't think you're useful to me the way you are now. You are just shy of useless.

You know I heard about this one vampire, crazy folk on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterrey and wiped out an entire migrant village with the help of his little friend. Sound familiar?"

"I haven't been that way in a very long time," Stefan states.

"Well that's the kind of vampire I can make a deal with," Klaus gestures to Gigi who was glaring at him. "True talent that I can use when I leave this town. Katerina— come here."

"Finally, he does something I can agree with," Georgia mutters when he bites the doppelganger. She then rolls her eyes when he feeds her his blood, "or not."

"Got to love mother nature, huh. Now, let's talk, you and I."


"It's okay Damon," Elena comforts, a wet rag in her hand. "I'm right here."

"Get out of here, I could hurt you."

"No. I'm here until the very end. I'm not leaving you."

"Get—" Damon's sentence is interrupted when he very violently starts coughing. Elena's very logical solution to help him was to climb into his bed and wrap her arm around him, gently patting his chest. "It's okay."

"It's not okay," he groans. "All those years I blamed Stefan. No one forced me to love her, it was my choice. I made the wrong choice... Tell Stefan I'm sorry."

After a moment of silence, Damon speaks again. "This is even more pitiful than I thought. I deserve this. I deserve to die."

"No," the doppelganger immediately whispers, laying down next to him. "You don't have to."

"I do, Elena. But it's okay, because if I'd chosen differently I wouldn't have met you." Damon murmurs, remembering what Gigi told him. "I know you love Stefan, it'll always be Stefan... But I love you. You should know that."

Elena closes her eyes, silent tears dripping from the corners as she sniffs and very subtly nods her head. "I do."

"You should've met me in 1864, you would've liked me. I know Georgia did... Tell her that I'm sorry too."

"I like you now, just the way you are." The brunette says, pressing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Thank you."

"Well it's me you should be thanking, really." A not-so-different voice utters, making Elena snap her head towards the door where Katherine was leaning. "I mean, I'm the one who brought the cure."

"I thought you were dead," she continues in disdain, sparing her look-alike a glance.

"I did."

Kath sits down next to Damon, feeding him Klaus' blood. "You still came."

"I owed you one," she states, patting his cheek.

"Where's Stefan?" Elena suddenly asks.

"Are you sure you care?" Katherine mockingly asks before adding, "He's paying for this. They're paying for this, actually."

"What do you mean?"

"They gave themselves to Klaus while you two were out here smooching. They sacrificed everything to save him. Good thing you have Damon here to keep you company. Goodbye, Elena."

She takes a few steps away before turning on her heel. "Oh and, it's okay to love them both. I did."

Damon and Elena share a look when Katherine vanishes, both of them thinking of the same thing.

My god, were Stefan and Gigi screwed.

waddup motherfuckers, guess who's done with FINALS


mygod i had maths and physics last (and if u screw those up u are DONE bud) and they went pretty well, gave me headaches tho lmao hardest 4 hours of my life


season 2 is DONE, let's go into season 3 which is my fav season btw :3 


-snoop maya

(i'm fucking hilarious okay)

AAAAALSOOOOOO CHECK OUT THIS TRAILER FOR CONTROL IT IS GREAT *praises trailer maker who's name i forgot lmao SORRY* 

AH YES THANATOPHOBIA tyvm for the lovely trailer <3

Shout out to TaintedMiracle, a fellow wattpad friend and TVD writer. Check out her Damon fic Tainted Souls ;) 

Please vote and comment, it means the world to me <3

