Eight: Ruined nose buds

Gigi Duvall was actually contemplating throwing herself off the mountain that her, Stefan and Klaus were currently strolling in.

After months of doing every single thing Klaus told her to do and chasing cul-de-sacs, she could honestly say that she was a hair away from snapping and flipping the switch, just to be more comfortable in these horrible surroundings.

"You okay?" Klaus taunts as the three of them walk. "Is Ray getting a bit heavy?"

"I'm fine," is Stefan's curt reply.

"You sure about that? We've been walking for quite some time now, if you need some water or a little sit down—"

"For the love of god, Klaus, shut up." Gigi begs, taking a sip from her water bottle.

The brunette was thankful that she had opted to wear her sneakers along with some simple shorts and a tank top, because man was it hot and man, had they been walking forever. What wasn't helping was that Klaus took every opportunity he got to babble and burst hers and Stefan's brain cells with this stupid sarcastic comments and jokes.

Stefan shared the same opinion as her. "You know I get that we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chit chat, that would be great."

"Such brooding you two," he starts before addressing the youngest vampire. "Your self loathing is suffocating me, my friend."

"Maybe if we haven't been chasing stupid stinky werewolves all summer we'd lighten up," the female of the three complains. "My nose buds are ruined forever."

"Well thanks to our pal Ray we've found ourselves a pack, lovely."

The three stood in front of a whole pack of people who were chattering around and setting tents and stuff. Although, it was cut abrupt when they saw the vampires and Stefan not so gently threw Ray on the ground.

"Ray, oh my god," a short haired girl rushes to his unmoving body, "What's going on here? Who are you?"

"The important thing is who am I?" Klaus dramatically answers her while Stefan dryly looks at him and Gigi rolls her eyes.

"Attention seeker," she mutters and she and her friend snort while the hybrid ignores them.

"Please, forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus."

"You're the hybrid," the girl announces in fear, backing away from him.

"Could you stop feeding his gigantic ego?" Gigi exasperates, taking a seat next to Stefan on a log and lying down on his lap before pulling out her phone. "Don't judge me," she says when she sees his look at the camera app.

He was definitely judging her.

Klaus soon joins them and sarcastically smiles at the camera that Georgia was pointing at him. "Thumbs up, please," she requests and he gives her the flattest look that she had ever seen. "What! We finally found these guys, I'm documenting everything." Then, she continues trying to take selfies with Stefan.

"It's fascinating really, a werewolf who isn't enslaved to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun... a true hybrid," Klaus trails off in contemplation.

Honestly, to Gigi he looked like he was imagining some weird hybrid threesome.

Ray chooses to wake up at that moment, letting out a gasp and the three vampires look at him, impressed. "Excellent timing Ray, very dramatic," Georgia comments, taking a picture of him.

"What's happening to me?" He cries out.

Klaus turns to Gigi. "Sweetie?"

She sighs before hopping up and looking around. "Anyone willing to volunteer here? Your buddy needs human blood to complete his transition. If he doesn't get it, well R.I.P."

"Just a sip," Klaus adds. "Anyone? A boyfriend, girlfriend, along for the ride."

Then, his eyes zero in on a tall, blue-eyed and blonde haired man. "You."

Gigi immediately snatches said-man and bites his wrist, passing him to Klaus who gives him to Stefan. The dude's girlfriend screams and attempts to lunge at Gigi but Klaus grabs her by the throat. "You should thank me because if I let her get you, she would have slapped your head off your shoulders."

"She did it to the last one," Stefan boosts.

"And I won't hesitate to do it again," Georgia finishes, giving her a dirty look.

Stefan pays his attention back to the man he was pinning to the ground, seeing Ray's eyes fixate on the blood. "If you don't drink it Ray, I will. Problem is, I don't know how to stop."

"It's the new order sweetheart," Klaus muses. "You join us or you die."

"I'd rather die than become a vampire," the girl spits out but her confidence is cut short when Klaus lets her go and her face is smashed repeatedly against a tree trunk.

Gigi lets the body slump to the ground, turning around to face the rest of the pack with a dark look. "Anybody else want to be a smartass?"

"You'll deal with her," Klaus continues, giving them a wide smile before pulling another girl by her arm and force feeding her his blood, later killing her. His eyes turn to a golden color and his fangs extend as growls at the werewolves. "Who's next?"

Gigi wasn't going to lie, it was pretty hot.

A short while later, all the werewolves were fed Klaus' blood and now the three awaited their awakening. Georgia was bored out of her mind, so she decided to go down to the river to freshen up, only managing to convince Klaus to let her go by incessantly annoying him.

God, he was like the clingy boyfriend no girl ever wanted.

Deciding to go human pace to enjoy the fresh air, Gigi stretches and contemplates going swimming when she hears a familiar voice that made her want to rip out her hair.

My god was that doppelganger a stubborn little bitch.

"Get out of the water Elena," she discreetly arrives at the scene, watching Damon lean against a tree and glare at the doppelganger who was in the water.

"If I get out of the water, you're going to make me go home," she refuses.

"Yeah. Because I'm not an idiot, like you. Right, Ric?"

When met with no response, Damon turns around in confusion only to see Ric passed out on the floor. He doesn't have a second to comprehend what's going on when he's very painfully thrown on the ground, Gigi's foot pressing down on his chest.

"Why did I think that you would be smart this time?" She drawls out, putting more pressure on his chest. "Haven't you had enough?"

"I didn't want to come here," he glares. "Ask little miss 'I'm never going to accept the fact that Stefan is gone.'"

Gigi shakes her head, the current lack of compassion making a show. "Elena, sweetheart. Listen to me carefully. Next time you try to come on a rescue mission for Stefan, I will hunt down everyone you know and paint your house red with their blood. I'll start with this guy," she points at Alaric. "And go to your brother, then to Caroline, then to Bonnie, and then I'll wipe out the entire town."

She backs away from Damon, her glare going back and forth between the two. "Now leave, before I make you."

And with that, she disappears back to where the other two were, fuming. Who the hell did Elena think she was? Not only was it a full moon, but if Klaus found out she was alive, her and Stefan would probably be obliterated.

"Well that doesn't look fun," she says, raising her eyebrow at the sigh of Ray quite literally bleeding from his eyes. Klaus frowns, gripping his chin and tilting his head towards him.

"Something's wrong," he announces.

"Huh, that shouldn't be happening."

"Well obviously," the original rolls his eyes, standing up and crossing his arms.

"You said it was going to feel better," Ray whimpers, hugging himself. "Why doesn't it feel better?"

Better Stefan could make a snarky comment, some blonde girl awoke with a gasp, dried blood covering her face. "Derek, come feed your friend."

While the vampires were distracted by her, Ray suddenly snapped and let out a growl, running away and jumping using both his legs and hands. "What the fuck?"

"Go get him," Klaus orders Stefan who lazily started following after him. Gigi joins him after a few minutes, seeing him looking over the mountain where Elena, Damon and Alaric were walking. She grits her teeth, about to go down there when she senses a presence behind them.

"Where did he go?" Klaus questions, his eyes narrowed. Gigi and Stefan share a quick look before starting to walk away from that edge.

"He got away. Forget him, let's go."

The younger vampire attempts to brush past him but he smirks, grabbing him by the arm where an ugly red bite was showing. "Fatal werewolf bite. Ouch."

"Yeah um, I'm gonna need your blood to heal me."

"Tell you what," the original offers, "You find Ray and then I'll heal you."

Stefan scoffs incredulously. "You can't be serious."

"You better hurry because that bite looks nasty."

Klaus motions for Gigi, who was scowling at him, to follow before he goes back to the camp. Said-girl starts going after him but not before giving Stefan a warning look to which he nods. With that, each of them go their own way.

Night falls and Stefan isn't back yet. Gigi hated to admit it, but she was worried. Who knows what the hell happened to that guy with Ray roaming around, his bite and stupid Damon & co. But that wasn't the only thing she was cautious of. Klaus' hybrids had all awakened and were now roaming around, looking like real life zombies.

Gigi carefully eyes that one blonde girl from earlier who was now making her way towards her and Klaus, quietly growling. The original narrows his eyes at her, saying, "Careful love, there's only one Alpha and Luna here."

Georgia flatly looks at him. "Stop."

He shrugs but the two focus on the hybrids again who were all growling and snapping now. "Bloody hell," Klaus mutters as veins begin to form on his and Rose's faces, ready for a fight.

And that's the story of how Stefan found nothing but bodies scattered around the campsite when he got back. He let Ray's body fall on the ground before dubiously looking at his two friends.

Gigi was sitting down on the trunk next to Klaus who had a brooding expression on his face. She subtly shook her head, telling him that messing with him right now would be a death sentence.

"They went rabid," said-man quietly informs him, the calm answer freaking them both out. "Some of them we killed, the others just... bled out. In the end, they're all dead."

He then abruptly throws the beer bottle he was holding with all his force to the three next to Gigi who didn't even flinch. The hybrid continues with his tantrum, letting out an enraged scream. "I did everything I was told!" He shouts out, his eyes turning golden as he continues to pace.

"I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse. I killed a werewolf, I killed a vampire, I killed the doppelganger." With that, he gives Stefan a suspicious glance making his heart skip a beat. It was obvious he thought Klaus somehow figured that Elena was still alive. However, his theories vanish at the next sentence.

"You look like hell," he states.

"Yeah well last I checked I was dying and you don't want to heal me. I had to take him out," he gestures to Ray. "I didn't have a choice. I failed you, I'm sorry."

"Might as well add a 'my liege' in there, god," Gigi snidely says, feeling the tension dissolve. "Klaus, c'mon."

"It should have worked," the hybrid states, no emotion on his face before biting his writing and pouring the blood into a bottle. "Bottom's up. We're leaving."

Klaus starts walking away before pausing and looking around at all the corpses on the ground before glancing at Gigi and Stefan. "It appears you two are the only comrades I have left."

Gigi feels a strange pang in her heart at the sight of him walking away in disappointment, a forlorn look on his face. After Stefan drinks the blood and his bite heals, the two quickly catch up to him and Gigi swings her arms over both of their shoulders, pulling them closer.

"We're all in this together," she sings sarcastically, making the two others snort and smack her away.

