Part 5: The Final Showdown

Claudia Czar has been officially declared dead. 

While on a business trip out of town, the vampire was allegedly ambushed by a large group of human thieves that attempted to steal her car. Claudia doesn't allow her bodyguards out of the car, wanting to kill them herself. Underestimating them, it isn't a surprise when Claudia is suddenly back stabbed by a measly little girl. Everyone else was supposedly put down but the driver managed to escape and the first thing he did was report back to Cole. 

Every single person in the Czar manor was viciously murdered that day.

The few loyal servants that were kicked out all went back inside in minutes to scrub all the blood off the walls. They whispered about how their boss had gone actually insane while mourning the loss of the only female descendant left of the Czar family.

Well, at least that's how Gigi imagined it.

Walking into the manor around midday, the brunette acts nonchalant nor she or the character of Jasmine really cared about Claudia. However, she starts getting fidgety when she notes that minus the reigning silence in the house, nothing was different.

After finding Cole's office empty, she wanders around until she comes across the doors of his bedroom on which she knocks thrice before entering. The place smelt intoxicating, no doubt because of the candles in the corner. It was a bit stuffy in the living room area of the chambers, so Gigi continued on her way towards where Cole actually slept, finding the door open.

The brunette walks through nonchalantly, her eye twitching slightly at the sunlight that was pouring through the giant open balcony. The furniture was all light, with white furniture and light wood floors. It was a different image from the dark, disgusting sex dungeon she was expecting. 

"Please, come in," a raspy voice mused sarcastically. Georgia Rose swiveled around to see the Czar twin, dressed like a modern-day hobo. Stained sweat-pants and suspiciously smelly hoodie, who would have ever thought the Cole 'All my suits are Armani' Czar was capable of looking so... human.

"Jesus, you look like shit."

"Well I was about to change," he replies in irritation, "When you barged in."

Gigi clears her throat. "I'm here to like, support you and do all the morally correct stuff people do when something like this happens even though they don't care."

Cole, who had already went into the bathroom and turned on the water, flatly looked at her. 

"God, do you want me here or not?" She scowls, turning away when he starts showering. After only a couple of minutes, he saunters back in, wearing a bath robe. Georgia Rose, who had already settled on his impossibly soft bed, put down her phone and started watching him. "Is this some sort of coping mechanism?" She adds when she sees him pull out a fluffy looking female robe and throw it at her.

"Shut up you useless meathead."

The vampire takes full offense as she puts on the robe, wondering when he had become so mean and unprofessional. "Where the hell is the real Cole? Because his comebacks are high-class."

Cole ignores her completely, hopping on the bed and switching on the TV. Gigi also laid back, crossing her legs and waiting. She knew Cole was a vivid GOT fan, and expected to spend her evening re-watching the series. However, her jaw drops and she looks up to the sky, genuinely skeptical if the person next to her hadn't reincarnated.

Space Jam.

"You know that Claudia is 6 years older than me, right?" At her doubtful look, Cole continues. "Yup, she got turned when she was 19 and waited for my 25th birthday to kill me. Everyone thought she was dead. So imagine the surprise when she tore down the house and ripped apart everyone, fed me her blood then snapped my neck.

When I woke up, she made me eat the white cake that turned red and wished me a happy birthday."

Some random cartoon character slam dunks a basketball in the background, and Cole turns to watch the movie while Gigi awkwardly plays with her fingers. 

Why did she have a feeling that she was going to be violently murdered any second now?

"In 1923, she got us the highest seats in New York by kidnapping Archibald Jones'—one of the rulers at the time— daughter and torturing her till she was almost brain dead. He was subdued. 1924, all his allies and supporters also subdued. 1942, she attempted to rise above Francis Lawrence and succeeded - but was knocked down by Nolan Lawrence and Castelan Jones' combined force. 1979, she killed off all the Jones' only to have them replaced by someone even stronger, Britney Marion."

Gigi couldn't help but imagine this Marion chick say 'It's Britney Bitch' before punching Claudia in the face.

"Three months ago, she started an underground business and said that it was the big break, that that was it. Yesterday, she died.

Good fucking riddance."

He stops speaking.

Cole and Gigi both blankly stare at the bright screen in front of them, each contemplating different things. Red warning lights slowly get louder in the female vampire's head, and she feels herself break into a cold sweat. 

It was Claudia.

The supposed younger and stupider Czar. The one who 'couldn't handle' the slaughter business. The weak link. She was the mastermind behind all of this. She started the whole thing, and forced Cole into stepping into the spotlight so she could deal with things behind the scenes.

"Cole, I need to go," she abruptly declares, and jumps off the bed, not even bothering to put her earlier outfit back on. Before he can protest, the door is slammed shut. Cole sighs, reverting his attention back to the movie when Gigi pops up again. "I need you to promise not to step a foot out of this house tonight, and put up extra guards if you can."

And yet again, before he can question why, she disappears completely.


Night falls, and Gigi could still not get in contact with anyone from the Lawrence Villa. Her frustration builds up slowly, and by the time she arrives back at the manor, she is fully angry. Against Nolan, Cole could fight for a long time with neither winning nor losing, but against the whole cunning team, he had no chance.

The only thing that was keeping her slightly sane was the fact that Claudia was already dead, and her back-up plan.

The brunette enters the house 15 minutes earlier than the time she had previously decided on with Nolan. However, she immediately senses something is wrong. Rushing over to the main living room, she stops dead in her tracks.

Cole was calmly sitting in the middle of the room, facing a freshly dressed Nolan and surrounded by Jack, Dia and Tanya Rose. At the sound of her footsteps, everyone looks over. "You finally join us, love," Nolan greets, holding his hand out to grasp hers. The three youngsters excitedly look up at her. 

"You haven't been answering my phone calls," she grits out, staring at Cole who was simply looking at her with a self-deprecating smirk. It could be clearly seen what he was thinking.


"We've been busy handling things," he vaguely shrugs off.

"Well that's good, unfortunately, there's been a change in plans."

"Excuse me?"

"Yes," Gigi impatiently says, "About Claudia—"

"So you found out," Tanya speaks up, her eyes mockingly looking at Jack and Dia. "Told you she's way smarter than your grandpa."

"How did you know?" Nolan, meanwhile, inquires curiously.

"Wait, you know?" She asks, confused. "Then why are you still here—"

"I've got to give you credit, you are more clever than I thought," a velvety voice interrupts from nowhere, making Georgia Rose freeze. She turns around only to see Claudia Czar standing right behind her, a wicked expression on her face. 

Gigi takes a couple of steps back, giving the dark-skinned girl a dark glare. Her moving brings her right next to Cole who was depressingly smiling up at the ceiling. "What the hell is she doing here?"

Nolan raises a hesitant eyebrow, but Claudia doesn't give him the chance to speak. "It's all part of the plan, obviously."

"Since when are you part of the plan?" 

"Since I faked my death," she shoots back, looking slightly hesitant but nonetheless speaking up. "This has to end. This whole era of terror that my insane brother has brou—"

"Alright, listen here you fuck-boy," Georgia Rose firmly cuts her off, making everyone pause in disbelief. "If you think this is the scene where the previously oppressed girl steps up to become the hero and face her fear, you've clearly been acting out too many scenes in your deluded brain."

"Georgia," Nolan frowns, opening his mouth to protest.

"She's clearly been brainwashed by him," Claudia speaks up urgently, making all the younger vampires hesitantly look at each other. "We need to kill him so whatever he filled her mind with goes away."

"Nolan," Gigi firmly cries out, "Don't believe her, she's the one—"

Georgia Rose gets harshly pushed to the side by the older Czar who marches up to face her brother. "It's over, Cole."

"If you say so," he replies lazily before abruptly headbutting her as hard as he could. Claudia stumbles back before furiously touching her forehead which had started bleeding heavily.

"We have to take him out, now," she mutters, her big blue eyes focused on Nolan's. 

The blonde hesitantly stands by her side, looking back and forth as two factions form. Him, Claudia, Dia and Jack and on the other team, Cole, Gigi and... Tanya.

"Tanya," Dia says, looking at the brunette who had a cold expression on her face.

"You don't want to do this," Claudia warns, a sinister light in her eyes. 

"Bite me," is what Tanya snappily comments before the fight broke loose. Cole took on his sister, Gigi and Nolan were flinging each other across the room, and Tanya single-handedly took on the killer siblings. 

As expected, the Czar twins didn't go easy on each other, if anything they were fighting like two alphas in a cage. Tanya Rose was easily holding at bay Dia, and had snapped Jack's neck long ago. Meanwhile, Nolan was refraining from using his full strength on the quick, tall brunette who kept sneaking up from nowhere. 

"You idiot," she screams out, barely hearing her own voice from the ruckus that was being made. "You stupid blind bat, you're going after the wrong person!"

"You're trusting the wrong person," he shouts back, dodging her uppercut. "Cole is the one who started this, Gigi!"

"How are you so sure?! She's the one who killed your brother!"

Nolan's grip tightens drastically on her wrists, pushing her back into the wall. "Cole is the one who ripped his heart out, I saw it with my own eyes."

"He was forced."

Frankly, at this point, Gigi had no idea who the hell was the real asshole between the two twins. She had no choice but to believe Cole's side of the story.

Speaking of Cole, he groaned miserably after being stabbed in the shoulder by an iron fireplace rod. However, he seemed to be holding up decently against Claudia. He was apparently leashing out all the anger from all those years of being manipulated by his sister.

"You need to get the kids out and go, otherwise you will die," Georgia Rose finally squeezes out, "For the love of Jillian and Alexander, please, get out of here. And take Tanya with you."

Nolan himself could feel that something important had yet to happen, and with the brunette saying Jack and Dia's real names, he couldn't resist anymore. He immediately retreats, snapping Tanya's neck on the way. He quickly orders Dia to carry her out, and gives Gigi one last look before disappearing. 

The twins' fight seemed to not have any intention of stopping, however, Cole was getting tired against his sister's vicious low blows. Just like Gigi, Claudia was a dirty and fast fighter, and she seemed to perfectly know her brother's weak spots. Finally, she manages to see an opening and she brutally kicks him in the stomach, making him slam into the wall and slump down, unconscious.

Claudia wipes all the blood off her face and turns around, only now noticing that Nolan had left. She chuckles, rather evilly actually, before making eye contact with the unscathed looking Georgia.

"Here you—"


Claudia pauses, narrowing her eyes as the interruption. She opens her mouth again, but is cut off by the same noise.

"What—" "Blep."

"Are you—" "Mlem mlem."

"Would—" "Blem."

"What kind of child are you?" She finally snaps, irritated.

"I'm the kind of child who doesn't get into fights that she knows she won't win," Georgia retorts.

"Obviously not," Claudia snorts, gesturing to their selves.

Gigi sarcastically giggles, the noise echoing in the destroyed living room. "However short my life is, I've met all kinds of people, Claudia. One of them taught me to always fight for my dignity, no matter how strong the opponent is. The second taught me how to cope with loss, and use it to my advantage. The third... he taught me to always have a back-up plan."

"How'd that work out for you?" Claudia lazily mocks, picking off the dried blood from under her nails.


"Still the same old brainless teenager, Claudia Jane," a reprimanding voice sounds out, and you practically feel the strength of the person from their voice. Claudia freezes before sneering hideously, lifting her head up and watching as her unbeatable enemy and unacquirable ally stood next to Gigi, red eyes mercilessly glaring at her.

Britney Marion was a shadow of a woman. Other than the fact that she was french and very powerful, no one knew anything about her. Still, she was a good ruler over the rowdy vampires of NY, and couldn't stand injustice. 

"I thought you learned your lesson last time I shattered every single bone in your pathetic body," Marion scoffed, her olive skin contrasting against her white-blonde hair. "This time, I'm going to finish the job." 

Georgia wisely decides to leave the room, not forgetting to pick up Cole and wave goodbye to his sister who was doomed to die no matter what.

The brunette picks up a bottle of scotch and opens it on the way, casually taking a swig before starting to pour it on every flammable material she saw. Considering that the house was mostly stone, it wasn't really prone to fires but she felt like it was necessary. 

"Burn it down," Cole, who was being carried over her shoulder, weakly coughs out before passing out again. 

She doesn't hesitate.

Georgia Rose stalks out of the smoking manor, ignoring the blood curling scream that lasted only a few seconds. She seats Cole down in the inside of her car, curtly nodding to Marion who only coldly glanced at her in acknowledgment before bouncing off. Gigi doesn't take offense, only leaning against the silver hood and watching the scene in front of her. The flames reflect in her dark eyes, and she utters a single sentence before driving off and never coming back.

"I hope you burn in hell." 

yooooooooo small announcement i would like to publish an extra Control book for like bonus scenes and character backgrounds for like nolan, jack ect also AU's like gigi+cole/nolan/everyone else if you're interested please comment so I know <3

also, yes, this is the end of the mini New York series, next chapter will be back in the dreadful Mystic Falls, including my absolute favorite episode in TVD, the ball scene. 

as always, please vote and comment your opinions, it makes my day c:

ciao bois, 

