One : I don't care

Gigi stares up at the boarding house.

The last time she came here, here being Mystic Falls, was about, give or take, a century ago when Damon had a certain nostalgia for his old home. Of course him being him, the visit lasted about five minutes before he shrugged his moment of weakness of and they got the hell out of the small town, but those few moments were enough for Georgia to deduce that she greatly disliked the place.

She had nothing against small town, but Mystic Falls just gave her a bizarre feeling that made her want to not stay there.

After a few moments of contemplation, the brunette decided that her humanity wasn't on the Salvatore's side and just as she moved to get back in her car, the front door opened and when met by the familar smirk of the eldest Salvatore, she lets out a loud groan and pinches her nose.

"Now how did I know," he starts, slowly walking towards her, "That you were going to back out once you came here?"

"You didn't know, I'm not backing out." She scowls, opening her trunk and easily pulling out her heavy suitcases, stumbling a bit in her high heels. It seemed that even though she's been wearing these things for over two hundred years they still seemed to have the upperhand. As she puts them down and shuts down her trunk, she turns around only to be pushed against the vehicule and trapped between Damon's arms.

Gigi immediately glowers at him while he intentionally irritates her, nuzzling his face against her exposed neck. "You know, I missed this," he mutters with a smirk, "You, me and the twenties, baby."

"First of all, it was the thirties," she corrects dryly before abruptly swapping their positions and smashing his face against the car, leaving a lovely dent. "Second of all, you screwed it up so you don't have the right to complain, baby."

Meanwhile, inside the house, Stefan sighs and cradles Elena closer to him, hearing the sound of fighting and cursing, along with his brother's laughter. "What's going on?" Elena whispers.

"Just Damon and Gigi being Damon and Gigi."

"Come on, Gigi!" the male voice gets closer as the door bursts open, revealing a fuming brunette carrying two heaving looking suitcases that she tosses to the side angrily, the Salvatore closely following behind.

"I will kill you, Damon!" she angrily states, turning around and shoving him back.

"You can't, you love me," is his proud response.

"Oh my god," Georgia incredulously murmurs under her breath, throwing her hands in the air and marching to the parlor, grabbing the first alcoholic bottle she saw and taking a big gulp. She later takes off her glasses, turning around to face Stefan, furiously babbling and completely ignoring the girl next to him. "I will kill him, Stefan!"

"Already said that," Damon lazily said, officially breaking the thin ice that was keeping his ex-girlfriend's terrible anger issues back. Having had enough, Georgia lunges at him with every intent of commiting murder.

Stefan immediately gets up and pushes a shocked Elena back as the two vampires flash around in blurs, breaking something new everytime they bump into a wall. Gigi being older clearly had the upperhand but that didn't stop Damon from admitting defeat, instead he resorted to douchebag moves like grabbing her butt and putting them into suggestive positions.

"Now this takes me back to the old times," he states as he is thrown down on the floor with the woman straddling him.

"Does it?" she muses, wrapping her hands against his neck and choking him.

"Alright, that's enough," Stefan rushes out and grabs the brunette from the back, holding her by the waist and gently telling her to calm down.

It seemed that since the last time they met she had only gotten angrier.

"Okay fine, fine!" she snaps, slapping his hands away, "I'm calm."

Fixing her shirt that rode up during her little moment, Gigi sits down and crosses her legs while Damon casually pours three drinks, giving two to the others and keeping one for himself. The three sit down, acting as if this was nothing while Elena looks at them, bewildred. Stefan gestures for her to come sit down next to him, all of them sitting down and comfortably waiting for someone to speak up.

"Spill," the female vampire utters suddenly and her two old friends suddenly start explaining everything from start to finish.

"Elijah?" she exclaims incredulously as she furrows her eyebrows. "Original vampire Elijah? Like, one thousand years old Elijah? Yup, you're on your own."

"Oh come on," Damon rolls his eyes, expecting this reaction. "Don't be a wuss."

"Don't be a wuss?! Are you crazy! I am not getting my self into this clusterfuck for absolutely nothing may I add. I mean, why do I care if she dies?" She gestures to Elena, "By all means, kill her, am I supposed to be worried? Uhuh, you've gotten soft, Damon," she wildly laughs.

"This is not how it works," she continues, "This is not how we work! I mean Stefan, I guess, but you and I, since when do we care?"

As silence engulfs the room, Damon quietly stares at his drink. "Answer me! Why does she matter so m—"

Georgia stops abruptly, her eyes suspiciously darting around the three of them, mainly glaring at the doppelganger that was awkwardly avoiding her heated stare. "Вы любите ее."

When her accusation is once again met with silence, Gigi scoffs incredulously, now ignoring the others and only talking with her ex.

"You know what, even though this is the most pathetic thing I've heard of this decade, it's none of my business, but listen to me closely. I'm going to help you as much as I can, call it a favour, but if it means getting myself in an original's bad books, then it sucks to be. Clear?"

"Crystal," he fakely smiles, raising his glass.

"Wonderful. I'm taking your room."


The next couple of days were quite overwhelming, seeing as Gigi was used to her calm life back in Hawaii, where all she did was party and surf along with some days of pure relaxation in her seaside villa. Eversince since she came to Mystic Falls though, which was actually only 48 hours ago, her day consisted of showing up to save the Salvatores and thinking of ways to help them. Surprisingly enough she had only met one of their friends, that being Alaric who was pretty great. Georgia liked him alot, he was very pretty.

She had also encountered their blonde vampire buddy who she didn't liked very much, but maybe that's because she bled all over her shirt when she had showed up to save her ass. Needless to say, she didn't bother to introduce herself considering she was already pissed off, as usual.

Currently, Gigi was seated with a pizza infront of her and Alaric and Damn next to her, discussing ways to murder people as usual.

"Oh no, seems like originals are impossible to kill," she deduces in shock, "Maybe we should go for someone who is easily killed, like the doppelganger maybe."

"Shut up," Damon flatly says.

"Just saying, it's not like she's the root of these issues. Come on, Damon, how are we supposed to kill an original hybrid if we can't kill kill a regular original?"

"Elijah is one scary dude," Ric sighs. "But with nice hair."

"He is really handsome," she admits, shoving another pizza slice in her mouth.

"Why don't you be useful and go seduce him or something?" Damon suggets.

"Why don't you shut up before I remind you of how many times I saved your ass already?"

Alaric suddenly downed his drink then stood up. "Well, I have papers to grade so I'm going to leave you two to it."

"Bye sweetheart," Georgia waves before continuing to peacefully eat, but the moment is ruined when she hears a loud thud. She and Damon are immediately up to their feet, their guard high and they are met by Alaric who'se eyes were wide. He was stabbed through his stomach.

Before she could do anything, Gigi's neck is snapped and the last thing she sees is Damon fighting someone.

Gigi wakes up with a horrible pain in her neck, making her groan and attempt to stretch but she is stopped by some weird collar that was tied around her neck. She notices that she is tied to a chair and perks up in alarm, remembering everything that had happened to her. Also noting that her shirt was gone, she rolls her eyes, wondering what kind of freak had kidnapped her and she kicks Damon who was still unconcious, stuck in the same predicament right next to her.

"Wake up," she hisses and a few minutes later, he does. "Finally."

"Nice bra," is of course, what he says.

"Custom made Victoria's Secret," she replies, laying back in her chair and scanning their situation.

"Well well well," they are interrupted by a blonde girl that Georgia recognizes.

"Didn't I kill this bitch?" she turns to Damon, genuinly confused.

"Apparently not since she's still here, being a pain in our ass."

"Fun's over, vamps," the man from behind Jules speaks up.

"Who the hell are you?" Damon asks him with a bored tone.

"Oh he's the one who lent us these collars," Georgia smirks, "Sorry for the inconveniance Fido, won't be long till we give 'em back."

Jules, tired of the two ridiculing them even though they had had the upper hand, signals to the dogs behind her thus making them pull at the chains they were holding, making the spikes pierce Gigi and Damon's neck. Apparently that wasn't enough for Georgia because Jules then steps forward and veritcally slashes her, the cut going from right between her breasts to her bellybutton. Due to the vervain in her system, she can only do nothing but moan in annoyed pain.

"What do you want, Jules?"

"I want the moon stone, and you're going to give it to me."

The two vampires glance at eachother before chuckling, muttering something about irony. Jules didn't seem to like that, making her cut Georgia again and watch Damon furiously warn her to stop. This continues for a while, but what no expected was for a tall, dark haired man sporting a suit to show up with the moonstone, procceeding to kill all the werewolves except for Jules who escaped. He then frees Damon before moving on to the panting brunette who had a lovely stake right below her heart, the wood being snapped in half to please Jules' sadistic tendencies.

Elijah stares at her for a second before snapping the chain and picking her up, causing Georgia to cry out in pain as the stake moves inside of her. "You do realise this is the third time I've saved you now?" He adresses Damon, examining the wound that the girl had. When he gets no answer, he dissapears carrying her with him, with the Salvatore screaming in protest in the background.

"Blyad!" Gigi swears in russian as Elijah watched on, having ordered his witch to magically pull out the stake, having known that that kind of injury that if was to be tempered with would only make it worse.
"It's out," the witch announces, looking at Elijah for confirmation before exiting the room.
Georgia sits up, looking at her wound that was slowly healing before suddenly feeling awkward and crossing her arms against her chest. "Why'd you bring me here?" She questions quietly before taking the jacket that he was offering with a grateful nod.
"Are you not grateful?" He asks, looking out the window.
"Don't do that," Gigi snaps. "I asked you something. Answer it,"
"To help you, was that not clear?" Is his short answer, making the woman purse her lips.
"Yes, because my friends couldn't have done that," she dryly muses. "I don't know what you're trying to do here, Elijah, but nothing will make me forget 1940. Nothing. So you might aswell stop trying."
Then, before giving him a chance to speak, she hurriedly exits the house, trying to find her way back, leaving the original to contemplate her words.
It seemed like the Duvall girl held grudges for a very long time.

waddup motherfuckers, maya here with a new tvd fanfic hell ye
This is season two i believe, i honestly just remembered the dialogue from an old fanfic i read but i am going to rewatch for the sake of this story
The part in russian says: You love her
