Nine: The 20s, baby

Stefan Salvatore steps out of a black, sleek vehicle and adjusts his jacket, taking the time to look around the street. After a few seconds, he faces the door of the car and offers his hand to the person inside. A delicate hand extends, clothed in velvet black gloves and accepts his hold, thus stepping out on the pavement, heels clicking softly. 

Gigi and Stefan hook their arms together, heading to the entrance of the infamous Gloria's. "Wipe your snack off your chin, dear," she says, making him smirk.

"Already did," he replies, knocking on the door for her and letting her enter first.

It was another regular night for the ripper of Monterey and his friend. Every other night, the two would come the bar, dance, kill and drink until they passed out. It was the ideal life for a vampire who's emotions were turned off.

The two entered the place, hearing Gloria herself singing. Everything looked like the usual, it was loud, crowded yet classy and most importantly, fun. They lean against the balustrade, catching the attention of many including the owner.

"Guess who my eyes have just spotted, ladies and gentlemen," She muses, swaying to the music. "Looking for a good time Miss Duvall, Mr. Salvatore?"

Gigi just smirks, already going down the stairs while Stefan says, "Save me a dance, Gloria," before hurrying down after her, attempting to grab a glass of champagne beforehand but a blonde woman snatches it before he can.

"Please, help yourself," he utters, making her turn around to look at him. She was a beauty, wearing a cream expensive looking flapper dress with subtly painted lips. 

"Always do," she announces with a British accent, attempting to move closer to him but she stops when Georgia in all her glory appears behind him. Said-girl observes her friend who had a smile on his face before laughing and whispering, "повеселись (have fun)" in his ear. The two chuckle and she gives the blonde one last malicious look before continuing on her way to the bar.

She takes a seat on the stool, her short curls bouncing and green flapper dress shimmering in the light and orders a scotch, only managing to take a sip of it when she is disturbed by the loud laughter of the man next to her. Her eye twitches, already feeling her temper rising but she coaxes herself into calming down. 

That plan goes out through the window when the man turns around to face her with a grin. He was handsome, with black hair and brown eyes but he reeked of booze and Gigi didn't feel like dealing with him right now.

"Oooh, scotch," he exclaims rather childishly and Gigi can't help the amused snort, already thinking of ways to get this guy to fuck off. "How's it going sweet lips?"

The brunette downs her alcohol, ignoring the babbling man and subtly breaking the edge of her glass against the table. When he attempts to come closer, she immediately compels him not to scream and shanks his hand that was on the table. His eyes immediately water, a choking noise escaping his throat when Gigi twists the broken glass around in his skin.

"I am so sorry," she apologizes, faking shock. "These anger issues, sheesh, I need to get myself under control don't I?"

When he doesn't reply she pulls the glass out and stabs him again, repeating, "Don't I?"

"Yes, yes," he rushes, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"How rude," she frowns. "I think it's you who should stop thinking with your lower head, buddy. Now why don't you go bother some other girl, although I doubt anyone in their right mind will flirt back, and leave me alone, huh?"

As fast as he can, the man gets away from the brunette who orders another scotch and swirls around on her stool, watching Gloria and moving her head to the beat.

"That wasn't very subtle, sweetheart," a voice says, making Gigi look to her right. A blonde, blue eyed man had appeared out of no where next to her and he was now smirking. Gigi internally rolls her eyes.

"Je ne parle pas l'Anglais," she fakes being french, giving him an overly friendly smile and going back to ignoring him.

"Je ne te crois pas du tout, (I don't believe you at all)" he simply replies and Georgia gives him a flat look. Usually, that worked.

"Subtle's not my style," she reluctantly informs him before her eyes zero in on the bloodstain that was intended to be hidden underneath his jacket. "Yours neither, apparently."

With that, she gets up and walks back to Stefan who takes her hand, twirling her around and starting to dance, eager to tell her about the mystery blonde. Klaus watches her in amusement, not bothering to hide the fact that he was staring even when she raises her eyebrows at him, making her roll her eyes and dance away from his sight.


"Chicago was magical," Klaus speaks in present time, standing behind Gigi and Stefan who were looking out of the window.

"I'll take your word for it," Stefan says, moving away while Gigi stays in place. "I don't really remember it."

"I do," the brunette beams, thinking about the good days. Stefan smiles at her before looking back at Klaus.

"Why are we still with you? We had our fun, the hybrids failed, just move on."

"We're going to see my favorite witch," the original replies, getting in the car. "If anyone can help with my hybrid problem, it's her."

"I can't believe this place is still here," Gigi says in awe, looking around at the bar she remembered all the way from the 1920's. 

"I know," Stefan agrees, looking at her with a smile. Before they can continue chatting though, they're interrupted by a black woman with white hair, who looks at them incredulously.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

"So, a hybrid walks into a bar, says—" "Stop. You may be invincible but that doesn't make you funny."

Klaus grins as Gloria walks up to Stefan and Gigi, raising her eyebrows. "I remember you two."

"Holy shit Gloria, you're old as hell," Georgia comments with absolutely no filter, making the witch roll her eyes.

"As charming as always, Georgia."

"Yeah no offense but shouldn't you be—" "Dead? Now if I die who's going to run this place?"

"Gloria is a very powerful witch," Klaus whispers to Stefan.

"I can slow down the aging, some herbs and spells but don't worry it'll catch up to me some day."

"Sweetheart why don't you fix us something from behind the bar?" 

Gigi sighs but complies, dragging Stefan along with her before forcing him to make the drinks all while the two listen to the others' conversation.

"Bring me Rebekah." Gloria demands, staring at the hybrid who scoffs dead in the eye.

"Rebekah's a little preoccupied right now."

"Holy shit it's us," Gigi interrupts, turning everyone's attention to her. She pulls off a picture off the wall, showing her with her arms around Stefan's neck, the two grinning as they danced. Later, she pulls off another picture displaying Stefan and Klaus with smiles on their face. "And this is... you two?"

Stefan snatches the picture from her hand, frowning and showing it to Klaus. "What the hell is this?"

"I told you. Chicago's a magical place."


Gigi sat in her usual spot in Gloria's along with her good friend, Nicole Faye. Stefan had ditched her tonight, or rather she had ditched him when she learned that he made friends with that blonde girl and her brother, who was the annoying man she tried to avoid near the bar the other night.

Nicole was currently complaining about her witchy issues, something about not knowing why people didn't like expression or something that the vampire didn't really understand. However, she enjoyed the witch's company which made her listen to her and occasionally nod or take a drag out of her cigarette.

"I need to go home, Peter's waiting for me," Nicole suddenly says, suddenly getting up. Gigi follows after her, her white, plunging v-line dress shimmering in the light as always. The two chat lightly on their way downstairs when Gigi is snatched from the side, causing her to plump down on a seat next to a grinning Stefan.

"You dick," she snaps, attempting to bite his arm that was wrapped around her waist.

"Sit with us, Gigi," he demands, not letting go of her.

Nicole just giggles before starting to walk away. "I'll see you tomorrow Rosie."

When Stefan raised his hand to wave goodbye, Georgia took the opportunity to grab a hold of two of his fingers and snap them in an awkward angle, making him yelp. "Calm down, baby," he laughs, feeling his fingers start to heal already. Gigi just rolls her eyes, reluctantly taking the seat next to Klaus because the other side was a bit too crowded.

"So, Stefan, what makes you think you're worthy of an original like my sister?" Klaus starts, very subtly hinting at the fact that he was an original and looking at Georgia who pauses.

"Original, huh?" She muses, taking a sip of champagne and he smiles in triumph at having grabbed her attention.

"Nik and Rebekah are originals, about a thousand years old," Stefan informs her, making her hum before downing the alcohol.

"She's pure vampire and you're no more than a diluted bloodline." Klaus continues his statement.

"Don't listen to him Stefan, Nik's an elitist." Rebekah dismisses, leaning against her current lover and smiling.

"And where's the rest of your family?" Stefan questions with a quirked eyebrow.

"Let's see um, I killed most of them."

"But not all."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Oh please Stefan, as if the guilt is eating us alive," Gigi sighs crossing her legs and Stefan laughs.

"I only killed my father, you slaughtered your entire village."

"Interesting," Klaus muses. "How did that come to be?"

"I was a mistress for a very rich jackass that lived in the nearby town. He was a real treat, quite possibly the rudest and the most disrespectful man I knew. One night, he went too far and left me and my friend Ophelia to die, but a passing vampire found us, took pity and turned us." She pauses for a second, a smirk forming on her red lips. "You know how your emotions are heightened when you turn? Well I had a bit of an issue with my temper..."

"Biggest anger issues," Stefan adds, "You should see her when her temper rises, she's phenomenal."

"I love the mots sucrés(sweet words)," she snickers before locking onto a deep staring contest with him, ending it with a wink that makes Stefan grin, knowing what was coming later that night.

"So you're not annoyed with that?" he snaps his attention back to Rebekah who had an eyebrow raised at the interaction.

"Well we all had the chance to choose a side," she purses her lips. "I chose the right one, eventually."

As Gigi was in the process of lighting a new cigarette, a man with an angry expression on his face booms out, "Where is my wife?" Making her drop the cigarette down her chest, effectively burning her and leaving a black mark on the white fabric.

"You ruined her dress," Rebekah accuses while Gigi furiously tries to tend to it, the burn mark on her skin healing immediately.

"You ruined my dress," she finally snaps while Klaus pouts as if telling the man that he was screwed.

"Where is my wife?" he repeats.

"I don't know, I give up," Stefan answers with a clueless expression on his face.

"You think you're so tough, hiding in your bar, drinking your liquor? A telephone call to Chicago PD might set you straight?"

Rebekah giggles and Nik lets out a deep laugh while Gigi raises her eyebrows, unimpressed. She turns around to look at the stairs, spotting the brunette. "Lila love, come here."

"Oh thank god," the man says as his wife approaches. "Come on, we're leaving."

"Oh no no no," Stefan compels. "You're going to sit down."

The man takes a seat next to Gigi who sneers in disdain and moves closer to Klaus, the latter wrapping his arm around her shoulder and greeting the newcomer with a raised eyebrow. Meanwhile, Stefan had taken off Lila's glove and extended his hand to Gigi. 

"I dare you to look," she warns Klaus before slipping her hand down her chest and pulling out the bedazzled dagger that was attached to the inside of the dress. She hands it to her friend who flicks it open, making Rebekah grin.

"Oh Stefan don't be mean," she says.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lila's husband asks, a sheer coat of sweat covering his forehead when Stefan slits his wife's wrist, letting the blood drip into the glass with Rebekah staring at him in admiration and Klaus and Gigi smirking.

"Go bandage that up, sugar," Georgia dismisses her, awaiting her friend's next move.

"I'd like you to join me for a drink," he declares, sliding the glass of blood towards the man and Gigi leans against Klaus' chest and blows her cigarette smoke near their guest's face.

"What kinda sick freaks are you?"

"I said drink," Stefan repeats more forcefully this time.

Both Gigi and Klaus tilt their heads, seeing the man shakily put the glass to his lips and take a sip, immediately trying to spit it out but not being able to.

"I didn't catch your name," Stefan suddenly says.

"Go to hell," is the man's answer, making Georgia, Klaus and Rebekah snicker.

"Have another sip then," Gigi suggests in amusement.

"Liam, Liam Grant."

"You heard the lady, Liam Grant. Have another sip. And finish it."

And that was how the rest of the night passed, along with a lot of dancing, feeding and laughter. Gigi let Stefan say his goodbyes while she waited near the exit door, feeling Klaus' obvious stare on her. "Could you be any less obvious?" She sighed out, and although he was a good distance away he could hear her perfectly.

"Subtle's not my style," he smirks, seeing her fighting a smile. Finally though, Stefan arrives and puts his hand on her lower back, leading them out of the bar. The two step out on the slightly chilly street. Gigi feels Stefan's hand sink lower and she gasps dramatically.

"So impatient," she sighs, shaking her head. "I think the cold is kind of a turn of—"

Next think she knows, she is trapped in his arms and in front of her apartment door. He lifts her up against the door and starts kissing her neck, making her laugh. "What would Rebekah think?" She taunts while opening the door with her keys.

"If only we cared."

this was rlly fun to write lmao

as always, please don't be a silent reader, votes and comments really help out a lot <3

