Eighteen : Witchy Business

not edited. excuse the poor transitions.

The day after the ball.

Elena stands blankly in front of the boarding house, staring at the door that had just swung open to reveal a very disheveled Rebekah and a shirtless Damon. Her jaw dropped so low that it was almost comical.

The original blonde shares a glance with the Salvatore, her lips forming an amusingly satisfied smile as she sashayed out of the residence, pulling up the sleeves of her dress and not forgetting to give a condescending look to the doppelganger.

Needless to say, Gigi who was watching from the living room was incredibly entertained.

"Did you stop taking your vervain?" Is Elena's first question as she barges inside, swiveling around to face Damon and not noticing the other brunette who was leisurely drinking in the corner.

"You think Rebekah had to compell me?" He scoffs.

"What's wrong with you? She tried to kill me less than 48 hours ago!"

"Yeah can we uh, move past that, Elena?" The vampire suggests, buttoning up his shirt then joining Gigi near the parlor. Elena just then notices her and awkwardly raises her hand in greeting, to which Gigi pretends not to see her.

"Well, maybe, for once, something I did had nothing to do with you," Damon shrugs, pulling Georgia Rose close against his chest. She just rolls her eyes and continues scrolling on her phone, not bothering to hide the smirk on her face.

Elena grits her teeth, briefly closing her eyes before uttering, "You should know Esther's planning on killing her entire family."

Gigi pauses. "Say what now?"

"She's linked them all together with a spell. Whatever happens to one happens to all of them."

"That's great! Klaus'll finally be dead; we win," the male says. "Why do you look like someone just shot a panda bear?"

"Because," she stresses. "To kill Klaus, she has to kill all of them, including Elijah, and he doesn't deserve this."

"What am I supposed to care about Elijah?" He snorts, to which the doppelganger directs her expectant gaze at Gigi.

She flatly looks back at her. "I don't see the issue here?"

Of course Gigi wasn't going to watch as Sabrina the elderly Witch voodoo-ed her favorite original to death. However, because she wasn't as stupid as Elena, she was definitely not going to voice anything outloud. It would be like practically inviting the two Salvatore brothers to hound her and watch her every move the whole day.

She'd rather ruin everyone's plans secretly.

The doppelganger growled. "Shouldn't you at least care about Rebekah?"

"Two seconds ago you were pissed that she attacked you," Demon says incredulously. "It's a win-win."

In response, she shakes her head in disbelief before turning on her heel, heading towards the door. Gigi appears in front of her, causing her to pause.

"If you try to mess things up again Elena," she threatens darkly. "Believe me I won't let it slide by this time."

"Why are you doing this?"

"She's right you know," Stefan suddenly joins the scene. The three vampires surround her, each with a different emotion in their expressions. Elena just shakes her head before storming off as usual, leaving the three behind. Gigi watches her with annoyed eyes before announcing that she was leaving as well.

"Georgia Rose," he greets, standing straight in front of the open door frame as Gigi comes up to greet him, eyes practically hearts.

"Elijah," she muses, stepping aside to let him in. She lingers for a few seconds, ears strained to make sure no one was creeping before firmly locking them inside.

"What might be the reason for this pleasant invite?" The original politely inquires, taking the freedom to comfortably seat himself on her couch. Gigi follows after him with a bottle of vodka and only one glass. She pours herself a little before handing him the rest, making him blankly raise his eyebrow at the choice of drink.

"Your mom's planning to murder you."

She takes a sip, eyes firmly planted on her friend who freezes for a few seconds. "You're not going to make me repeat it are you?"

"Is that so."

"She personally told the doppelganger. And you know the little girl came running to inform Stefan and Damon."

Elijah reluctantly presses the bottle against his lips, downing a large amount. He purses his mouth and leans back, displaying a rare show of carelessness. "And how does she plan to do so?"

"She's linked all of you siblings together. I suspect the pink champagne at the ball."

Georgia gets increasingly more uneasy as Elijah stays silent, moving to sit beside him and gently putting her hand on his thigh. "You uh, holding up?"

"You were right," he monotonously mutters. "I was a fool to believe my mother would forgive all of our misdeeds. We can't even forgive ourselves, so how could others forgive us?"

"Your mother," the brunette firmly presses. "Wants to kill you. The issue right now isn't about apologies and all that bullshit, it's about how we're going to save you.

And also take that bitch down."

Elijah abruptly turns to face her, making Gigi perk up. He nods his head in reassurance, standing up with a cold expression. "My mother is going to regret ever attempting to do this," he menacingly declares and Georgia silently cheers him on, walking behind him towards the exit of her house. He stops after taking a few steps outside.

"Thank you for all the help you've provided until now, Georgia Rose," he sincerely thanks her.

Gigi arrogantly shrugs, "I'm doing this for my own good of course, don't take it as kindness."

"My life contributes to your well-being?" He twists her words, smiling as his words crack her facade for a brief second. She waves him off, but he surprisingly comes closer to her in a rare display of playfulness. Georgia completely blanks out, heart beating weirdly fast as she is gently backed up against the wall.

Elijah laughingly stares at her frazzled state, as if he had been waiting to see the usually confident woman break character for a long time. It's almost as if she was compelling him, for he unconsciously leaned forward to press a kiss on the corner of her lips.

Meanwhile, Gigi was literally having an existential crisis.

How the hell was she supposed to know what to do? Obviously, she wasn't some random romance virgin, but for some reason she literally could not force herself to move at all. Elijah however seemed to not have any intention of backing off, and she silently praised herself for brushing her teeth before he came as her breath tickled his face.

The vampire softly turned her face sideways, intending to slip away but it somehow ended up with their lips brushing together, officially waking her up from her trance and allowing her inner femme fatale to resurface. Her hand snakes its way to his tie, gripping it and pulling him closer to her as she captures him in a long-awaited kiss allowing both parties to relax, both their hearts beating in a synchronized fast pace.

It's only when he feels himself getting lost in her embrace that Elijah breathlessly pulls away, his face slightly surprised as if he couldn't believe what he'd just done. Gigi was just as confused, but she knew better than to display it.

"That's one way to show your thanks," she sarcastically comments, taking it upon herself to tighten his loosened tie and to wipe away the faint trace of gloss on his lips. He just shakes his head, looking at her with a smile before disappearing.

That's when she could finally let out a a choked screech, literally sliding down against the wall and sitting down on the floor. She purses her lips and looks dead at a random bush outside, pretending as if she were on The Office. Then, she shrugs and heads back inside.


"You want me to what now?" Gigi flatly looks at Stefan and Demon who had suddenly mobilized themselves in front of her right as she was about to call Elijah. They briefly explain the situation to her, making her snort. "Let me guess, the doppelganger spilled the beans?"

"That's not the point, Gigi," Damon impatiently snaps. "You need to get your ass up and go to the Grill."

"Why is it always me who gets sucked into doing this type of shit?" She suddenly hisses, standing up tall as her eyes take on a red hue. "All you ever seem to ask of me to do is distract someone with my fucking body, you don't think that's kind of fucked up?"

Stefan steps up. "You know that's not true at all, G."

The brunette spins to face him, glaring. "Oh yeah?" She mocks. "How come you don't ask Caroline? You know Klaus likes her."

"Are you kidding me? Klaus cares about you around 7 times more than he cares about Barbie."

"I'm not fucking doing it," she defiantly declares, picking up her bag and making her way out. She pauses for a second, looking back almost bitterly. "Unless you decide I'm more than just a distraction, I need you two to stay away from me."

The two brothers confusedly look at each other, wondering where the hell this unstable personality change had come from. All they could do now was ask Caroline.

"Yeah they're still here," Alaric sighs, holding his phone against his ear as he takes a look at Klaus and Kol, who were drunk beyond belief at the bar. "They've drank their way through half the Grill's liquor supply."

"Good, it'll be easier if they're wasted."

"So what's the plan?"

"Divide and conquer. First, we need a little blonde distraction."

Caroline enters the place, sliding off her jacket to expose her slender arms and pretty shirt. She shoots an inconspicuous look at Alaric before moving on towards the bar. Kol looks at her, murmuring something to his brother as she comes closer to them. Klaus smiles, but besides that he doesn't move to do anything. Caroline's expression falters slightly as she takes a seat close to them, ordering something.

"He's not talking to her, Damon," Alaric hisses, making the vampire bite his lip in anger as he feels his plan foiling. "Wait, is that.. Gigi? She's back in town?"

Ric lowers his phone, watching as the brunette bombshell saunters towards him, rocking her signature high heels. She shoots him a smirk, "Miss me?"

"I couldn't say no to that," he smiles slightly, happy to see her present. "What are you doing here? Came for a drink?"

"Yeah, totally thirsty," she rolls her eyes, "I'm here cause I know you guys just can't do without me."

"Can't deny that either," he truthfully says, casually leaning his head towards the bar. Gigi's cold smirk widens further, walking past him and heading to actually steal a couple of bottles from the back. Just as she's passing by the original brothers, a hand firmly grabs hers and pulls her back, causing her to stumble slightly and turn to glare viciously at Klaus.

"Gigi, love," he stumbles. "Join us for a drink."

"No." She flatly refuses. She reaches over the bar, asking Matt to give her two bottles of whiskey. He simply sighs at her antics and walks away, leaving her with the Mikaelsons.

"Why not?"

"I would literally rather drink with a sewer rat."

Klaus pouts, "Just one drink," and Kol stifles his laughter, raising his glass in agreement. By now, Matt had returned. Gigi tosses a random couple of bills at him before shoving the alcohol in her bag, looking like a smuggler.

"Fuck off Klaus," she says before wordlessly walking away, heading towards the parking lot.

"Isn't she gorgeous?" The hybrid sighs in drunken awe, making his brother snort.

"She's certainly fucking stunning with her back towards you like that."

"I'll take that as a challenge," the blonde mutters before taking off, following the tall female outside. He jogs after her, almost getting hit by a car that honks furiously at him, but he ignores it and keeps calling after Gigi who increases her pace towards her car.

"Gigi," he finally reaches her after using his vampire speed, making her glare furiously at him.

"Are you crazy?"

"For you absolutely," he doesn't miss a beat.

Georgia gapes. "Oh my fucking lord, not this shit."

"Let's dance, my love," he randomly grabs her waist and starts to move to some song he was humming. "See, just like the 20s."

"Except this time I punch you in the throat."

"Nnoooo you don't," he slurs, obviously completely wasted as he continues to harass poor Gigi who couldn't even check if Elijah had gotten her text. She just had to buy time for now.

Gigi couldn't say she didn't feel bad for being the the mole inside the little suicide squad, but quite honestly she didn't care. The one person she truly cared for was herself, and letting the originals live was beneficial to her, so, too bad for the others.

"Alright Snooki," she dryly pried off his arms. "You need to go back to drinking the town's alcohol supply and leave me alone. Here, matter of fact, I'll help you inside."

"That's so very nice of you darling," he smiles. "What would be better tho-"

He stops talking, a strange expression taking over his face as he comes to a halt. Gigi shoots him an annoyed glare, "I don't have all damn night to escort you, Klaus, move."

He doesn't seem to hear her, clutching his chest for a second. Then, as if he realized something, he scowls at her. "What did you do?"

"What in the name of god are you on about now?" The vampire exasperates.

Gigi genuinely didn't know and it showed, Damon refused to tell her anything and that's the main reason why she had gotten so angry earlier. Klaus turns around to face the grill, murmuring, "Kol," before he disappears.

Georgia Rose feels her stomach sinking as she hurries to follow him, arriving in the alleyway beside the Grill's backdoor just in time to watch Klaus ripping a dagger out of his brother's heart and shoving Alaric roughly against the wall. Stefan then attempts to attack him, but he easily throws him aside and Gigi catches him with difficulty.

"You absolute idiots," she whispered furiously, "You complete idiots."

Gigi was so angry she was shaking. She couldn't even hear the conversation until Elijah showed up, threatening to have Rebekah end Elena's life. She was done with the brothers' stupid plans where they overestimated their own strength and capability to do things. It literally always lead to her having to plead one of the originals to spare them, and she was sick of it.

Georgia could feel her blood rising as her body heated up. Her right fingers started to twitch uncontrollably and she bit her lip so furiously that the skin broke and bled. By now the Kol had started waking up, with both Elijah and Klaus protecting him. Stefan carried Alaric up, and Damon hesitantly approached the fuming vampire.

"Damon Salvatore if you take one more step so help me god I will rip out your heart and feed you your own ventricles," she breathed up, not a trace of sarcasm on her face. Then, she gave a dark look to his brother before disappearing from sight.

After punching the living shit out of random tree trunks for I don't know how long, Gigi somehow found herself inside the Forbes household, leaning against the door frame as Bonnie silently held her sleeping mother's hand and cried.

Abbie had been turned into a vampire by Damon, and obviously no one was happy about that.

Gigi absentmindedly looks at them, remembering a time when she herself was in their position as her daughter cried for her mother to wake up. Needless to say, it wasn't pleasant when she did.

"Just please let me talk to her," the vampire suddenly hears that awful, whiny voice she'd come to hate, and she feels her eye twitch. Bonnie always looks towards her, mascara streaming down her face. Gigi's jaw clenches as she takes slow steps to arrive in front of the doppelganger.

"--She's somehow always the one who gets hurt," she hears Caroline finish talking, a sad expression on her face. She mockingly scoffs, and Elena looks clearly surprised at her presence.

"What a wonderful presence you are Elena," she humorlessly comments, making the blonde pleadingly grab her arm which she shrugs off. "If anyone was to suggest it you'd be the first one to say you'd sacrifice yourself for the sake of your friends. But you don't have me fooled."

"What are you talking about?" She says in frustration.

"I'm saying," Gigi raises her voice. "Every single one of your stupid fucking plans has lead to all of your friends getting hurt one by one. The only person who's constantly spared is you. Do you revel in the feeling of being constantly put above everyone else? Is that it?"

"Not at all-"

"So where the hell is that sacrifice you always talk about making? All you've done is entangle your friends in your web of problems and let them by eaten by spiders one by one. Yet they keep on fighting for you, and protecting you every single time," Georgia takes a deep breath. "If it were up to me, I'd kill you with my bare hands and spare everyone from your troubles."

"Gigi!" Caroline hisses, harshly tugging her sleeve and pulling her away from the door, leaving the absolutely gobsmacked Elena behind.

The vampire doesn't even need to look back to see the emotional storm she knew she'd find on Elena's face. She'd been holding her anger at the complete nonsense of the doppelganger for long enough, she couldn't help being harsh.

If no one was going to say what was on everyone's minds, she didn't mind do
