(9) Stormy

It was the next day, and as usual, you and Saiki were walking to school, with kaido and nendo of course.

You were asking Saiki what you should make after school, you wanted his opinion. After all, he was going to be eating most of it.

You and Saiki settled on chocolate muffins, seeing as that was a new treat you have yet to bake.

It was a cold morning, but no need for any extra clothing like a jacket, you were sure it was going to warm up in an hour or two.

You were mistaken.

You, Yumehara, and Teruhashi were outside in gym class, when it started to rain. It was light sprinkling at first, but soon it turned into pouring rain. You and Yumehara were soaked, and looked like it too. Teruhashi, being the perfect girl she is, looked beautiful in the rain, the droplets hit her face in all the right places.

'Knew it, Saiki would be much happier with Teruhashi then me, I cant even handle a little bit of rain.' You softly chuckled to yourself. You were glad you decided to not act on your feelings. You thought it was selfish.

You thought it would be selfish to take away a chance for Teruhashi to have love, if that meant sacrificing your own feelings, you would do it gladly. You treasured nothing as much as you did your friends.

When the rain started it's downpour, Mr. Matsuzaki instructed the class to continue class in the gym.

When you, Yumehara, and Teruhashi got in the gym, you guys started talking, mainly about the sudden rain.

"I'm so glad I remembered my umbrella, it would've been a disaster if I didn't!" Teruhashi said, breathing out a sigh of relief.

Lucky for you, you forgot your umbrella at home.

"I forgot my umbrella at home..I might just share an umbrella with a friend while walking home.." you replied, you certainly didn't want to get drenched while on your walk home.

"Oh, right. You usually walk home with saiki, correct?" Yumehara chimed in. You swear you could just see Teruhashi's face drop for a split second.

"U-uh...yeah...sometimes." You trailed off, desperately trying to spare Teruhashi's feelings. You could tell that inside, Teruhashi was not happy about Yumehara's contribution to the conversation.

You quickly changed the subject, talking about how boring gym was, etcetera etcetera. You were glad to see that Teruhashi seemed more occupied on the current conversation then the last one.

~Time skip to end of the day~

As expected, it was still raining when you got outside. You searched around for your pink haired friend so you could avoid getting drenched.

'I hope he doesn't think it's weird...I just don't look at the weather in the morning.' You thought, and just as you did, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You turned around, and saw Saiki, holding out his umbrella, signaling for you to stand under it. As signaled, you stood under the umbrella while you and Saiki walked to your house to start baking the muffins.

Saikis POV:

Who forgets to check the weather in the morning? At least this isn't like when Yumehara tried this trick with me, Y/N seems to genuinely have not known about the stormy weather.

Her thoughts today were an absolute wreck, I feel somewhat bad she's sacrificing her own feelings for Teruhashi, but whatever keeps her away from trying to get into a relationship with me.

Besides, sharing my umbrella with her isn't such a big payment. I feel like I owe her a little for all the sweets and coffee jelly she makes me.

Your POV:

You and Saiki were walking back to your house, you found the walk enjoyable. The rain was relaxing, and you were hanging out with your friend. It really was a nice time.

You guys finally arrived at your house, per usual. You and Saiki made quick work of the baking, all that was left to do was let the muffins bake.

You and Saiki started talking, but then, Saiki said something completely out of the blue.

"Y/N, have you ever thought of being in a relationship?" Saiki asked, nonchalantly.

"E-eh...? Uh...of course I've thought about it but...I don't exactly think I'm ready.." You replied, getting flustered and slightly shy. 'Why did he ask such a question out of nowhere like that?' You thought, curious as to what possessed your usually uninterested friend to ask something like that

"Say, what made you ask..?" You questioned, trying to be as honest as possible. You spoke your mind, and to you, that was a huge accomplishment.

"Just wondering. You've been hanging out around Yumehara lately, so I figured she implanted the idea into your brain." Saiki answered, he always seemed so unbothered by everything.

"Alright.." you finally answered back. After that awkward conversation, you, again, changed the subject. It was one of your many talents you've gained by practicing alone in your room.

About 20 minutes later, your timer on your phone went off, indicating that the muffins were ready.

You grabbed your oven mitts and took the muffin tray out of the oven, and placed it on a towel as to not damage the counter.

As soon as the muffins got out, Saiki immediately tried to grab one, but you slapped his hand away.

"Not so soon! You'll burn yourself if we don't let them cool first." You said, worry slightly lacing your voice.

Saiki sighed, and leaned on the counter, he was impatient when it came to anything sweet. You found it childish, but slightly cute at the same time.

As you were getting out the muffins on the tray with a knife, you realized they were much cooler then they were supposed to be.

"Huh? I guess they're cooled already...Saiki, they're cooled, you can eat some." You called, slightly confused. You even put a toothpick in the middle of a muffin just to make sure they were cooked all the way.

Saikis POV:

Was using my psychic powers necessary...at least I don't need to wait to eat the muffins.

Maybe having Y/N chase after me wouldn't be so bad if she bakes me stuff like this everyday.

A/N: shoutout to my bsf nico for helping me decide what scenario I should use for this chapter ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
