(23) valentines day

Valentine's Day, you always loved it. You enjoyed making sweets and cards for your few friends in past years, but now it was different.

You had a huge friend group to make chocolate covered strawberries for, even Saiko, who the group had learnt to tolerate.

You remembered the night before, where you were constantly switching between melting chocolate, or covering the berries. Don't forget writing out cards.

You were walking to school alone, it was a gamble every time you walked to school, sometimes you'd end up with one person or the entire gang.

~At school, with friends!~

"This ones for Nendo, this for Kaido, this one for Kuboyasu, and this for Saiko!" You exclaimed, giving out neatly packaged chocolate strawberry boxes, with cards taped on top.

While you were receiving thanks, and some half hearted complaint from Saiko, you suddenly realized...

'Huh? Where's Saiki?'

Saikis POV:

Y/N, if only you knew.

Currently I'm trying my hardest to avoid Teruhashi, seeing as she currently is looking for me with a love letter.

     Yumehara, also being Teruhashi's friend, is on the lookout for me, she's basically Teruhashi's second pair of eyes.

     I don't want to be with Teruhashi. I don't know why she hasn't gotten that by now.

     I'll meet up with Y/N soon.

Your POV:

     It was still the morning passing period, so you still had time to give Saiki his gift, that was not chocolate covered strawberries.

     'I hope Saiki doesn't find that I made him a separate gift weird..I just think he'd enjoy coffee jelly more then strawberries.' You thought, you were still peering around while talking to your friends.

     Suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Saiki, relieved he didn't get sick last minute and had to stay home.

     "Saiki, happy Valentine's Day! Here, I made you some coffee jelly instead of chocolates, I hope you aren't too let down.!" You said, handing Saiki a Tupperware box with two medium coffee jellies inside, and a card taped on the lid.

      "Thank you." Saiki responded, putting the coffee jelly inside his book bag. You, and the group had lost track of time, and had about 1 minute to get out of the hallway and into your classroom.

     You and Saiki sighed, but ultimately followed the loud group.


     During lunch, you were talking to Kaido, who had gotten chocolates from another girl. You were congratulating him while Nendo had a disappointed look on his face.

     "How come I didn't get any chocolate.." Nendo muttered, leaning his head on his hand.

     "Hey, you got chocolate strawberries from Y/N! Do those not count?!" Kuboyasu responded, quick to your defense.

     All this time Saiki was eating the coffee jelly you had given him, not even bothered with the chaos displayed in front of him.

     Just as Saiki was done with the coffee jelly, an angel walking amongst mortals came up to him.

     "Saiki! Glad I caught you, could you come with me for a minute..? There's something I want to give you.!" Teruhashi pleaded, you looked up from where you were sitting and heard what she said.

     You knew they would be happy, but jealousy still was itching at your brain. You wanted them to be happy though, and you saw Saiki stand up, and walk to where Teruhashi was guiding him to.

Saikis POV:

     "I like you!" Saiki looked at Teruhashi, straight faced as she extended her hands out with an envelope and a bag of chocolates.

     "I'm sorry, I can't return those feelings, I like Y/N." Saiki stated. They were in the back of the school, not many spent lunch there.

     "W-what? S-seriously..? Y/N.?" Teruhashi croaked out. She was stunned, she hadn't even thought of Saiki liking someone else, much less Y/N.

     Teruhashi started to cry a little, but quickly fled, her glowing gold aura flickering as she ran to the nearest restroom to collect her thoughts.

     '...telling her I like Y/N was a stupid decision..I can't go back now I guess.'

Your POV:

     You were laughing with your friends, Yumehara just sat next to you just 5 minutes ago. You heard a ding! from Yumeharas phone. You saw her look down, and after another notification she looked at you. She suddenly had to go.

     You saw Saiki come back, and out of curiosity, you asked what Teruhashi wanted to talk about. You wanted to see if Teruhashi could spike any emotion in him.

     "She just confessed to me, I didn't care for it much, though."

     The whole table had to stop their conversations, and just turn to stare at him.

     You were the first to speak. "You rejected her? Why? She's basically perfect..!" You said, absolutely baffled at how Saiki could reject Teruhashi.

     "I like someone else, that's that." Saiki stated, stoic.

     Everyone else was still silent.

     You suddenly got a notification from a group chat you made with Teruhashi and Yumehara some time ago.

Y/n, we need to talk to you.
Teruhashi confessed to saiki.

Yeah, I heard.
I can't believe Saiki turned her down.!
But he told the group he likes someone else though so we can't really force him to date her.

Y/N, come to the first floor bathroom.
We need to speak to you face to face.

I'm coming

     You had gotten up, and said something suddenly came up and had to go. You went into the bathroom, and saw a crying Teruhashi, and Yumehara trying to comfort her.

    "Y/N, you made it." Yumehara said softly, looking towards your direction.

     You just nodded, just as Teruhashi started to say something.

     "Y/N...Do you like Saiki..?" Teruhashi said between sobs.

     You had a shocked look on your face, but then Yumehara started to explain the situation. "When Saiki turned Teruhashi down, he also said he...likes you, Y/N."

     You were shocked, to say the least.

     "Teruhashi I'm...im so sorry. I do like Saiki." You confessed to Teruhashi, handing her a tissue to wipe her tears.

     Teruhashi sniffled, "Then..why didn't you say so? You had me thinking I actually had a chance. What, now you're going to tell me you guys have a secret relationship.?!" Teruhashi said, getting sadder by the minute. She wiped her tears with the tissue, but before anyone else could say anything...the bell rung.

     You met up with saiki and the others, just after dealing with the display of events from before. Before you could come up with a good lie to everyone's questions, Saiki asked you something.

    "Y/N, can we meet at the cherry tree? After school? Saiki said, bluntly, but also quiet, so that the others wouldn't hear.


     ~After school, at the cherry tree.~

     "So, why'd you want to meet here Saiki.?" You questioned, usually if he wanted to talk about something private, he would just do it at your house.

      "I like you."


     "I like you, as in I have a crush on you." Saiki said, clarifying the situation.

     "Saiki I..I don't know what to say." you responded, feeling yourself get flustered.

     "Just...tell me how you feel." Saiki replied, looking away slightly.

    "...I like you too Saiki, but I can't be with you. Teruhashi is heartbroken about you rejecting her..I don't want to rub salt into the wound." You muttered out, looking at your feet.

     You felt so guilty.

     You were now rejecting Saiki, who also rejected Teruhashi. Teruhashi was sad because Saiki liked you.

     You felt like you were the root problem.

     "..I'll have some friends talk to Teruhashi, if she says it's ok for us to be together...would you like to be my girlfriend..?" Saiki asked, he had a red hue on his cheeks, as did you, but you still felt like you had no right to be blushing.


    You wanted nothing more then making sure your friends were happy, and that included Saiki too.

    The idea of having people by Teruhashi's side while she was sad over the rejection did sound nice, so you accepted that you would be his girlfriend after Teruhashi is cheered up, and she gives the stamp of approval.

A/N: Hellooooooo! Next chapter will be a chapter with basically, no ones POV, just the events, just a heads up. I hope you guys aren't too confused by this chapter! Anyways, bye, and happy Valentine's Day!
