(27) Cruise trip

It was nearing summer vacation, and you heard your friends chattering about, you didn't have any plans this summer. If an opportunity came by to have a more interesting summer break, you would probably take it.

Apparently, without your knowledge, you were going on a cruise.

~~Timeskip to middle of the day~~

"I'm sorry...what?!" You were confused. Very...very confused.

"That's right..Saiko invited us all on a cruise trip! He told us to relay the message to you!" Kaido basically screamed, he was ecstatic, like a little kid.

You heard saikis telepathy echo in your head, 'Please just accept the offer. I think I would die if I had to be on vacation with them alone.' The voice sounded so eerily like saikis, but you learned to deal with it.

"...That sounds like fun! What time, place, and date?" You asked, you've heard stories about Saikos house from Kuboyasu, Kaido, Nendo, and Saiki, but you've never actually been there.

"We'll all meet up and Saikos house, and then Saiko will lead us to his cruise ship!" Yumehara answered, then following up with, "I cant wait to go! His boat is probably huuuge!" It sounded like Yumehara was very fascinated with the idea of going on a cruise, she was always one to strive for the rich and pretty life style. You couldn't blame her, it also sounded nice.

"Actually..just text me the details Yumehara.." You chuckled slightly at the end of your sentence, Yumehara rambled a lot, but you still loved her like a sister.

"Will do!" Yumehara replied, a cheeky smile displaying itself upon her face.

~~Timeskip to when the cruise starts~~

You were still dumbfounded by Saikos wealth. You were looking around and still couldn't believe your eyes. You slowly collected yourself as you were walking alongside Saiki.

"I can't even believe how much money he has..I knew he was rich but this is insane." You muttered to no one in particular. You were carrying a duffel bag full of clothes and daily products you would use on the trip on your shoulder.

"Believe it. This money could buy at least 16,000 bakeries." Saiki responded, you didn't know he was listening in on your barley coherent mumbling, but you soon remembered he was always listening in, into your thoughts and your words.

As you and your group boarded the ship and started the tour, Kaido soon came down with sea sickness. The thought of seasickness and vomiting made you grossed out...so you just slowly backed away until Yumehara took Kaido to one of the rooms to help him feel better.

With that out of the way, the tour of the ship continued. About 10 minutes in, and Saiki collapsed on his knees on the floor. You crouched down beside him, trying to make sure if he was okay. He was sweaty and hot to the touch.

"Hey Teruhashi, can you guide him to another bedroom while I look for medicine?" You asked Teruhashi, you and her had talked it out, and decided to still be friends, you both thought there was no point in fighting over a boy.

As Teruhashi started guiding Saiki to a bedroom, you went to go look for medicine in the pantry, at least that's where Saiko said it would be.

All you found was Chisato and empty food boxes.

With no medicine, and barley any food, you started to think this trip was a bad idea. Suddenly, the boat started rocking back and fourth violently, and it started slowly, very slowly, sinking.

You. Were. Terrified.

Who wouldn't be in a situation like the one you were in? Water was seeping into everyone's shoes, and all you could think about was a painful, suffocating death.

You weren't sure what happened, but somehow the boat split in half. Maybe something burst, but it was better then being in a halfway submerged boat.

Why? Because you could float on the scraps that could remain.

You were swimming to a large enough piece of ship that had broken off, and got on it. You saw the others were doing the same.

You were worried about Saiki. You knew he had physic abilities but he was still only human.

As soon as you secured yourself on the piece of metal you were swimming towards a minute ago, your vision went black, and you passed out.

When you woke up, you were on a deserted island.

A/N: I've been gone for 2 weeks ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I am so sorry for being so inconsistent with updates, school is killing me and I've got barley any time to write. The one time I did get to write this past 2 weeks was for a friend. I wrote a smut for them for 10$ and I still think that was the best use of my time lmfao. Anyways I hope u guys enjoyed the chapter, I'll try to make more time for this ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
