(28) Deserted

Stranded: Day 1

     You woke up, you couldn't remember your first thoughts from actually being conscious, but the first ones you did remember, were thoughts of you asking yourself where you were.

     You know you were asleep, you were knocked out cold. You couldn't wake up, you didn't know where you were, and all your senses were fuzzy.

     Your mind went blank, then you lost consciousness again.

     After you regained consciousness, you actually woke up. You saw you were on an island with all your friends. You were dazed and confused, you wanted nothing more then to go home, to go back in time and skip out on the cruise trip. You were worried about everything, your friends, how you were going to get back home, everything.

     'Stop being so anxious, everyone's fine.' You heard saikis voice enter your head. You looked around and saw Saiki leaning against a nearby palm tree. You weren't too far away from him, you were a couple feet away from him, you went over to Saiki and sat down next to him.

     Everyone else was still asleep, you hoped no one was seriously injured. "Saiki, do you remember what happened..?" You trailed off, you only remembered how you got yourself on a part of the boat, and passed out on it. You didn't remember anything on how you got to the island.

     "Long story short, Teruhashi took my one of my controllers out of my head in fear that i would hurt myself. My abilities went haywire and split the boat. When I woke up from the weird sickness I saw everyone floating in the sea, so I brought you all to the nearest island, which was this one, along with what food we had left from the boat." Saiki responded, then pointed to a roughed up cupboard, referring to the food he mentioned.

     You had to take a moment to calm down.

     "So what your saying is that we're stranded on some unknown island?!" You panickly whisper yelled, as to not wake up your numerous friends sleeping all around the shore.

     "Yeah." Saiki replied, acting as if this was an everyday occurrence.

     You groaned, and buried your head in your arms in frustration.

     Your friends soon started to wake up, one by one. Everyone was trying to keep calm and attempting to devise a plan to get off the island.

     Everyone was actually doing a good job of trying to stay positive during a bad situation until Mera took all the food.

     That's when the panic set in.

     "How are we going to survive without food?!" Kuboyasu was yelling, Kaido was mumbling incoherent nonsense about how everyone will go insane...that creeped you out.

     Saiko wasn't even participating in the discussion about getting off of the island, or how everyone was going to get food. He was sitting on a rock, sulking.

     You sorta felt bad. You didn't know the guy well, and had mixed opinions on him, but you still felt some sympathy towards him.

     You decided to go and talk with Chiyo and Kokomi, you were stressed, and you found talking to them relaxing.

     Everyone else was still talking about what to do, while you noticed Saiki wasn't anywhere to be found.

     Well, at least you knew he had a plan.

     While you, chiyo and kokomi were talking amongst yourselves, you heard yelling, and cheering from your friends.

     Some rations washed ashore, ramen, canned goods, bottled water, even a kettle and a can opener, not to mention a pack of plastic silverware.

     Then, you saw Saiki emerge from the trees and bushes.

     You smiled, and you were put more at ease knowing he would take care of everything.

     When the day was done, and the moon provided the island with white pearly light, kuboyasu started a fire with a lighter he had in his pocket. Apparently he was a stoner, you learn something new everyday.

     While you and your friends ate ramen by the fire, you couldn't help but notice Saiko was still on the rock. You prepared another ramen and asked kokomi for a favor.

     "Kokomi, I have something to ask of you. Can you bring this to saiko? He hasn't been eating or really...talking to anyone." You pleaded with kokomi. You knew better then to bring it to him yourself because he didn't exactly...like you.

     Ever since you guys met and the entire fiasco when saiko first came to PK academy, you guys have had some tension, but not enough to make you guys enemies. Just enough to make each others presence..awkward.

     Kokomi accepted, you watched as she went over to saiko and gave him the cup noodles after some slight persuasion on Kokomis part.

     You were amazed at Kokomis persuasion skills, you were completely convinced she could get away with a murder if she sweet talked for long enough.

     After everyone ate, you dozed off on the sand, the others following.

     You didn't sleep well, seeing as you had no bed or pillow, but you managed to fall asleep in the end.

Stranded: Day 2

     You woke up later then everyone else, you saw part of your group eating some canned goods while you saw others talking and drawing shapes in the sand.

     You decided to check on saiki, to see how things were going.

     You walked over to Saiki, who was laying down on the beach sand. "How are things going? I want to make sure your doing okay with the situation we're in, even if you...have a slight advantage." You said, sitting down next to the pink haired psychic. You didn't have much alone time with Saiki ever since everything went south with the cruise, but you could still talk to him.

     "I'm doing fine. Don't worry about anything, we'll be out of here by tomorrow." Saiki responded, sitting up to put a hand over yours. Even thought your friends knew about you two, you still felt slightly embarrassed. You felt your ears heat up slightly, but convinced yourself it was just the sun.

     "While I'd love to sit here and do nothing, I want to go check out what the others are doing. I hope you have a nice time admiring the ocean though." You told Saiki, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before you went to go and make sure your friends weren't killing each other.

     Kaido and nendo were sitting by the burnt out fire, while Saiko was still sitting on his rock, you noticed the reddish purple under his eyes, and figured he didn't get much sleep.

     You walked over to where some commotion was, apparently kokomi and chiyo were trying to lure mera out while kuboyasu was calling her a savage.

     "...im...very confused on whats going on here..." you spoke up. You were informed by kuboyasu that Mera had given the group some plants she had foraged, and that she was scared of the group being mad at her, so kokomi and chiyo tried to lure her out of a bush with chips.

     You decided to not mess with whatever kokomi and chiyo were doing. You decided to go and hang with Kaido and Nendo by the burnt out fire.

     You sat near kaido, listening in on how "dark reunion plotted for everyone to get trapped on the island". After some topic changes, Nendo actually used his brain.

     "How about we build a raft to get out of here?" Nendo asked. You and kaido were slightly shocked that Nendo had come up with a good idea. You three started planning everything out until the rest of the group came along.

     Everyone loved the idea of a raft, and as soon as Saiki heard that, he disappeared into the forest. Then suddenly, some tools washed ashore as he was coming out of the forest.

     You smiled softly at Saiki, grateful for how he's handling the situation.

     Everyone was getting started on collecting materials, but someone was just sitting on the sidelines.

     Saiko still hasn't moved from his rock, he hasn't talked to anyone besides kokomi when she gave him those cup noodles.

     Kuboyasu decided it was time to talk to him about his issue.

     After witnessing some arguing and persuading from Kuboyasu, Kokomi and a few others, Saiko gave in and started to direct people to gather certain materials. You were happy everyone was getting along and everything was coming together.

     7 hours later...

     The raft was finished. Your friends were happy. They were very tired alongside that. Everyone in your group decided that Kaido, Chiyo, and Kuboyasu would go on the raft tomorrow to see if it would float.

     After discussing tomorrows events, all everyone could think about was eating.

     Everyone started feasting on cup noodles, canned goods and chips in celebration of the completion of the raft. You ate your noodles happily, talking and chatting with your friends.

     You didn't know getting stranded on an island would create such great memories of you and your friends. If your phone wasn't dead, you would've definitely taken a picture.

Stranded: day 3

     You woke up to the sound of shouting and cheering. You sat up and looked around. A search team had found you and your friends.

     You got up and walked over to Saiki, "when did this rescue team show up..?" You asked, yawning after your sentence.

     "Just now, c'mon, let's get on one of the rescue boats." Saiki said, holding your hand and walking you both to a boat.

     You were finally going home after your adventure.

A/N: Longest chapter yet, I hope y'all enjoyed the little "kuboyasus a stoner" head cannon i sneaked in there lmaooo, and I wanna say smthn.

THANK U ALL SM FOR 9K READS??? WHAT??? I SWORE ALMOST 3 DAYS AGO IT WAS AT 6K??? I wanna thank u all for reading and commenting and voting and all that, u guys don't understand how much it means to me ❤️❤️❤️ checking my notifications on here always makes my day when I see someone commented or added my fanfic to their library. I js wanna thank u all again for watching me grow my writing skills, and for tolerating the first few chapters of this book and being there for this lil journey, and with that this chapter is over!

