(25) Desire

You were in your bed, you couldn't get your thoughts straight. It was a couple days later, but the whole situation has still left you with a lot of feelings you couldn't get out, or describe.

Guilt? Fear? Your emotions created discord inside your mind, you were scared of the future, you wondered if there would even be a future between you, Teruhashi, and Saiki.

You heard a ding! from your phone. You looked at your phone, which was at 13%, and looked at the notification, it was from Teruhashi.


Y/N, I've realized something. I want you and Saiki to at least try to date. I don't want my own desires to hold you back from your own. I will get over it soon, I promise you.

I'm okay, and soon I'll be doing great. Make sure Saiki knows I sent you this message if you decide to get together.

-with much love, Teruhashi.

You were shocked, to say the least. It was a cold Friday night, and things were less...fun around your house with the awkwardness between you and Saiki.

You thought about what Teruhashi had texted you...

"I don't want my own desires to hold you back from your own."

You screen shotted the paragraph, after texting her numerous time asking her if she was sure it was okay, and if ultimately she was okay.

She responded yes every time, and told you to tell Saiki. And that...you did.

You sent the screen shot of Teruhashi's paragraph to saiki, following up the picture with...

"Can we talk about what you said underneath the cherry tree? In person?"

Saikis POV:

I'm glad Teruhashi gave Y/N the reassurance she needed to approach me, but now she's...nervous to say the least.

Y/N's a very observant person, that's part of why I admire, care, and love her, but that doesn't mean that anxiety can't crawl it's way up into her brain. I thought it was obvious Teruhashi was sincere, but all I hear in Y/N's mind is doubts.

I'll tell her that she can come over to my place.

Y/N's POV:

     You saw the text, suggesting you could go over to Saikis house. You were still a little scared, but your nerves were calming a little.

     You knew that your friend was always calm, and you wanted to be like Saiki at times like this.

     You freshened yourself up a little, making sure you looked nice, well..as nice as you could.

     You looked in the mirror, and regained some composure. You left the bathroom, shutting the light off.

     You walked out of your house, being met with cold February air. You managed to quickly get to Saikis house, not that you were ever slow, anyways.

     You knocked on the door, and, you were met with magenta eyes covered by green glasses. Saiki moved aside to let you into his home.

     You offered a small, unsure, but grateful smile. When you took off your shoes, you noticed something.

     It was quiet. Usually when you went over to Saikis place, his parents were always talking or being lovey dovey with each other, but...nothing.

     "Saiki, where's your parents?" You asked, looking around for sight of them.

     "They're out for a couple hours, it's fine though." Saiki replied, then followed up his response with asking to talk in his bedroom.

     This only led your mind to go rabid and wander a bit, you cheeks went slightly red, but you complied with his request.

     You went upstairs to Saikis bedroom, and you sat on his bed, as you normally do. This time, the reason you were at his house wasn't exactly normal.

     Saiki sat down next to you, silence was suffocating you both.

     Saiki decided to break that silence.

     "Y/N, I really like you. I know that the way you found out about it wasn't the best, but...I really do like you." Saiki announced, while gently grabbing your hand, and intertwining it with his. You were blushing..a lot. You saw that Saiki, also had a shade of red on his cheeks.

     "Saiki...I like you too. I've liked you for a long time, I don't even remember when I started liking you. I just...did. I was just...scared of rejection and ruining our friendship. I truly like you." You responded, holding his hand a little tighter.

     "You know, at first when you confessed to me...I thought it was all an elaborate joke." You continued. You've had guys pretend to ask you out before, so you couldn't tell who actually liked you.

     "If I was joking, why would I be doing this?" Saiki asked, while guiding your face to his, gently kissing you.

     He was kissing you.

     Your mind was going haywire. 'Omgomg' 'I hear my heart beating, can he hear my heart beating?' 'Finally got that first kiss'

     You were blushing, and unsure what to do, but you liked what was happening, and leaned into the kiss.

     The kiss was nice. It was warm, comforting even. You felt like you were floating.

     When you finally pulled away for air, Saiki hugged you, and whispered in your ear.

     "I really love you...though I kissed you without your permission. Is it alright?" You heard what he said, and somehow felt your face grow even hotter.

     "..yes." You managed to mutter out, you were shocked, but your emotions were taking over you.

     Saiki released you from his embrace, as he kissed you again. It was less gentle, but it was more passionate, it was more rough, he now was running his fingers through your hair.

     It shocked you a bit, you didn't think Saiki was the type to do something so out of the blue. It was a welcomed surprise, though the shock made you let out a small "mph!".

     You heard a small chuckle from Saiki, as he was wrapping his other arm around your waist, holding you close. His touch was warm, you felt like you were under a spell when he touched you.

     Then, you heard his parents open the front door, instantly causing you jump a little, and Saiki pulling away.

     "I guess we can continue that another day...heh.." you said, awkwardly laughing. Saiki agreed, and you both decided to cool off by playing video games together.

     While playing, Saiki asked a question. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

     You looked at Saiki, feeling a slight blush on your cheeks, but smiled.

     "Of course."

A/N: WE DID IT! WOOOO! THEY FINALLY KISSED AND STARTED DATING!!! Anyways, my friend is making me debate if I should add a lemon and I want the readers advice. So should I?
