(7) Bittersweet

     Soon enough, everyday after school, Saiki would come to your house for sweets, mainly to test your coffee jelly, since you were still learning.

     You didn't do bad for your first try, and you kept trying to perfect the recipe. Soon, you got the recipe down after a bit more practice.

     Saiki walked home with you, as always, since you guys were heading to the same place. You guys were talking about the upcoming test, school, and the people there.

     You both reached your house, and you got out the coffee jelly from the fridge you let set the night before, and grabbed a plate and spoon for saiki.

     "If it's too bitter, tell me. I have whipped cream or milk." You said, setting out the coffee jelly in front of him.

     Saiki took a bite out of the coffee jelly, and he did a relaxed smile, and quickly ate the rest of it.

     'I guess it didn't need milk or the whipped cream after all..' you thought, you were just happy saiki enjoyed your coffee jelly.

     Saikis POV:

      Befriending Y/N was the best decision I've ever made. Now I get free coffee jelly.

     Your POV:

     It was quiet, saiki had ate all the coffee jelly in your fridge, and you were bored. So, you decided to suggest to go somewhere.

     "Saiki, wanna go somewhere?" You asked, you wanted to get out of the house.

     "Sure." Saiki responded, with one word.

     Quickly, you and Saiki exited your house, and were planning to go to the library. You and Saiki both needed some books, so this worked out in both of your favors.

When you got to the library, you rushed to the (favorite genre) section. You started browsing books while Saiki was beside you, already having gotten his book. He was just waiting for you to finish choosing.

Just as you and Saiki were about to leave with your books, you and Saiki got spotted by two familiar faces..
