(12) Complicated Transfer.

     It was a regular morning, you got ready, checked your phone, and walked to school with saiki, per usual...but there was something not so "usual" about today.

     Apparently there was a new transfer student!

     You caught wind of this through Yumehara, who was gushing and rambling about if he's going to be cute or not.

     You could practically hear Yumeharas heart pounding, you knew she wanted a boyfriend and all, but she is setting her eyes on someone she doesn't even know.

     You heard the bell ring, and Yumehara and everyone else scattered across the room went to their assigned seats.

     "Alright everyone, we have a new transfer student today. Please treat him with respect." The teacher said, inviting the new student in.

     He had dark purple hair and some non-prescription glasses. He looked very tidy, and Yumehara was right, he was attractive.

     The student wrote his name, "Aren Kuboyasu" but what was strange, was that he wrote "wuz here" after his name.

     The boy quickly apologized, and gave an awkward greeting, which most students found weird, but welcomed him into the class room anyways.

Saikis POV:

     Everyone's thoughts are exhausting, I know having a new transfer student causes a buzz, but how many thoughts can a person think?

     'The new kids kinda strange..'

      'He seems like he would be a great addition to the tennis club!'

     'Yumehara was right, he isn't half bad, sorta attractive in my opinion.'

     What? Was the person who just thought that Y/N?

     I have to admit, I feel a little jealous after hearing that, but I'm not her boyfriend. I cant stop her if she finds someone else attractive.

Your POV:

     It was break, and you were seeing Kuboyasu talking to a load of different people. First was saiki, who gave him a...more then unfriendly look.

     Then kaido, which they apparently get along together. It was a shocker, but at least they're both making friends.

     You heard from Yumehara that Kuboyasu was talking to nendo, and you can only imagine how that went.

     You were walking in the hallway, when you actually witnessed one of Kuboyasus interactions with another student.

     Hairo was doing sit-ups in the hallway, and invited Kuboyasu to join him. You heard a snicker from one of the boys, talking about how Kuboyasus just "skin and bones".

     Hairo retaliated, and gave a speech about how you shouldnt judge others, and that the only person you can judge is yourself. You, personally found it a little corny, but it was sweet.

     Then, Kuboyasu approached you.

     You were walking in the hallway again, it was the end of the school day and you wanted to return a book you checked out from the school library, when someone tapped your shoulder.

     "Er...hi. Do you know where the library is? I didn't buy textbooks before I transferred.." The violet haired boy asked, he looked slightly embarrassed that he was asking for help.

     "Of course, I'm actually heading there right now, you can just follow me. I'm Y/N, by the way." You said, you were surprised that you didn't stutter or mumble over your words, you considered that an accomplishment.

     Kuboyasu followed you to the library, making small talk along the way. You were asking him about how school was, and what he thinks of the people there.

     "The people? Ehh...they're okay, but there was this one perv who was only interested in girls who wanted to talk to me." Kuboyasu stated, recalling on the event that happened just some hours ago.

     "You've had the displeasure of meeting Toritsuka, I'm sorry." You joked, toritsuka wasn't that bad, he was just...a perv.

     You soon reached the library, and you two parted ways, but you enjoyed his company. He seemed nice and responsible, and in your school, that was a rare sight.

     You reached the school gate, to find Saiki waiting for you.

     "Saiki? What are you still doing here?" You questioned, you were wondering why he was just...standing there.

     "I wanted to walk home with you." Saiki responded, casual as he always was. You somewhat doubted him, but accepted the gesture.

Saikis POV:

     To be honest, I wouldn't be waiting for her if I couldn't read Kuboyasus mind. He wanted to walk home with her. In fact, he is behind us right now.

     I don't mean to act possessive, but this is routine now. I'm not exactly fond of changing what I'm used to.

Your POV:

     You and Saiki walked home, passing by the trees and stray cats that were common in your area.

     You and Saiki were making plans, deciding what to do. You and Saiki went to the mall last weekend, and your wallet was still recovering.

     Saiki decided to request a café, apparently he was a regular there, and it had good coffee jelly.

     You were excited, you've never had coffee jelly from a café before, and who knows what other treats it might have?

     You both reached your house, and you invited Saiki inside. This was routine at this point, you both would walk back together, and Saiki would hang out at your place until he needed to go home.

     It was...nice having someone around all the time.

     You've grown to trust Saiki, and you considered him your closest friend. Even if he's a coffee jelly addict, you still consider him your best and most trusted friend.

Saikis POV:

     As Y/N invited me inside, I heard all her thoughts about her..being grateful for me. I guess her introverted nature caused her to lack friends growing up, no wonder she's so attached to me.

     ...or is it the other way around?

     Truthfully, I do personally consider Y/N a friend. She's genuinely nice, and doesn't fake it to keep up a reputation.

     Her being a baker is just a bonus.

Your POV:

     You and Saiki were doing a movie marathon, until you passed out on the couch.

     Saiki sighed, 'this happens every time we watch more then one movie, she never learns.' He thought. He carried you to your bed, and left your house.

     A slight smile formed on his lips as he left.
