(15) Morning after

You opened your eyes slightly, barley remembering when you fell alseep.

It was still dark, and you checked your phone, it was 1:27 am. It was a bad habit of yours to wake up in the middle of the night.

You positioned yourself upright, soon realizing you were sleeping on saikis shoulder. From the looks of it, Saiki was sound asleep.

'Omgomgomg what?? I slept on saikis shoulder??? At least he's asleep now..' You thought, your ears feeling like they're burning.

While Saiki was still asleep on the couch, you got him some pillows and properly made sure he was comfortable.

After you moved Saiki so he wasn't sitting up, you returned to your own room. You needed to distract yourself from what just happened.

You sat near your desk, and pulled out a book, trying to turn on your table lamp.

'Oh right...the powers out.'

Saikis POV:

Her annoying thoughts woke me up. Usually I can tune everyone's thoughts out, but hers were so loud, it disturbed my sleep.

I do find it...kind that she gave me pillows and another blanket, and left me here.

I should just try and sleep on it, besides, my parents would freak if I suddenly teleported home at this hour.

~time skip to morning~

Your POV:

It was early friday morning, your school had given the students a snow day. You went to check on Saiki, who was still asleep.

'Maybe we can go to the Café Saiki suggested earlier this week for breakfast..if it's even open.' you thought, while walking down the stairs to go check on him.

You saw him on the couch, scrolling on his phone.

"Saiki, do you still want to go to that café you talked about a couple days ago? If it's open of course.." You asked, still wearing the same outfit from yesterday.

     "We both know that nothings going to be open in this weather." Saiki stated, very bluntly.

     "True...anyways Saiki, now that it's morning you need to go to your house. Your parents are probably worried." You spoke, concern coating your words slightly.

     "...True, I've overstayed my welcome already. Thank you for letting me stay here, goodbye." Saiki responded, he got up and grabbed his coat. He walked out the door, waving you goodbye. As he walk out, you shut the door.

     '...never holding a sleepover at my house again.'

Saikis POV:

     I walked into my house, to be bombarded by my parents.


     "Kusuo, it is very irresponsible to leave for the night and not tell your parents!" My father practically yelled.

     "I was at Y/N's, relax." I stated, before heading into my room.

     "Kusuo slept over with a girl..? Never thought that would happen..." My father muttered to my mom.

     I gave him a quick glare then continued heading back into my room.

Your POV:

     You just finished cleaning up, everything was back to what it was before Saiki came and crashed at your place.

     At least the power was back on, and you could watch TV again.

     You went into the living room, got a blanket and soft pillow, and put on your favorite show.

     Apparently you needed more sleep, because you fell asleep halfway through the episode, and woke up at 2 pm.

     'Why is it so hard to stay awake.." you groaned as you woke up, being greeted to the classic "Are You Still Watching?" screen on Netflix.

     As you gained consciousness, you decided you desperately needed caffeine.

     You went to go brew some coffee, getting a filter and pouring in the coffee beans.

     When the coffee was done, and you added your milk/cream, you went back to the couch, resuming where you last remembered watching it.

     You remembered snow days when you were younger, being awesome and playing outside with your sibling, but now your sitting on the couch drinking coffee as you watch Netflix.

     Snow days are still awesome.

A/N: this chapter is kinda rushed Bc I was studying for a test before writing this and im going to study after, I promise yall the next one will be better 💀
