Authors note: The requests will be coming soon I swear. I just wrote this one because it's one I've been planning on writing for ages. And Madelaine Petsch is amazing!!!! She was so good in the latest episode! I will literally keep shouting this from the rooftops until I die I swear. Also I thought I would add a cute Choni pick above :)

***One more thing. I'm thinking of publishing the first chapter of my new Choni story today. Let me know if you want to see it and I will post it if enough people want it! So get commenting if you want to see it! I'm personally excited to see what you guys think! Okay now on with the oneshot. PS this one is quite long so enjoy!

Thoughts will be in italics again.

Nobody's POV

Cheryl Blossom, a girl who deeply misses her brother. When she got herself tangled up in 'The Farm', an organ harvesting cult, she thought she was talking to her dead brother. In reality, the evil cult leader had taken her brother's dead body in order to control and manipulate her. When she found out, she was furious, but talking to him again made her feel some kind of weird happiness, and it was something she didn't want to loose...not again. So, she took her brother's corpse home with her. Six weeks later, she is still talking to him, or thinks she is.

Cheryl's POV

I was sat across from Jason.

"What do I wear today then, JJ?" I held the two outfits out in front of him. I knew he couldn't answer me, but in my head it felt like he was. "Yeah. You're right. Definitely the red one." I put the clothes aside for a moment, so that I could go through the newspaper with him, like I do everyday. "Okay, I'm going to get changed, JJ. I'll see you after school." I covered Jason with a sheet, then walked out of the chapel and locked the gate behind me.

"Morning, Cher." I heard Toni say from behind me.

"Morning, my love. Sleep well?" I asked her. Did she see what I was doing in there?

"Yeah I slept fine. What were you doing in there?" Toni said and put my mind at ease. "Praying again?" I could tell that something was off. Did she not believe me when I said I was praying last time?

"Yes. I was praying. I've found it to be a great way of coping with the stress of everything that has been going on...like school...the twins and everything."

"Okay. Hey what's that thing over there, covered by the white sheet?" Toni asked. I contained my panic, so that I could answer calmly.

"Just some old bags of stuff. Nothing for you to worry about." I then started walking away from the chapel, hoping Toni would follow me. She did. "Let's go get ready then, TT."

"Yeah. Sure."

Toni's POV

"Okay. Hey what's that thing over there, covered by the white sheet?" I asked. It looked weird and strangely shaped.

"Just some old bags of stuff. Nothing for you to worry about." I love and trust Cheryl, but something felt off. I could tell she was lying to me. Whatever was under the sheet certainly didn't have the shape of bags filled with items. She began walking and I followed her. "Let's go get ready then, TT."

"Yeah. Sure" I answered.

Ever sine we got home after everything that happened with The Farm, Cheryl had been acting different. She always goes to the chapel and she always seems on edge when I find her there. I still can't work out why. She says she's 'praying' but I know she is not much of a religious person, not after what the stupid nuns did to her in The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy. I could just feel it, that something was off with whatever she was doing in the chapel. I had to find out what she was doing, even if it meant she would get annoyed in the process. I had an idea, and I hated it and I knew Cheryl would too, but I had to do it and she couldn't know about it. If she did, she would find her way of stopping me.

~at school~

School was almost over and it was almost time for me to put my plan into action. One more lesson to go. Cheryl isn't going to likes this. Don't do it. No. You have to. What if she is in trouble? This is the only way to find out. I was grabbing some things out of my locker, when I felt a hand on my shoulder and some lips on my cheek.

"Hey babe." Cheryl said. I closed my locker then turned to face her. "Vixen practice until four thirty. You coming?"

"I wish. I've got some homework to do and tests to study for. I might stay in the library for a bit." That was all true. I was going to do what I said, it's just that I was also going to go home early when I knew Cheryl wouldn't be there.

"Awwww. Can't you do it another day?" Cheryl pouted.

"Not really." I grabbed her hands and kissed them lightly. "I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you."

"Pinky promise?" She put her finger out.

"Pinky promise." I said wrapping mine around hers.

"Okay. Well we'll miss you. I'll miss you."

"It's only for like an hour. Then we can cuddle for as long as you want at home."

"Yay." We then locked hands and began walking down the corridor. I was going to drop Cheryl off at her class.

"See you later." I smiled and then kissed her goodbye. I walked away, feeling kind of guilty that I wasn't telling Cheryl everything, but what else was I suppose to do? Maybe I was panicking over nothing. Maybe she really was praying and I was just being dramatic. All I know is that I won't be able to feel truly calm again until I work out what Cheryl really does in the chapel.

~end of school~

I went straight to the library. I did a bit of studying. I kept checking the time. I was going to leave at like four o'clock, or possibly just before. I studied for maths. The library was quiet and quite emtpy, so it wasn't hard to focus. When it was time, I packed my bag and left, making sure I made the least amount of noise as possible. I managed to get home at 4:10pm. It was a bit later than intended because there was a little bit of traffic, but Cheryl still wouldn't be home.


I was walking to the chapel. I hated this, the feeling of guilt, feeling like I was going behind Cheryl's back. I mean I was, but it was for her good. At the end of the day, she is all I care about and if something is wrong with her, I need to know what it is. When I reached for the gate it I saw it had a padlock on it. Thankfully I had picked up on the skill of picking locks when I was in the Serpents. I miss them. Stop. Focus Toni. I pulled out one of my hair pins and started trying to pick the lock.


After what felt like ages, the lock opened and I was in. I walked into the chapel. I looked around. Everything seemed normal except from the giant thing under the sheet. I walked closer to it. I noticed whatever it was had shoes and feet. I put my hand on the sheet. I took a deep breath and took one last thought. Was I really about to do this? Am I really going to risk ruining the trust in our relationship, or risk ending it? After some final thoughts, I decided I was going to go through with it. I pulled the sheet down and was filled with shock at what I saw. Jason?

I heard footsteps. Someone was coming. I turned around and before I could hide what I was doing, Cheryl showed up.

"TT?" I saw the sadness and dissapointment in her face.

"Cheryl. You're home early." I did not expect her to get home at this time.

"Yeah. I finished practice early so I could come and see you. But more importantly, what are you doing in here? You know only I am allowed in here." She started yelling by the time she finished speaking, clearly angry.

"I know and I'm sorry. I just had to see what you were doing in here. Ever since The Farm, I've been worried about you. You've spent so much time in here I just had to see why."

"And I told you I was praying." The anger was building up in her and so was the tears. "I can't believe you didn't trust me."

"And I can't believe you lied to me." I answered her. I walked up to her and tried to grab her hands, but she pulled back. Tears began streaming down her face.

"I...I'm sorry. I coudln't help it. It just hurts. I hurt! Everything hurts! I just wanted him back...I...I just wanted you to meet him." She put her back against the wall and before I could do anything to comfort her, she slid down the wall and began crying even more. She was in full breakdown mode. She buried her face in her hands. I felt horrible for doing this to her and it felt horrbile seeing her like this. It made me cry too. I just needed her to be okay. I kneeled down beside her. I took her hands and kissed them again. I then put one arm around her and felt her lean into me.

"It's okay, Cher. Just let it all out. It's okay. I'm here." I rubbed her back, doing whatever I could to calm her. She lifted her head for a moment.

"It's just...I was doing good...I was doing really good until E-Edgar came along. He knew I missed my brother and he used it to m-maniupulate me. Then I fell back into the same trap. I-I'm an idiot." She cried.

"You're not an idiot. You're just a girl who misses her brother. Trust me, I know what it feels like to miss a family member." I said. I wiped some tears from my face and did the same to Cheryl. I gently stroked her cheek.

"I'm broken. I think I've lost my mind." I felt her head go into my chest again.

"You are not broken Cheryl and you haven't lost your mind. You're still grieving...and that's normal." I explained. "I just think you need to get some help."

"Don't send me away, TT, please. Please don't send me away like my mother did." Cheryl continued to sob.

"Hey." I put my hand under her chin and gently pushed her head up so I could look at her. "I would never do that. I love you, Cher."

"And I love you too." She said between heavy breaths.

"I just think we should get you some professional help...like a therapist."

"Okay, TT." Cheryl gave in.

"And...and I know this will hurt...but I think you need to say goodbye to Jason." Her tears became heavier and her crying got louder.

"O-Okay." Cheryl managed to respond.

"And don't worry...we will get him a proper gravestone. Not the crap that your parents left him." I said, managing to get a light chuckle out of Cheryl. We sat there, in silence, for a long time, until Cheryl was ready to move.

Cheryls POV

~next day~

We were lucky to get Jason's gravestone quite quickly. We had it put in the graveyard on the remaining land of Thornhill. Jason was in his coffin and in the hole in the ground already. All that was left was to complete the burial. It was only me and Toni there. We couldn't manage to bring Nana Rose.

"Cheryl...do you want to say anything?" Toni asked and I nodded.

"JJ...I miss you. I miss laughing with you. I miss playing games with y-you." I was already emotional, but the tears finally fell once more. "I hope you are doing okay up there. I-I'm sure you are watching down on me, Nana Rose, Polly and the twins. And I'm sure you k-know how much we miss you. I wish you were here...but you're not...and so it's time to say goodbye. I love you, JJ." I didn't have anything else to say and I didn't think I would be able to say anything else. So I stepped back, allowing Toni to complete the burial. I took one last look at the coffin and then diverted my eyes to his gravestone.

Rest easy, Jason. You are missed.

Authors note:
I'm not crying you're crying...no but I seriously hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to let me know if you want to see the first chapter of my new Choni book! It's called 'See you again'. Thanks for 70k reads! Thanks again for all of your support! It really means a lot. Bye.
