It's been a while but the update is finally here. Sorry it's been so long.  It's been quite busy and I struggled to get back into writing.  Hope you all enjoy. Also this probably won't be like an accurate real life wedding thing but who cares. Hope you enjoy.

Part 2 of the last chapter.

Cheryl's POV

I was waiting for Toni to make her way down the aisle. I had already had my time and I was so excited to see what Toni looked like. I had no doubt that she looked gorgeous and that was obvious as I saw her enter the room.

When my eyes met hers, I could already feel the tears forming. I smiled widely as Toni walked closer, with her hand resting on her mother's arms. She looked perfect, which wasn't a surprise. She always does look incredible. In this moment, it truly hit me. I was marrying the love of my life. I was getting my happily ever after.

Toni and her mother were more or less directly in front of me. They stopped and Toni's mother placed a gentle kiss on my soon-to-be wife's forehead. Toni then took a step closer to me and I found my way to her hands, locking our fingers together. All I could do was smile at her. I turned to our officiant and gave him a nod, as if to say we were ready.

"Welcome friends and family. We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Toni Topaz and Cheryl Blossom through marriage." He began talking. It was all beginning to feel real.

Time was passing and it was time to say our vows.

Toni's POV

With my eyes slowly filling with tears, and my body being overcome with emotion, I started to say my vows.

"I, Toni, promise you, Cheryl, that I will always be there for you. I promise to love and care for you no matter what. I promise to make you laugh and to be there when you cry. I promise to catch you when you fall. I swear that I will never leave you. I promise to love you, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." I could feel the emotion almost taking over several times, but I managed to keep it together.

It was Cheryl's turn to say her vows. I waited patiently for her to start them.

"Toni, you've always been there for me. I showed you the darkest sides to me, and you loved me despite it. You were there for me when nobody else was. And so, I promise to do the same for you. I promise to care for you and to stand next to you. I will be there for you, forever and always . I promise to love you in sickness and in health, until death do us part." I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks as Cheryl spoke.

Cheryl had put a ring on my finger and I was now sliding one on to hers.

"I give you this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." I stated. I turned to face the officiant once more, knowing what he was about to say.

"I know pronounce you wife and wife. You may both kiss the bride." With that, I leaned towards my wife and connected our lips, almost feeling our emotions through it. As I pulled away, I could hear everybody clapping. I grabbed Cheryl's hand and turned to face the crowd as we made our way out of the building. It was crazy to think that I walked in as a fiancè, but walked out as a happily married woman.

Authors note:

Sorry if this is kinda short, but I didn't want to attempt to stretch out the story. Hope you all liked it. All support is appreciated. Feel free to comment or message me any requests. I kind need them because I haven't got any ideas.
