Request by user60966959 on of the previous updates.

Authors note:

Hope you enjoy this. I tried my best to roll with this interesting idea.

Toni Topaz was on holidays. She was on a trip to a small, but beautiful town in Greece with her friend, Fangs. They had explored several areas near where they were staying and had even been to the beach once. They were going to go again, expect this time, they were going to a different one.

Toni was expecting a nice and calming trip to the beach. She was expecting to relax and listen to the soothing sounds of the waves as they hit the sand. She was expecting, or at least hoping, for a perfect day out. And that's exactly what she was going to get, just not in the way she thought. What happened was something she truly didn't see coming, something she hasn't even thought about on this trip...

Toni's POV

"Toni! Hurry up! We are going to miss the bus." Fangs yelled from another room, to his small friend.

"Chill, Fangs. There's another bus in like ten minutes. If we don't get this one we can get the one after. There's no rush." I said, as I carefully brushed my hair, whilst also putting it up.

"I mean what are you even doing?" He said as he poked his head around the bathroom door, which was fully open. "Seriously T, this isn't a fashion show." He giggled slightly.

"I know, but it's gonna be warm."

"Well done Sherlock. That's some fine detective work you've done. I mean it's not like we are in Greece or anything." Fangs spoke, with a heavy tone of sarcasm in his voie.

"Ha ha...you're hilarious. I just wanna put it out of my face. No need to get so annoyed." I replied

"I'm not."

"Sure. Obviously you're not." I smiled, continuing to put my hair.

"If you really are that angry then go write a song about it." I laughed.

"Yeah maybe I will, Tiny."

"Shut up, asshole."

"Whatever. Can we just leave now?" He asked, checking his watch.

"Hold on...two seconds..." I finished putting it up and brushed the few strands that were too short to go up behind my ear. "Okay I'm done. Let's go." I picked up my rucksack and we headed out of the room.

Cheryl's POV

"Wow this weather is amazing. Noting like in Riverdale, that's for sure." Betty stated.

"I can see the ocean. Guess we're almost there." I added.

"I am so ready to sit down and relax. Maybe even beat you both in a game of something in the nearby arcade." Veronica explained.

"You wish." I playfully pushed her arm.

"Since when have you been a fan of arcade games, V?" Betty questioned our friend.

"I always have...or maybe I just want to try it...and better to start with a game I know I'll win." Veronica joked. I gently slapped her arm.

"What was that for Cher?" She asked, with a mixture of anger and laughter in her words.

"For being an idiot. Now how about we get to the beach and relax. Preferably before we tear each other's heads off...even though me and Betty will crush you in an arcade game." Veronica shook her head as I finished talking.

~a short time later ~

We had arrived at the beach. There were quite a lot of people. I could see the sun reflecting on the water. I could see people swimming. Veronica guided us to a nicely sized empty space, which we soon took.

"This is a good spot. I wanna catch a tan, but how about we get some ice cream later?" I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Betty responded and Veronica nodded, to agree with what her closest friend had just said. I carefully layed my towel on the floor, putting my shoes in separate corners to help hold it down. I grabbed my sun cream and put it on to stop myself from getting burnt. After covering every patch of skin that was exposed to the sun, I layed on my back, sunglasses on and stared up at the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight, only the bright shine of the sun.

"This is so calming." Betty said softly, already completely relaxed.

"Totally. Couldn't do this is in Riverdale, that's for sure!" Veronica added.

"So true! I'm really glad we've come on this trip. It's been a really rough couple of years. I know I need the break and I'm sure both did too." I stated.

"Totally." Veronica responded.

~a bit later~

I had been reading a bit of a book I had brought with me for a little while now. Veronica, Betty and I had also talked a bit, but I was back to just laying still, soaking up as much of the sun as I could, before we would go back to the deep, dark shadow that is known as Riverdale. It was so bright that I had put a cap on, because I didn't want it to burn my scalp.

My arms were by my side and...I suddenly felt something hit my stomache. I lifted my glasses to see somebody had kicked or thrown their ball, accidentally hitting me. I turned to my friends and they had seen what had happened. I picked it up and looked to see if there was anyone looking for it. That was when my eyes met hers.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry! Are you okay?" She asked. She was a rather short girl, with dark hair that had several pink strands in it. I couldn't help but admire her looks. She was beautfiful. I struggled to catch a breath.

"Oh. Don't worry. I'm all good." I responded, a smile on my face.

"You sure?"

"Positive." I assured this mystery girl.

"Do you mind if I have my ball back then?" She questioned. I looked down, remembering that I still had it. I had been too distracted by her presence to even remember that her ball was in my hands.

"Sure." I said. "Think fast." And with that, I threw the ball back at this girl, with some force but not too much. I didn't want to give a bad first impression, even though I won't ever see her again after I go home.

"Nice throw. What's your name, wonder girl?" The brunette asked me.

"Cheryl Blossom. You?"

"Toni Topaz." She walked closer reaching out her hand, for a friendly greeting and I gladly took it. "Hey I don't suppose you wanna join me and my friend for a game of beach volleyball, do you? We could really use an extra player."

"I would love to." I answered after a moment.

"Cool. We are playing just over there. Bring your friends if you want." Toni pointed. "Grab anything you might want or need then come on over." Toni then walked back over to her friends.

"Okay." I went to get a sip of my water quick, and was met with two sets of eager and curious eyes.

"Damn Bombshell...you can never do anything without falling for a girl can you?" Veronica glared at me, with a cheeky grin.

"You were practically kissing that girls ass! You literally couldn't keep your eyes off it." Betty joked. "You may as well have told her that you were drooling over her."

"I mean the way that your eyes locked on to her as soon as you saw her was crazy! I've never seen you fall for someone so fast." Veronica laughed.

"What do you mean?" I tried to play it off, act like it wasn't a big deal. "I can look at a very atrractive girl without falling her."

"Sure you can. Me and B completely believe you."

"Yeah I'm not buying it either. I mean...she is cute, but I don't want to catch any feelings. After all, I'm never gonna see Toni again. So what do I do?"

"You go over there and play that game with her, Cher. You said it yourself, you're never gonna see her again, so what harm will joining her little game do?" Betty explained.

"Okay, but will one of you come with me? Y'know, to make sure I don't act all crazy..." I looked back and forth between my two friends.

"No way. You no I'm not a sports person." Betty added.

"I guess it'll be me then." Veronica began to stand up.

"Thank you." I mumbled, before getting up so that Veronica and I could walk over to Toni and her friend. I had only known Toni for a couple of minutes, but I knew that I wanted to become friends with her.

Authors note:

Hope you guys liked this. I've been super busy again with school stuff and couldn't find time to update, so I'm sorry for that, but it's here now. Please vote, comment, follow me or whatever! Any feedback is helpful. Thanks for reading. Hope you all have a good day. I'm not sure what this turned out to be in the end, but I hope it is okay.
