This is the first chapter of my short story that I'm working on. Leave some feedback so I can try to improve it.

It's basically just a fun and happy little story where two friends team up to try and make Choni happen.

In this universe:
•Cheryl never went to conversion therapy
•Cheryl is completely open about her sexuality
•Penelope is accepting
•Beronica is a thing
•Kevin will actually get some time in the spotlight like he deserves

There will be perspectives other than Cheryl and Toni's because without that, the story would be weird and wouldn't make much sense.

Cheryl's POV

Veronica, Betty, Toni, Kevin and I were all sat in the lounge. I was sat next to Toni. I was close enough to be able to smell her perfume. It smelt amazing, like roses. I couldn't help but take a short glance at her every so often...she was just so beautiful. Truth is, I fell for her the first moment I saw her. Since then, those feelings have only gotten stronger and harder to contain. I wish I could just tell her, but she would never feel the same way. Telling her would just make things awkward and I'd never be able to look at her in the eye again. So, I've kept it to myself all this time, and I feel like I have done a good job of it.

Kevin's POV

Over the past few weeks I had been observing Cheryl's obvious feelings for Toni. What can I say? I'm a crazy Choni shipper. It was obvious that the two girls liked each other, but neither of them would make a move. I had been speaking to Veronica, another crazy Choni shipper, and she was in on my little plan that I'd created. Time to play Cupid, I thought.

The bell went. Everyone was getting up to make their way to their classes. I picked up the few books I had.

"Cheryl? Can we talk?" I asked her, catching her before she made her way out. I watched as Toni stopped for a moment, likely waiting for Cheryl. My shipper heart was pumping fast. It was on the verge of exploding.

"Go ahead, TT. I'll see you in class." Toni nodded and then soon left. The nicknames they had for each other made my heart melt. Ahhhhh. As Toni left, Cheryl turned to face me, with a questioning look on her face.

"What do you want to talk about Kev?" Cheryl and I were good friends. We would always talk about all things gay and freak out about things like Troye Sivan releasing a new single.

"I wanted to ask you-well I already know the answer so I don't know why I'm asking bu-"

"Just get on with it. I can't be late to class." Cheryl interrupted me. I could already sense what Cheryl would say. But being the good friend I am, I wanted to know for sure before I actually do anything.

"Okay, okay...Do you like Toni?"

Cheryl's POV

My eyes widened as Kevin spoke. What do I say? Do I lie? Do I tell him the truth? What if he doesn't mean like, in that way. What if I embarrass myself? I began panicking, but tried my best to hide it.

"Of course I do. She's my friend." I stated. Please don't ask more questions. Please don't ask more questions, I thought. Or I might end up accidentally admitting something I don't want to.

"Yeah I know that but...Do you like her as more than a friend?" Kevin smiled. There it was. The question I didn't want.

"No. Why do you ask?" I lied.

"Because I felt like it." He said. "Anwyay, I can tell that you are lying." Kevin said.

"I'm not lying." Kevin continued to stare at me. He wasn't going to stop until he got an answer.

"Just tell me. We can keep it between us gays. And I'm great at keeping secrets."

"Okay, I'm trusting you Kev." I took a deep breath. I was about to tell him about the feelings I had been trying to hide for a while. "Yes."

I could hardly get it out. I hadn't told anybody about my crush on Toni, but now I was telling Kevin. Why? I don't know. But his curiosity of whether or not I was crushing on Toni puzzled me. It was also kind of concerning. Although, this is Kevin Keller. He will ship any two gay people who meet. Then again, he would probably ship them even if they weren't gay. But was I that obvious? I thought I was good at containing it, but apparently not.

"I-I do like her as more than a friend, but you can't tell anyone. Promise?" I said, trying to be intimidating.

"Promise. Nobody will know."

"Thanks Kev." I added and left, making my way to class, Kevin following on behind me. I decided to keep the conversation going.

"My turn to ask a question now." I said, looking at Kevin, who was holding some books in his arms.


"Was it that obvious? Like...What made you think I was crushing on her?"

"I could just sense it. And yes, you were obvious. The way you look at her, the way you'll sit next to her even if there are a million other seats available. Not to mention that you're always standing like two inches away from her, or the way you try to subtly touch her every so often." Kevin explained.

"Wow. I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it. Just make sure Toni doesn't find out. I can't risk it."

"She won't. Like I said, I can keep a secret."

Kevin's POV

After Cheryl had gone to her class and I was still going to mine, I pulled out my phone. Time to text Veronica. I hoped she would see the text soon. I had a large grin on my face. I knew Cheryl liked Toni but hearing her confess just made my Choni heart explode.

Kevin🌈: Operation Choni is a go!!!

Kevin🌈: Cheryl fReakIng cOnFeSsed!

Kevin🌈: we already knew, but like...

Veronica🛍: Time for stage 2?

Kevin🌈: YAAAASSSSS!!!!!

Veronica🛍: I'm actually hanging out with Toni after school, so the timing is perfect!

Kevin🌈: Let me know what she says as soon as possible!

Veronica🛍: We already know what she'll say.


Veronica🛍: Okay!!! Chill Kev


Veronica🛍: STOP SHOUTING!!!

Veronica🛍: And I can't. I'm in history right now. Mr Howell will literally kill me if I even say a word.

Veronica🛍: Now stop making my phone blow up!

Kevin🌈: Okay...Okay

Authors note:
Please leave any feedback. I just thought this would be a fun story to write. I'm just finishing it off and working some stuff out. And I'm still recovering from episode 3x21.
