A jump into the future. Basically all I can say.

Toni's POV

I was sat, drinking coffee with my mother. It was mine and Cheryl's favourite coffee shop. I had my usual.

"I'm glad to see you again, Toni." My mother stated.

"Did you bring it?" I asked, waiting patiently for her to put her drink back on the table and answer.

"Yes. Its been through generations. Take care of it." My mother explained, placing it in my hand.

"Yeah, I will." I responded, staring at the ring. We sat in silence for a moment.

"So when are you going to pop the question?" My mother asked.

"Next week, during our anniversary party. I have it all planned already." I said.

"I knew she was a keeper, right from the start." Mom answered.

~anniversary day~

Now was the perfect time. Cheryl was out. I sent her to buy some food and acted like we were running low, just to get her to go. I grabbed my phone and put it to my ear.

"Hey V, Cheryl's out. You guys ready to come over?" I asked.

"Yeah, Betty and I will be there soon. We will bring some food." Veronica answered.

"Okay. Thanks." I mumbled, sounding nervous.

"Toni, I'm sure Cheryl will love it! And it will be nice for us all to catch up!" Veronica explained. I agreed.

"True. I better call everyone else, tell them to come over. See you later." I ended the call and made my way through the list of guests as quick as I could. I knew Cheryl would be around an hour or two and I already had some things set up.

~after everyone arrived~

Fangs, Kevin, Sweet pea, Veronica, Betty, Josie and a few others were crowded around me. We had finished putting everything in place. We didn't invite too many people, just our inside circle. I made sure to dress nicely, without forgetting my serpent jacket. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach growing stronger as it edged closer and closer. My nerves were growing.

My phone buzzed. Cheryl was five minutes away.

"Okay everyone. Cheryl is going to get here in five minutes. Hide!" I yelled. Everyone took their places. Everything was ready.

Cheryl's POV

I opened the house door. The lights were off. I placed the bags on the floor to flip the switch.

"Toni? Babe?" I shouted.

"Surprise!" Multiple voices yelled. I saw people jump from different places. Toni ran up to me.

"Happy anniversary, babe." She whispered.

"And to you. Thank you for this!" I said, placing a small kiss on Toni's cheek.

~later on~

"Awww, thank you cher." Toni said as she unwrapped her present.

"I'm glad you like it." I answered.

"It's perfect." She muttered as she held my hand.

"Okay, now, how about some wine?" Betty asked.

"Before we do anything like that, I need to get Cheryl's other present. Just give me a second." With that, Toni rushed out of the room.

Toni's POV

I grabbed it. I had put a piece of paper in an envelope. It was a letter to Cheryl, basically the speech a lot of people give before proposing. But I wanted it to be something she could keep forever, close to her heart. Plus, I didn't want to be saying all this whilst being an emotional wreck. Nobody else knew, except for my mother.

I walked back over to Cheryl and gave her the envelope.

"Happy anniversary." I said, placing my hands on her shoulders and passing it over her head. My hands were shaking. My heart was racing. I watched as Cheryl laughed, cried and smiled. The reaction I wanted. She looked up at me.

"Thank you." She whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, but that's not it. I have something else for you." I exclaimed, taking a deep breath, as I went down on one knee. I heard gasps of surprise from everyone and I watched as Cheryl's eyes filled with tears.

"Cheryl, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" I asked, stuttering after every word. She was frozen. After a few seconds, which felt like hours, I finally got a reply.

"Yes. Yes! Absolutely yes!" Cheryl jumped in the air and pulled me in for a kiss. I parted us and placed the ring on her finger.

"It's beautiful!" She said.

"It's a ring passed down through generations in my family. It means a lot to me, just like you." A single tear fell down my cheek.

"Okay" I stopped. "Bring on the wine!" I chuckled in happiness.

Cheryl's POV

"Happy anniversary." Toni said. She handed me an envelope. My curiosity made me tear the envelope open violently. I found a folded piece of paper inside. I opened it up and began reading.

Dear Cheryl,

Yes, this is probably really cheesy, but I don't care. I wanted you to have something you could keep close, forever. As of today we have been together seven years! It's been a ride. A beautiful and amazing ride. It started all those years ago at the drag race, when I first saw you, I knew you were the one. You were sassy, but it didn't stop me, and even though it took a while, after you pushing me away so much, you finally let me in. I got past the walls you had built, in fear of your mother. I could see the pain in your eyes and I knew I needed to do something. We didn't let that bitch tear us apart. We've gotten over the bumps.  Now look at us. We are celebrating seven years together. Seven years!

I have loved each and every second that we have spent together. I will cherish all of our memories, the good and bad. Just like when you first told me you loved me. Or our first motorcycle ride together. Or when I first moved in to Thistlehouse. Or when we bought our first house together. I just need you to know how much I love you. I love you now, and I will love you always.


I laughed, cried and smiled. It was a beautiful letter, that I would be sure to treasure. I leaped up from my seat and hugged Toni.

"Thank you." I whispered in her ear.

"Yeah, but that's not it. I have something else for you." She said. Toni took a deep breath and went down on one knee. I could feel my eyes fill with tears. I could feel my heart pounding. I heard short, surprised gasps all around.

"Cheryl, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Toni asked. I froze. It took me a while to reply.

"Yes. Yes! Absolutely yes!" I kissed Toni out of happiness and excitement. Toni placed the ring on my finger.

"It's beautiful!" I said, trying to wipe away my tears of joy.

"It's a ring passed down through generations in my family. It means a lot to me, just like you." Toni said, by now her eyes were watery too. I still couldn't believe it. We are engaged! The ring was perfect.

"Okay, bring on the wine!" Toni chuckled in happiness.

~late that night~

Toni had her arms wrapped around me. We were laying in bed. I turned to face Toni.

"Thanks for today. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. And the letter was perfect." I stated.

"Yeah well, I guess you're not my girlfriend anymore." Toni said. It took me a moment to catch on. I let out a short giggle.

"I'm totally keeping my name though." I joked.

"No way. Topaz!" Toni paused for a moment. "We can choose closer to the time." Toni said.

Authors Note:

Wow! Didn't realise I wrote so much. Hope you guys enjoyed! Thanks for all the reads! I appreciate all the support! Any feedback would be great, and please let me know of any mistakes.
